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Tag: focus

Five Reasons Why Your Mindset is Stopping Your Business Growth

Welcome to a transformative journey of self-discovery and business growth. In this blog post, we will explore five critical reasons why your mindset may be acting as a roadblock to the success and expansion of your business. By identifying these mindset barriers and implementing practical strategies, you can unlock your full potential and propel your business to new heights.

I. Fear of Failure: Embracing the Power of Possibilities

Fear of failure is a common barrier that can paralyze entrepreneurs and hinder business growth. The fear of making mistakes, facing rejection, or experiencing setbacks can prevent us from taking calculated risks and seizing opportunities. We delve into the origins of this fear and its impact on decision-making, innovation, and progress. Through inspiring stories of entrepreneurs who have conquered their fears, we reveal powerful strategies to transform fear into fuel for success.

It’s important to recognize that failure is not the end—it’s merely a stepping stone on the path to success. Successful entrepreneurs understand that each failure brings invaluable lessons and insights. By reframing failure as an opportunity for growth and embracing calculated risks, you can overcome the fear of failure and unlock your business’s true potential.

II. Having a Fixed Mindset: Cultivating a Mindset of Growth

A fixed mindset can be a significant obstacle to business growth. When you believe that your abilities and talents are fixed traits, you limit your capacity for learning, innovation, and adaptability. This mindset hampers your willingness to explore new strategies, experiment with novel approaches, and embrace change.

To break free from a fixed mindset, cultivate a growth-oriented mentality. Understand that your abilities can be developed through dedication and effort. Embrace continuous learning, seek feedback, and view challenges as opportunities for growth. By adopting a growth mindset, you open doors to innovation, resilience, and limitless possibilities for your business.

III. Lack of Focus: Harnessing the Power of Clarity

In today’s fast-paced and information-overloaded world, maintaining focus can be a significant challenge. Distractions, multitasking, and a lack of clarity can hinder productivity and prevent you from making significant progress in your business. We shed light on the detrimental effects of a lack of focus and provide practical strategies to enhance concentration, prioritize effectively, and achieve laser-like clarity.

To overcome this challenge, it’s crucial to harness the power of clarity. Clearly define your goals and prioritize tasks that align with your business’s vision and strategic objectives. Implement techniques such as time blocking, setting boundaries, and minimizing distractions to maintain focus. By mastering the art of channeling your energy and resources towards the most impactful aspects of your business, you can drive growth and achieve your desired outcomes.

IV. Lack of Self-Belief: Empowering Your Inner Entrepreneur

A lack of self-belief can undermine your potential and dampen your aspirations. Negative self-talk, imposter syndrome, and self-doubt can limit your ability to take bold actions and embrace new opportunities. Building confidence and cultivating a positive self-image are essential for unlocking your full potential.

To overcome this hurdle, it’s crucial to develop self-belief and foster a positive mindset. Start by acknowledging your strengths and achievements, celebrating small wins along the way. Surround yourself with a supportive network of mentors, peers, and cheerleaders who can uplift and inspire you. Embrace personal development practices such as affirmations, visualization, and goal setting to reinforce a confident mindset. By empowering your entrepreneurial spirit and nurturing self-belief, you can conquer self-limiting beliefs and pave the way for unprecedented growth.


V. Lack of Resilience: Nurturing Strength in the Face of Challenges

Entrepreneurship is a journey filled with ups and downs, obstacles, and unforeseen challenges. Without resilience, the ability to bounce back from setbacks and adapt to change, the road to business growth can be arduous.

To cultivate resilience, it’s important to build a strong support network of mentors, advisors, and like-minded entrepreneurs who can provide guidance and encouragement during challenging times. Take care of your physical and mental well-being through self-care practices, such as exercise, meditation, and mindfulness. Embrace a mindset of adaptability and learn from failures, using them as stepping stones toward success. With resilience as your ally, you can navigate the inevitable hurdles on the path to business growth and thrive in the face of adversity.


Unlocking your business’s full growth potential requires a deep understanding of the mindset barriers that may be hindering your progress. By addressing and overcoming fear of failure, embracing a growth mindset, cultivating focus, fostering self-belief, and building resilience, you can break free from limitations and embark on a transformative journey toward business success. Take a moment to reflect on your own mindset and identify areas where you can make positive changes. Remember, your mindset has the power to shape your business’s trajectory, and by adopting a mindset of growth and abundance, you can achieve remarkable results. Embrace the possibilities, seize the opportunities, and witness the incredible transformation that awaits you and your business.

Now is the time to unlock your true potential and propel your business toward unparalleled growth. Are you ready to embark on this empowering journey of mindset transformation? The choice is yours. “Your mindset is the foundation of your business growth. Build it wisely, nurture it fiercely, and watch your dreams become a reality.”

Your Number One Money Block to Becoming Wealthy

Many people dream of becoming wealthy, but only a few achieve it. You might wonder why that is the case. Is it because they have better education, more connections, or luck? While those factors certainly play a role, there is one critical factor that often goes unnoticed: the inability to see oneself as wealthy. In this blog post, we will explore how this money block can hinder your financial success and provide practical tips to overcome it.

The Money Block: Inability to See Yourself as Wealthy

Our beliefs about money and wealth are deeply rooted in our subconscious mind, shaped by our past experiences and the messages we received from our family, friends, and society. These beliefs can act as a powerful barrier to financial success, even if we consciously desire to become wealthy. One of the most significant money blocks that people face is the inability to see themselves as wealthy.

This money block can manifest in different ways. Some people might set modest financial goals, thinking that they are realistic, while others might avoid setting any goals at all, believing that wealth is out of their reach. Some might shy away from opportunities to increase their income or grow their business, thinking that they are not capable or deserving of wealth, while others might overspend or self-sabotage their financial success, thinking that they don’t deserve to have more than what they already have.

The inability to see oneself as wealthy is often rooted in deeper psychological issues, such as low self-esteem, lack of confidence, or fear of success. If we grew up in an environment where money was scarce or viewed as a source of conflict or stress, we might internalize negative beliefs about money and our ability to handle it. We might think that having money is immoral, that rich people are selfish or corrupt, or that we are not good enough to be wealthy. These beliefs can create a self-fulfilling prophecy where we unconsciously sabotage our financial success.

