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Month: March 2023

The Five Lies About Money

Money is a topic that often elicits strong emotions in people. Some see it as a means to achieve their dreams, while others view it as a source of stress and anxiety. Regardless of how we feel about it, money plays a significant role in our lives. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and falsehoods about money that people believe to be true.

In this blog post, we will challenge these myths and provide insights into the truth about money. We will discuss five common lies about money and provide practical advice on how to overcome them. From the myth of the “get rich quick” scheme to the misconception that you need money to make money, we will explore each lie and explain why it is false.

By the end, you will have a better understanding of the common myths and misconceptions about money, and how they can hold you back from achieving financial stability and success. I will provide actionable steps that you can take to overcome these lies and make informed decisions about your money.

Whether you’re struggling with debt, trying to save for the future, or just looking to improve your financial situation, this blog post will provide valuable insights and practical advice that you can use to take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals. So, let’s dive in and debunk these five lies about money once and for all!

The First Lie: Money needs Money

One of the most commonly perpetuated myths about money is that it requires money to make money. This falsehood has been repeated countless times throughout the entrepreneurial journey of many individuals.

When people are presented with new ideas, one of the first things they say is, “I don’t have the initial capital, money needs money, and you need money to grow money.” While there is some truth to the notion that having money makes it easier to attract more money, this is not entirely accurate.

Money does like money, and it is easier to attract more money when you already have some. If you put money into a particular bank account or investment, over time, more money will flow towards it. However, this does not mean that you need money to make money. This is a complete falsity. It is possible to start a successful business with little to no money. The power of compounding will help you to make more money as you start to earn, but this does not mean that you need money to make money. I have started all of my successful and unsuccessful businesses with little or no money. In fact, the one business where I put in £100,000 of my savings was a complete and utter loss.

I currently have multiple businesses, most of which are crossing seven figures in revenue. Two of them that come to mind actually started with zero money: my coaching business and my property business. When I first started buying properties, I had very little money, but I was able to use creative financing and other strategies to make it work. Even now, if you want to go into property, you don’t need a lot of money. There are many strategies available to you that require little or no money.

I am now into acquisitions and enjoy buying businesses. I am always on the lookout for little or no money down deals. It’s not about having a lot of money, it’s about using your brainpower, knowledge, and understanding. Once you have an idea, you can either attract the financing required for it, find a partner or investor, or start with very little or no money at all.


The Second Lie: Money is hard to make

The second lie that I want to address is the belief that making money is hard. In my line of work, I have seen people from various niches, ranging from traditional brick and mortar businesses to online businesses to real estate businesses. And I can tell you that when people are in the flow, making money is not hard work. It only becomes hard when you’re stressed, struggling, and in a scarcity mindset. So, before you start thinking about making money, it’s essential to work on your mindset. I have said this time and time again to people that the business is 80% mindset and 20% strategy. When you work on your mindset, the structure becomes easy, and implementation becomes something you can do with ease and grace.

I firmly believe that making money is not hard, especially if you monetize a passion of yours. For example, coaching is a passion of mine, and it’s the one that gets me fired up and makes me the happiest. I love what I do, and I love talking to people about money and helping them transform their lives. I make money by coaching, which I absolutely love, and it doesn’t seem like working. Instead, it feels like talking to friends about a topic that I’m passionate about. So, I monetize my passion, and making money is not hard for me.

But if you believe that making money is hard, it will be. This is one of the greatest lies we have been told. The belief that making money is hard is one of the major paradigms that I try to shift for my clients in my mastermind. Mostly people who come from the middle class or working middle class, and even working-class families have these ideas that making money is hard, and it takes hard work to make money, which is not true.

The Third Lie: Money is hard to keep

One of the most common lies about money is that it’s hard to keep. If you’ve had financial traumas in your life, you may believe that it’s difficult to invest and hold onto money. However, feeding into negative energy and beliefs around money can cause a self-fulfilling prophecy. The truth is, money is not hard to keep; it’s actually quite easy to keep as long as you have a positive relationship with it.

Blaming money for not staying with you or being difficult to keep is not productive. Instead, it’s important to recognize that something within your energy is repelling money, causing it to leave you quickly. This is especially true for entrepreneurs who may experience a boom and bust cycle, making money only to lose it soon after.

I work with individuals to help them make more money, keep it, and avoid the feast and famine cycles that come with a negative relationship with money. By fostering a positive and friendly relationship with money, individuals can attract and retain wealth, improving their financial situation and overall well-being.

