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The Five Lies About Money

Money is a topic that often elicits strong emotions in people. Some see it as a means to achieve their dreams, while others view it as a source of stress and anxiety. Regardless of how we feel about it, money plays a significant role in our lives. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and falsehoods about money that people believe to be true.

In this blog post, we will challenge these myths and provide insights into the truth about money. We will discuss five common lies about money and provide practical advice on how to overcome them. From the myth of the “get rich quick” scheme to the misconception that you need money to make money, we will explore each lie and explain why it is false.

By the end, you will have a better understanding of the common myths and misconceptions about money, and how they can hold you back from achieving financial stability and success. I will provide actionable steps that you can take to overcome these lies and make informed decisions about your money.

Whether you’re struggling with debt, trying to save for the future, or just looking to improve your financial situation, this blog post will provide valuable insights and practical advice that you can use to take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals. So, let’s dive in and debunk these five lies about money once and for all!

The First Lie: Money needs Money

One of the most commonly perpetuated myths about money is that it requires money to make money. This falsehood has been repeated countless times throughout the entrepreneurial journey of many individuals.

When people are presented with new ideas, one of the first things they say is, “I don’t have the initial capital, money needs money, and you need money to grow money.” While there is some truth to the notion that having money makes it easier to attract more money, this is not entirely accurate.

Money does like money, and it is easier to attract more money when you already have some. If you put money into a particular bank account or investment, over time, more money will flow towards it. However, this does not mean that you need money to make money. This is a complete falsity. It is possible to start a successful business with little to no money. The power of compounding will help you to make more money as you start to earn, but this does not mean that you need money to make money. I have started all of my successful and unsuccessful businesses with little or no money. In fact, the one business where I put in £100,000 of my savings was a complete and utter loss.

I currently have multiple businesses, most of which are crossing seven figures in revenue. Two of them that come to mind actually started with zero money: my coaching business and my property business. When I first started buying properties, I had very little money, but I was able to use creative financing and other strategies to make it work. Even now, if you want to go into property, you don’t need a lot of money. There are many strategies available to you that require little or no money.

I am now into acquisitions and enjoy buying businesses. I am always on the lookout for little or no money down deals. It’s not about having a lot of money, it’s about using your brainpower, knowledge, and understanding. Once you have an idea, you can either attract the financing required for it, find a partner or investor, or start with very little or no money at all.


The Second Lie: Money is hard to make

The second lie that I want to address is the belief that making money is hard. In my line of work, I have seen people from various niches, ranging from traditional brick and mortar businesses to online businesses to real estate businesses. And I can tell you that when people are in the flow, making money is not hard work. It only becomes hard when you’re stressed, struggling, and in a scarcity mindset. So, before you start thinking about making money, it’s essential to work on your mindset. I have said this time and time again to people that the business is 80% mindset and 20% strategy. When you work on your mindset, the structure becomes easy, and implementation becomes something you can do with ease and grace.

I firmly believe that making money is not hard, especially if you monetize a passion of yours. For example, coaching is a passion of mine, and it’s the one that gets me fired up and makes me the happiest. I love what I do, and I love talking to people about money and helping them transform their lives. I make money by coaching, which I absolutely love, and it doesn’t seem like working. Instead, it feels like talking to friends about a topic that I’m passionate about. So, I monetize my passion, and making money is not hard for me.

But if you believe that making money is hard, it will be. This is one of the greatest lies we have been told. The belief that making money is hard is one of the major paradigms that I try to shift for my clients in my mastermind. Mostly people who come from the middle class or working middle class, and even working-class families have these ideas that making money is hard, and it takes hard work to make money, which is not true.

The Third Lie: Money is hard to keep

One of the most common lies about money is that it’s hard to keep. If you’ve had financial traumas in your life, you may believe that it’s difficult to invest and hold onto money. However, feeding into negative energy and beliefs around money can cause a self-fulfilling prophecy. The truth is, money is not hard to keep; it’s actually quite easy to keep as long as you have a positive relationship with it.

Blaming money for not staying with you or being difficult to keep is not productive. Instead, it’s important to recognize that something within your energy is repelling money, causing it to leave you quickly. This is especially true for entrepreneurs who may experience a boom and bust cycle, making money only to lose it soon after.