Examination of the role of self-worth in financial success

The role of self-worth in financial success cannot be overstated. Our perception of our own value and worthiness directly impacts our financial decisions and actions. If we harbor feelings of low self-worth, it can become a significant barrier to achieving financial abundance.

When we lack confidence in our abilities or believe that we do not deserve success, it becomes challenging to take the necessary risks or make bold moves that can propel us forward in our financial journey. We may find ourselves settling for less than we are worth, accepting lower salaries, or hesitating to pursue lucrative opportunities.

Moreover, our self-worth affects our ability to advocate for ourselves and assert our value in the marketplace. Negotiating for higher salaries, rates, or better terms becomes an uphill battle when we doubt our worth. We may shrink back from asserting our value, fearing rejection or judgment.

This lack of self-worth can also manifest in our mindset and beliefs about money. We may develop an unconscious belief that we are not deserving of wealth or that financial success is reserved for others. This belief creates a self-fulfilling prophecy, where we unintentionally sabotage our own financial growth and remain stuck in a scarcity mindset.

Overcoming the Lack of Ability to See Yourself as Wealthy

Overcoming the lack of ability to see oneself as wealthy is not an easy feat, but with the right strategies and techniques, it is possible to change limiting beliefs and achieve financial abundance. The first step in overcoming this money block is to identify and challenge limiting beliefs about wealth and money.

Mindfulness techniques can be incredibly useful in this process, as they help us become more aware of our thoughts and emotions around money. By practicing mindfulness, we can observe our negative thoughts and beliefs without judgment and work on reframing them into positive affirmations.

Visualization exercises can also be a powerful tool for creating a new financial reality. By imagining ourselves as successful and wealthy, we can create a clear mental picture of what we want to achieve. This can help us stay motivated and focused on our financial goals, even when obstacles arise. We can visualize ourselves living in our dream homes, driving our dream cars, and enjoying financial freedom. Visualization exercises help us train our brains to believe in our ability to achieve financial success.

However, visualization alone is not enough. Setting specific and measurable financial goals is crucial for achieving financial abundance. We can break down our goals into smaller, achievable steps and track our progress regularly. Celebrating each small win can also help us stay motivated and focused. Goal-setting strategies help us create a roadmap to our financial success and provide us with a sense of direction.


In conclusion, the inability to see oneself as wealthy can be a significant money block that prevents us from achieving financial success. It is important to understand the limiting beliefs and mindset that contribute to this block and the impact of childhood experiences on our relationship with money. Additionally, examining the role of self-worth in financial success can help us address the root causes of our money block.

However, there are ways to overcome this money block, such as practicing mindfulness techniques for identifying and changing limiting beliefs, visualization exercises for creating a new financial reality, and goal-setting strategies for achieving financial abundance. By managing our finances effectively, building passive income streams, and investing in ourselves and our education, we can achieve financial freedom and abundance. I encourage you to take action and overcome your money block by implementing the strategies outlined in this blog. Remember, the journey to financial success begins with a mindset shift and the willingness to take action.


The Five Lies About Money

Money is a topic that often elicits strong emotions in people. Some see it as a means to achieve their dreams, while others view it as a source of stress and anxiety. Regardless of how we feel about it, money plays a significant role in our lives. Unfortunately, there are many misconceptions and falsehoods about money that people believe to be true.

In this blog post, we will challenge these myths and provide insights into the truth about money. We will discuss five common lies about money and provide practical advice on how to overcome them. From the myth of the “get rich quick” scheme to the misconception that you need money to make money, we will explore each lie and explain why it is false.

By the end, you will have a better understanding of the common myths and misconceptions about money, and how they can hold you back from achieving financial stability and success. I will provide actionable steps that you can take to overcome these lies and make informed decisions about your money.

Whether you’re struggling with debt, trying to save for the future, or just looking to improve your financial situation, this blog post will provide valuable insights and practical advice that you can use to take control of your finances and achieve your financial goals. So, let’s dive in and debunk these five lies about money once and for all!

The First Lie: Money needs Money

One of the most commonly perpetuated myths about money is that it requires money to make money. This falsehood has been repeated countless times throughout the entrepreneurial journey of many individuals.

When people are presented with new ideas, one of the first things they say is, “I don’t have the initial capital, money needs money, and you need money to grow money.” While there is some truth to the notion that having money makes it easier to attract more money, this is not entirely accurate.

Money does like money, and it is easier to attract more money when you already have some. If you put money into a particular bank account or investment, over time, more money will flow towards it. However, this does not mean that you need money to make money. This is a complete falsity. It is possible to start a successful business with little to no money. The power of compounding will help you to make more money as you start to earn, but this does not mean that you need money to make money. I have started all of my successful and unsuccessful businesses with little or no money. In fact, the one business where I put in £100,000 of my savings was a complete and utter loss.

I currently have multiple businesses, most of which are crossing seven figures in revenue. Two of them that come to mind actually started with zero money: my coaching business and my property business. When I first started buying properties, I had very little money, but I was able to use creative financing and other strategies to make it work. Even now, if you want to go into property, you don’t need a lot of money. There are many strategies available to you that require little or no money.

I am now into acquisitions and enjoy buying businesses. I am always on the lookout for little or no money down deals. It’s not about having a lot of money, it’s about using your brainpower, knowledge, and understanding. Once you have an idea, you can either attract the financing required for it, find a partner or investor, or start with very little or no money at all.


The Second Lie: Money is hard to make

The second lie that I want to address is the belief that making money is hard. In my line of work, I have seen people from various niches, ranging from traditional brick and mortar businesses to online businesses to real estate businesses. And I can tell you that when people are in the flow, making money is not hard work. It only becomes hard when you’re stressed, struggling, and in a scarcity mindset. So, before you start thinking about making money, it’s essential to work on your mindset. I have said this time and time again to people that the business is 80% mindset and 20% strategy. When you work on your mindset, the structure becomes easy, and implementation becomes something you can do with ease and grace.

I firmly believe that making money is not hard, especially if you monetize a passion of yours. For example, coaching is a passion of mine, and it’s the one that gets me fired up and makes me the happiest. I love what I do, and I love talking to people about money and helping them transform their lives. I make money by coaching, which I absolutely love, and it doesn’t seem like working. Instead, it feels like talking to friends about a topic that I’m passionate about. So, I monetize my passion, and making money is not hard for me.

