Gull Khan

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Tag: purpose

Finding Faith in Your Darkest Hour

Today, we’re discussing a topic that resonates deeply with many of us, especially those going through challenging times: holding onto faith in your darkest hour. How do you maintain faith when everything around you seems to be falling apart?

The Importance of Faith

Faith is a powerful force. It’s that unwavering belief that despite how things appear, there’s a greater plan at work. In your financial journey, faith plays a crucial role in your abundance.

I’ve seen this in my own life time and time again. Before things fall into place, they often appear to be falling apart. Faith helps you navigate through those periods.

When you are in the midst of financial uncertainty, it’s easy to succumb to fear and doubt. However, faith acts as a stabilizing force, allowing you to remain focused on your goals and trust in the process.

This belief in a greater plan can provide the motivation and resilience needed to persevere through tough times, ultimately leading to greater financial success and personal fulfillment.

Faith isn’t a passive state that happens automatically; it’s like a muscle that needs to be developed and practiced daily. Think of it like going to the gym.

If you haven’t exercised in a while, lifting heavy weights will be challenging. But if you go regularly and build your strength, you’ll be able to handle more weight over time. Faith works the same way. It requires consistent effort and dedication to nurture and strengthen it.

Just as you would follow a workout routine to build physical strength, incorporating practices such as meditation, prayer, and positive affirmations into your daily life can help you build and maintain your faith. Over time, this strong foundation of faith can empower you to face any challenges that come your way with confidence and grace.

My Personal Journey with Faith

In the last few months, I’ve faced significant challenges in both my business and personal life. Yet, I’m here today because holding onto my faith helped me navigate through those darkest times.

Even now, some aspects of my life are still in pitch-black darkness. Every day, I navigate through this darkness, holding onto faith.

During these trying periods, faith has been my guiding light, providing me with the strength and determination to keep moving forward. It has reminded me that no matter how bleak things may seem, there is always hope and a path to better days ahead.

One of the most challenging times in my life was during my second divorce. I had two young children and was financially strained, living in one of the poorest boroughs in London.

Despite the dire circumstances, my faith helped me get through that time and reach where I am today. If it can happen for me, it can happen for you too.

During this period, my faith was tested in ways I never imagined. However, by consistently turning to my faith and relying on its strength, I was able to overcome these obstacles and build a better life for myself and my children.

My journey serves as a testament to the power of faith and its ability to transform even the most challenging situations into opportunities for growth and renewal.

Building Faith: Practical Steps

  1. Daily Affirmations: Start your day with affirmations. Remind yourself of your strength, worth, and ability to overcome obstacles. Affirmations like “I trust the universe to provide for me” or “Every day in every way, I’m getting better and better” can reinforce your faith. The best times to practice affirmations are first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
  2. Visualization: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing the life you want to live. See yourself in abundance, outside of your current challenges. Visualize your desired outcomes as already achieved.
  3. Gratitude Practice: Even in your darkest moments, there are things to be grateful for. A gratitude practice can shift your focus from what’s going wrong to what’s going right. List the things you’re thankful for every day, no matter how small.
  4. Prayer and Meditation: Building a relationship with a higher power through prayer or meditation can provide immense comfort and strength. Whether it’s a religious practice or a spiritual one, connecting with a divine source can deepen your faith.


Holding onto faith in your darkest hour is crucial for navigating life’s challenges. Faith is not just about believing in a higher power but also believing in yourself. By incorporating daily affirmations, visualization, gratitude practice, and spiritual connections into your routine, you can strengthen your faith muscle and face any challenge with resilience.

Remember, faith is dynamic and active. It requires practice and dedication. As you build your faith, you’ll find that it becomes a guiding light, helping you navigate through the darkest times and leading you towards abundance and fulfillment.

Stay strong and keep the faith.

I hope this blog helps you understand the importance of faith and provides practical steps to build it in your life. If you find this post helpful, please share it with others who might benefit from it. Let’s spread the light of faith together.

Embracing Anomaly: My Journey Beyond Conformity

Throughout my life, I’ve felt like an anomaly, proudly dancing to the beat of my own drum while the world marched to a different rhythm. I’ve never quite fit into the molds society set, but rather than feeling out of place, I’ve found liberation in my uniqueness.

A Misfit’s Journey

From childhood, I’ve embraced my individuality, crafting my own set of rules and navigating life on my terms. While others sought conformity, I reveled in my divergence, finding richness in the experiences that stemmed from my unconventional path.

Being a misfit has infused my life with an unparalleled richness, offering me opportunities that I might have overlooked had I adhered to societal norms. I’ve come to cherish the challenges that accompany nonconformity, seeing them not as obstacles, but as gateways to growth and discovery.

My Anomaly: Dyslexia and Determination

My journey as an anomaly has been shaped by various factors, perhaps none more significant than my battle with dyslexia. For years, reading posed a formidable challenge, and it wasn’t until much later in life that I discovered the root cause of my struggles.

Dyslexia, a learning disorder characterized by reading difficulties, presented me with obstacles that many would deem insurmountable. But armed with determination and resilience, I pressed on, refusing to let my condition define my capabilities.

Despite the odds stacked against me, I pursued higher education, eventually earning titles as a Barrister and an Attorney—a testament to my unwavering resolve and my refusal to be confined by limitations.

Navigating Loss and Embracing Change

Life’s journey has been peppered with moments of profound loss and heartache. The untimely passing of my mother and beloved cousin cast a shadow of grief over my path, threatening to derail my trajectory.

Yet, in the face of adversity, I chose resilience over resignation, forging ahead with unwavering determination. I embarked on a journey of self-discovery, traversing the globe and immersing myself in diverse cultures—a decision that defied societal expectations but enriched my understanding of the world.

Choosing Tradition, Defying Expectations

Amidst the ebb and flow of life’s unpredictable currents, I found myself at a crossroads, faced with choices that defied societal expectations and challenged the status quo. In a world where individualism reigns supreme, I made the conscious decision to embrace tradition, defying conventional wisdom and forging my own path.

Opting for an arranged marriage—a practice often viewed as antiquated and restrictive—I embraced the notion of familial bonds and cultural heritage, finding solace in the collective wisdom of generations past. Despite the reservations of others and the whispers of dissent, I saw beauty in the union of tradition and modernity, recognizing the strength that lay in honoring the customs of my forebears while carving out a space for my own autonomy.