In conclusion, the myth that money is hard to keep is just that, a myth. By examining your relationship with money and addressing any negative energy, you can create a positive and fruitful financial future.


The Fourth Lie: The only way to make money quickly is through illegal means

I’m often told that the only way to make money quickly is through illegal means. It’s a lie I’ve heard time and time again, and it’s one that I don’t believe in. In fact, I think it’s easier to make money honestly, and it has a much higher vibration.

I know this from personal experience. When I separated from my ex-husband six years ago, I had nothing. I was fully financially dependent on him, and I realized that if he stopped paying for the kids’ school fees, I wouldn’t be able to support them. I was pushed to be aware of my finances, and it was a tough lesson to learn.

For the next year, I lived off my savings, but it quickly ran out. When I found out about my ex-husband’s affair and filed for divorce, he played the financial card, and I had no money. I sold everything I had, but by the end of 2017, I still had nothing.

But things changed for me. I started a coaching business, went into property, and expanded further and further. I worked really hard, and yes, I did long hours. But I did it honestly, and it paid off.

Within four and a half years, I now have multiple successful businesses, and I’m very well off. I live in a affluent area, my kids are doing well in private education, and I’m in the seven-figure mark. And I did it all through honest means.

I believe that making money through high vibration is key. You have to be earning it honestly, and you have to be providing a good or service that benefits others. It brings financial abundance, happiness, joy, and health. And it’s a very good place to be.

So if you’re told that the only way to make money quickly is through illegal means, don’t believe it. Focus on earning high vibrational money honestly, and success will follow.

The Fifth Lie: Money is the ultimate solution to all of life’s problems

Money is often seen as the ultimate solution to all of life’s problems. Many people believe that if they just had more money, all their problems would disappear. However, this is far from the truth. In fact, believing that money is the answer to all of life’s problems is one of the biggest lies out there.

I have seen this misconception time and time again. People believe that making more money will solve all of their problems, but in reality, they must take ownership of their problems and understand their root causes. More often than not, they can solve these issues without more money. While having more money might make life easier, it is not a cure-all for life’s problems.

For instance, if someone’s relationship with their spouse is in turmoil, they may blame it on money problems. However, the real issue is a lack of communication and companionship. No amount of money can solve that. Similarly, if someone’s health is poor, they may believe that more money will help them exercise and eat better. But even if they can’t afford a private trainer or expensive fad diet, they can still take small steps to improve their health.

Money should not be the focus of one’s life. It is not a god, and it should not be worshipped. While money can make life easier, it should not be blamed for all of life’s problems. Money should be a friend, not a foe. It helps us experience the world in a better way, and it should be used to enhance our lives, not consume them.

I encourage everyone to work on their mindset and develop a healthy relationship with money. Attending workshops, reading books, and listening to podcasts can be great resources for developing a healthy mindset around money. But ultimately, it is up to us to take responsibility for our problems and work towards solving them. More money may or may not help, but it is not a solution in and of itself.

In conclusion, money is not the solution to all of life’s problems. It can make life easier, but it should not be blamed for all of life’s difficulties. We must take ownership of our problems and work towards solving them. Developing a healthy relationship with money can be a great step towards living a fulfilling and happy life.


As we come to the end of our journey together, it’s clear that the lies we believe about money can be harmful and hold us back from achieving financial freedom. However, by recognizing these five common myths and challenging them, we can begin to shift our perspective and take control of our financial future.

Remember, money doesn’t always need more money, and it’s not as hard to make or keep as we may have been led to believe. There are legal and ethical ways to increase our income and build wealth, without resorting to illegal means. And while money can provide us with security and comfort, it’s important to acknowledge that it’s not the ultimate solution to all of life’s problems.

By taking an honest look at our relationship with money and working to break free from these common lies, we can begin to live a more abundant and fulfilling life. So, let’s say goodbye to these five money myths once and for all, and embrace a new way of thinking that empowers us to achieve our financial goals and live the life we truly desire.

Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;

Masculine Energy and it’s Impact on Money

In our society, we often hear phrases like “be a man” or “man up,” which have become synonymous with being tough, independent, and successful. These attributes are often associated with masculine energy, which is believed to be a driving force behind many individuals’ success in their careers and personal lives. However, when it comes to the topic of money, does masculine energy really have an impact?