But if you believe that making money is hard, it will be. This is one of the greatest lies we have been told. The belief that making money is hard is one of the major paradigms that I try to shift for my clients in my mastermind. Mostly people who come from the middle class or working middle class, and even working-class families have these ideas that making money is hard, and it takes hard work to make money, which is not true.

The Third Lie: Money is hard to keep

One of the most common lies about money is that it’s hard to keep. If you’ve had financial traumas in your life, you may believe that it’s difficult to invest and hold onto money. However, feeding into negative energy and beliefs around money can cause a self-fulfilling prophecy. The truth is, money is not hard to keep; it’s actually quite easy to keep as long as you have a positive relationship with it.

Blaming money for not staying with you or being difficult to keep is not productive. Instead, it’s important to recognize that something within your energy is repelling money, causing it to leave you quickly. This is especially true for entrepreneurs who may experience a boom and bust cycle, making money only to lose it soon after.

I work with individuals to help them make more money, keep it, and avoid the feast and famine cycles that come with a negative relationship with money. By fostering a positive and friendly relationship with money, individuals can attract and retain wealth, improving their financial situation and overall well-being.

In conclusion, the myth that money is hard to keep is just that, a myth. By examining your relationship with money and addressing any negative energy, you can create a positive and fruitful financial future.


The Fourth Lie: The only way to make money quickly is through illegal means

I’m often told that the only way to make money quickly is through illegal means. It’s a lie I’ve heard time and time again, and it’s one that I don’t believe in. In fact, I think it’s easier to make money honestly, and it has a much higher vibration.

I know this from personal experience. When I separated from my ex-husband six years ago, I had nothing. I was fully financially dependent on him, and I realized that if he stopped paying for the kids’ school fees, I wouldn’t be able to support them. I was pushed to be aware of my finances, and it was a tough lesson to learn.

For the next year, I lived off my savings, but it quickly ran out. When I found out about my ex-husband’s affair and filed for divorce, he played the financial card, and I had no money. I sold everything I had, but by the end of 2017, I still had nothing.

But things changed for me. I started a coaching business, went into property, and expanded further and further. I worked really hard, and yes, I did long hours. But I did it honestly, and it paid off.

Within four and a half years, I now have multiple successful businesses, and I’m very well off. I live in a affluent area, my kids are doing well in private education, and I’m in the seven-figure mark. And I did it all through honest means.

I believe that making money through high vibration is key. You have to be earning it honestly, and you have to be providing a good or service that benefits others. It brings financial abundance, happiness, joy, and health. And it’s a very good place to be.

So if you’re told that the only way to make money quickly is through illegal means, don’t believe it. Focus on earning high vibrational money honestly, and success will follow.

The Fifth Lie: Money is the ultimate solution to all of life’s problems

Money is often seen as the ultimate solution to all of life’s problems. Many people believe that if they just had more money, all their problems would disappear. However, this is far from the truth. In fact, believing that money is the answer to all of life’s problems is one of the biggest lies out there.

I have seen this misconception time and time again. People believe that making more money will solve all of their problems, but in reality, they must take ownership of their problems and understand their root causes. More often than not, they can solve these issues without more money. While having more money might make life easier, it is not a cure-all for life’s problems.

For instance, if someone’s relationship with their spouse is in turmoil, they may blame it on money problems. However, the real issue is a lack of communication and companionship. No amount of money can solve that. Similarly, if someone’s health is poor, they may believe that more money will help them exercise and eat better. But even if they can’t afford a private trainer or expensive fad diet, they can still take small steps to improve their health.

Money should not be the focus of one’s life. It is not a god, and it should not be worshipped. While money can make life easier, it should not be blamed for all of life’s problems. Money should be a friend, not a foe. It helps us experience the world in a better way, and it should be used to enhance our lives, not consume them.

I encourage everyone to work on their mindset and develop a healthy relationship with money. Attending workshops, reading books, and listening to podcasts can be great resources for developing a healthy mindset around money. But ultimately, it is up to us to take responsibility for our problems and work towards solving them. More money may or may not help, but it is not a solution in and of itself.

In conclusion, money is not the solution to all of life’s problems. It can make life easier, but it should not be blamed for all of life’s difficulties. We must take ownership of our problems and work towards solving them. Developing a healthy relationship with money can be a great step towards living a fulfilling and happy life.


As we come to the end of our journey together, it’s clear that the lies we believe about money can be harmful and hold us back from achieving financial freedom. However, by recognizing these five common myths and challenging them, we can begin to shift our perspective and take control of our financial future.

Remember, money doesn’t always need more money, and it’s not as hard to make or keep as we may have been led to believe. There are legal and ethical ways to increase our income and build wealth, without resorting to illegal means. And while money can provide us with security and comfort, it’s important to acknowledge that it’s not the ultimate solution to all of life’s problems.

By taking an honest look at our relationship with money and working to break free from these common lies, we can begin to live a more abundant and fulfilling life. So, let’s say goodbye to these five money myths once and for all, and embrace a new way of thinking that empowers us to achieve our financial goals and live the life we truly desire.

Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;

Hope Fuels Faith

 Today we will be discussing hope, how hope fuels your faith, why faith is important to your belief, and why believing is an essential ingredient needed for your manifestation journey. 


How hope fuels your faith

   It is important that you have enough hope- fueled faith to believe that you can achieve all the things you have dreamt about for yourself, no matter what area of your life these dreams are related to.

When those moments of doubt from the devil creep into your life, it is essential that you have strong faith in your beliefs and for this faith to be as firm as you need, you need to have hope. Personally, when I am at my lowest or darkest moments, I turn to prayers more than anything else naturally because that connection with the divine reinforces my hope in God and the plans he has for my life which helps recharge my faith that everything I am manifesting will fall into place according to divine timing. 

   Many religions – and even those who do not believe in God – have specific times of prayers or periods when the world is quiet, you can put your worldly thoughts aside, sit through meditation and connect with divine energy.

Connecting to divine energy gives you peace because now you have hope that your manifestations and prayers are going to come true. When you meditate, you are able to connect to your higher self and to what you are desiring for yourself and regardless of what path you take, you have hope that whatever you are creating and manifesting is going to happen.   


God is looking out for you 

   You need to truly believe that divine energy is looking out for you and everything you are hoping for is going to happen for you; God is looking out for you and as long as you have faith that allows you to believe daily, you will be able to overcome the doubts that creep into your mind when you are facing tough situations on your manifestation journey. 