Welcoming motherhood into my life was another unexpected turn in my journey—a choice that resonated deeply with my innermost desires and aspirations. In a society that often equates success with career accomplishments, I found fulfillment in the sacred bond between mother and child, cherishing the opportunity to nurture and guide the next generation.

Charting a New Path: From Law to Energy Transformation

Despite the accolades and achievements garnered in my legal career, there lingered a persistent whisper of discontent—a gnawing sense that I was meant for something greater, something beyond the rigid confines of the courtroom. It was a yearning born of a desire to tap into the deeper currents of the human experience, to explore the boundless realms of the soul and the mysteries of the universe.

With each passing day, the call grew louder, urging me to break free from the shackles of routine and embark on a journey of self-discovery and transformation. And so, with a heart full of courage and a spirit ablaze with determination, I made the bold decision to chart a new course—one that would lead me away from the familiar corridors of law and into the uncharted territory of energy transformation and mindset coaching.

It was a leap of faith, to be sure—a departure from the well-trodden path of legal precedent and statutory interpretation. Yet, deep within the recesses of my being, I knew that this was the path I was meant to tread—a path illuminated by the guiding light of purpose and passion.

As I delved deeper into the world of energy transformation and mindset coaching, I discovered a wealth of knowledge and wisdom waiting to be unearthed—a treasure trove of ancient teachings and modern modalities, each offering a unique perspective on the nature of reality and the power of the human mind.

Gone were the days of billable hours and court appearances, replaced instead by moments of profound connection and transformation as I guided others on their own journeys of self-discovery and empowerment. It was a role that spoke to the very core of my being—a role that allowed me to tap into my innate gifts and talents in service of a higher calling.

In embracing this new path, I found a sense of fulfillment and purpose that had long eluded me—a sense of alignment with the deepest truths of my soul. No longer bound by the constraints of societal expectations or external validation, I forged ahead with unwavering confidence, knowing that I was exactly where I was meant to be.

And so, as I continue to walk this path of self-discovery and transformation, I do so with a heart full of gratitude and a spirit infused with possibility. For in embracing the unknown, I have discovered the true essence of freedom—the freedom to be unapologetically myself, to follow my own inner guidance, and to chart a course that honors the unique journey of my soul.

Celebrating Anomalies and Embracing Abundance

In a world where conformity often reigns supreme, anomalies emerge as shining examples of resilience and ingenuity. These individuals, with their unique perspectives and unconventional paths, serve as beacons of inspiration and agents of change.

Whether they are artists pushing the boundaries of creativity, entrepreneurs defying industry norms, or visionary leaders charting new territories, anomalies refuse to be confined by societal expectations or conventional wisdom. Instead, they embrace their differences as sources of strength and innovation, harnessing them to fuel their journey towards success and fulfillment.

By daring to think outside the box and challenge the status quo, anomalies pave the way for groundbreaking discoveries and paradigm shifts. They possess a rare ability to see the world through a different lens, offering fresh insights and unconventional solutions to age-old problems.

But perhaps most importantly, anomalies remind us of the beauty and power of diversity. They teach us that it is our differences that make us truly unique and that by embracing our individuality, we can unlock a world of infinite possibilities.

So let us celebrate the anomalies among us, for they are the ones who dare to dream, who refuse to conform, and who lead us towards a future filled with abundance and possibility.

Embrace Your Anomaly, Ignite Your Abundance

As an anomaly, I’ve defied expectations and shattered limitations, carving out a path that aligns with my authentic self. From overcoming obstacles to embracing unconventional choices, my journey has been a testament to the power of resilience and self-discovery.

Through my work as a Money Mindset Expert, I empower others to do the same. I guide individuals on a transformative journey, helping them navigate their own unique path towards abundance and fulfillment. Together, we explore the depths of their subconscious beliefs, uncovering hidden barriers to prosperity and unlocking the potential for growth and abundance.

If you’re ready to embrace your anomaly and unlock the abundance that awaits, I invite you to join me on this journey of self-discovery and transformation. Together, we’ll rewrite the narratives of scarcity and limitation, ushering in a new era of prosperity and fulfillment.

Join our free Skool community to connect with like-minded individuals and access valuable resources to support your journey towards abundance. Together, we’ll create a community of empowerment and growth, where anomalies are celebrated and abundance is the norm.

10 Tips to Develop your Money Mindset to Become Wealthy

Welcome back to the Money Mindset with Gull Khan Blog! I’m thrilled to kick off the year with an episode packed with my top 10 tips to nurture your money mindset and pave the way to wealth in the coming months.

If you haven’t already, don’t forget to join our free community on the school platform, where we delve even deeper into developing a robust money mindset for a wealthier you.

Approach this read with the unwavering belief that nothing is impossible, and every desire you hold is within your reach. The timing might not always align with your expectations, but the potential to turn your dreams into reality resides within you.

Let’s explore my 10 tips to kickstart your journey toward a transformed money mindset and lasting wealth

No 1: Setting Clear Goals

Alright, let’s dive into the first golden nugget: setting clear goals. Now, I’m not one to advocate for vague resolutions or wishful thinking. No, I’m all about setting concrete goals that you can sink your teeth into. Every year, I take the time to establish my goals, not resolutions, mind you, but goals. These are the things I aim to achieve in the coming year, and I encourage you to do the same.

So, where do you begin? Well, it starts with defining your goals. Make them specific, measurable, and achievable. You don’t want to set yourself up for an impossible feat, but you do want to dream big. The catch here is to work backward, breaking down those colossal dreams into manageable components. The key is to believe in your ability to achieve these goals. It’s not just about knowing how to do it; it’s about truly believing you can.

Here’s the secret sauce: if your goals don’t give you a slight tremor of fear mixed with excitement, they’re not big enough. Your goals should both scare and thrill you, igniting a passion that gets you jumping out of bed in the morning. This isn’t about setting mundane objectives; it’s about creating a vision that excites every fiber of your being.

Now, let’s talk about belief. It’s the cornerstone of this process. You need to cultivate a deep belief that you can turn your goals into reality. Sure, you might not know exactly how you’re going to achieve them, and that’s perfectly fine. The methodology can come later. The belief, however, should be there from the start. It’s the driving force behind the magic you’re about to create in your life.

No 2: The Power of Mindful Budgeting

Picture this: last night, I hosted a game night with friends, playing Robert Kiyosaki’s Cashflow game. It was eye-opening. Some players focused solely on making money, neglecting to manage expenses effectively. Sound familiar?

In real life, many high-earning professionals struggle to accumulate wealth because they don’t prioritize saving and investing. They get caught up in earning more and spending more, leaving them with inadequate savings at retirement. That’s where mindful budgeting comes in.