Today, we’re diving into the topic of masculine energy and its impact on money. As you know, our mindset plays a huge role in how we approach money, and understanding the different energies that influence our mindset can help us create a healthy relationship with money. Whether you’re a man or woman, understanding the impact of masculine energy on money can provide valuable insights into how you approach your finances and set yourself up for financial success. So, let’s dive in and explore the intriguing relationship between masculine energy and money.


First, let’s define what we mean by masculine energy. Masculine energy is a term used to describe certain characteristics and traits that are typically associated with men but can also be exhibited by women. These traits are often described as assertive, confident, and goal-oriented.

Examples of masculine energy include being competitive, taking risks, and being decisive. Masculine energy is often seen as a driving force behind success in both personal and professional life, including financial success. However, it’s important to note that masculine energy is not limited to men, and women can also exhibit these traits.



Masculine energy in relation to money is often characterized by assertiveness, confidence, and a results-driven mentality. This energy can be harnessed to achieve financial goals and create a sense of financial security.

While masculine energy can be helpful in achieving financial success, it’s important not to rely solely on this energy. An overemphasis on masculine energy can lead to an imbalanced approach to money management, neglecting important areas of life such as personal relationships and well-being.

By balancing masculine and feminine energies in money management, individuals can achieve financial success while also maintaining a sense of fulfillment and balance in their lives.




One of the key characteristics of masculine energy is assertiveness. This trait is often associated with confidence and can be a game-changer when it comes to negotiating higher salaries or better deals for your business.

When you approach negotiations with a sense of assertiveness, you’re able to demonstrate your authority and competence, showing others that you have what it takes to get the job done. This is especially important for entrepreneurs and business owners who need to prove themselves to clients and employees alike.

Of course, there’s a fine line between being assertive and being bossy or rude. But with a healthy balance of masculine energy, you can walk that line with grace and finesse. You can assert your authority without coming across as aggressive or overbearing, creating a professional environment where everyone feels valued and respected.

By embracing your masculine energy and using it to your advantage, you can become a confident and effective leader, driving financial success and achieving your goals along the way.


Masculine energy is often associated with goal orientation, and this can be a powerful driving force for financial success. When we embody healthy masculine energy, we tend to focus on achieving goals and results, which can lead to a greater drive to succeed financially.

This is because setting financial goals is crucial to achieving financial success, whether it’s building a six-figure business or a seven-figure empire.

In my experience, I’ve noticed that men who embody healthy masculine energy tend to set higher financial goals for themselves compared to those who struggle with their masculine energy. It’s not that setting high financial goals is exclusive to men, but rather that healthy masculine energy tends to foster a mindset of ambition and drive towards success.

This is why it’s relevant to embody your masculine energy and set solid, high financial goals. Without the drive and determination to achieve these goals, it’s easy to get sidetracked and lose sight of what’s important. Masculine energy can help us stay focused on our goals and push through challenges and setbacks along the way.



Rationality is a characteristic of healthy masculine energy that cannot be overlooked when it comes to achieving financial success. It involves the ability to think logically, analyze information, and make informed decisions.

Men are generally known to have a higher degree of rational thinking than women, but this does not mean that women cannot embody this trait as well. However, women need to be aware that their rational thinking may not always be at its best due to hormonal fluctuations during certain times of the month.

As a female, it is important not to shy away from this characteristic of masculine energy. You may not always be able to think rationally, but this does not mean that you cannot strive to embody rationality whenever possible. If you find yourself unable to make a rational decision, seek advice from those around you who have healthy masculine energy. This can help you to gain perspective and make a more informed decision.

Being aware of your strengths and weaknesses is key to achieving success, and rationality is no exception. Plan ahead and seek help if necessary. This will help you to maintain a level of rationality that will allow you to achieve your financial goals.


The fourth characteristic of healthy masculine energy is independence. Men with healthy masculine energy tend to prioritize independence and self-reliance, which often translates into a strong desire to achieve financial independence. This drive for independence is a true beauty of healthy masculine energy, and it is something that many women who strive for success and financial stability also crave.

Remember that seeking financial independence does not mean giving up one’s feminine energy. In fact, this aspect of masculine energy can be a powerful tool in supporting women who seek financial freedom. It is empowering for women to be able to rely on themselves and their own abilities to achieve their goals, and this is where independence comes into play.

It is important to note, however, that independence should not be pursued to the point of isolation. Healthy masculine energy recognizes the importance of interdependence and the value of supportive relationships. Men and women alike can benefit from seeking out healthy relationships that encourage personal growth and support the pursuit of independence while maintaining a sense of community.