I have always thought Bollywood actor, Shah Rukh Khan, is an amazing person who really embodies everything about the law of attraction and manifesting the life you want for yourself; generally he is very honest and upfront about how he achieved things and what you should do to reach the success that he has been able to reach.

I listened to an interview he did where someone asked if he thought the three films he did before he took a four-year sabbatical for health reasons would be successful and he replied that he believed that every single one of them is going to be a super duper hit; he said ‘I’m not saying this to be arrogant but this is the belief that I hold. And it’s a belief that I go to sleep with, it’s a belief that I wake up with, and it’s a belief that I walk around with and I thought, absolutely fantastic’ and this is how every one of us is supposed to be believing.

When the movie came out after this interview, it ended up breaking box office records and making large amounts of money not just because of how great he is at marketing (because he did a lot of amazing marketing for the movie and was able to cover his costs for it even before the film came out) but because of the belief he already had in the project.

Shah Rukh Khan has always had complete belief in himself and in his dreams and aspirations for as long as I have seen him in Bollywood and this is something we all can learn from and aspire to do in our own lives every day; even when it does not look like things are working out right now they will happen eventually according to divine timing as long as you believe in yourself and in universal energy. 


Believe in yourself      

   You do not have to be the best at everything to achieve your goals, you just have to believe in yourself and whatever you are manifesting for your life; The one thing that you need to have for you to be ultimately financially successful, successful in relationships or successful in any area of your life is faith in the dreams and aspirations you have for yourself.

Do not ever allow yourself to think about the opposite of your dreams or doubt that any of your manifestations will come true, if you truly believe in yourself with all your heart and mind you will be able to achieve anything you desire.

   When you believe you can do something, you work harder to achieve it and become more motivated to try harder to reach that goal you are believing in.

Give it your best with the belief that you are going to succeed then mountains begin to be moved for you, the universe contrives and gives you everything you want; when you really want something the whole universe conspires to give you that which you are desiring for yourself and this is what the law of attraction is all about.

You may not have the same talents or opportunities as someone else but you cannot let that derail you from the manifestations you have planned for your life, as long as you are able to believe in yourself and your abilities you will succeed. 

You have to start figuring out how to instill yourself to have this belief and to have this belief, you have to have faith in a higher power no matter what your religion is. When you believe in a higher power it allows you to have faith and this faith gives you hope to solidify your belief that everything is going to work out for your success.  



Make sure that you have a ritual, prayer, or meditation that gives you hope every day and this hope fuels your faith in divine energy or whatever higher power you believe in. Shah Rukh Khan believed in his dreams, worked for them, and was able to achieve them over and over again; no matter how much effort you put into something, if you do not have the belief it will not work out the way you have envisioned it to work out. 

If you do not believe in your dreams and continuously allow doubt to cloud your mind, you will never be able to achieve them no matter the amount of effort you put into it.

Hard work is important but believing that you can achieve your goals is much more important; if there is anything you want to achieve in life you have to believe with here atom of your being that it has already happened for you and the universe is bringing things together for it to come into fruition for you to receive in the physical world. 


Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;



5 Steps to Changing Any Beliefs

Today we will be discussing the five steps you need to follow in order to change your beliefs and ultimately, your lives.

How to change your beliefs

I have taught on the three steps to manifesting and how the second – and most important- step is truly believing in your manifestation. A famous quote by Henry Ford that has stuck with me since I began my entrepreneurial journey said ‘If you believe you can then you can and if you believe you can’t then you can’t ‘ and it was with this that I realized that the beliefs we have as humans are very important; As it says in the Bible, ask for something and if you believe it will be given to you, and in the Quran, I am to my servant as he expects me to be meaning when you believe something then definitely it will be true for you.

Now that we have discussed the importance of beliefs, how do we identify and change these beliefs? As I began to look at my manifestation journey and the work that I do, I have realized that we create a new reality by generating and adapting new beliefs. I was speaking to the members of my mastermind during the question & answer session today and I told one of them that if she can believe in her heart that she can earn a hundred thousand then that is the amount she will start to earn in her bank account; the amount of time this would take is not the problem because in truth you have the ability to collapse time as long as you have the deep conviction to do so. If you have true belief in your manifestation, then that will be the reality that will show up for you.

Five Steps To Changing One’s Beliefs

These are methods that I personally have used at various points in my life, especially whenever I think I am not succeeding at something or something is not going well for example, I realized that even though I had a good relationship with money, my relationship with time was lacking so to improve that I needed to make some changes to the current beliefs I have concerning time.

1. Identify the areas you would like to work on.

If you do not focus on the specific section of your life that you need to change, you end up creating beliefs on various random parts instead. Now how do you get to these core beliefs? Identify the center of the particular area you want to work on and the more focused you are on that specific, the more you allow your mind to focus on beliefs about it. Using money as our area of focus, if you currently make a hundred thousand a month then there is nothing stopping you from making that same amount daily; the universe does not see the numbers when we are dealing with money but rather the changes in our energies regarding money.

2. Write down all your beliefs about this area.

One thing that has helped me on multiple occasions regarding this is whenever I get new ideas, I set a timer for five minutes and write down as much as I can without lifting my pen for this period of time. When you do this you find out that your logical mind, for the first few minutes, has empowering views of money before your subconscious mind begins to think about all the reasons making money would be a difficult task. By the time the timer goes off, you will realize that your conscious mind has given you amazing money beliefs for your new reality.

3. Read through the beliefs you have written.

When you look through the beliefs you have written during those five minutes, you will realize that you should be able to identify about two to five core beliefs that summarize all your other beliefs. This helps you analyze how your mind works and what core beliefs rule your subconscious mind and is creating your reality that your conscious mind is not aware of.

4. Create the opposite of the core beliefs you already have.

These will be your new set of beliefs. If one of your core beliefs is there is not enough time in the day to make the amount of money you would like to make daily, then your new core belief should be that you need a new system that would allow you to make this type of income in that short period. So you do not need to work ten times harder, you just have to find a different way of working to achieve your aforementioned goal.

The amount I make working shorter hours now with ease is almost ten times more than the amount I made working longer hours when I was a lawyer because I had not created the system that worked best for me yet; My conviction was that I could not only do this but do it differently and it was with this that I was able to create the reality I am living today; If the core beliefs you currently have are not working then try the opposite of these beliefs till you reach a system that works better and easier for you. Before you can create a new reality you need to have the belief to back it up.