Mindful budgeting involves taking a close look at your expenses and income to ensure that you’re living within your means and working towards your financial goals.

At the beginning of each year, it’s a great time to reassess your financial situation and make any necessary adjustments. Start by identifying where your money is going and whether you’re overspending in certain areas. Are there areas where you could cut back to increase your savings? Are you investing enough in your future?

Create a budget aligned with your goals. It’s not just about tracking expenses; it’s about intentional money management. If your income isn’t enough to save, consider increasing your earning potential through side hustles or career advancement.

No 3: Embrace Continuous Learning

Let’s delve into a key aspect of success: continuous learning. It’s the engine that propels us forward, opening doors to new opportunities and keeping us sharp in our fields.

Imagine this: you’ve achieved a level of expertise, you’re cruising along, and everything seems fine. But here’s the thing – complacency is the enemy of progress. To truly excel, you must embrace the mindset of a lifelong learner. Keep those mental gears turning, constantly seeking new knowledge and honing your skills.

Despite running multiple businesses and having a solid grasp of various aspects like marketing and sales, I never stop seeking new insights. Whether it’s through podcasts, audiobooks, or good old-fashioned reading, I’m always on the lookout for fresh perspectives and ideas.

But continuous learning isn’t just about professional growth. It’s about enriching your life in unexpected ways. Recently, I explored topics like nutrition and health, not because I’m facing issues, but because I believe in living life to the fullest.

And let’s not forget the joy of learning for learning’s sake. Whether it’s immersing yourself in classic literature or exploring human nature, there’s something fulfilling about expanding your mind.

So here’s my challenge to you: commit to being a lifelong learner. Set aside time for personal development, whether it’s through reading, listening to podcasts, or exploring hobbies. Embrace curiosity and watch as it transforms not only your career but your entire outlook on life.

No 4: Cultivate a Positive Money Mindset

No 5: Build Multiple Streams of Income

Building multiple streams of income is not just a financial strategy; it’s a mindset shift that can profoundly impact your financial security and freedom. I vividly recall encountering this concept through Bob Proctor’s affirmation, “Money comes to me through multiple sources in increasing quantity on a continuous basis.” Embracing this affirmation, I’ve witnessed its transformative power in my own life.

Relying solely on one income source can leave you vulnerable. If that source falters, it can lead to significant financial stress and uncertainty. Hence, diversifying your income streams is paramount. This entails exploring avenues beyond your primary source of income, whether through passive income streams, active income opportunities, or side hustles.

Passive income, such as rental properties, dividends, or royalties, offers the advantage of generating income with minimal ongoing effort. Active income, on the other hand, involves actively trading time or skills for money, such as through a job or freelance work. Side hustles are additional ventures pursued alongside your primary occupation, often driven by passion or entrepreneurial spirit.

Beyond the financial benefits, diversifying income streams can lead to a profound shift in mindset. As you expand your sources of income, you become less reliant on any single source for your financial well-being. This fosters a sense of empowerment and freedom, allowing you to pursue opportunities and ventures aligned with your goals and passions.

Furthermore, diversification elevates your energetic vibration. By embracing financial abundance and relaxation, you attract more wealth opportunities into your life. This positive feedback loop reinforces your belief in your ability to create wealth and abundance, further fueling your financial success.

If you’re ready to transform your money mindset and embrace abundance, consider joining my Abundance Mindset Makeover Workshop. In this workshop, you’ll gain valuable insights, strategies, and energy tools to shift your mindset and unlock your full financial potential. Visit to register and embark on your journey toward financial freedom.

No 6: Invest in Your Financial Future

Investing is an essential aspect of securing your financial future, regardless of your current financial circumstances. Whether you’re barely making ends meet or embarking on your wealth-building journey, investing is non-negotiable. In my 3 Steps to Cashflow Mastery system, I emphasize the significance of investing at every stage of your financial journey.

The first step in investing wisely is educating yourself about the various investment options available. It’s crucial to consider building a diverse portfolio that aligns with your risk tolerance and financial goals. For beginners who may feel overwhelmed by the complexities of investing, seeking guidance from a financial advisor or professional is highly recommended.

Personally, I prefer low-risk investments like ETFs (Exchange-Traded Funds), which offer long-term compounding growth potential. However, it’s essential to choose investment strategies that suit your individual circumstances and objectives. Starting small is perfectly acceptable when it comes to investing. Even committing a modest amount, such as £25 or £50 per month, can have a significant impact over time.

Consider reallocating funds from discretionary expenses, such as dining out or buying coffee, towards your investment portfolio. By making small sacrifices and consistently contributing to your investments, you can gradually build wealth and financial security.

However, it’s essential to approach investing with caution and prudence. While opportunities like cryptocurrency may seem enticing, it’s crucial to conduct thorough research and understand the associated risks. Many individuals have suffered significant losses by blindly following trends without a solid understanding of market dynamics. Therefore, seeking professional advice and educating yourself before making investment decisions is paramount.

No 7: Elevate Your Circle by Networking and Collaboration

In your journey towards financial success, the company you keep matters more than you might realize. Surrounding yourself with like-minded individuals can significantly impact your mindset and trajectory. That’s why it’s crucial to network and collaborate with individuals who share your goals and aspirations.

Consider joining mastermind groups or attending networking events where you can connect with others on similar paths. These interactions provide opportunities to exchange ideas, gain valuable insights, and form meaningful partnerships. Surrounding yourself with individuals who are driven and ambitious can fuel your own motivation and push you to new heights.

It’s essential to reassess your social circle regularly. If your current circle doesn’t align with your goals, it may be time to seek out new connections. While it can be challenging to break away from familiar faces, remember that your net worth is often reflective of the company you keep. By surrounding yourself with individuals who are achieving success and actively working towards their goals, you position yourself for growth and advancement.

Networking isn’t just about making connections—it’s about fostering relationships that inspire growth and collaboration. As you engage with new people and explore different opportunities, you’ll naturally gravitate towards those who share your vision and values. Embrace this evolution and allow it to propel you forward on your journey towards financial freedom.

No 8: Learn to Practice Gratitude

Each of us is shaped by our individual life experiences. Even siblings raised in the same household can have vastly different memories and perspectives on their upbringing. Embrace who you are and the journey you’ve traveled. Every experience, every challenge, every moment of joy and sorrow has contributed to shaping you into the person you are today.