If you have healthy masculine energy, you’re able to take calculated risks, which can lead to greater financial gains. But on the flip side, it can also result in greater financial losses. The key here is to take calculated risks, not just jumping into things blindly without thinking things through.

Taking calculated risks is a crucial aspect of healthy masculine energy. It requires taking a solid, rational look at the pros and cons of a situation, and making a decision based on the numbers and facts in front of you. Everything in life involves some level of risk-taking, and the only time you don’t take risks is when you’re not truly living.

It’s worth noting that men tend to embody this aspect of masculine energy more frequently than women. This could be a contributing factor to why men tend to take more financial risks and have higher rates of entrepreneurship than women. However, this is not to say that women cannot embody this trait. In fact, many successful women in business and finance have achieved great success by taking calculated risks.

Taking risks can be scary, but it’s essential for growth and success. The key is to be strategic and make informed decisions based on data and analysis. So, if you want to be successful, whether you’re a man or a woman, it’s important to develop a healthy sense of masculine energy and be willing to take calculated risks.


Masculine energy tends to have a competitive nature, which can lead to a strong desire to outperform others financially. This drive to be better than others is not unique to men, as both men and women can experience it. However, the healthy aspect of this masculine energy trait is that it provides the incentive to push oneself harder, to get out of one’s comfort zone, and take calculated risks.

It’s easy to fall into a routine of going to work, making money, and then coming home to binge-watch the latest TV series. But when you tap into your competitive nature, you’ll find that you want more out of life. You want to be the best version of yourself, to not be left behind, to have the car, the house, the vacation, or whatever else it is that you desire.

But competition doesn’t have to be limited to material possessions. It can also drive you to pursue more profound and meaningful goals, such as making an impact in the world. Perhaps you want to start a charity or a foundation, build schools in impoverished areas, or provide clean drinking water to communities in need. Whatever it is, the competitive nature of healthy masculine energy can give you the push you need to achieve your dreams.

Of course, like any trait, competition can have its negative aspects. It can lead to unhealthy comparisons with others, jealousy, and a narrow focus on material success. But when balanced with other traits such as compassion and collaboration, competition can be a powerful tool for achieving your goals and making a positive impact on the world.


Decisiveness is a trait that is often associated with the masculine energy. It involves the ability to make quick and effective decisions, while also having the courage to stand by those decisions. In the business world, this is a crucial quality to possess, as it can mean the difference between success and failure.

As a woman, I have learned the value of decisiveness from my own mother, who was a master at making quick and effective decisions. When I am in my feminine energy, I find that I often struggle with indecision and hesitation. However, when I tap into my masculine energy, I am able to make decisions with clarity and purpose.

It’s important to note that being decisive doesn’t always mean that every decision will be the right one. In fact, making mistakes is a necessary part of the learning process. However, what separates successful people from unsuccessful people is the ability to learn from their mistakes and adjust their course accordingly.

Ultimately, the ability to make quick and effective decisions is a trait that can be cultivated by both men and women. It requires a willingness to take risks and the courage to stand by one’s decisions, even in the face of adversity. By embodying the masculine energy of decisiveness, we can all become more successful in our personal and professional lives.


Strategic thinking is a masculine energy trait, characterized by directness and a goal-oriented approach. While feminine energy tends to be emotional and intuitive, this can sometimes hinder rational decision-making. For example, I have found that whenever I have allowed my emotions to influence my business decisions, I have ended up losing out on deals. I have now learned the importance of being clear-cut and focused on the numbers.

Learning to detach oneself emotionally from business decisions is a vital lesson for female business owners. This means focusing on the numbers, analyzing the viability of a deal, and being unafraid to walk away if the criteria are not met. It may seem daunting at first, but strategic thinking is a skill that can be developed over time.

Ultimately, embracing strategic thinking allows us to make informed decisions that are not clouded by emotions. By embodying this trait, we can approach business with a clear mind and a sharp focus, which is essential for success in today’s competitive marketplace.


Leadership is a crucial aspect of financial decision making and management, and it’s often associated with mastering energy. To become a great leader, you need to embody both feminine and masculine energy, but when it comes to leading, being in your masculine energy is crucial.

Historically, the most successful leaders have embodied masculine energy, whether they were male or female. It’s not about being harsh or rude; it’s about being assertive, making quick decisions, and standing firm in them. Leaders must make difficult decisions, and the more responsibility they have, the more masculine energy they need to embody.