5. Embody your new beliefs and make them part of your energy system.

This step is the hardest part. There are several modalities like EFT, energy healings, energy clearing, NLP techniques etcetera; generally, I believe any manifesting technique is about reprogramming your new beliefs and creating a new reality from the new sets of beliefs that you have. In order to embody these new beliefs in your energy field and make your convictions, I would recommend doing your personal research using books, mediations, teachings etcetera.

My favorite one is energy clearing and in my masterminds, I teach about using this method to help connect you to life as well as take out the energy in your old beliefs and put them into new beliefs; energy clearing is repeating this clearing continuously over the next few weeks until these new beliefs get embodied into your energy field. This causes you to start thinking differently from a new portal belief system rather than the old one and in turn, is why we get quicker results because the faster you instill a new belief, the faster your new reality begins to show up in your physical world.


Focus on yourself and your beliefs; The quicker you can change your beliefs, the quicker you will be able to create a new reality for yourself. Find new techniques and modalities that can help you identify and instill new beliefs in yourself. Change your beliefs and create a new reality for yourself to make your manifestations a part of your physical world.

Being the Best Version Of Yourself

Today we are going to be discussing you and how you can be the best version of yourself.


Stop Comparing Yourself

One of the biggest problems we face during our journey to wealth is comparing ourselves to others. We tend to believe that the other person is doing better than we are, for one reason or the other, and this is why we end up coming short of ourselves. However, I need you to understand that you are unique; there is no one else in the world more important than you and if you can focus more on bettering yourself rather than on what others are doing you will surely reach all the goals you are manifesting for yourself.

Regardless of the shortcomings and weaknesses you believe you have, you are still the most amazing being on this planet because there is only one you. There is no one like you in the world, no matter how hard they try to be and if identical twins end up having their differences from each other why would you want to be the same as anyone else? All the skills and abilities that you need to fulfill your life’s purpose have already been given to you by divine energy, the problem is that you are too busy so busy comparing yourself to the people around you that you cannot see them.

Personally, I am severely dyslexic and because of this there are various challenges I have to overcome every day such as speaking slowly however I cannot compare myself to someone who speaks more eloquently than I do because they are not facing the same situations I am. We all have our likes and dislikes, the things we prefer and the things we do not, and this is perfectly normal; stop trying to please everyone and instead accept who you are and what you can do. Build on your strengths and work on your shortcomings because truthfully no one is perfect.

Accept Yourself As You Are

Just like everyone else, you have your flaws and faults but if you do not accept yourself wholly then you will not be able to allow others to love and accept you as well. You can not expect other people to appreciate you when you do not appreciate yourself. No matter how much you emulate and imitate someone, you can never be that person nor can you truly be anyone other than yourself; if you spend your life trying to be a copy of someone else then you will end up miserable and unfulfilled because it simply is not possible.

It is your responsibility to be the best and most unique version of yourself possible, continuously being a better you daily because there is no one else who can be you not even a clone of yourself. Various things have made you who you are today – the choices you made, the paths you have chosen, the thoughts you have had, the circumstances you have undergone etcetera, and these specific quirks that makeup who you are cannot be emulated by anyone else on the planet. You are a unique being and no one can ever be you.

Everything you are going through in life is to prepare you for your next level. Your previous experiences have armed you with particular skills, abilities, and personality traits that you will need for the next level of your evolution. Just like in a video game, the next stage in our life is always going to be harder but the reward you earn from it is usually bigger than the last. When challenges arise you can choose to let them make you a bitter or better person; I heard a saying once that said ‘I asked God for strength and then he gave me challenges which required me to have strength. I asked God for faith and then he gave me certain circumstances where faith was the only option’ this applies to our daily lives because challenges will always come but how you allow these circumstances to affect you will determine whether you are growing or deteriorating.

You Are A Masterpiece

Everything you are going through in this life is shaping you into the masterpiece that you are destined to be. Whether you accept it or not, universal energy believes you are a work of art and that you deserve every good thing you want for yourself in this life but to reach this point, you have to go through various trials which will test your unique abilities and gifts; for example, a two hundred meter sprinter can run a marathon and a marathon runner can run a two hundred meter sprint but they each have their unique abilities which make them suited or their own races. Where a two-hundred-meter sprinter has more speed, a marathon runner has more stamina and longevity and these specific skills are what make them both great at their tasks.

Stop trying to copy people. You can be inspired by the work of someone else and learn new skills from them but in the end, you have to do something unique to you. God has a purpose for you that can not be fulfilled by anyone else on this planet, you are his amazing masterpiece and he did not create you by mistake. There is a plan for every one of us and even though we do not have the mental capacity to truly understand this plan, we must trust that universal energy knows what they are doing and that their timing is always right.

As we start this new year, make a promise to yourself to stop negative speech, especially self-speech. Whenever you feel those dark, low feelings do not voice them out, instead speak positive things into your life and allow yourself to be grateful to universal energy for making you their masterpiece. Comparing yourself to someone else is like comparing a cat, who has its specific skills for its own specific circumstances, to a fish which also has the same for its own unique purpose; Do not devalue yourself because you believe someone else is doing better than you are, you are amazing and even though you are a work in progress you are still a masterpiece.


Stop treating yourself like a second-class citizen and instead work on the things you believe you need to be better at for yourself, not for anyone else. Learn that skill you want to learn, try new hobbies, work on handling your emotions better and on any other shortcoming you believe you have to fix.

There are so many amazing things in your life, stop focusing on the one or two issues that you are facing and start accepting that you are an amazing individual with unique abilities and talents that make you who you are. Stop focusing on the black dot on the whiteboard and instead look at the massive amount of white that is left – you are amazing, you are a gift from God, you are a masterpiece and a few flaws do not change that fact. There is a reason you have been given this life at this moment so instead of putting yourself down and being negative towards yourself, find your purpose and believe in the plan that God has for your life.
Love and appreciate who divine energy has made you be and do not be a cheap copy of someone else.

Welcoming the new year by reflecting on last year

Today we will be discussing how to move on from last year – celebrating what we achieved and the lessons we learned – while welcoming and setting your targets for the new year.

Welcome to the new year

It seems like we were just celebrating Christmas in 2021 and now, in the blink of an eye, we are in 2023. Last year was a challenging year for me because there were a lot of things that I had to deal with in my personal life; this affected my professional life as well because I had to give most of my attention to my family and personal life during these trying times however thanks to divine energy I am still able to look back at last year with a sense of achievement and fulfillment that surprises even me.

