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Boundaries Essential For Self-Love and Self-care

When loving yourself and also in order not to be manipulated or people wasting your time, you need to set some boundaries or lay down some rules clearly. Boundaries cause people to respect you and your time.

Ways Boundaries Works In My Life

1. Respecting my time

I come from South Asian background, I was born in Manchester and grew up in London, my parents are originally from Lahore, Pakistan and they were both born in India so we are Punjabis and South Asian, we are very merry people and we are used to having lots of guests, friends and families and the concept of asking before you turn up does not exist, everyone just turns up whenever they feel like it.

When I was younger, I began to train my family and friends that they need to send a message across before showing up at my house because I am busy and I have other commitments. You pre-arrange before you show up and I know it became more common in my family and people messaged me before they showed up rather than just showing up. Subconsciously, I did this because of my commitments to work and my kids, I don’t like people calling me randomly either, my phone is on flight mode or DND so nobody’s calls can go through when I am working.

If I get a call, I will answer if it’s from a number that I recognize or I send those voicemails asking them to leave me a message and for me to get back to them and I realized that I have been doing this to my family and friends as well. They have to arrange time to speak with me and I get them to respect my time now because I respect my time, I didn’t realize I had done it so well until it was brought to my attention.

My school pickup and drop off time is between three and six. There are a couple of people like my brother and some of my cousins who would call me at that time, if it’s them I would answer, if not, I would not answer and just say, I’m sorry I can’t speak right now and give them a call much later. I am very clear in my mind that if someone calls me without arranging to see if I am free, they are not respecting my time, Of course I’m happy to speak to people but in a time that we can arrange which is convenient for the both of us. If I’m working or doing something else, cooking, there are a number of things that I could be doing, you can’t just call and expect me to answer.

There is this family member from Pakistan, they just randomly called and I actually said to them that I was busy at the moment and I wasn’t busy at the time, I was doing a mundane task but I didn’t want them to think that they can just call me anytime and I will answer, I asked if it was urgent and they said no so I said “I’m sorry, I’m busy at the moment, I’ll call when it’s more convenient” and I arranged a time with them and I called back.

Don’t be rude, I am telling you to be very vigilant with your time management and allow people understand that your time is precious and they need to respect you and respect your time, you have to stand up and respect yourself, respect your time and this will enforce other people to follow suit and do the same, if you think that you can carry on being a doormat and become wealthy.

People ask why a nice person doesn’t last and good things don’t happen to good people. Good things do happen to good people, good people just have to be more vigilant and be more mindful so they don’t let people manipulate them. it is one of the reasons why you have to be really careful about who you allow in your space .You have to be very careful with your time.

I don’t care who you are or who calls if it’s a number that I don’t recognize, I will pick it up incase it is urgent and ask if it’s urgent and when they say yes or no, depending on who is on the line, if it’s not urgent, it doesn’t matter who it is, I’ll ask them to call back later around a particular time and if they do not call me back during that time, I will not answer. I am very clear about that, if you need to you contact me otherwise, you can through email and I don’t read lengthy emails either.

I do respect my time and I want you to respect your time. It’s one of the first boundaries that you have to lay down, very clearly.

2. Learn to say no

The second one is related to people respecting you but it’s a bit more deeper. If you can enforce your first boundary and get people to start respecting your time, the second one becomes a non-issue. People don’t tend to do the second one if they’re already respecting you and that is manipulating you for money and other things emotionally, blackmailing you to do things that you don’t necessarily want to do.

So the second boundary is about learning to say no. I remember when I first learned how to say no, it was really hard. I come from a family, like my mother who was overly generous, she had 14 siblings which she helped out financially and otherwise, every single one of them, a lot of the time. She would give things to them by taking them away from my kids, she takes the money and gives it to somebody else who needs it more. That was her idea of generosity, when I look back in time, I do believe in giving and generosity, but this is why one of the bank accounts we talk about the three steps to cash flow street is charity and charity has 10% in there for a reason. People who are overly generous, people who are empaths, and who it’s in their nature to be generous give more than they should and I think you should calculate a 10% until you do have sufficient amount of money in your bank account, until then 10% is efficient.

I remember one time, this uncle of mine who’s passed away now, he was a younger brother of hers and he demanded, he didn’t ask ,that she give him 5,000 pounds. This was about 30 years ago, I was about to enter into my teenage years. And I remember this clearly because he asked her for this huge amount of money which was 5,000 pounds, which was a lot of money for a woman who was working God knows how many hours at this factory and making only a hundred pounds a week. If she had the money, she would definitely send it but she didn’t have the money so she said no and he got so upset with her, how dare she say no to him when she has helped everybody else out, how she has never helped him out, he didn’t speak to her for years thereafter and I found out that even though he was not asking, he was demanding, she helped because she was so used to helping people.

He knew that she helped everyone else so how can she not help him. It doesn’t matter how she got the money, She needs to get the money and send it to him. So that kind of behavior and my mother still didn’t learn by the way, God bless her soul, she was just a very generous person. You need to set boundaries and especially if you are on this path of enlightenment and you want to be prosperous at the same time, you need to lay down boundaries, you’re not a bank. If people want money, they shouldn’t come to you, they should go to their bank and you are not a bank and you should not be bailing people out, don’t enable people, empower people, help them to help themselves. There’s an old saying that if you give a man fish, he eats for a day, you teach how to fish, he feeds for the rest of his life.

You need to help people that want to help themselves, you don’t want to be helping people who don’t want to learn how to fish. They just want you to give them the fish every single day and the day you stop giving them the fish, they get angry. There are times when you find yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place, and you can’t say no because of such a situation.

A situation where if I didn’t help, this person would be out on the streets. I am trying to lay down boundaries so that this situation can be controlled and can be taken care of as quickly as possible but at the same time, I don’t want to feel like I have been taken advantage of, it gives a really wrong energy.

My brother is just similar to my mom, God bless his soul. He is easily taken advantage of and he just feels compelled to be in this situation as things are and there was nothing else he could do. He couldn’t help this individual because it was a girl so I stepped in and I am able to help but people would take advantage of it because they think they can. I am seen as someone who’s done well and they clearly asked me if I can pay the legal fees as well and I said “No I am sorry, this is your responsibility. I am afraid I can’t do that, you have to pay the money” My brother would have nodded and found ways to justify. I’m not gonna lie, I do have the money but I have refused to pay it.

I was doing enough as it is and it was very clear and the way it was requested was similar to the tone that my uncle used on my mother a while ago where it was demanded, I wasn’t asked if I could loan it to them or if I could help them. You need to give yourself permission to say no, plain and simple, when you learn to say no, that becomes a very empowering skill that you have.

You can say no initially and have a change of heart afterwards, If you do have a change of heart, you don’t feel pressured into saying yes at that very moment, you are happy to help, they would be more elated to hear this news. If you say yes because you’re obligated to say yes but later on when you go away, you think about it and you can’t help them and you pick the phone, call up and tell them that you found out you can’t help them, they will feel bad and upset towards you.


I hope we now understand how boundaries enable our self care and self love and how they go hand in hand in your journey to becoming wealthy. If you don’t love yourself enough to value your time, then you are never going to become wealthy.

If you can’t value your time, you will not value your money. It’s as simple as that. Love and respect yourself and your time and enforce other people to do the same.

The Difference between Purpose, Vision and Goals

What is the difference between the three?
Why are they all important in order for you to be extremely wealthy?

These words purpose, vision and goals have been thrown around all the time especially by gurus, experts and most self-help books. Sometimes they are used interchangeably but here are my own definitions.

What is Purpose?

Purpose is what you were created for in life. I always say to people that the fact that you have a particular desire is the Universe’s or Divine energy’s way of guiding you through life for a particular purpose. Every single individual who’s born on this planet has a particular purpose. Whether they understand it and fulfill it is another story but everyone has a purpose that’s unique to them.

Your purpose is the reason why you came into existence, and through your desires, be it to get married, have a child, change jobs, create a business, own a car or that ring or those shoes. Whatever desire you have is usually given by divine energy. There are also times when our desires come from a lower source which is the dark side but generally most desires which will uplift us and move us ahead in our lives, which allows us to live a more comfortable and healthier life comes from divine energy. How you fulfill these desires could also be leading into the dark side. You may not recognize or understand your purpose yet but as we mature and begin to understand our intuitive side and build our connection to divine energy, we become familiar with that purpose.

That purpose in the case of Elon Musk is to create travel means, those are part of his purpose. Your purpose could be to have a family, create these great human beings who are going to go ahead and bring much positivity to the world. It could also be to create shelter for stray cats or dogs, or invent some kind of new gadget, your purpose is simply what you are here to contribute to society. We all have different purposes that’s beyond who we are and it’s always about giving. The bigger your purpose, the longer it might take you to get there so you need to have more patience as well.

Your purpose is part of divine planning for you, it is what you are here to do in order to help contribute to society, to humanity, to the world. It is God’s plan and therefore it’s bigger than you.