Instead of viewing life’s events as random occurrences or acts of fate, consider them as purposeful lessons meant to educate, inspire growth, and prepare you for the path ahead.

The universe operates on principles of love, abundance, and growth. Every desire you harbor, every dream you chase, is a manifestation of the universe’s guidance nudging you toward your highest potential. Even the seemingly materialistic desires, like owning a mansion or a luxury car, serve a purpose in propelling you forward on your journey. These desires act as catalysts, motivating you to expand your horizons, push beyond your comfort zone, and unlock your full potential.

Gratitude fosters a profoundly positive mindset. When you operate from a place of gratitude, you elevate your vibration and align with the universal flow of abundance. Instead of fixating on what you lack, shift your focus to appreciating what you have. By acknowledging the blessings in your life, you create a magnetic field of positivity that attracts even more blessings and opportunities. Trust that everything is unfolding as it should, and every experience, whether joyful or challenging, is ultimately working in your favor.

Incorporate gratitude into your daily life as a sacred practice. Take time each day to reflect on the abundance surrounding you, whether it’s the love of family and friends, the beauty of nature, or the simple pleasures of life. Keep a gratitude journal to record your blessings and reflect on them regularly. By cultivating a heart overflowing with gratitude, you open yourself up to a world of endless possibilities and invite miracles to unfold in your life.

No 9: Take Calculated Risks

In the pursuit of success, growth, and wealth, taking risks is inevitable. However, it’s not about blind leaps into the unknown; it’s about taking calculated risks. Even the decision to remain stagnant carries its own risks, as it leaves you vulnerable to unforeseen circumstances.

Many perceive the stability of a nine-to-five job as less risky than entrepreneurship, but the truth is, any source of income can falter. By not diversifying your income streams or pursuing side hustles, you’re inadvertently risking your financial security.

Calculated risks involve thorough evaluation, weighing the potential benefits against the potential pitfalls. It’s about understanding the landscape before making a move. While some risks may pay off handsomely, others may not yield the desired results. Yet, it’s through these risks that growth and success are achieved.

Stepping outside your comfort zone is essential for personal and professional development. It’s where significant rewards await, beyond the confines of familiarity. Embrace the discomfort, knowing that every challenge presents an opportunity for growth.

I, too, am venturing into unfamiliar territory, navigating a male-dominated physical labor environment after years in the online space. While uncertainty looms, I’m driven by the belief that I’ll overcome every obstacle, find solutions, and achieve my goals.

So, dare to take calculated risks. Step boldly into the unknown, armed with preparation, determination, and resilience. It’s through these risks that dreams are realized and destinies are shaped.

No 10: Review and Adjust

Now that your goals are set, the journey to achieving them begins. However, the path from point A to point B may not always be clear-cut. It’s okay not to have all the answers upfront; what’s important is having a direction and the willingness to adapt along the way.

Periodically reviewing your progress and reassessing your strategies is crucial. Just as a navigator adjusts course based on changing winds, you must be flexible yet resolute in your pursuit of your goals.

For instance, my aim to build a nine-figure business remains unchanged, but the strategies evolve. Transitioning from the online realm to brick and mortar reflects a shift in approach while staying true to the overarching goal.

Within your chosen strategy, further adjustments may be necessary. Plans for your business’s growth over the next year may fluctuate based on real-time feedback and market dynamics. The key is to iterate, learn, and adapt continuously.

Remember, not every plan will yield immediate success, and setbacks are inevitable. However, setbacks often pave the way for breakthroughs. It’s about maintaining momentum, even if progress seems incremental. Each setback is an opportunity to learn, grow, and refine your approach.

Ultimately, confidence in your ability to overcome challenges and achieve your goals is paramount. With resilience, determination, and a willingness to course-correct when needed, success becomes not just a possibility but an inevitability. So, embrace the journey, knowing that every step forward, no matter how small, brings you closer to your aspirations.


So there you have it, ten powerful tips to kickstart your journey towards a wealthier and more abundant life. Remember, cultivating a wealthy mindset is not a sprint but a marathon. Every small step you take, no matter how insignificant it may seem, contributes to your financial growth.

Stay focused, stay committed, and above all, believe in yourself and your ability to manifest abundance. Know that every desire in your heart is there for a reason, and you have the innate capability to make it a reality.

If you’re looking for more support and guidance on developing your money mindset, I invite you to join our free community on Skool.

And if you’re eager to dive deeper into energy tools and mindset strategies for abundance, consider registering for our Five-Day Abundance Mindset Makeover Workshop at I’m excited to be your mentor on this transformative journey.

Additionally, if you’re interested in delving into the spiritual laws of money, don’t hesitate to check out my book, “Laws of Money,” available at


Hope Fuels Faith

 Today we will be discussing hope, how hope fuels your faith, why faith is important to your belief, and why believing is an essential ingredient needed for your manifestation journey. 


How hope fuels your faith

   It is important that you have enough hope- fueled faith to believe that you can achieve all the things you have dreamt about for yourself, no matter what area of your life these dreams are related to.

When those moments of doubt from the devil creep into your life, it is essential that you have strong faith in your beliefs and for this faith to be as firm as you need, you need to have hope. Personally, when I am at my lowest or darkest moments, I turn to prayers more than anything else naturally because that connection with the divine reinforces my hope in God and the plans he has for my life which helps recharge my faith that everything I am manifesting will fall into place according to divine timing. 

   Many religions – and even those who do not believe in God – have specific times of prayers or periods when the world is quiet, you can put your worldly thoughts aside, sit through meditation and connect with divine energy.

Connecting to divine energy gives you peace because now you have hope that your manifestations and prayers are going to come true. When you meditate, you are able to connect to your higher self and to what you are desiring for yourself and regardless of what path you take, you have hope that whatever you are creating and manifesting is going to happen.   


God is looking out for you 

   You need to truly believe that divine energy is looking out for you and everything you are hoping for is going to happen for you; God is looking out for you and as long as you have faith that allows you to believe daily, you will be able to overcome the doubts that creep into your mind when you are facing tough situations on your manifestation journey. 

I have always thought Bollywood actor, Shah Rukh Khan, is an amazing person who really embodies everything about the law of attraction and manifesting the life you want for yourself; generally he is very honest and upfront about how he achieved things and what you should do to reach the success that he has been able to reach.

I listened to an interview he did where someone asked if he thought the three films he did before he took a four-year sabbatical for health reasons would be successful and he replied that he believed that every single one of them is going to be a super duper hit; he said ‘I’m not saying this to be arrogant but this is the belief that I hold. And it’s a belief that I go to sleep with, it’s a belief that I wake up with, and it’s a belief that I walk around with and I thought, absolutely fantastic’ and this is how every one of us is supposed to be believing.