Women have been kept in the past to be sweet and soft, while men have been expected to be harsher and more assertive. But these gender roles are becoming blurred, and any woman who wants to be a successful leader must embody elements of masculine energy. Men, too, need to embrace their masculine energy and not shy away from it. It’s not about getting rid of feminine energy altogether; there are benefits to that as well.

But in the space of being a leader, embracing masculine energy is crucial. You can still be softly spoken and embody masculine energy, and it will help you make better decisions and lead your business to success. So, embrace your masculine energy and become a great leader, regardless of your gender.


The master energy of confidence is a force to be reckoned with, emanating a sense of control and assurance that can pave the way to greater financial success through effective networking and sales. But how does one cultivate confidence? It all starts with believing in oneself. When we exude confidence, it speaks for itself, conveying a sense of conviction and assurance that is not lost on those around us. On the other hand, if we lack confidence, this too will be picked up subconsciously by others, hindering our ability to make meaningful connections and achieve our goals.

So, what can we do to bolster our confidence? It may sound cliché, but the saying “fake it till you make it” holds some truth. This doesn’t mean we should be disingenuous or dishonest about our abilities, but rather, we should embody the belief that we are capable of anything we set our minds to.

One exercise that can be particularly effective in building confidence is the mirror exercise. When faced with a daunting task or challenge, take a few moments to stand in front of a mirror and convince yourself that you can do it. By believing in yourself and embodying a positive, healthy, masculine energy, you can inspire others to have confidence in you as well, paving the way to success. Of course, doubts and fears are natural and can sometimes lead to imposter syndrome, especially for women. But by cultivating confidence from within and leading ourselves to believe that we can achieve our goals, we can overcome these doubts and fears and achieve great things.


In conclusion, we’ve explored the fascinating relationship between masculine energy and money. Masculine energy, with its focus on independence, strength, and drive, can be a powerful force in helping individuals achieve success in their careers and personal lives. However, as we’ve seen, this same energy can also lead to an overemphasis on competition, risk-taking, and short-term gains, which can be detrimental to our long-term financial well-being.

The key to harnessing the positive aspects of masculine energy while avoiding its pitfalls is balance. By cultivating a healthy relationship with our finances and recognizing the role that both masculine and feminine energies play in our approach to money, we can create a more holistic and sustainable financial mindset.

Remember, being financially successful isn’t just about being tough and independent. It’s about having the right mindset, taking calculated risks, and making smart decisions that align with our values and long-term goals. By embracing a balanced approach to money, we can harness the power of both masculine and feminine energies and achieve financial success on our own terms.

Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;


Feminine Energy and Its Impact on Money

In this post, we’re going to talk about a fascinating and often overlooked topic: the impact of feminine energy on money. Last week, we talked a little bit about feminine energy and masculine energy. So, it’s appropriate that we discuss feminine energy in detail and its impact on money. Next week, we’ll talk about masculine energy and how it can impact money and work.

What is Feminine Energy?

First, let’s define what we mean by feminine energy. It is often described as nurturing, collaborative, intuitive, and emotional. Feminine energy is the creative force that exists in all of us, regardless of gender. It is often associated with the softer, more nurturing qualities that are typically attributed to women. It’s important to note that both men and women can embody feminine energy, regardless of gender identity.

Understanding Feminine Energy in Relation to Money

Feminine energy is often misunderstood or overlooked in the world of finance, where traditionally masculine traits have been valued and prioritized. However, feminine energy can play a significant role in shaping our relationship with money and wealth.

At its core, feminine energy is associated with nurturing, intuition, collaboration, empathy, and creativity. These traits may not seem relevant to finance, which is often viewed as a cut-throat industry focused on profits and competition.

However, harnessing feminine energy can help us build meaningful connections with others, make more informed decisions, and find innovative solutions to financial challenges. Let’s dive in and discover how feminine energy can influence your money mindset.

Characteristics of Feminine Energy and Its Impact on Money

1. Nurturing

Feminine energy has a natural nurturing quality that can lead to a desire to care for and protect one’s finances and investments. Those with a strong feminine energy are likely to be more mindful of their spending and investments, often treating them with the same care as they would a loved one.

This nurturing quality can also extend to a desire to give back and make a positive impact on the world through charitable giving or socially responsible investing.

2. Collaboration

Feminine energy encourages collaboration and teamwork. Those with a strong feminine energy tend to value relationships and seek to build connections with others.

This can lead to more successful financial outcomes when working with others, whether that be in business partnerships, group investments, or even seeking financial advice from trusted advisors.