What is Vision?

Your vision is of what you are given and how you can live out your life’s purpose and how you can create it. For example, Moses was given the vision of helping all the Israelites to escape from pharaoh, Prophet Muhammad Salah’s vision was to bring this new religion Islam into being and that took a course of 23 years to complete and he wasn’t given the vision till he was 40 so everyone has a vision of how they can create and they can fulfill their purpose. Purpose is what you’re here to do while Vision is what you are given, how you can live your purpose, what it is that you’re meant to be doing with your life. Sometimes we get confused about our vision because it is given to us, We as parents often push our own vision on our children, directing them on what they need to do or create, especially when it comes to choosing career paths. “You should be a doctor, you should be a lawyer, you should be doing this and you should be an architect, or you should create a business.”

Our children need to grow with the flexibility and the ability to create their own vision, to create their own life, recognize their own purpose and create a vision thereby. Your vision is what you feel you are here to create. Elon Musk had this vision of traveling to space and has made creating the travel means his purpose, your vision could be to create these amazing wheelchairs so people can have better accessibility or it could be you wanting to go and help young women in remote places, giving education and access to quality health care to orphans.

I have this vision of myself, I truly believe that I am an advocate for money and my vision is to help every single individual adopt an amazing relationship with money and in the process build a really strong relationship with divine energy built on love and faith not fear and frustration. so I believe my purpose is to create abundance, not just for myself, but also help everyone create theirs as well. This is why I believe that I’m living my purpose through my book which is laws of money, my podcast, free seminars and paid workshops. My vision is what’s helping me to live my purpose, my vision of where I want to go, this vision has encouraged me to set milestones in the form of goals to enable me to live my purpose.

Steve Jobs, his vision may have been to make everyone’s life easier by reducing a laptop to the size of a handheld device we can carry anywhere. We can not only just make phone calls but also video calls.

Your vision is always about what you can create and how you can live your life’s purpose. Whatever you believe your purpose to be, your vision would correlate that and would allow you to create and live up to that purpose.

What are Goals?

We’ve explored purpose and vision but what are goals?

Goals are small milestones you reach in order to fulfill your vision which is used to actually live out your life’s purpose. There are God-given goals which help us to live our vision and there are good goals which come from our ego. An example is a goal to make $100k monthly or creating a business that gives you that kind of financial freedom, It may be a God-given goal because in order for you to create that income level at seven figure monthly, you have to provide a particular service or product and through that action, the divine energy may have other plans for you or the people who use your services.

A lot of times when we create this massive goal to support our vision, they are usually God’s plan because in order for us to reach those levels, we have to create action and in that process live our purpose. As we are contributing to our vision, the divine energy is using us in the best way possible. So, this is why God’s goals can be as The purpose behind our God’s goal is to make you grow.

What happens when our vision takes time to unfold?

Sometimes you are given a vision and there’s a delay, sometimes for months or years and you might even lose momentum somewhere along the lines, life happens. There is a correlation between the delay and the size of the vision. So the bigger the vision, the bigger the delay because in that delay, you are being given the skills required to fulfill that purpose properly. Things happen for a reason at a particular time because it’s divine right timing, For example if you’re meant to go to Amsterdam but you don’t and you’re destined to meet your future wife or future husband there. If you go to Amsterdam today, you may not meet them but if your flight gets delayed and you end up going two months later and you end up bumping into them in the coffee shop.

Sometimes we are given this vision and we have this burning desire to create the vision, we believe through that vision we’re going to live our life purpose. When there’s a delay, we get frustrated because of our burning desire or urgency to get it done. In my case, I remember earlier on I used to question how it was possible that I could be fooled by someone like my ex but there must be a reason why I was led to marry first Myra’s father and then I was literally out of the frying pan to the fire. 2-3 months after my divorce from him, a proposal came from Ivan and then literally a couple of months after that I was married, it’s unbelievable that my common sense didn’t step in at any point in time and stop me from making these decisions or taking this action.

I wouldn’t have my son and my daughter if I didn’t marry these two individuals and I can’t trade my kids for anything. Whatever the reason for it, there is a hidden purpose, maybe my training. My life has not been easy from a young age, and I remember this professor of mine, Dr. Thomas, He was my mentor and he was familiar with my story and when my cousin passed away 8 months after my mom died, my cousin was very close to me and he stepped in to help me out of my suicidal state, and 8 months later, he passed away, I was back to square one and I was in a bad state, I remember Dr. Thomas said to me “Oh my god. I’ve never met a more unlucky person. You’ve had so many things happen to you in your short span of life.” I had never looked upon myself as an unlucky person and I remember looking at him and telling him, “No, it’s just life. It happens. I don’t think I’m unlucky at all, I still had my health, my brother….” I went on to list about 5-6 different things that I was grateful for, including him for being such a kind man, and a very great mentor to me.

I don’t see the delay that you have in attaining your vision as a delay at all, I think it’s a preparation for your vision, that you’ve been given a vision doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ready to create it. When you have a vision, your preparation starts, you start looking for opportunities to create that vision. The reason why you have this delay is so that you can pray and prepare for your vision. Preparation comes first and your actualization of your vision comes second because sometimes you are not of that sound mind, you may not have the strength of character needed to bring your visions to light. This is how life works.



If you’ve been questioning the divine energy and asking these questions like;
Why is there a delay if I have been given this vision?
Why can’t I make it happen today? Why am I having to wait?
I have done everything, What else can I do?
Why haven’t I created that million dollar business?
Why don’t I have that car yet?
Why haven’t I met that man/woman yet?
Why don’t I have a child yet?

I want you to understand your purpose, your vision and set your goals and while working towards it, know that the reason for this delay is divinely planned preparation for you to be able to create that life and be able to create that vision in order for you to live your life’s purpose. So have faith in the divine plan and divine timing to get people in the right place at the right time to create the right situation to be able to make your vision a reality.

7 Mindset Tricks that the Wealthy Use on Themselves

1. Believing that there’s no shortage of money

The wealthy always tell themselves that there is no shortage of money even when they don’t have enough. If you have scarcity around you and you let that influence you in terms of the amount of money that is available to you, Where your energy flows is where your focus goes and if you are focused on lack and scarcity, that’s what you’re going to manifest more in your life. You need to understand that there is abundance all around you and nature knows no lack and scarcity which is why you find weeds and grasses growing on most lands, wildlife and insects occupying it. Nature is always extravagant and abundant and if you really tune in to what Universal energy is and you’re getting your creative power from divine energy, you will not lack as there is no shortage in the universe.

Most of the time we are so stuck and focused on our current circumstances and our physical environment, that we don’t look upon opportunities or the doors that have been made open to us by the universe, using the people or opportunities around us around us because we’re too focused on that one door or place where the doors are closed. It is a mindset thing.

To hack this mindset trick, you have to tell yourself and really believe that there is no shortage of money, that abundance is all around you. You only just have to figure out a way of attracting it to yourself and making sure that you are leaving your channels open to receiving abundance. It could come in unexpected ways and these are sometimes the best ones because you don’t know how they are going to come. Sometimes I play this game with myself, I tell myself that I’m curious about how and where this money is coming from and which door the universal energy will open and in this process of being curious, you allow yourself to be open to receive unexpectedly from unexpected sources.

2. Think of money as a game

We always talk about treating money as your best friend but you can also treat it as a game too. It’s not a game of making more money so the party can have less, it’s a game where the parties involved get the value they want and everyone wins. For example When people come to work with me in my coaching classes, they pay a certain amount of money to invest in themselves but at the end of the mindset program, they are able to make about 10X – 20X ROI which means that they got 10/20 times in value back of the amount money paid to me.

I’m happy receiving the money and they are happy paying because we both got value from the transaction. Money can be treated as a game where you are providing value in exchange of money or you’re receiving value in exchange of money as long as both parties get the value of the transaction being paid for. Don’t think of money as an evil or a corrupt tool.

3. Set reasonable expectations

Setting your expectations might seem unreasonably high to some people. Assess your income and set your target to double whatever it is that you’re currently earning and try as much as possible to meet up, you will meet up, if it doesn’t happen this month, it will happen next month or the month after, so set those expectations.

When I shared my new target with my team, they thought I was crazy. There were hesitations and some doubts on the possibility of us doubling our revenue target happening but they saw my conviction and they have come around and believe that we can do this. We’re working towards this high target which previously seemed unreasonable. Anyone outside my team would say that I’m bonkers as the target goal is really high but to me, It’s just a stepping stone to the next great level.

And when we achieve this, we’re going to work towards a higher goal of revenue.