When the movie came out after this interview, it ended up breaking box office records and making large amounts of money not just because of how great he is at marketing (because he did a lot of amazing marketing for the movie and was able to cover his costs for it even before the film came out) but because of the belief he already had in the project.

Shah Rukh Khan has always had complete belief in himself and in his dreams and aspirations for as long as I have seen him in Bollywood and this is something we all can learn from and aspire to do in our own lives every day; even when it does not look like things are working out right now they will happen eventually according to divine timing as long as you believe in yourself and in universal energy. 


Believe in yourself      

   You do not have to be the best at everything to achieve your goals, you just have to believe in yourself and whatever you are manifesting for your life; The one thing that you need to have for you to be ultimately financially successful, successful in relationships or successful in any area of your life is faith in the dreams and aspirations you have for yourself.

Do not ever allow yourself to think about the opposite of your dreams or doubt that any of your manifestations will come true, if you truly believe in yourself with all your heart and mind you will be able to achieve anything you desire.

   When you believe you can do something, you work harder to achieve it and become more motivated to try harder to reach that goal you are believing in.

Give it your best with the belief that you are going to succeed then mountains begin to be moved for you, the universe contrives and gives you everything you want; when you really want something the whole universe conspires to give you that which you are desiring for yourself and this is what the law of attraction is all about.

You may not have the same talents or opportunities as someone else but you cannot let that derail you from the manifestations you have planned for your life, as long as you are able to believe in yourself and your abilities you will succeed. 

You have to start figuring out how to instill yourself to have this belief and to have this belief, you have to have faith in a higher power no matter what your religion is. When you believe in a higher power it allows you to have faith and this faith gives you hope to solidify your belief that everything is going to work out for your success.  



Make sure that you have a ritual, prayer, or meditation that gives you hope every day and this hope fuels your faith in divine energy or whatever higher power you believe in. Shah Rukh Khan believed in his dreams, worked for them, and was able to achieve them over and over again; no matter how much effort you put into something, if you do not have the belief it will not work out the way you have envisioned it to work out. 

If you do not believe in your dreams and continuously allow doubt to cloud your mind, you will never be able to achieve them no matter the amount of effort you put into it.

Hard work is important but believing that you can achieve your goals is much more important; if there is anything you want to achieve in life you have to believe with here atom of your being that it has already happened for you and the universe is bringing things together for it to come into fruition for you to receive in the physical world. 


Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;



Having a Clear Vision For Your Goals

Today we are going to be discussing having a clear vision for our goals in order to reach our manifestations.

Why is having a clear vision for your goal so important?

The first step to constructing the life you are manifesting is to know exactly what it is that you want to create meaning you need to clearly know what you want and have these goals written down. Most especially in the beginning of the year, we are all encouraged to have goals or resolutions for our lives, make sure they are positive and in the present tense and have them written down.

After this, your next step is to understand your clear vision and find the importance of this reason; when you do not have clear reasons why you want to achieve your vision, you will lose hope in them when the tough circumstances of life arrive and when you run out of faith in your goals you will never be able to achieve them. When you are not as emotionally invested in a manifestation, it is more likely that this goal will be achieved faster than that goal that you are passionate about.

In those moments of hardship, you need to hold on to your goals and have faith in the manifestations you have for yourself. One of my clients had this vision to become a business coach but was unable to develop her business without her relationship with her partner suffering and vice versa, when I met up with her I was able to show her that there were some elements of self-sabotage and other things that were not allowing this business thrive.

When the devil realizes that you are determined and focused on fulfilling your goal, it will do everything in its power to attack you in other areas of your life in order to dissuade you from your manifestation journey just as God finds ways to help you in unexpected ways. The devil will always find ways to attack you and try to stop you from achieving your dreams, whether it is directly attacking your manifestation or attacking other parts of your life to break you but as long as you stand strong and have faith you will be able to overcome whatever it throws your way.

Keep an eye on your vision

As long as you have a clear vision of your goals you will not lose sight of your manifestation, no matter what situations you have to face. Be aware of your weaknesses and the areas of your life that will distract you from fulfilling your goals if they are attacked but do not allow yourself to forget the importance of your goal and the clear understanding of why you have these manifestations that you want to achieve.

Instead of letting them distract you, trust that God will take care of your worries and focus on the amazing goals you have written to accomplish your manifestation.

Personally, I know the biggest distraction the devil can use to deter me from achieving my goal is my children which is why my vision for my business is to create a lifestyle for them without having to worry about debts or struggling too much with life. I faced multiple challenges in December 2022 that were simply sent my way by the devil to break me down completely but I was able to overcome them by faith and now I know universal energy has a massive breakthrough waiting for me.

What is your vision and what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Before your manifestation shows up in your physical world, the devil will find a way to attack you in order for your dreams not to come to pass – the breakdown before the breakthrough – and only those who can overcome these moments of instability will be able to reach the finish line.

Crawl to faith

Facing these challenges gave me a better understanding of who I am and drew me closer to my faith in God, this has made my prayer life a lot better and has moved my prayer life from intermittent to constant. If you are manifesting something that is really important to you then you must know that the devil will come for you but as long as you stand strong and hold on to your faith in divine energy, your breakthrough will surely come.

Have a clear vision for your goal and always write your goals in the present tense. Why do you believe that it must take two to five years for you to achieve your goal of making a hundred thousand a month? Why do you think you cannot achieve it in the next month or few months?

If you continuously write your dreams in the future tense then they will not be fulfilled till this time period because that is when you believe your manifestation is going to happen for you. Believe that divine timing is in your present and that universal energy is willing to give you everything you desire now if you truly trust in them.

You cannot have a desire without it already being allocated to you and without it being present in your universal warehouse because only then do you become aware of it and only then can you pray for it. In Islamic tradition, we are taught that if God gives you a desire and allows you to pray for it then the only reason he has allowed you to pray for it is that he wants you to receive it so if you have a desire, it has already been allocated to your spiritual world and it is only a matter of time before it manifests in your physical world.


You have to know that before your manifestation appears in your physical world, you will face some form of turmoil or challenge during your journey. The breakdown will always happen before the breakthrough so hold on to faith with both hands in these trying times; it is at that moment that those who are truly manifesting become separated from those who do not have belief in their dreams.