3. Intuition

Feminine energy is deeply intuitive, and this can be a powerful asset when it comes to making financial decisions. When we learn to trust our instincts and listen to our inner voice, we can avoid making decisions based purely on logic or external pressures.

Intuition can guide us to investment opportunities that may not be immediately obvious, and help us to make better choices based on our inner wisdom.

While intuition doesn’t work in isolation, and financial education is crucial, those with a strong feminine energy can often sense the right path to take in the face of uncertainty or ambiguity.

4. Emotional Intelligence

Managing our emotions is a key aspect of feminine energy, and this is particularly important when it comes to money. Emotions like fear, greed, and anxiety can cloud our judgment and lead us to make decisions that are not in our best interests.

By cultivating emotional intelligence, we can learn to manage our emotions more effectively and make better financial decisions based on a clear and balanced perspective.

5. Creativity

Feminine energy is often associated with creativity, and this can be a valuable quality when it comes to money management. Those who embody feminine energy tend to think outside of the box and come up with unique solutions to financial problems.

Financial challenges often require innovative solutions, and by tapping into our creative potential, we can find new and innovative ways to generate income, reduce expenses, and grow our wealth.

6. Adaptability

Adaptability is key when navigating the ups and downs of the financial world.The world of finance is constantly changing, and it’s essential to stay flexible and adaptable in order to succeed.

Feminine energy is adaptable and flexible. Those who embody feminine energy are able to adjust to changing financial circumstances and find ways to thrive in difficult situations. By staying flexible, we can respond to challenges and opportunities with agility and resilience.

7. Empathy

Empathy is a hallmark of feminine energy, and it’s a valuable quality when it comes to money management. Those with a strong feminine energy are able to put themselves in other people’s shoes and understand their financial struggles and goals.

When we understand the financial needs and goals of others, we can create win-win solutions that benefit everyone involved. This can include negotiating for better deals, sharing resources, and creating partnerships that benefit all parties. Empathy can lead to better financial decisions and stronger relationships with others.

8. Holistic Thinking

Feminine energy emphasizes holistic thinking, which means seeing the big picture and understanding how different aspects of our financial lives are interconnected.

Those who embody feminine energy are able to consider the impact of their financial decisions on themselves, their loved ones, and society as a whole.

This can include our spending habits, our investment choices, and our overall financial goals. By taking a holistic approach to money management, we can create a more sustainable and balanced financial future.

9. Compassion

Compassion is a core value of feminine energy, and it’s an important quality when it comes to financial success. When we treat ourselves and others with kindness and respect, we create a positive and supportive environment that encourages growth and prosperity.

Those with a strong feminine energy are able to show kindness and understanding towards themselves and others, even in challenging financial situations. Compassion can lead to a healthier relationship with money and a greater sense of well-being.

This can include self-care practices, like setting boundaries and prioritizing our own financial goals, as well as treating others with kindness and generosity.

10. Mindfulness

Finally, mindfulness is a key aspect of feminine energy, and it can be a valuable tool for managing our finances. By cultivating awareness and presence in our financial decisions, we can make better choices based on our values and priorities, rather than being swayed by external pressures or distractions.

Those who embody feminine energy are able to stay present in the moment and fully engage with their financial decisions. Mindfulness can lead to a deeper understanding of one’s financial goals and priorities, and a greater sense of peace and fulfillment. Mindfulness can also help us to stay focused and motivated on our financial goals, even in the face of challenges or setbacks.

Practical Ways to Harness Your Feminine Energy for Financial Success

Now that we have explored the key characteristics of feminine energy and its impact on money, let’s dive into practical ways to harness this energy for financial success.

Build a nurturing relationship with your finances: Start by setting aside time each week to review your finances, including your income, expenses, and savings. Take the time to understand your spending habits, and identify areas where you can cut back and save more. Treat your finances as you would a relationship with a loved one, and show it the care and attention it deserves.

Collaborate with others for greater financial gains: Look for opportunities to collaborate with others to achieve greater financial success.This could involve joining a investment club or finding a mentor to guide you in your financial journey. By working with others, you can gain new perspectives, ideas, and support to help you achieve your financial goals.

Tap into your intuition: Trust your instincts when it comes to financial decisions. Your intuition can guide you towards opportunities that align with your values and goals, and help you avoid potential financial pitfalls. To tap into your intuition, take time to reflect on your financial goals, and listen to your inner voice when making financial decisions.