I work with individuals to help them make more money, keep it, and avoid the feast and famine cycles that come with a negative relationship with money. By fostering a positive and friendly relationship with money, individuals can attract and retain wealth, improving their financial situation and overall well-being.

In conclusion, the myth that money is hard to keep is just that, a myth. By examining your relationship with money and addressing any negative energy, you can create a positive and fruitful financial future.


The Fourth Lie: The only way to make money quickly is through illegal means

I’m often told that the only way to make money quickly is through illegal means. It’s a lie I’ve heard time and time again, and it’s one that I don’t believe in. In fact, I think it’s easier to make money honestly, and it has a much higher vibration.

I know this from personal experience. When I separated from my ex-husband six years ago, I had nothing. I was fully financially dependent on him, and I realized that if he stopped paying for the kids’ school fees, I wouldn’t be able to support them. I was pushed to be aware of my finances, and it was a tough lesson to learn.

For the next year, I lived off my savings, but it quickly ran out. When I found out about my ex-husband’s affair and filed for divorce, he played the financial card, and I had no money. I sold everything I had, but by the end of 2017, I still had nothing.

But things changed for me. I started a coaching business, went into property, and expanded further and further. I worked really hard, and yes, I did long hours. But I did it honestly, and it paid off.

Within four and a half years, I now have multiple successful businesses, and I’m very well off. I live in a affluent area, my kids are doing well in private education, and I’m in the seven-figure mark. And I did it all through honest means.

I believe that making money through high vibration is key. You have to be earning it honestly, and you have to be providing a good or service that benefits others. It brings financial abundance, happiness, joy, and health. And it’s a very good place to be.

So if you’re told that the only way to make money quickly is through illegal means, don’t believe it. Focus on earning high vibrational money honestly, and success will follow.

The Fifth Lie: Money is the ultimate solution to all of life’s problems

Money is often seen as the ultimate solution to all of life’s problems. Many people believe that if they just had more money, all their problems would disappear. However, this is far from the truth. In fact, believing that money is the answer to all of life’s problems is one of the biggest lies out there.

I have seen this misconception time and time again. People believe that making more money will solve all of their problems, but in reality, they must take ownership of their problems and understand their root causes. More often than not, they can solve these issues without more money. While having more money might make life easier, it is not a cure-all for life’s problems.

For instance, if someone’s relationship with their spouse is in turmoil, they may blame it on money problems. However, the real issue is a lack of communication and companionship. No amount of money can solve that. Similarly, if someone’s health is poor, they may believe that more money will help them exercise and eat better. But even if they can’t afford a private trainer or expensive fad diet, they can still take small steps to improve their health.

Money should not be the focus of one’s life. It is not a god, and it should not be worshipped. While money can make life easier, it should not be blamed for all of life’s problems. Money should be a friend, not a foe. It helps us experience the world in a better way, and it should be used to enhance our lives, not consume them.

I encourage everyone to work on their mindset and develop a healthy relationship with money. Attending workshops, reading books, and listening to podcasts can be great resources for developing a healthy mindset around money. But ultimately, it is up to us to take responsibility for our problems and work towards solving them. More money may or may not help, but it is not a solution in and of itself.

In conclusion, money is not the solution to all of life’s problems. It can make life easier, but it should not be blamed for all of life’s difficulties. We must take ownership of our problems and work towards solving them. Developing a healthy relationship with money can be a great step towards living a fulfilling and happy life.


As we come to the end of our journey together, it’s clear that the lies we believe about money can be harmful and hold us back from achieving financial freedom. However, by recognizing these five common myths and challenging them, we can begin to shift our perspective and take control of our financial future.

Remember, money doesn’t always need more money, and it’s not as hard to make or keep as we may have been led to believe. There are legal and ethical ways to increase our income and build wealth, without resorting to illegal means. And while money can provide us with security and comfort, it’s important to acknowledge that it’s not the ultimate solution to all of life’s problems.

By taking an honest look at our relationship with money and working to break free from these common lies, we can begin to live a more abundant and fulfilling life. So, let’s say goodbye to these five money myths once and for all, and embrace a new way of thinking that empowers us to achieve our financial goals and live the life we truly desire.

Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;

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