4. Taking Risk

People who are determined to become wealthy like most entrepreneurs block out their fear. There’s really little or nothing you can achieve without taking risks and if there are risks involved, there would be fear. You can be afraid of something but you embark on that journey and carry out your task in spite of the fear, it’s the courage to take actions that is needed. For example when you’re starting a new business and you’re aware that there are risks involved in the business and that things could go wrong but you take the risk anyway and take the action and this is what true entrepreneurs do. If you want to become wealthy, then you have to be an entrepreneur. To be a business owner and an entrepreneur, you have put your fear aside and take calculated risks needed to scale up.
I’ve this shelving strategy that I’ve used in the past, I put all my fear about some situation on a fictional shelf. If there’s something or someone that’s bothering you about your work or a business, or an idea or a client that you really are afraid of, there are two ways you can handle these situations, you can either jump on it and get it done with but If you don’t have the energy or you’re occupied with other pressing matters at hand, you can put them aside on a mental shelf and come back to it in a week’s time and deal with it.

What you don’t want to do is leaving them hanging for too long because then it becomes more difficult to deal with later on. Don’t let fear rule you and don’t be afraid of your fear, there’s always a certain amount of fear when you’re dealing with uncertainties but you need to be prepared for that so you can become comfortable being uncomfortable and facing your fears but you don’t have to face all your fears at once. Generally you just have to block out your fears because if you let fear rule you, you’ll be in a stress mode which means you will not have access to your higher faculties to make decisions in the best way possible for you and your business. You make great decisions when you’re relaxed and able to think clearly to make honest and pragmatic decisions.

5. Personify Money

You have to treat money as your best friend, personify it and it will always find you. This is really important and useful in trying to build your wealth.

6. Speak it into existence

Always tell yourself that you are going to be rich. When I look back on my life, there was never a doubt that I was going to be rich. Growing up, It felt natural for me to study, go out and prosper just as it’s natural for me to become a great money manager now and then become wealthy. So if you believe it’s absolutely inevitable for you to become rich, I promise you, you will become rich because failure is not an option.

You may find 9,999 ways not to become rich like Tom Sanderson did but you will always find that one way to become wealthy. When it comes to having a successful business and doing certain things in my life, I have found success through various endeavors, some projects didn’t work, some did but I found a way to create wealth for myself and others even though I still don’t think that I’m wealthy yet, I’m comfortable, I have multiple properties, a high income, my children go to the best schools and I live in a nice house. All these by most people’s standards are wealth.

You have to believe that becoming wealthy is just a natural progression of life as you go through life, you develop yourself and you prosper. This is an idea that you need to internalize before you become wealthy because unless you think it’s natural for you to be wealthy, you will never be wealthy. You may make some money but then you lose it because it’s not natural for you to have money but when it becomes natural for you to be wealthy, you find out that not only do you create sources of making money, you are also able to grow it which in turn makes you become extremely wealthy.

7. Faith

I cannot stress how important this is, Convincing yourself and believing that you deserve to be wealthy. One of the biggest issues that people deal with are these hidden issues and these blocks in their energy fields that makes them believe subconsciously that they don’t deserve to be wealthy. You need to believe in yourself and truly feel worthy of being wealthy. If you do not work on your internal issues which are causing low self-esteem and low self-worth, It will always affect your actual energy.


These mindset tricks can change our entire outlook on life and uplift our living standards if we make them our daily habit and part of our lives. Remember that what you believe shows in your lifestyle and influences your life decisions so start believing that you’re living in abundance and let your actions reflect this belief. As you begin to feel that you deserve to be wealthy, you deserve everything good in your life, it manifests, you get results from your hard work.

Casting your burden over to divine energy in your pursuit of wealth, abundance and prosperity

This almost feels like I’m sharing a journal of personal life as I progress on my work towards creating wealth and abundance for myself. When we are on this path of prosperity and abundance, this is actually a journey of growth and self realization, you are going to have moments of doubt, despair, desperation and you’re going to come across obstacles which may seem insurmountable.

It doesn’t matter how clear your vision is and how strong your why is, you will definitely experience moments of doubt, despair and frustration but if your will is strong enough, you will come out of this situation rapidly and you’ll be on track again. The stronger your why, the quicker you’ll come out of this state. My whole life revolves around my two children, every thought, idea and my desire for prosperity stems from my love for them and my desire to give them the best life possible. My children’s access to quality education is of the highest priority for me at the moment and equally giving them a good life and raising them in a good environment because my brother and I grew up in a council state and he got into bad company. My ‘why’ is so strong, to ensure my children do not lack anything and it makes it rare for me to fall into these low moments, and when I do, It pulls me out very quickly.

I have these flickering thoughts and moments of doubt, frustration and despair as every other human, I’m not immune to these moments but because of my strength and sheer will, I come out of it.

How can you come out of these moments of despair, desperation, frustration and anger?

When I find myself in frustrating situations that feel too big for me to handle, I cast the burden of that situation over to divine energy. This is when I admit to divine energy that this is too much for me, that I cannot handle it, this is your problem. I had this situation that kept on occurring in my coaching business for months now and it occurred to me that I was seeking outside help, involving an external agency to help me with this particular issue but so far after wasting thousands of pounds and time, the conclusion I’ve come to is that nobody else can help me, this is something that I need to work out on my own.

I’m naturally gifted towards it and this realization came after I had prayed to God to give me a solution and a sign. I really believe that when you ask God for help in all sincerity, he would answer and show you signs. When I prayed for a solution, I was told to look at myself and look within but every time an agency that I employed to help failed, I would look for the next agency or expert to fix it, I kept on looking outside of myself. I did not look within because It was not the area that I wanted to practice or specialize in so I kept on outsourcing it to someone else. I do believe in outsourcing to other people for various things but sometimes as was in this case, you have to do it in-house. I finally gave into that, I had to learn it and I have to become an expert of this skill that has been gifted to me by the universe.

Another instance is this business that I want to go into but I don’t know how to get into that business so I’ve put that idea on a shelf and I have handed over the part of creating a way for me to break through into this business to divine energy because that’s the source of the guidance and intuition that I need to go into this particular area. I have given divine energy the responsibility of bringing a person or a course, or ideas on how to get into that business. I know the information and help is out there but I don’t know where to look or how to find it so I am relying completely on divine energy to not just create a way for me to start but also show me how to get the funding and I’m very confident that by the end of this year, I would have opened up that business and It’s up to divine energy to guide me.

I have accepted the vision about going into this business by the end of year and I’m certain things will unfold in the most magical way possible because I’m letting divine energy guide my steps to take actions when the time is right and send me solutions where needed, because of my faith in God, I’m certain it’s going to happen. As I’ve cast the burden to the divine energy, I’m going to go on with life following his directives to the best of my ability.

Always rely on Divine energy for guidance in any situation in your life. My son’s results for his entrance examination into elite private school came through and my son Aryan fortunately got into these amazing schools. Earlier, the issues were getting into these schools but now it’s which one of them I should select for him. All of these schools are amazing but each one has its pros and cons and I have asked divine energy for guidance to make the right decision for my son. I really believe that having a strong educational background opens up the mind. I have three schools to choose from, School A wasn’t a school I was considering because I didn’t even think we could get in, I wasn’t really keen on School B but it was my second favourite and School C is my daughter’s school. I am very proud of my son and I prayed to thank God for helping him accomplish this feat, I also asked for guidance and we are going to visit all the schools before I make my decision.

I thought that I’ll be leaning towards the school where my daughter goes because it makes logical sense for both kids to be there together and we are already familiar with the teachers and school and they know me as well. I was shocked the next day that all I could think about was school A, the benefits and most importantly how it’s the most academically superior of the three. My intuition strongly told me to go with school A which was not even on my radar. The fees of these three schools are the same so it wasn’t used as consideration points. So why was my spirit insisting on School A, because divine energy knows better.


Divine energy knows more, sees deeper and knows what’s going on far greater than you can. In your limited capacity, when you try to make these life-changing decisions for your business, your personal life and your kids, it’s best not to rely on your common sense or my conscious mind only.

When I have an important decision to make, a change that will have an impact on me or my business or my family for a long term, I always ask divine energy for advice and this is what I’ve become accustomed to, I’m always listening to my intuition and seeking out his guidance.

I hope we can utilise divine energy’s power to unburden ourselves and get on with our lives while walking on his directives and his timing, this would help you to quantum leap your results. There might be times when you’ll be asked to take actions that go against logic but remember to trust your instincts and follow his guidance to build your wealth.

The virtues and vices of anger for your wealth

Virtues and Vices of anger in terms of wealth

Can anger be a virtue?

Let’s discuss the vices of anger and I will share a story with you relating the virtues of anger so we can all understand both sides when it comes to wealth.

There was this man that had a son and his son was very temperamental. He kept losing his temper so the father decided to teach his son a lesson in the best way possible. He made a pact with the boy that in order for him to start controlling anger, he needed to channel the anger in a different way. The father gave the son a task, that he should hammer a nail into the garden fence every time he loses his temper, they had a large garden fence and every time during the day when he lost his temper, the boy would hammer in one nail. At the end of the first week, he had hammered 37 nails into the fence, which wasn’t great.