Use emotional intelligence to navigate financial challenges: Financial challenges can be emotionally taxing, but by developing emotional intelligence, you can navigate them with greater ease. Emotional intelligence involves being aware of your own emotions, as well as those of others, and using this awareness to manage relationships and make effective decisions. By developing emotional intelligence, you can stay calm and focused during financial challenges, and maintain positive relationships with those around you.

Embrace creativity and adaptability in financial planning: Don’t be afraid to think outside the box when it comes to financial planning. Be creative and adaptable in your approach, and be open to trying new strategies and ideas. This can help you find new opportunities for financial growth and success.

Practice empathy and compassion towards yourself and others: Remember that finances can be a source of stress and anxiety for many people. Be kind and compassionate towards yourself and others, and avoid judgement or criticism. This can help you maintain positive relationships, and foster a healthy attitude towards money and finances.

Adopt holistic thinking to consider the big picture: When making financial decisions, consider the big picture. Think about how your decisions will impact not just your finances, but also your health, relationships, and overall well-being. By taking a holistic approach, you can make decisions that align with your values and goals, and lead to greater overall success and happiness.

Cultivate mindfulness to stay focused on your financial goals: Finally, cultivate mindfulness to stay focused on your financial goals. Mindfulness involves being fully present and engaged in the present moment, without judgement or distraction. By practicing mindfulness, you can stay focused on your financial goals, avoid impulsive decisions, and make choices that align with your values and goals.



Embracing and cultivating your feminine traits, nurturing your finances with care, and collaborating with others are all powerful ways to tap into the power of feminine energy for financial success.

We can protect our finances, work collaboratively towards financial goals, and make ethical and socially responsible financial decisions.Whether you identify as a man or a woman, by adopting a more feminine approach to finance, you can achieve greater abundance, satisfaction, and happiness. Remember,. Embrace your feminine energy and enjoy the journey towards financial prosperity.

Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;

Women, Money, and Feminine Energy

In today’s world, both men and women face unique challenges when it comes to managing their finances while nurturing their personal lives. Women often struggle with balancing their careers and family life, while men may find it difficult to maintain their role as providers and protectors. However, with the right mindset and strategies, it is possible to take control of your financial well-being while nurturing your personal life. As a money mindset coach, I believe it’s crucial for women to understand the relationship between money and their feminine energy. In this post, I’ll share my personal experiences with financial abuse and finding balance between my femininity and financial independence.

The Importance of Understanding the Relationship Between Women, Money, and Feminine Energy

The way we perceive money is deeply intertwined with our beliefs about ourselves and our worth as women. Society has taught us that money is a symbol of power and success, and for a long time, women were not encouraged to take control of their finances. However, things are changing, and it’s now more important than ever for women to understand the role that money plays in their lives and how it’s linked to their feminine energy.

Money and femininity are not mutually exclusive. Women can be feminine and powerful, and they can also be financially independent. In fact, embracing your femininity can help you be more successful with money. As women, we have unique skills and traits that can help us succeed, such as empathy, intuition, and collaboration.

To understand the relationship between women, money, and feminine energy, it’s essential to first understand your own relationship with money. Take some time to reflect on your beliefs about money and where they come from. Are you comfortable talking about money? Do you feel confident making financial decisions? By understanding your own relationship with money, you can start to see how it’s linked to your feminine energy.


My Personal Experiences with Financial Abuse and Finding Balance  

I’ve experienced financial abuse from both my first and second husbands, which has made me realize the importance of financial independence. In my first marriage, my husband became highly abusive and controlling towards me and our finances because he was uncomfortable with me being the breadwinner. In my second marriage, my husband forced me to accept his girlfriend as his second wife, and I had to give up my financial independence to keep a roof over my head.

These experiences have taught me the importance of finding a balance between my femininity and financial independence. It’s essential to embrace my feminine energy while also taking control of my finances. I’ve learned that financial independence is not just about providing for myself but also having the freedom to live my life on my terms.

The Power of Feminine Energy in Financial Planning

Feminine energy is a powerful force that has the potential to transform every aspect of our lives, including our finances. Feminine energy is often associated with nurturing, intuition, creativity, and collaboration. It is a force that helps us connect with our emotions and inner wisdom, which enables us to make better decisions.

In financial planning, feminine energy can help us create a balanced and holistic approach to our finances. It can help us connect with our values and priorities, which enables us to make better financial decisions. Additionally, feminine energy can help us develop healthy relationships with money and overcome any limiting beliefs that prevent us from achieving financial success.