Conquer your demons, overcome the turmoil, and persevere to the end! Your manifestation will come to pass only if you truly hold on to your belief in it.Do not get bitter, get better.

5 Steps to Changing Any Beliefs

Today we will be discussing the five steps you need to follow in order to change your beliefs and ultimately, your lives.

How to change your beliefs

I have taught on the three steps to manifesting and how the second – and most important- step is truly believing in your manifestation. A famous quote by Henry Ford that has stuck with me since I began my entrepreneurial journey said ‘If you believe you can then you can and if you believe you can’t then you can’t ‘ and it was with this that I realized that the beliefs we have as humans are very important; As it says in the Bible, ask for something and if you believe it will be given to you, and in the Quran, I am to my servant as he expects me to be meaning when you believe something then definitely it will be true for you.

Now that we have discussed the importance of beliefs, how do we identify and change these beliefs? As I began to look at my manifestation journey and the work that I do, I have realized that we create a new reality by generating and adapting new beliefs. I was speaking to the members of my mastermind during the question & answer session today and I told one of them that if she can believe in her heart that she can earn a hundred thousand then that is the amount she will start to earn in her bank account; the amount of time this would take is not the problem because in truth you have the ability to collapse time as long as you have the deep conviction to do so. If you have true belief in your manifestation, then that will be the reality that will show up for you.

Five Steps To Changing One’s Beliefs

These are methods that I personally have used at various points in my life, especially whenever I think I am not succeeding at something or something is not going well for example, I realized that even though I had a good relationship with money, my relationship with time was lacking so to improve that I needed to make some changes to the current beliefs I have concerning time.

1. Identify the areas you would like to work on.

If you do not focus on the specific section of your life that you need to change, you end up creating beliefs on various random parts instead. Now how do you get to these core beliefs? Identify the center of the particular area you want to work on and the more focused you are on that specific, the more you allow your mind to focus on beliefs about it. Using money as our area of focus, if you currently make a hundred thousand a month then there is nothing stopping you from making that same amount daily; the universe does not see the numbers when we are dealing with money but rather the changes in our energies regarding money.

2. Write down all your beliefs about this area.

One thing that has helped me on multiple occasions regarding this is whenever I get new ideas, I set a timer for five minutes and write down as much as I can without lifting my pen for this period of time. When you do this you find out that your logical mind, for the first few minutes, has empowering views of money before your subconscious mind begins to think about all the reasons making money would be a difficult task. By the time the timer goes off, you will realize that your conscious mind has given you amazing money beliefs for your new reality.

3. Read through the beliefs you have written.

When you look through the beliefs you have written during those five minutes, you will realize that you should be able to identify about two to five core beliefs that summarize all your other beliefs. This helps you analyze how your mind works and what core beliefs rule your subconscious mind and is creating your reality that your conscious mind is not aware of.

4. Create the opposite of the core beliefs you already have.

These will be your new set of beliefs. If one of your core beliefs is there is not enough time in the day to make the amount of money you would like to make daily, then your new core belief should be that you need a new system that would allow you to make this type of income in that short period. So you do not need to work ten times harder, you just have to find a different way of working to achieve your aforementioned goal.

The amount I make working shorter hours now with ease is almost ten times more than the amount I made working longer hours when I was a lawyer because I had not created the system that worked best for me yet; My conviction was that I could not only do this but do it differently and it was with this that I was able to create the reality I am living today; If the core beliefs you currently have are not working then try the opposite of these beliefs till you reach a system that works better and easier for you. Before you can create a new reality you need to have the belief to back it up.

5. Embody your new beliefs and make them part of your energy system.

This step is the hardest part. There are several modalities like EFT, energy healings, energy clearing, NLP techniques etcetera; generally, I believe any manifesting technique is about reprogramming your new beliefs and creating a new reality from the new sets of beliefs that you have. In order to embody these new beliefs in your energy field and make your convictions, I would recommend doing your personal research using books, mediations, teachings etcetera.

My favorite one is energy clearing and in my masterminds, I teach about using this method to help connect you to life as well as take out the energy in your old beliefs and put them into new beliefs; energy clearing is repeating this clearing continuously over the next few weeks until these new beliefs get embodied into your energy field. This causes you to start thinking differently from a new portal belief system rather than the old one and in turn, is why we get quicker results because the faster you instill a new belief, the faster your new reality begins to show up in your physical world.


Focus on yourself and your beliefs; The quicker you can change your beliefs, the quicker you will be able to create a new reality for yourself. Find new techniques and modalities that can help you identify and instill new beliefs in yourself. Change your beliefs and create a new reality for yourself to make your manifestations a part of your physical world.

Why Expectations are Necessary to Successfully Manifest Your Wealth

Today we are going to be discussing expectations and how important positive expectations are on your journey to creating wealth and abundance.

What are Your Expectations?

An expectation is something that you believe is 100% going to happen in a certain way. They involve things that do not require you to hope or wish because, to you, there is already a definite result, for example expecting the sun to rise the next day or expecting your body to breathe out after breathing in. When you are manifesting something for yourself, whether it is a new job or house or wealth etcetera, it is important that you are also internalizing them and positively expecting these things to come to pass in your life. The more you look at your vision board and do not believe it, the more negative energy your doubts are sending into your atmosphere which eventually causes these fears to be created instead of your manifestations.

My daughter is currently preparing for her GCSEs and as a parent, I have been very persistent about what she needs to do and what she needs to study more but she surprised me one day when she explained that my constant worrying was only putting fear and negative emotions in her instead of having positive expectations for the outcome like I always advise. She made me realize that I had allowed myself to go into fear mode and my constant badgering about her needing to study harder and trying to push her more was only instilling that fear I was having about not doing enough for her as a parent onto her; now all I do is encourage her and constantly let her know how proud of her I am no matter her results, feeding her all my positive expectations instead.

Do Not be Afraid

The more desires you have, the more fear you allow yourself have about not accomplishing said desires. Someone asked me once why the desires you want the most are the hardest to manifest and I explained to them, like I am now explaining to you, that when you truly want something there is always that fear of not being able to achieve it or create it for yourself and unfortunately, some of us allow ourselves to lean into these fears rather than the faith and belief we should be having in our dreams. This is what causes us to have negative expectations rather than positive ones and eventually leads to these fears becoming our realities.