He realized how awful it was and the effort it had taken him to hammer the nail directly into the fence and gradually he became aware of his behavior. He started controlling his anger, he found it a lot easier to control his anger than hammering nails into the fence. Gradually over the next few weeks, he began to control his anger as more and less nails went into the fence. It got to the point where he was no longer putting nails into the fence. He was quite happy and cheerfully went and told his dad that he was no longer putting nails into the fence because he could now control my anger.

The father was really pleased and said that was great but then he took his son out to the garden and said “Son look, now that you’ve put in all those nails, it is now time for you to remove them”. The son had to go back and pull out each of those nails from the fence. It took him a couple of weeks before he managed to take out the nails from the fence and again, he was very pleased with himself and he went and told his dad he has pulled all nails saying “I’ve now undone all the bad that I did” and the father said to him, “Interesting, let’s have a look”. So the father took the son back to the fence and showed his son that even though he had pulled out all the nails from the fence. Every single nail had left a hole behind which meant he could not undo the damage he’d done to the fence.

It was not repairable. All he could do was maybe put a filler in the fence, the wound will heal but the scar of it would still remain. This highlighted the fact that when you are angry and you say horrible things or do horrible things in a fit of anger, the emotional damage or the physical damage could heal up but unfortunately the scars and trauma from that anger remains, it highlights the importance of controlling your anger. I want you to understand anger on its own is not bad, everyone is allowed to be upset once in a while but the issue is the mode of expression.

What is anger?

Anger is just an emotion, the problem with anger is when you operate from a fit of anger, When you say or do things and behave in a way that can be damaging to you and other people when you are in a state of anger. There’s no way that you can say something mean to someone else without harming yourself, that’s just the law of the universe and how karma operates. So when you are acting on anger negatively, this is when you are wrong as anger on its own is an emotion that you can use.

Virtues Of Anger

When we are angry, we are actually operating from a space of defense, we are defending ourselves. We are defending our virtues, our beliefs, we’re simply defending something and usually when we get angry, we are threatened, if not consciously, then subconsciously and that’s why we behave and react or retaliate in that way. However, if you can become aware of what causes your anger or your trigger points, the same way this little boy in my story became aware of his anger and then began to control it.

If you can control your anger, you can turn that emotion into a powerful tool. So, one of the best things I found and this is not by my opinion alone, lots of psychologists and great thought leaders have said the same thing. Anger is something that you can use as a tool. If you get angry, if you are a temperamental person, I’m someone who’s highly emotionally charged and I do get angry but instead of acting on anger and behaving in a harmful manner to me and others, I choose to channel my anger in a different way. I choose to use my anger as a tool to push me forward in my goals and this is a virtue of anger. One of the best benefits of anger is when you use it to get to your goals faster, I find people becoming very lethargic or apathetic to their goals , to their life mission until they feel indignant or embarrassed or ashamed for some reason, some other emotion comes into place which makes them angry for being in that situation which actually is the push required for people to get moving.

Using myself as an instance, I was in a dead marriage. My marriage with Irfan had probably ended in the first year, we still went on to have a child in the second or third year, I can’t remember the exact year but the marriage was just based on the wrong things and overly compromising, the marriage wasn’t really there from beginning, but I still tried to make it work. 2015, I knew the marriage was over, It was a dead horse that I was beating. I was trying to make it work, and I knew it wasn’t gonna work and One of my cousins really kept saying “Girl, you need to end this, you need to end this”. I was so uncomfortable and miserable, a lot of abuse was melted out to me both physically (not so much) and emotionally, I was completely convinced by my ex that I was ugly, fat, stupid, and couldn’t handle money.

I was stuck in that marriage, I didn’t have sufficient motivation to leave, In march 2016 when i found out about his first affair, he convinced me that it wasn’t a general affair, it was just texting, that he would never cheat on me and I still believed him, the situation didn’t make me indignant enough to leave him, I was upset with him but not angry enough to leave him. So come 31st of August 2016, I caught him red-handed with his 19 year old girlfriend literally in bed with him, I look back at that time and I think that was when I was extremely angry, screaming, fuming and crying but that was something that I needed, I needed that anger to get out of that situation.

When I look back at that time, I’m grateful to him and that girl, whatever she did or didn’t do, I’m not judging her character at all but I’m forever grateful to her because if she didn’t come into the picture, if they didn’t do what they did, by the way, both of them lied to me when I first found out about the affair in March, I actually became friends with her thinking I was trying to help this young girl get into a better position because I thought this 42 year old man was manipulating the 19 year old. I guess I was very naive at the time anyway and I think I was betrayed by both of them, I still have no hard feelings towards her. I send her love and blessings because if it wasn’t for her, I would still be in that dead marriage, instead of thriving and having multiple seven figure businesses, I would probably be six feet under or most likely the asylum because I would have lost my faculties and had a mental breakdown by now.

I would have either been in deep depression or suicidal but that anger allowed me to have enough motivation to move out of that situation. This is why I think anger is a beautiful emotion. When you are angry, it gives you the fuel required for you to move most of the time. People get uncomfortable then they become comfortable being uncomfortable that they don’t move out of the situations, anger makes you indignant, ashamed, frustrated. If you’re angry, frustrated, ashamed, you will do something about it. You will shift away from those situations, and this is what anger can help you do. A situation can make you sufficiently angry to give you the motivation to take action. You already know you have to make a move but you are procrastinating, this is one of the best virtues of anger, If you act on anger, Yes you will leave holes in the fence, the damage you do when you are angry and upset can never be repaired but it causes you to move when done right.

When I’m angry, It’s my inner self telling me that I am not happy with the situation, that I need to make a change. This could be in your finances, your business and your career or even your relationship, it doesn’t really matter. It depends on you where you are and you are fully aware of it. You are never angry, because you’re angry, You do know why you’re angry, You are just refusing to accept it.

“I’m just an angry person. I get angry all the time.”

Why do you get angry all the time?

Why do people trigger you all this time?

There must be a reason, you have to become aware of what makes you angry and what the underlying reasons behind it are. I knew I wanted to be out of this marriage for a while, I was looking for a way out subconsciously, but consciously, I just thought I was going to make it work. This was my second marriage, I couldn’t leave. I didn’t want the kids to grow up without a father. I was going to make it work but it was a horrible marriage and he was an awful dad.

He is better now but then he wasn’t there for his children, i knew this man was absolutely an awful husband and equally bad as a father, yet I stayed in the marriage thinking because i didn’t want my second marriage to spoil. The point is that anger gave me motivation, I remember when I was younger I was really angry at my father and I channeled my anger towards education and also when I was angry at my brother too, my brother when we were a lot younger was a juvenile delinquent, he did everything under the sun that he could possible imagine putting my mother through hell.

My brother did everything wrong and because I got so annoyed, upset and angry with him, I channeled that anger and the anger towards my father cheating on my mother and remarrying and not giving us any financial support, I channeled this anger I felt towards them into my work. I was extremely motivated to be different, to ease my mother’s heartache. I studied so hard that even though I’m dyslexic and I couldn’t read a full sentence until I was 11 or 12 years old in high school, I didn’t let that stop me, I carried on and as I grew older, I was able to compensate for my dyslexic habit or dyslexia.

Therefore, my grades became better because I was able to have better bridges, I studied hard, I was able to study because I had the motivation. Now I’m one of the most ambitious people I know, when I look back and think about it, for someone in their early 20s, a teenager, I was really ambitious. Why? Again my passion came from my anger and I wanted to prove to my father that I didn’t need his money. I could make money on my own so I was highly motivated to succeed. I was going to make it, I was going to become extremely successful or die trying and that’s what I did. I became extremely successful, both in my career and in my finances and now in my current career and business as well, my anger comes from the passionate side.

I am an extremely passionate person, I am passionate about money, abundance and about teaching people about abundance. This is where my passion comes from, my passion also means I can be angry. I do get angry, because I feel very strong emotions towards certain things but instead of getting angry at people, I channel that anger into constructive action and this is why I succeed. So I’m telling you that there are virtues in anger and I am a prime example. Yes, I still need to control my anger better and I’m working on it but nine times out of 10, if something makes me angry, it makes me take action at a greater level and I far exceed my competitors because I am so passionate, and because I am so angry about something.

I don’t want you to look upon anger and say, that’s a negative emotion and I shouldn’t get angry, I ask you to embrace every emotion that comes to service, I encourage it. If you are angry, don’t do self-destructive things, we are going to channel anger into action, and that actually is gonna get you closer to your goals.

A lot of times when you get stuck in procrastination, the best way is to become indignant about something is to be angry at something, this is a way for you to be so annoyed and upset you are moved to take action which you should have done two years ago and this is why there are virtues in anger, but we cannot ignore the fact that anger has vices.


I hope you look upon your emotions of anger with a different light and you realize that you can actually channel your anger into taking greater action and that greater action will bring greater wealth to you. You cannot direct it to people because if you direct it to people , then you will lose, direct it at constructive action, which allows you to get close to your goals.

Life Vision

Do you evaluate your life?

Do you reassess your purpose in life?
Has your purpose in life deteriorated and gone off target?