Although I did not advance as much professionally last year, I was able to grow a lot as a person and I am truly grateful for everything that I learned in 2022. Similarly, you need to give yourself space to reflect on the previous year not based on the amount of money you made or other external factors but to look inwards and appreciate everything that you survived to get to where you are today. Allow yourself to meditate on the ups and downs that you had to handle in 2022 and to grow holistically not just focusing on the financial aspect of your advancement in life; If your sole purpose in life is to only grow financially then you are living an empty life.

The main success of life is not the monetary desires you have for yourself but who you become to achieve these goals. When I look at my last year financially, I realize it was very similar to 2021 meaning I did not grow much in that aspect last year mostly due to certain unforeseen circumstances in my personal life but even though I had to deal with different disappointments last year I dealt with all of them and came out on top which is why I can come here to celebrate today.

Celebrate your wins, no matter how small

Celebrate the times when you were able to overcome the challenges in your life and achieved things you never thought you would be able to achieve. One of the first things that happened to me around April last year was that I was involved in a terrible buggy accident while I was in Turkey, it was such a severe accident that I fell unconscious and I was so sure I had lost both my knees at a point. What surprised me the most though was the amount of strength I was able to show during the situation especially because my son was there and I was determined not to let him feel like he was responsible for the situation I was dealing with, regardless of the pain I was going through I needed to make sure that he did not grow up with the guilt of feeling he was to blame for the situation. Thank God nothing drastic happened to my leg.

As parents, we subconsciously try our best to make sure our children are living their lives happily and healthily yet we always end up second-guessing ourselves and looking for ways to do more for them, especially as working mothers. So I am proud of how I handled that situation and I am proud of my children and how they were able to rise to the occasion and support me during my healing process. That was one of my biggest achievements of 2022; even though it added nothing to me monetarily, I was able to show the true strength of my character and be a good example for my children by getting through the situation. Value who you are and what you were able to achieve last year and the years before that, trust universal energy and let them continue to lead you down the path of who you are becoming; personally, I rely on Allah for everything no matter how big or small the situation is and because of this I am becoming the type of person I can be proud of.

Be proud of yourself

Honestly examine the challenging situations you faced and ask yourself how you overcame them. How did you deal with it? What did you learn from the experience? What about that incident made you feel proud of yourself? Celebrate your achievements, congratulate yourself for how you behaved, and be proud of yourself for being able to deal with the situation.

Another big moment in 2022 for me was when my son ended up in the Accident & Emergency and had to have an emergency operation. As a mother, of course, I was very stressed and worried about him but I also made sure that throughout the entire period I was celebrating God’s help and thanking him in advance for his help during our situation. I remained thankful to divine energy from the beginning to the end and I expected God to help me even though times were challenging. Today my son is normal and 100% healthy again.

No matter what I am dealing with, I remain constantly grateful to divine energy and I make sure my faith in them does not falter. Every step of the way, universal energy created a solution for me and in the end, God was able to find a way out for me in the most divine way. The third incident that almost broke me completely was when my daughter ended up in the Accident & Emergency as well in December just after school had closed. She is home now and doing better although they are still checking up on her from time to time however it is no longer a life-or-death situation and for that, I am thankful to God. What made this situation more difficult than my son’s was that I realized I was not as expectant as I was before, for a few hours my faith did falter to the point where I had to let my brother stay with her while I took some time off to control my emotions and be the parent she needed me to be in that moment.

I fell below the personal standards I usually have and instead of believing I ended up crying to divine energy and even being angry about it yet I did not allow myself to wallow in self-criticism for falling short this time; We are all human and we are all having a human experience on earth even though we are spiritual beings so there will always be moments we fall short of the high standards we set for ourselves. When these periods occur, you have to give yourself space to feel those intense emotions and I look back on that moment with maturity instead of self-loathing, instead of judging myself during these moments I can now ask for God’s strength and forgiveness in my times of weakness. So I gave myself enough time to calm down and was able to love myself enough to start behaving like the mother my daughter needed and I expected myself to be. Today I am proud of myself for giving my human side time to feel and even though my faith faltered I was able to bounce back and hold on to divine energy again.


On this journey to wealth you will have moments of doubts, challenges, and disappointments along the way but it is during these periods that you have to continuously ask God to help you overcome them. There will be times you will wonder if your dream is even worth it in the end but you must realize that you are being tested and remain loyal to yourself and to divine energy.
Allow yourself to feel your human emotions and experience both versions of you – the one that handles situations with faith and trust and the one who has meltdowns and whose faith falters sometimes without dwelling in this state. Look at your life and see what you have personally achieved in the past year.

What lessons are you taking from 2022 into 2023 to allow you to develop and grow as a person? How have you grown and how can you use all that you have learned to help others? How can you have an abundant life not just financially but in all areas of your life? Celebrate the good, bad, and ugly of 2022 and allow all that you learned to help you as you move forward on your journey to wealth.

Show Up Even When You Do Not Want To

Being an authentic person

There are many times we are faced with situations that we just do not feel like showing up for, whether it is going to work, attending to a business, or even having awkward conversations; using myself as an example there have been times when I genuinely did not want to participate in any of my businesses or to even to say my five daily prayers as a Muslim. Something I told my daughter when we were discussing showing up when you do not feel a hundred percent was that even though no one will be there to force you, it is your responsibility to attend to your duties because it is the ethical thing to do.

When you make a commitment you have to value other people’s time and follow through on that commitment to remain the kind of person that people can continue to rely on, this is one of the fundamental elements of being wealthy. Wealthy people make sure they always show up no matter the circumstances, they follow through on commitments and when they cannot, they apologize and overcompensate for missing said commitment. This is how to genuinely be an authentic person.

Value your time as well as the time of others

On this journey to wealth, there are various ways of making money which we have discussed previously but building one’s reputation as well as the reputation of one’s business is very important in your manifestation journey. You should be known as someone dependable and not someone who continuously falls short of their obligations. Even though my podcast is not monetized, I continue to put out new episodes three times a week because my primary goal for creating it was to get my message out to as many people as I can and connect with as many people as we can which we are accomplishing successfully. I continue to show up every day and two and a half years later, I make sure I make myself do it because I know how important it is and I know the impact that it is making on people.