I was talking to one of my clients and she asked why she was able to manifest everything else she wanted for herself but not a partner, I explained to her that usually if you can create one area of your life, you can work on all other areas of your life. However, if you find that you are unable to manifest desires easily in a certain area of your life, it is very likely that you have some negative energy/emotions attached to this particular area. In her situation, she was dealing with past emotional trauma from her ex-husband and this was making her push the energy for having a potential partner away from her life in order to prevent her from experiencing heartbreak and betrayal again; it was not her inability to properly manifest a partner but rather her fears from her past experiences that were stopping her from leaning into the positive expectations for this goal even though she was able to overcome her other fears and accomplish all the other desires she had for herself.

Stop Creating the Opposite of Your Manifestation

The desires we want the most are usually the ones we have the most trauma attached to and the stronger our fears concerning these goals are, the more likely it is for the opposite of our manifestation to be actualized. Instead of leaning into faith, we allow fear to cloud our atmosphere which makes us unable to maintain the positive expectations of our manifestations; we lean into the opposite of what we desire and then end up blaming universal energy when our manifestations do not come to pass.

In both the Bible and the Quran, there are various examples of God revealing that he treats you how you expect him to meaning that God wants every one of us to have positive expectations of him. If you believe that God has all these amazing plans for you then why are you allowing yourself to lean into fear? I have found that a lot of religious people have become this way; prayers and reading religious texts have become more about fulfilling a daily ritual and less about the positive expectations that one should be having about these prayers, they bring their requests as empty words and leave without the faith that divine energy will answer their prayers. Why would you ask something from universal energy and expect them not to hear it? In every religious text I have come across, God always says if you ask he will give unto you but you need to truly believe and expect that he is going to give these things you desire to you or you will not receive them.


Even when your desire seems delayed, you have to trust in divine timing and that universal energy in their wisdom will give you what you have manifested for yourself. If you already know how to manifest the dreams you have then you are not dreaming big enough; start making impossible goals for yourself, goals that can only be solved by divine intervention and by universal energy’s involvement. Have positive expectations for these large impossible desires and watch your manifestations become reality in your physical world.

God is always there to help you but he will only help you based on your expectations. If you have a desire but do not believe and expect that universal energy is truly capable of creating this impossible manifestation for you then you will never be able to achieve that desire. The stronger your emotional connection and positive expectation towards a goal is, the faster your manifestation shows up for you in your physical world whether in a few minutes or a few years. The Law of Attraction will only give what you are expecting back to you, not what you are wishing or hoping for so believe in your dreams and in the plans divine energy has for you and let your positive expectations shape your goals into your new reality.

Letting go of things that no longer serve you

These things could be anything, it could be people, ideas, beliefs, habits, or even certain hobbies. Those things that no longer serve you no longer help you to better yourself or improve yourself to achieve your goals or manifest the kind of life you want or desire.

In order to take note of those things that no longer serve you, you need to constantly reassess your life to see where you are, where you want to go, how far you are and what’s causing the delay and holding you from getting there.

This is something that played a major deal in my life, I let go of a lot of things that no longer serve me. I am very focused on what goal it is that I want to achieve at any given time. Recently one of my life goals was my son’s 11 plus, he has just finished all his exams, we are equally done with all the interviews and we will see which schools he gets into. I made this a priority so everything else took a backseat including going out with friends or having family over. I’m able to make these commitments and focus on them because I’m so focused on my goals but at times you find that we lose sight of what’s important or how something makes us feel and we think we are being patient and we ignore how it makes us feel.

I have someone in my life at the moment who is a constant pain at times in my life and I’ve done call cutting and then forgiving. I’m triggered by anything that this individual does when it comes to me because I’ve been on the receiving end of it. However, when it comes to my children, I have some expectations of behavior towards them and what a father should be and he falls short of that. He only comes to see the kids once a week and by the way I found out today that he has been telling people that I only allow him to see kids once a week which is completely false. I have been dealing with this individual for the longest time possible and every time I think of no longer having any kind of interaction with him but I have to consider my kids, When he comes late, doesn’t turn up or lets them down, I always get caught up in the middle.

Back in October, I planned a trip for him to take the kids for a couple of days to the theme park, I arranged an Airbnb and two weeks before that he cancelled on them. He didn’t tell me directly but my brother, he told them that he was going to Pakistan so he wasn’t able to take the kids. I had to cancel my plans to take the kids to the theme park. This kind of behavior is very normal for me to just drop my life and pick up whenever he lets the kids down and it’s been happening more frequently, I always let it go.

I’m trying to constantly build that relationship between him and the children because I think the kids really need to have a healthy positive image of their father. Recently, the behavior is just really agitating me as the way he treats his children including not giving them pocket money on a weekly basis. The kids have to constantly ask him and he still doesn’t. When I had all these excuses about why I couldn’t let this person go and the guilts came up, my cousin said to me, “what’s your biggest fear?” and this is the reason why I want to share this story with you. When we don’t let go of things, it’s usually because we have some fear behind it. I found out while I was talking to her, my biggest fear about not letting this individual go or having more strict boundaries with him and having blurred boundaries because I would put up with so much and just say, it doesn’t matter because he’s the kids’ father and she said because you keep letting him cross boundaries and putting up with things you shouldn’t really put up with, intolerable things, you have allowed him to disrespect you multiple times. If he was supposed to come at 12, he comes at the top at 2:30 and still gets angry at me because Who the hell am I to tell him what time he should come. The kids being late for their lesson is not a big deal or the end of the world kind of attitude. This idea that he can disrespect me just because he could even as we are no longer married. How am I creating the boundaries and how have I let go of him? I’m not married on paper but I’m still emotionally married because I have put up with his rubbish.

And this hit me really hard and I felt like a hypocrite at that point because I am always telling people to let go of things that no longer serve them. When it comes to habits, money and friends, this one individual has been so horrible and difficult for me to deal with over a number of years. We have been separated and divorced for six years, I am still dealing with all sorts of rubbish because I felt guilty that if I didn’t put up with this, the kids would lose out on their father. Him being a father is no longer my responsibility because he has not been for the last six years. I have somehow felt the need to self-sacrifice my dignity and self-respect in order for the kids to have a father and this was when I realized that I was no longer willing to do so. This idea of being the perfect mother and being all self-sacrificing, I had to let go of that.

I didn’t have to let go of this individual, I had to let go of the idea of the kind of mother I had to be in order to be a good mother and in order to be a good person, When I chose to stand up for myself when I first let go of him back in 2016, the lines were blurred because I was trying to be a good mother and trying to make him a good father and I realized I can’t do that for him, he has to choose to be a good dad or not. It’s his autonomy, it’s his personal decision and we are not able to control anybody else’s willpower, we need to do what’s right for us at the same time, we have to listen and really pay attention to how other people behave towards us and they don’t have to choose with respect. I’m not saying everybody has to respect you, but if they choose not to treat you with respect, then you should choose not to have them as part of your life, it doesn’t matter what or who they are. This could be a parent, a family member, in my case, it is my children’s father.