This episode helps us take reflections and reevaluate our lives

Reassessing Life

We’re talking about your life vision or your life purpose and why it’s important to constantly reassess where you are, according to your life mission and its purpose.

I am going to share my story with you as usual, My birthdays are always a bit of a sad moment for me,I am always like “Oh gosh! I’ve lived another year and I haven’t done XYZ” . As optimistic as I am for some bizarre reason, I always become very pessimistic on my birthday.

I’ve been aware that I never really liked this feeling because the very next day, I reassess the day and I’m like “why was I so sad?” And I have to give credit to a cousin of mine that I am very close to, she’s in Canada and I love how she celebrates herself and her birthdays, She’s constantly telling me that I should celebrate myself and I’m spreading the gospel, treat yourself the way you would treat a child or a friend or a loved one because why not. I absolutely agree with this 110% which is why I made it a point to make sure that I celebrate myself this year.

My birthday fell on a weekend. So, I went out with some of my college friends from way back, One of them is someone I’ve known since I was 16 and the other, since I was 11. They’ve been with me through thick and thin, for decades and we had a wonderful time together.I really enjoyed myself and I got myself pampered. Those who know me know putting a lipstick on is such a big deal. I’m usually without makeup, the most I’ll do is probably put a lipgloss on. Anyway, the point is I went off to dinner with them and I had a wonderful time. I stayed out till about 10 O’clock which is pretty late for me, we ended up having dinner, dessert and just sitting there chatting around, reminiscing about old times, just generally connecting with each other as we haven’t seen each other for quite some time.

So the whole weekend, I did nothing relating to work besides saying thank you to people who wished me happy birthday, I had given myself the time and space to just really enjoy my time and truly take care of myself, then I got myself some flowers, I was so kind to myself which was very different from the previous years.


Learn to grow

Learn to celebrate your life.

I’ve celebrated myself and it shows on my pictures that I look years younger compared to 2015, seven years ago which was probably the worst time in my life. That was just a year prior to me leaving my husband and I feeling horrible. There was a sadness about me that was just undeniable. I mean, now I’m vibrant and happy and smiling, It’s amazing. I’m celebrating my life but this also means, when I sat down, assessed my life and I was following my purpose, I was looking at my life and thinking of how blessed I am and how happy I am.

Normally I would beat myself up and focus on how far away I am from my goals and what I haven’t been able to achieve but today, I actually sat down and celebrated how far I’ve come along and how much I’ve achieved and where I’m going.

Strategies For Reassessing Your Life.

You have to have a vision for your life and I do and I have a very strong and high inspirational vision for my life. It’s amazing and it scares me at times as well. When you have a vision or purpose for your life, your life goals and how you live it.

Flexibility Of Plans

When you start flying your plane for instance, from London to New York, it’s never going to be exactly on target so you have to steer it back into the mode because the winds will come and try to shift your sail, that’s how your life is. When you have a solid vision of where you’re starting and where you’re going, Let’s say you are making $10,000 a month at the moment and your goal is to make a million a month but you don’t know where or how you’re going to get the one million a month but you know how to get to a hundred then thousands. When you’re constantly making sure that you are taking actions that bring you a hundred or thousands. In between this, life will happen hence the wind factor, you might get distracted. In my case, it was providing my son with his iPhone 11 plus. You have to make room for changes to achieve your desired results, plans change over time so you have to be flexible.

What is more important to me?

What is the most important thing for me? What do I need to be focusing on?

These are the questions I ask myself to redirect me and bring back my focus on where it needs to be. Even when you have strayed from your goals, you know your plans can be brought back on course, this is your life, your plan is your life.You need to be able to make changes where need be, this is why it’s very important to reassess multiple times.

Where am I headed?
How am I gonna get there?
Am I doing everything correctly in the way that it needs to be done?

You enumerate what’s more important and get it done.


An author once said that your vision remains the same, your way, your methodology may change. Your vision depends entirely on your ambitions, what kind of money you want to make, Let’s say your vision is to go from 10,000 a month to a hundred to a million monthly, your course of getting to a million monthly may change your service,don’t beat up yourself if you are not where you think you are supposed to be yet,I celebrate myself for overcoming the obstacles in my way, So if you were to take your income to a million monthly, how would you do that? You may be thinking of continuing your way. If you have a service based product maybe you’re going to increase your service charges or you’re going to create a separate business, selling either on e-commerce or you’re going to go into a separate business altogether if you’re into manufacturing.

The point is your methodology and plan needs to be flexible enough to change and alter over time but your vision and mission remains constant, your vision is to make a million a month and therefore you will change the methodology as long as you can to get the desired result, for example, I was on track to earn multiple six figures on a monthly basis yet we had the curveball thrown in with the Facebook algorithm and I’m not the only one facing this. A lot of other people have also, we’ve been talking to quite a few other people who are on the online spaces. Facebook has thrown the ads out of the window, it’s completely crazy. With the iOS update we’ve had loads of issues navigating there so the plan has to change.You cannot rely on Facebook, there are other methodologies and other ways to bring in leads. The plan changes but your goal still remains the same and in my case it actually pivoted completely and I thought to myself that I want to not only have an online business, I need to diversify and focus on other businesses, have assets and grow my income.

So my plan changes over time with my businesses, I’m constantly reassessing it.

Where do I want to be?
Where am I at the moment?
Being clear about my visions
Focusing on my highlight
What’s important

Getting Rid Of Guilt

I’m really proud of how I have progressed, even in my personal life, I’ve made a lot of headway on some personal matters. In terms of managing guilt of being a good mom because I felt like unless my kids had a father who is actively in their lives, I was not being a good mother. I had to force or coerce my ex-husband to be present and somehow I took on the responsibility of enforcing he was a good dad and they had a father, thinking it made me a good mom but that’s completely bull shit.

That’s not my responsibility, it is his responsibility to be a father or not. I let go of that toxic idea, he gets to choose and that doesn’t make me a bad mom either way. I feel so relieved and free from that burden that I was carrying around and I really felt this year that I’m actually the best mother I could have been.

I am a great mom, my daughter gave me this lovely message that I’m a source of inspiration to her and I know for a fact that when I gave a talk at my son’s school, the boys were really impressed, these are 11 year old boys, of course we all connected with our love for cars. They paid me a lot of compliments and my son was very proud of me. My children are really proud of me, we have a fantastic bond. I’m a great mother, I’m doing everything that I can possibly do for them that is within my reach.

Today I sat here, not intentionally but slowly mulling over my life in terms of what has happened over the last year and I realized how much I’ve done, how much I’ve achieved and how wonderful I am. The hilarious part of this is that this year has been the least rewarding financially when compared to the others. The other year’s, I’ve made more money, this year we have experienced various obstacles, Money has not been as grand as it was previously, yet I feel more fulfilled and happier because of the things that I’ve accomplished in my personal life, in my mindset, my personal family, life has been a lot more grander.

So when I look at my vision for my life, the financial aspect, I may not be where I want to be according to my goals but ” Am I comfortable? Am I happy? Am I able to do everything that I need to do for my kids? ” The answer is Yes. So you have to assess your life on a regular basis and keep an eye on your vision because if you don’t, it’s very easy to get distracted. If you get distracted and don’t bring it back on course in time and very quickly, you’re gonna end up in a completely different direction because you’re on a different trajectory.

God’s Grace

You also need to allow miracles to happen to you, some different activities through God or the universal energy. So if your plans are so rigid, it has to happen just your way, you have to give room for miracles and allow divine energy some leeway to create these miracles for you to have those quantum leaps to move forward in the direction of your vision or your goals.


Reassessing one’s life on a daily basis and focusing on what is important helps you in being fulfilled and makes you happy. Enjoying God’s miracle and love, getting rid of unnecessary guilt, having a clear vision and being focused on your goals gets you to the place where you need or want to be.

Great morning and evening routines for building wealth consciousness


Today we’re talking about building your wealth consciousness through your morning and evening routines and these routines are inspired by the late Bob Proctor, I think Bob is really fabulous, He is one of my early mentors and I followed Bob Proctor throughout his lifetime and even now that he’s passed through this dimension, I still follow him. I absolutely admire his ideology, especially his simplicity.

If you follow my teachings, you’ll notice it follows a similar theme to Bob Proctors because he had this ability of simplifying really complex and complicated stuff so that even a ten year old could understand and I think that’s an amazing way to convey information and I too take things which are really complex and put your head around it.

The likes of Dr.Thomas Troward and even Napoleon Hill, they’re really great but it’s a bit tricky to fully understand how they can operate life but it’s different with Bob Proctor, I found his methods very simple and easy to implement these strategies into my life and therefore I encourage you to go ahead and read this especially if you haven’t read anything from him, his book You were born rich. I highly recommend it to you.

What does having a great morning and evening routine have to do with building your wealth consciousness?