Showing up constantly eventually becomes part of your character. Something I learned long ago from my mother first as well as a few of my school teachers and people I view as my personal mentors like Bob Proctor and Jim Rowan was that how you do one thing is how you should do everything else; the commitment you make to one thing should be the commitment you make to everything else and if you are not able to follow through on something then the likeliness of committing to something else is very low. If you want to do well in life, you must truly commit to the goals you are manifesting for your life.
To be an individual who follows through on their commitments, you have to be able to do things even though you do not feel like it. Of course, there are unforeseen circumstances that cannot be avoided, for example, I had to move a workshop by a week because my son had appendicitis and I had to spend most of my week with him and even though I made sure I still did the workshop and made sure extra support was available, I made sure I explained why the workshop had to be postponed.

Show up every single day

Commitment is a very important part of achieving abundance and this is something many of us have taken for granted. The most successful entrepreneurs are the ones committed to their goals and to making daily actions because they are more focused on achieving the bigger picture and not on what is happening in their present life. Sometimes a daily action feels so minuscule that you do not see how it is contributing towards your achieving your goal but as long as you are making these daily actions with the right intentions, you will eventually achieve your desires. It may not be obvious now but in the future, you will realize that the actions you remained committed to daily eventually paid off in the form of your manifestations becoming your reality.

Make it an obligation to show up every day. Following the eighty-twenty rule, there will be days when you are ill or having a family emergency which is the ten to twenty percent so you must make sure that the eighty percent that is left is dedicated to showing up and staying fully committed to whatever you are doing no matter the circumstances in your personal life. Show your character and you will succeed. Personally, if someone does not carry out the commitment they have made to me without giving any reason prior, my value for them immediately diminishes and it is unlikely that I will ever be able to work with said individual again.

Strive to always be seen as a reliable person. Do not be the kind of person who wastes people’s time because you do not want others to make commitments to you and end up wasting your time either. No matter how you are feeling, come through on your commitment and hold yourself to higher standards because there will always be people waiting for you to fall short so that they can see you as unreliable. Do things because it is the right thing to do even when you do not want to do them, hold yourself to a standard, and fulfill your commitment because you are a person of integrity.


Be an authentic person. Success comes with various twists and turns in life but as long as you continue to follow through on your commitments, commit to your goals and take daily action, have higher standards for yourself then you will achieve any form of desire you have for yourself eventually. What you do in your professional life will reflect in your personal life and vice versa you must make commitments and follow through on them in all areas of your life.

Be committed to yourself even as you accomplish your daily commitments. No matter the circumstances life throws at you, you will overcome them as long as you stay true to yourself and do the necessary work even when you do not want to. There are always going to be things that turn up that you do not want to do or you do not feel like doing but you cannot give in to these urges, you must remain focused and committed in order to reach your manifested goals.

Expect Miracles and Blessings

Today we will be discussing the importance of expecting miracles.

Expecting miracles is important for manifestation

No matter the perspective you have towards manifesting your life of success, you need to expect miracles and have faith in the expectations you are nursing. When we as humans are pregnant there are scans and tests which act as evidence to prove the presence of a baby in its mother as well as the baby kicking and moving inside her; but for an animal like the eagle, the mother has to sit on her egg for about thirty-five days waiting for her baby to appear, with no form of confirmation that there is something in its egg until the thirty-fifth day when it hatches.

This is the same thing that happens with your manifestations, there are some situations when there is evidence of improvement, for example when you are healing from a previous illness even when you have not completely recovered from it yet. Unfortunately, there are times things do not work out the way you expect them to, especially when it comes to financial situations but if you are expectant of your miracle and you firmly hold on to your faith in divine energy then you do not need to be afraid of what is to come.

Whenever you are going through something, you have the choice to either lean into fear or lean into faith; the devil wants you to lean into fear and does everything in his power to convince you that you cannot achieve your dreams and you should give up on them while faith will always want you to know that God is on your side and that miracles will happen for you as long as you keep believing that divine energy will come through for you.

Fear vs Faith

There is always an internal battle in our minds between fear and faith. Usually in my line of business, I meet a lot of people who failed in their entrepreneurial journeys not because they lack the talent or charisma but because they lack faith in divine energy. Before any dream is manifested, there is always a period of darkness when it feels like divine energy is silent on the situation you are going through; my mother used to say ‘the darkest part of the night is just before dawn’ so when God is about to do something great in your life, you might experience a period of equal difficulty but as long as you hold on to faith and expect miracles during these adversities divine energy will come through for you.

Most people easily hold on to faith when things are going well and they are not facing any form of difficulty but the moment a situation starts to look impossible, they allow fear to take control of their minds. They go into victim mode, believing that divine energy is no longer working in their favor and that manifestation that was close to being fulfilled no longer comes to pass because of their self-inflicted negativity. Steve Harvey once explained that for most people, the delivery of their manifestation to their doorstep is cutoff by living in a state of doubt so it is during these moments of doubt that you should instead believe that your miracle is on its way and hold on to faith that divine energy is making ways for you. When it seems like nothing is going right; hold on to faith in universal energy, expect them to create miracles for you and your miracles will show up for you.

Show faith first

Most of the time people say they will have faith only when they begin to see physical evidence. As a former lawyer my natural instinct is to rely solely on the evidence in order to believe something but when it comes to the supernatural, having faith comes first before your manifestation can appear in the physical world especially when there is proof that universal energy is working for you. There are some aspects of my life that I am currently manifesting that I have no physical evidence of but I speak about them like they are already happening; I have complete faith in divine energy and I know that when it is time, my miracle will come. So no matter what I am manifesting in my life I know that it is coming whether it comes tomorrow or in ten years, I have faith that God will always work things out in my favor and whenever I have any doubts I lean on this faith and belief.

I have various responsibilities I handle and people I need to support and because of how sensitive a person I am, I end up having to handle my numerous emotions while dealing with all these duties I have but it is my continuous faith in divine energy that constantly keeps me going no matter the obstacles. In life, there will always be issues to deal with and hurdles that you need to face, your job is to continuously speak miracles into your life and hold on to faith that universal energy will make a way for you. I live my life continuously expecting miracles whether it is in my business, my relationship, my daughter’s GCSE exams, or my son’s school selection, no matter what the situation is I always expect miracles and I always expect divine energy to come through for me. Call these miracles into your life at every opportunity and thank universal energy for their constant support, opportunities, grace, and everything you are manifesting for yourself knowing God has a plan for you.