Embracing Your Feminine Energy While Taking Control of Your Finances

Many women struggle with the idea of financial independence because they fear that it might make them seem less feminine or even threaten their relationships. However, it’s essential to understand that financial independence doesn’t have to compromise your femininity or your relationships. Instead, it can be a source of empowerment and freedom that allows you to take charge of your life on your own terms.

To achieve this balance, it’s crucial to understand the role that feminine energy plays in our financial lives. Feminine energy is often associated with qualities such as empathy, compassion, intuition, and nurturing. These qualities can be extremely beneficial in managing our finances, such as having empathy for others’ financial situations or using intuition to make sound financial decisions.

At the same time, it’s important not to allow these qualities to make you vulnerable to financial abuse or manipulation. It’s essential to be assertive, set boundaries, and stand up for yourself when it comes to your finances. This doesn’t mean you have to be aggressive or masculine, but rather assertive in a way that’s true to your feminine energy.

One way to embrace both your femininity and financial independence is by reframing the way you view money. Instead of seeing it as a source of power or control, see it as a tool that can be used to create the life you desire. By doing so, you can align your financial goals with your values and use your money to create a life that feels authentic and fulfilling.

Another way to balance feminine energy and financial independence is by seeking out support and resources that align with your values. For example, finding a financial advisor who understands the importance of balancing femininity and financial independence can be extremely beneficial. Additionally, surrounding yourself with a community of like-minded women who share your values can provide a supportive and empowering environment to help you achieve your financial goals.

Balancing Career Breaks

Career breaks can be beneficial for women who have children, as it can provide them with the time and space to concentrate on their personal life. However, it’s essential to balance this break with your career, especially when it comes to finances. Women who take a career break may face challenges when returning to work, such as earning less or being overlooked for promotions.

It’s important to ensure that you’re financially stable during your career break, and this can be achieved through saving and investing. By developing a financial plan and being disciplined with your money, you can ensure that you have the financial resources you need during your break and when you return to work.

It’s also essential to create a relaxed environment during your career break, especially if you have children. Stressful situations, such as reading depositions while trying to put a baby to sleep, can negatively affect both you and your child. It’s important to prioritize your personal life during this time and ensure that you have a healthy work-life balance.

Embracing Masculine Energy as a Provider and Protector

For men, there comes a time when you need to be the provider and protector of your family. It’s essential to educate yourself about money and develop the right understanding of it. Both men and women need to have a healthy relationship with money at certain periods in their lives.

For men, regardless of age, it’s time to step into your masculine energy and fulfill your role as a provider and protector. Being responsible for the financial well-being of your family can be a significant source of pride and fulfillment.

Developing a Healthy Relationship with Money

Your relationship with money is crucial in achieving financial independence. Many people grow up with certain beliefs and attitudes towards money that may be limiting and prevent them from achieving their financial goals. This is where working on your money mindset comes in.

It involves identifying and letting go of any limiting beliefs you have about money and adopting new, positive beliefs that align with your financial goals.

For example, if you have a belief that “money is the root of all evil,” it may be challenging to achieve financial success because your subconscious mind will always be working against you. You can replace this belief with a positive one such as “money is a tool to create a better life for myself and my loved ones.”

Developing a healthy relationship with money involves understanding that money is not just about accumulation, but about the positive impact it can have on your life and the lives of others. When you view money as a tool to create a fulfilling life, it becomes easier to manage it and make decisions that align with your financial goals.

Another way to develop a healthy relationship with money is by practicing gratitude. Focus on what you have, rather than what you don’t have. This helps you cultivate a sense of abundance and attract more prosperity into your life.

Additionally, it’s crucial to develop a financial plan that aligns with your values and priorities. This plan should include short-term and long-term financial goals, a budget, and a plan for unexpected expenses.



Understanding money and how it relates to different periods in our lives is crucial for our financial well-being. It’s essential to educate ourselves about money, take care of ourselves during career breaks, and embrace our feminine or masculine energy as appropriate. By doing so, we can achieve financial success and fulfillment while living our lives to the fullest.

Achieving financial independence is possible for anyone, regardless of their gender. However, as a woman, it’s essential to understand the relationship between money and feminine energy and find a balance between the two.

This involves embracing your femininity while also taking control of your finances, becoming financially literate, working on your money mindset, and developing a healthy relationship with money. Additionally, surrounding yourself with a supportive community can help you stay motivated and on track towards your financial goals.

Remember, achieving financial independence is not just about the numbers, but about creating a balanced and fulfilling life that aligns with your values and priorities.

 Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;


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