My little gratitude to Bob Proctor, this routine that I’m about to talk about was written by Bob proctor and it’s a routine that I’ve grown to love and practice with my 11 year old son and 15 year old daughter. We do this on a regular basis so I wanted to encourage you to do this for yourself. Sometimes we fall into our old bad habits, we start off journaling and then life takes over and gives way to old habits again but these routines are quite easy to implement, that’s the beauty of this routine by Bob Proctor.

In finding an accountability partner, you should look out for someone that you truly respect and you are honest with. Someone you know that would be disappointed in you if you don’t follow through in your actions, that you can hold them accountable because they respect you as well. This helps you actually do what you say you’re going to do so accountability works very robustly.

Finding somebody you can use as your accountability partner is great, I have that in my children, I journal myself but I know with the kids journaling can be more tricky to get into their habits so we talk our ways to this. I get my son to do this first then my daughter does it and then I do it then we talk about it. I encourage you to talk to someone and also to journal and hold yourself accountable with someone whom you respect.

What is this fabulous morning and evening routine?

Bob described it as taking ten minutes to yourself and I believe all of us can take ten minutes out of our daily life and anybody who says, “Oh no, my morning routines, it’s so hectic. I’m so busy..” I promise you, you can take ten minutes out for yourself and if you do that regularly, ten minutes in the morning, and ten minutes in the evening, you will see a 10x return on your investment in terms of your time in your life.

The routine is as follows;

1. Calm yourself down; This is easy both in the morning and in the evenings because in the morning, you’re just waking up and in the evening, you’re winding down so either way what you would be doing is bringing yourself down to an element of stillness. In my practice, I’ve encouraged people to simply breathe in and out in a 6-3-6 breathing technique, using our connecting to the light methodology.

You could even use the silver method three to one which I think is a fabulous technique or you can use some kind of meditative new music or a shamanic music or drum beats or binaural beats, something to lower your brain waves or being in a really still state.

Like I said, you can use the three to one method from the silver method or you can use connected light as I’ve shown my followers previously, you can also use some meditative music to lower your brain vibration till you’re in a calm state.

2. Journal; Once you’re in that calm state, the next thing you’re going to do is to write out (in the case with my children we say it out) ten things you are grateful for, the essence is for you to be in the state of gratitude. There is a difference between saying things you’re grateful for and actually really feeling it so I want you to really feel every single thing you’re truly grateful for as that’s when you start changing your vibration, this is when your heart starts expanding out.


That’s how you know you’re in the right state. After you’ve calmed your mind down, you’ve got the element of stillness which should not take you longer than 60 seconds. Then you write out or you verbalize 10 things you are grateful for.

3. Forgive; Forgiveness is the very first module in my high end mastermind and this is why I talk about forgiveness so much. Here, you can pick three people that irritate or bother you, or give you some sort of a negative vibe. It could be anyone, a family member, a spouse or even a client. So you pick these people because they’re irritating you, they throw you in the negative spinal downwards and when you forgive them.

I would put both my hands on my heart chakra which is by the middle of the chest and Imagine them standing in front of me and I will tell them, I forgive you, I forgive you.

And actually send love and blessings from your heart to their hearts. You imagine this coming from your heart which is full of love and blessings going directly into their heart and you truly feel that love and blessing coming from your heart, going to their heart, this is such a powerful technique.

If you do this long term, you’ll see how those people no longer irritate you and their sentiments and feelings towards you would change and spontaneously other things that are not working out for you would start working out, and things start falling into place in your life. You are trying to get rid of one negativity but all the other negativity leaves your life because even the slightest negativity towards one person can have a direct impact on every other aspect of your life, this is why you have to get rid of all negativity and forgive every single person.

Even if you feel that you cannot forgive these people, you need to because forgiveness is a key part of prosperity.

4. Seek Guidance; Once you’re done with the forgiveness part, the next thing I would like you to do is to actually seek guidance. You remember that there are vibrations higher now, the reason why this is so powerful is because when you are in the space of getting love, blessings and affection, it doesn’t matter who it is directed at, your energies really expand and the universe actually looks back and responds to you.

You can only receive what you give out and as you just gave out so much love and blessings, in return the universe gives you back. In that state, the next thing to do for the next five minutes is to stay in the state of meditation, you can even set a timer so you know when to stop and do a countdown ten to one or 50 to 1, It doesn’t have to be that long and then you will ask for guidance.

If you have a problem in mind or you seek clarity on your next move, you need some guidance in a particular way for your business or personal issue, it doesn’t matter what it is. I usually use it for business purposes but you can use it for personal reasons, this works across the board because you’re seeking guidance from the divine. You’re asking for help, you’re seeking a solution and some guidance on how to move forward.

As you seek guidance, you may not get inspiration there and then, or even get it for the next three or four or five days, or a couple of weeks but I promise you if you stick to this technique and you are diligent and consistent with it, what you’ll start finding is in that five minutes when you ask for guidance, inspiration starts coming to your mind and your visions becomes clearer. The next thing I’m gonna encourage you to do very quickly is to write down in your journal, anything that comes to mind while in this moment.

This will transform your life in terms of moving ahead because a lot of the times, if someone is irritating us, it lowers our energy and causes obstacles, not just in that situation but it has a knock-on effect on other parts of a life and causes obstructions, it could be in our health, personal relationship or other business. An example is in the way I have multiple businesses, so if I take on the negative energy of my coaching business, it indirectly translates into my property or my trading business.

We need to be careful about these things which could impact other parts of our lives so we have to cleanse our energy and this is a beautiful exercise to do morning and evening, it doesn’t matter how busy you are, you can absolutely do this.


This routine is a fabulous way to connect to the light, to the divine and seek some inspiration in your life to move forward. I want to say thank you to Proctor for bringing this routine into my life because I think it has been fabulous so far. You can repeat the same thing in the mornings and evenings. The evening is sometimes even more powerful because even if you can’t see guidance in those first five minutes, what you find is when you go to sleep, your mind is still thinking about this and when you wake up, you get a burst of inspiration. Overnight, your subconscious mind has been working on it and the divine has been talking to your subconscious mind. When you repeat the exercise in the morning, in those five minutes of seeking guidance, things become very clear and answers are given to you.

To get yourself on the right vibration.

To actually seek guidance on a particular situation which is baffling you, which has your back up against the wall or you just don’t know how to move forward.

This is why it’s important to spare the time and do this morning and evening for ten minutes. It’s super powerful and has a fundamental impact on your wealth consciousness because this will make you wealthy, it’s something which I can guarantee.

Why pain is essential for your growth to become wealthy

We are looking at pain and how it’s important on your journey to becoming wealthy. I came up with this topic because of my own challenges recently with my injury and also some businesses that have not been as profitable as they should be.

It really got me looking around, all those people who’ve gone before me on this success path, we always stand on the shoulder of giants and if you look at the life journey of anyone who’s been highly successful, you would realize how much pain they endured before they tasted success and even as they have become successful, they still had episodes of severe pain and it causes you to question whether God gets some kind of sadistic pleasure in causing us pain and the answer is no, absolutely not.

God is good all the time. I love that phrase, I really resonate with it because God is great all the time. We are currently in Ramadan and fasting at the moment. When you’re fasting, your spiritual energy is heightened, I’ve been reassessing and thinking about various things especially during the hajib…..a midnight prayer.

So I’d be sitting there reading the Hajj and contemplating about various aspects of my life and while meditating, I try to work out what the purpose of pain is, because pain has a huge purpose and I was just trying to get my head around it especially as it relates to one aspect of my life that I was really struggling with. Again, I have to admit I’ve begun to struggle with this aspect of my life again.

Discovering the purpose of my pain

I share my life so openly and candidly with you all because I’m a work in progress and I’m not standing on some mantle and talking down to you. I’m here amongst you telling you what I aspire to be and where I fall short so that you can avoid my mistakes and also for you to have hope and learn with me along the journey.

So this is one aspect of my life that I was really questioning divine energy, I couldn’t figure out why this individual had come into my life, (he’s been out of my life of the last six years now) and I have forgiven him yet things pop up and wounds open up again because of his attitude towards his children and I couldn’t understand, We’re so opposites in every regard in terms of personality and integrity so I couldn’t work out why the divine energy would bring such an individual into my life to cause me so much pain, not just when we were together, but also as we have parted ways and being a devoted parent, I get hurt when my children hurt.

So as I was on my “God, why?” , I’m human and I’m having this physical experience and being emotional. Sometimes when we give into emotions, we are prone to low vibrational thoughts, but I am of the opinion that those times we need to seek guidance. As a child, my mother taught me that no one would value my tears as much as God will, so I only cry to my God and I think my tears are very precious, most of the time when I’m crying, it’s usually in a prayer.

Anyways I find that this prayer, the Islamic Salah, is a really deeply spiritual experience so I had just read the hajar, I was really emotional, crying and did a bit of playing the victim for five minutes and then I decided to meditate because I had about half an hour between then and Iftar, I already had the Suhoor food so I wasn’t going to eat any more apart from drinking water.