Expect miracles and speak them into your life. It is not possible to be happy and positive one hundred percent of the time but apply the eighty/twenty rule, expect miracles and own a positive vibration eighty percent of the time, and when those overwhelming feelings occur during the twenty percent take a break. Do not allow yourself to verbalize your fears or worries but instead talk to universal energy and cry if you need to, whether they are tears of gratitude to God or they are tears from being so overwhelmed by your situation. The easiest time to create negativity in your life is when your emotions are high and it is during these periods that you must stop yourself from verbalizing fear into your life so as not to pull darkness into your physical world.


Ask universal energy for help in that dark moment and give yourself the space to feel these emotions without speaking and dwelling on them. Do not allow yourself to stay in that dark place and once you have let all the sad emotions out, know that God has heard you and is solving your problems. You have the power to speak miracles for yourself but you need to expect them first and ask divine energy to help you in both your high and low moments. Start expecting miracles that will take you to the next level with ease because expecting miracles are essential for your miracles to show up.

Do Not Tell God What You Can Not Do

Today we are going to be discussing how you need to stop telling divine energy what you cannot do and instead start listening to them telling you all the things you can do.

Allow yourself to dream bigger

During my mastermind, I often ask people what they would like to manifest and something that stood out to me after listening to their answers was that most of us only allow ourselves to dream a little bit bigger than our current situations. And because of how comfortable and digestible these little dreams are, we do not allow ourselves to even envision anything bigger for our lives.

The reason we do not allow ourselves to dream bigger is that we do not truly believe that we can create miracles nor do we believe that divine energy is ready to give us the supernatural help we would need to manifest magnificent goals. Most of the people who invested in things like cryptocurrency and ended up forming companies like Canva and Uber have become billionaires over the space of a few years because they decided to dream big and found themselves in the right place at the right time.

We do not acknowledge our dreams because to us these dreams are too far away from where we are currently; For example, you find it impossible to ever fathom earning two million dollars because you are currently making only two thousand dollars from your job however you need to understand that the universe does not work with numbers but rather recognizes your energies and beliefs around your goal. Therefore, the more you believe you can achieve a larger goal, the more divine energy would create situations to achieve said goal for you.

You need to believe in your dreams

It is not just enough to dream; you must also believe in these dreams and listen to the conversations universal energy is willing to have with you. These conversations come to you in the form of desires and goals and God brings them to you this way in order for you to grow and materialize these desires in the physical world.
Unfortunately, when these desires come we allow ourselves to be intimidated by them and question whether or not it is actually possible for them to come to pass; We do not allow ourselves to even dream these desires into fruition. Personally, I am guilty of doing this and I began to think about these things when I realized that I had spent my time talking about cars I would like to attain yet I have never once sat to visualize my private jets, even though I have one on my vision board and it is something I want for my future. By doing this, I have allowed my current situation to put limitations on myself and instead pushed this desire onto my future self instead of visualizing and emotionalizing these desires regardless of the income and situation I am currently in now.

When these big desires come, most people either refuse to acknowledge these God-given dreams or push them into the future for their future selves to deal with. We find all sorts of excuses and reasons to look at it later in life, and this is because as humans we hide behind our self-made safety nets to protect ourselves from the possibility of failure. Because it is not something that can be attained now, we push it into the future and then allow ourselves to forget about them once they are not in our minds continuously. You begin to think that these dreams are too much for you, too unachievable for you, and instead allow yourself to push them away, forgetting about and limiting yourself only to the small goals within your comfort zone.
How long will you allow yourself to put your desires on hold because of what you are currently seeing in your physical world?

Your dreams and desires are not too big

Divine energy will always give you the desires that you can handle and whether you believe it or not, you already have the skills needed to fulfill these desires and create this reality within you. However you have to believe in them and believe that these things really can happen for you, your dreams are not too big!
Stop telling your God how big your problems are and start telling your problems how big your God is. Universal energy can create anything you could ever imagine but they need you to make that move of belief so that everything they have planned for you will fall into place.

When you make a move, you know that even when you make a mistake there is still room for you to change directions and improve on your desire. However, the moment you allow yourself to be frozen by the enormity of these goals, you lose hope in yourself and in divine energy. This is the reason a lot of people are wallowing in mediocrity and eventually fall into situations of lack and scarcity.

Leaving your comfort zone

Your comfort zone is that point where you have allowed yourself continuously become comfortable with being uncomfortable, it is the box you have placed yourself in because you believe you are too small to achieve the big dreams and desires that God has in store for you. This box -this comfort zone- will not lead you to a wealthier life; you have to consciously break out of this comfortable place, and to get out of this box you need to think and dream bigger for yourself!

You have the ability to create anything you desire because divine energy has already given you all the skills, abilities, and resources you would need to fulfill these desires. I was told a story once of a husband who was trying to answer his wife’s questions about creating her own reality but was unable to within his ability so he was reached out to by another man who was willing to help explain it to her, the other man advised him to place a 20$ bill in his wife’s book in order to solve her problem so he did. During the next lecture, the wife once again stood up full of questions and gently, the man asked her to open her book and hand him a 20$ bill. The wife continuously protested, insisting she had no money on her person at all, and ended up being annoyed and agitated even as the man gently asked her to just check her book and hand him the bill, finally she opened the book just to prove to him that there was nothing there but instead ended up surprised to find the 20$ bill in it. The man then explained this point to her which I believe is also applicable to all of us; if the universe is continuously repeating a desire to you it means that you already have the skills and resources you would need to fulfill these desires, even if you are unaware of it, so instead of arguing and complaining it is your responsibility to open your heart and search within yourself for these gifts instilled in you to achieve these dreams.


You are a creative being born with all sorts of skills and abilities to achieve these amazing desires for your life. Even though they may be latent or underdeveloped, God knows you have the ability to do so much more than you could ever imagine which is why they always believe in you, you have to now accept this and believe in yourself and God’s plan for you.

Instead of telling God what you cannot do, listen to what God is telling you that you can do. The moment you develop the belief that you have all the skills and resources you need to achieve whatever desire you might have, everything will rapidly begin to fall into place in your physical world. Your belief comes first while your manifestation comes second. As long as you believe in yourself and you believe that divine energy would never give you a desire that is impossible for you to achieve, you can create anything and everything you could ever imagine! Accept it, believe it, and act on it!

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