So I just sat on the praying mat and I meditated, During my meditation, I was just taken on this journey which is difficult for me to explain to you right now. It can only just be felt and sensed, it was almost like divine energy, God was listening to me and saying;

“Look, you are this amazing creative being and you have so much knowledge, get up, look at what the purpose is. I never do anything without purpose, look at what I’ve done for you, and see the reason for this happening to you.”

I really believe everything happens all for you and not to you but five minutes ago when I was questioning and I had fallen to the trap of feeling like things were happening or happened to me and this was when I realized the essential elements that pain played in shaping my character, in me being who I am and taking me along the journey where I’m going, I know where I’m going and I know the kind of character I have and there’s no way that I could be this person or could achieve those things that I’m looking to achieve had I not gone through that pain and this was really beautifully highlighted to me and I was filled with a sense of gratitude.

I’ve shared this story before, multiple times and I’m going to share it again. This story was brought to my attention during this meditation and it is of butterflies, when a butterfly was coming out of its cocoon and this man was watching and timing for hours as the butterfly just battled away and tried to come out of the cocoon and was just really struggling, The body was too big and it really couldn’t come out and the man felt sorry for the butterfly so he thought to help, unknown to him that pain the butterfly was going through was essential and after helping the butterfly, it was severely harmed.

Let me explain. So he went and helped open a bit more of the cocoon which meant that the butterfly was able to come out easily but the problem now was that usually when the butterfly comes out of this cocoon, the fluid in the body is pushed out into the wings and that’s how the wings actually take form and the butterfly is able to fly, otherwise the body’s too heavy and the wings are too weak.

So this pain that the butterfly goes through coming out of its cocoon is essential in order for the butterfly to fly and that just hit me and made me realize how all the pain that I’m going through is just building my wings and the stronger the wings, the faster and higher I will soar. In other for me to grow and elevate to the levels that I wish to and have on my vision board then this pain that I’m still going through on certain days and aspects of my business or personal life is absolutely essential for my wings to be formed, for me to develop the personality and character needed in order to achieve my goals.

Inspiration of my pain

When my accident happened recently, I wasn’t ungrateful for that, it highlighted to me that that was a test of my loyalty and faithfulness in Divine energy and I passed with flying colors. What I questioned the divine energy about was this individual and I really wish him all the luck and send him love and blessings because even though what he may have done to me can be classified as evil but it doesn’t matter how much evil he’s done to me or evil intentions he has towards me, those have been for my benefit, the pains that he caused me and continues to cause me through various ways is essential for my growth and this is why even though the divine energy can make it easier, is allowing me to come out of my cocoon myself, so I can develop my wings so I could fly.

The inspiration I got during that meditation was how easy it is for the divine energy to make things easy for me but then I will not develop the character that I need in order to get to the levels I want to get to. If my life was as easy as I wanted it to be and things happened the way it is in other people’s lives (because I find that other people have it a lot easier than I do), I would not have this character, also they don’t have my ambitions, our paths are different. So in order for me to achieve these things, to become this person that Gull needs to become and achieve all the goals that I set up for myself, I have to go through this pain and this is why the divine energy at times throws you in the pit of fire for you to grow through certain things.

There’s a saying in my culture, I’m from the India-Pakistan culture and my mother used to say to me that gold goes through the pitch of fire to be purified and that’s the only way it can get rid of impurities, this is no saying that God sometimes puts you through the pit of fire to let go of the impurities which are your bad habits, your weakness, the playing victim tendencies, as I had. You need to shred these aspects of yourself to become this amazing new version of yourself, capable and worthy of achieving these goals you have set for yourself. Everything you want for yourself already exists here, in some form but in order for you to bring it into your physical 3D world, you have to be a certain person. It’s not about looking like it but about actually being that individual.

The awareness of my pain and embracing it

The awareness that I got during that short meditation in the morning was the fact that everything that I’m going through at the moment is making me who I need to be, I am becoming the person who will achieve these goals and everything that’s happening in my life is just helping me to acquire the characteristics that I need in order to have the goals that I have set for myself.

So when I look upon my life, everything that’s happened in my life has been to shape my character, and I have to be grateful for it because when I became really aware of what God was doing in my life, how he has literally been standing here like a teacher, on the side, ensuring that I go through certain things in order to develop the person that I am, it just filled me up with so much gratitude because once again something that I always say that everything is happening for you not to you.

So all the pain that I’ve gone through, all the pain that I’m currently going through and one of the biggest pains was the loss of my mother. I lost my mother at the age of 21/22, a really young age, I’ve lived on this planet more years than she was with me. She was my only parent and I still miss her every single day and all the time yet the pain of losing her has built me and has given me strength too. And if she was in my life, I would not be here in this position, she wouldn’t let me get married to both of the people I did but besides that, my life would be a lot easier in many ways. When I lost my mother, my life became one of hardship and it did for a while seemed to be on the hamster wheel.

I still go from one thing to another and if somebody was looking at my life from the outside point of view, someone who knew things of my life would be wondering, okay what’s next. My life is simple half of the time and most of the time I look upon it as divine energy’s blessings because my life has shaped me to be who I am and I’m extremely proud of myself and my achievements, the way I help my clients, the way I am able to help people, the way I think, the way I behave and I still have a long way to go.

There’s so much more improvement that I can make and I definitely will but as of today, I’m very proud of myself and I like who I am and I’m becoming the person I need to be in order to achieve everything I want to achieve. This is why pain is so essential for your growth especially if you’re becoming wealthy because when you want to become wealthy and you want to do it the right way, you will experience obstacles and face challenges and sometimes, you may find yourself to be very lonely. I don’t know anybody who is as ambitious or works as hard as I do and I work smart too and I’m really focused on two things. One is my children, their education and the other is my businesses.

Therefore, I don’t have as much time as I would like to spend time with friends or with other people as I’m really focused on what I need to do.


The pains that I have gone through in my life are helping me to become the person I need to be to achieve what I want to achieve, so I hope that today’s episode makes sense to you and that you can get a glimpse of my understanding of pain and how essential it is for you to grow and be the kind of person that you need to be to achieve the kind of things you want to achieve.

The Conscious Mind: How it Affects your Money Mindset

The conscious mind has a huge impact on our money mindset and abundance. 

It acts as a gatekeeper and interpreter of what’s going on in our world. 

Today we will be talking about the three levels of the mind and how it affects our views about money, wealth, and abundance. 


conscious mind


The Three Levels of the Mind


Before we begin, I’d like to talk about the three levels of the mind. 

These levels dictate how we react and respond to the stimuli around us. 

In Psychology, these include the conscious mind, subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind.

Siegmund Freud talks about this concept in his “Iceberg Theory”. 


conscious mind iceberg


According to him, the conscious mind consists of all your mental processes. It is our awareness and is considered the tip of the iceberg. 

This is the part of ourselves that is exposed to external stimuli. 

The subconscious mind is the part of our mind that influences our actions and emotions. 

It banks everything that happens to us and stores our core values and belief systems. 

On the other hand, the unconscious mind talks about the concepts that are not accessible to the conscious mind. It can influence our judgments, feelings, and even our behaviors. 

This is where all our feelings, motives, and decisions are stored. 

All these three make up our consciousness or psyche, which Freud successfully coined the id, ego, and superego. 


What is the superconscious mind?


In my opinion, the three levels of the mind are as follows: the subconscious, the conscious mind, and the superconscious mind. 

The subconscious mind is your consciousness responding to automatic behaviors. 

It is power without direction because it doesn’t have a choice. It doesn’t argue and cannot reason. 

And it only does what you instructed it to do. 

The conscious mind sees life as it is. It helps us define the world according to our senses. 

It also acts as our conscious compass and teaches us about what’s right and wrong. 

This is the part of the mind that lets us see what is good. It also acts as a gatekeeper that categorizes how we experience the world. 

The conscious mind is responsible for human behavior and what you think is true. 

Our superconscious mind, on the other hand, is our connection to the Divine Source Energy. 

Plato’s theory is that we have an indestructible soul that cannot be separated from all things. 

Our thoughts and actions and the information we acquire become part of our being. And these connect us with other beings as well. 


The superconscious mind and intuition 


superconscious mind


As a child, I’ve always wondered what people meant when they said God is with us. 

It was only when I learned about the superconscious mind that I got to understand what that meant. 

As mentioned, the superconscious mind is God’s connection with us. It is through this consciousness that we get access to Him. 

And because it is part of us, then God is with us wherever, whenever. 

This is how we get inspiration and desires. The Divine Source Energy gives us the nudge, the direction we need to go through intuition. 


How our superconscious mind relates to abundance 


Every single person has the divine design planted in them through these consciousnesses. 

And each person has the potential to achieve their life’s design. 

The problem is, almost everyone tends to block this through self-sabotage. 

Negative thoughts like ‘It’s impossible to achieve,” or “I don’t have the skills, connection, or talent to make it happen,” make it more difficult. 

Truth is, our superconscious mind is God’s way of showing us our true potential through our intuition. 

And it’s rather unfortunate that some disregard their intuition as a daydream. 

Our desires come as God’s message of where we’re supposed to go. This desire added with the right attitude lets us fulfill our divine design. 

Intuition houses your superconscious mind. This gives you the tools and the means to fulfill your desire. And guidance is given through it. 

If you are not listening to intuition, it means you don’t train your conscious mind to listen to the Divine Source guidance 

And if you want to increase your wealth, then it’s time to listen to your gut feel and intuition. 


Intuition, Money Mindset, and Abundance 


So how can you use your intuition to increase your abundance and change your money mindset?

The secret is FOCUS. 

focus mindset


When you start focusing on the right things, abundance will follow. 

Our minds tend to focus on what matters to us, and this might depend on our subconscious mind. 

Unfortunately, our subconscious mind is greatly affected by our formative years. 

From 0 to seven years old, we have learned to navigate the world with our senses. We also learn the basic concepts and foundations of our beliefs. 

So whatever you download during this age can affect your relationship with money. 

But if you learn to focus your thoughts on rewiring these beliefs, it will be easier to create new connections and perspectives. 

Focusing your energy also helps you set your desired results. It also retrains your subconscious mind to see a clearer vision of your divine design. 

When you start listening to your intuition, it lets you tap into the Divine Source Energy. And when you do, your faith increases and you also become more open to opportunities 




The conscious mind and other levels can define how you treat money and abundance. 

To change your current mindset about money and abundance, listen to your intuition. It helps you connect to the superconscious mind and tap into the Divine Source Energy. 

Listen to this episode here 


Change your money story with our Five Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenge.

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The Law of Prosperity and Imagination: Why It’s Important

The law of prosperity tells us the absolute truth about abundance and wealth. 


It’s quite simple. You are the creator of your own prosperity.

You are in charge of how your future goes. 

Today, we will be discussing the law of prosperity and why imagination plays an important role in your abundance. 


the law of prosperity


What are the principles of prosperity?


The most important principle of prosperity coincides with the universal laws of money. It states that prosperity is the result of your thoughts and actions. 

You are the sole creator of your prosperity. All of your actions and intentions will impact your success.

Everything and anything you want to happen will happen as long as you act on it. 

Read about the universal laws of money here:


The Seven Powerful Principles of Prosperity discusses the different principles of prosperity quite well. These principles give us more information about how we can harness the power of prosperity in our lives. 

Here are the seven principles of prosperity. 


The Pareto Principle 


This principle is also called the 80/20 rule. 

In essence, it means 80% of the effects and results you get come from 20% of the effort you give. 


Parkinson’s Law


Parkinson’s Law states that work expands to fill the time available for its completion. 

In other words, one would assign time limits to their tasks and act according to the limits they set. 

So if you decide to work on a 1-minute task for five minutes, then you’ll spend five minutes finishing a one-minute task. 


Law of Averages 




The law of averages talks about probability and how it affects events and occurrences in the long run. 

No one experiences mishaps and despair all of the time. There will always be one event or situation that will at least give you happiness and fulfillment. 

In other words, experiencing six no’s on your proposal will likely give you a yes in the foreseeable future. 

The point is, you must keep on pursuing your goals consistently. All the adversities and challenges you’re experiencing will make the yes all the sweeter. 


Law of Association 


This law states that you are the average of five people you spend time with. 

So if you want to be successful, this means you need to hang around the right people who are enjoying success. 

The same will go if you choose to spend time with people who let their talents go to waste. 

You will never see your full potential if you don’t push yourself to do better. 

That’s why it’s essential for you to choose your company. They will have a huge influence on how you will attract money and prosperity. 


The Law of Giving 


The Bible often talks about the law of giving. This idea is repeated several times in both the old and new testaments. 

Even Jesus Christ talks about how blessed we are to give rather than receive. 

The book called The Go-Giver by Bob Burg and John David Mann also talk about this principle in detail. 

Here’s a powerful quote from the book.

“All the great fortunes in the world have been created by men and women who had a greater passion for what they were giving — their product, service, idea… than for what they were getting.” 


The Law of Gratitude 


the laws of prosperity and gratitude


The law of gratitude coincides with affirmations. 

It says gratitude creates a strong rewiring of our thoughts. These affirmations become so powerful that it drives us to change deep-seated belief systems.

This principle also believes that there is an Almighty, a Divine Source, a God that provides you with all your needs. 

Gratitude brings people to believe that there is a God who loves them and provides for them. Because of this, they feel that they deserve the blessings they receive. 

This feeling of gratitude helps them be more giving towards others. They also do good things and pass on their blessings to others. 


The Creative Law of Prosperity 


The creative laws of prosperity talk about the power of imagination and desire to drive us towards our goals. 

This law requires you to create a strong compelling desire for something you want. 

Catherine Ponder discusses this concept in her book ‘The Dynamic Laws of Prosperity’.

She said many want to be successful in life, but only a few succeed. Their strong desire was what made the difference. 

This longing to change the way they live became their greatest motivation to change their ways and upgrade their way of life. 


How do we receive prosperity from God?


Now you might be asking why I’m suddenly talking about God, Allah, the Almighty, and the Divine Source. 

In fact, in the past, I’ve always said that you are in control of your life. You are also in charge of the abundance that comes to it. 

But truth is, there is a higher being that provides for us


God provides prosperity


Your desire to be prosperous comes from a higher life force energy. 

Life in itself is a gift. Anything you want or have comes from God. 

This means the Divine Source Energy provides all things. The desires in your heart come from God’s will to make it your reality. 

And that desire comes alive through imagination. 


The Law of Prosperity and Imagination 


Your imagination is one of the most powerful tools that the Divine Source Energy has gifted you. 

It separates and elevates you from all of God’s creations. 

Through imagination, you are also given the power of creation. What you will, you desire, will be brought to life. 

The ideas that come from your thoughts can become your reality if you have the right motivation to make it happen. 

Now, this can go both ways. 

The world has a way to corrupt us. We’ve heard so many myths and misconceptions about the laws of prosperity and abundance. 

Some say these laws were meant to keep us from being greedy. It’s also meant to keep our attitude in check. 

But we as humans forget that there are absolute truths about life. 

The secret to true abundance and happiness is accepting that nothing can stop God from giving the desires of your heart. 

Nothing can stop him from giving you the things you deserve. 

Most people would say money is equal to greed. Money is evil. 

But the truth is, money is a tool to be used for one’s well being. 

All you have to do is accept these laws to achieve prosperity. 

Learn more about your financial personality here:


How Imagination makes prosperity happen 


the law of prosperity and imagination


So how does imagination help increase your prosperity? 

We all have the seed of genius inside of us. And I believe this seed connects us to the higher being, our Divine Source Energy. 

It helps us communicate through our intuition. And these flashes of inspiration are actually God’s revelations of what we could potentially become. 

Our imagination helps us create a strong desire in our hearts and minds. 

It gives us a sense of purpose, a clear image of what we can become. 

By imagining situations we want to be in, it raises our attention towards the right path. 

It helps us change perspectives to we could act on our desires. 

Imagination is beyond reason, just like the Divine Source Energy. And the combination of imagination, purpose, and action helps us reach new heights. 


Practical Tips for Visualization leading to Prosperity 


Visualization is a great way to practice the laws of prosperity and abundance. 

The benefits include increased internal motivation, activating your creative subconscious, and imagination. 

It also conditions your brain to recognize abundance and receive blessings as gifts from the Divine Source Energy. 

Here are some practical tips on how you can use imagination and visualization to increase your prosperity.


Vision Boards 


vision board


Vision boards are a great way for you to practice envisioning your wishes and desires. 

Creating one invokes deep emotions that can cause you to move. 

When you consistently see the vision board you create, it can push you to take action to make it happen. 

Vision boards also help you assign strong emotions to each image. Choosing the right visual representation for your goals increases your attachment to it. 

Every now and then, you can rebuild your vision board to reflect your current goals. 


Goal Setting 


Goal setting is a powerful activity that lets you bring your ideas into the world. 

Writing down your thoughts let you create a roadmap of all the things you need to do. 

It can give you access to questions and steps you need to take to make things happen. 

Writing also lets subconscious ideas surface. It can bring you the clarity you need and revelations you need to see about yourself. 




meditation and prosperity


Meditating can help you with a lot of things. 

From healing to raising vibrations, meditation can help you deal with emotional blocks. 

Clearing these blocks can also open you to new opportunities and possibilities. It also helps you practice visualizing and letting your imagination guide you. 

You can do guided meditations for specific goals like losing weight or increasing productivity. 

It can help your mind be more at ease and open to exploring the visions it shows you. 




The law of prosperity is simple. 

One, there is a higher being, a Divine Source that provides all things. 

Two, you are in control of the level of prosperity you can create in your life. 

All you have to do is tap into your intuition and let it guide you according to God’s plan. 

And when you get the inspiration and the vision, you need to act on it and make it happen. 

Want to learn more about the laws of prosperity? Listen to the podcast here: 



How do you practice the law of prosperity? 

Share your tips below. 

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