You have to make decisions for yourself, decisions that serve you and this relationship no longer serves me, I was trying to put up with his behavior even though it really annoyed me and I really felt sad for my kids because he would see them only once a week for a few hours and then that’s it, I shouldn’t have to put up with this kind of behavior.

I was willing to put up with this because I felt if I ever rock the boat, kids will lose out on their dad and I was trying my best to make sure the kids have a father. Only recently while talking to my cousin that I realized that I had to let go of the need to be the perfect mother because that no longer serves me. Me being a good mother has served me up until now because it motivated me to work hard for me, for my business and for me to show my children what’s possible for them and what they can create in their life, but in this situation, I am human and I have certain boundaries that I need people to respect and I need to respect myself and while he is disrespecting me, I am not respecting myself because I’m allowing him to disrespect me and therefore I have to put on the boundaries and this is what I’ve done recently and I felt guilty about it the first couple days because I thought I was going to mess up my children heads, but I realized that that’s not the case. I can give them a stable home, I can bring them up the best way possible, I can give them all the love and nurturing that they need and then let them make the decisions for whoever else wants to be part of their life or does not. I can’t be responsible for someone else’s behavior, so I let go of the need to always be the good person, the better person, the person who sacrifices her own self-respect in order for the kids to have a good relationship with their other parent.

This also got me reassessing my beliefs and my habits, I took itinerary of everybody who’s in my life and if you are no longer serving me, I just pull away from there and at the same time I do that for beliefs and ideas and habits as well. In my 20s, I got into the habit of drinking a lot of Coke and when I stopped drinking Coke, like about 15 years. Now I drink every now and then, but it’s no longer the kind of addiction that I had when I was 20. Another habit would be whenever I become dependent on something, I don’t like to be addicted to anything because addictions don’t serve you. If something is a healthy habit, that’s great but if it’s not, it becomes an addiction that will not serve you.

You need to take a regular itinerary of your habits, thoughts, ideas and people around you and see who serves you, and who doesn’t. If it’s friends and other people, it’s easier to let go. If it’s a family that you have a day-to-day interaction with, it is a bit more difficult to let go of them but then that’s where you put strong boundaries. In my case he’s not my family but he’s family to my kids so I gave myself six months. Six months to see how he behaves with his kids and then I’ll reassess this idea of him and I having a plain zero contact at all and then we’ll take it from there but you have to find a balance between what’s right for you and what you think is right for everyone else and as a parent that’s more difficult.

How do we compromise or find a middle ground?

Most of the time, compromising for kids will always win. Only recently have I actually begun to go for what’s best for me and my kids and not just my kids, I have begun to factor myself as well. Sometimes it might not be the best thing for the kids or me but it will be somewhere in the middle and this is what we’re doing at the moment in my personal life. Being a mother is something I hold in high regard, I see it as a privilege, a responsibility to two life forms given to me by divine energy to shape their minds and their ideas and help them become two young people who can go out and change the world so I take this responsibility very seriously, their mental well-being as well as emotional well-being is of the highest importance to me.

Therefore I do everything possible I can for them so this idea that I will no longer be in any having any kind of contact with the father for the next six months is a difficult one for me because I know this will have a detrimental impact on their relationship with the dad, if he bothers to do anything with them but It is a decision that I had to make for myself. Now think about that decision you have put off, people, ideas and situations that are no longer serving you but you are putting up with it because you don’t want any contention, argument, controversy or because you feel obligated to just put up with those certain things.

A lot of times it’s with family members and also people who you have known for a long time. Make yourself a priority, your opinions matter, your views matter and you matter. In order for you to become wealthy, you have to be happy. If things are no longer serving you, they are going to cause you to feel awkward, upset and give you toxicity in your energy.

One of the things that was really shocking to me was when I called my cousin after an incident with my ex, as soon as I said hello, she asked, “okay, what happened this time?”

I asked how she knew something happened, She said every time I speak to her and he has upset me, I always have this certain tonality and I found that surprising and she went further to say that this is because this person’s really toxic to you and you keep putting up with it because you think you need to be in order to be a good mother.

We need to think about what things or situations you are putting up with because you feel obligated to, or for whatever reason, in my case it was for my kids. Is it because you are a people pleaser, If you are a people pleaser then own the fact that you are a people pleaser and you have to change that, you have to take more control over yourself.


Find out what’s happening in your life that’s not serving you because if something or someone isn’t serving you, it will cause you to be in a negative vibration and this in turn can attract negative things to you.

I wasn’t really paying attention to that until my cousin pointed it out. If this person becomes toxic and I’m in this toxic energy for a long period of time, what kind of abundance am I attracting to myself? Money is one kind of abundance but abundance also spans across your happiness, family health not just your bank account.

What things are you dealing with, what things do you have in your life that are no longer serving you and are holding you back from achieving your true happiness?

Being happy in most areas of your life is what truly matters.

The Difference between Purpose, Vision and Goals

What is the difference between the three?
Why are they all important in order for you to be extremely wealthy?

These words purpose, vision and goals have been thrown around all the time especially by gurus, experts and most self-help books. Sometimes they are used interchangeably but here are my own definitions.

What is Purpose?

Purpose is what you were created for in life. I always say to people that the fact that you have a particular desire is the Universe’s or Divine energy’s way of guiding you through life for a particular purpose. Every single individual who’s born on this planet has a particular purpose. Whether they understand it and fulfill it is another story but everyone has a purpose that’s unique to them.

Your purpose is the reason why you came into existence, and through your desires, be it to get married, have a child, change jobs, create a business, own a car or that ring or those shoes. Whatever desire you have is usually given by divine energy. There are also times when our desires come from a lower source which is the dark side but generally most desires which will uplift us and move us ahead in our lives, which allows us to live a more comfortable and healthier life comes from divine energy. How you fulfill these desires could also be leading into the dark side. You may not recognize or understand your purpose yet but as we mature and begin to understand our intuitive side and build our connection to divine energy, we become familiar with that purpose.

That purpose in the case of Elon Musk is to create travel means, those are part of his purpose. Your purpose could be to have a family, create these great human beings who are going to go ahead and bring much positivity to the world. It could also be to create shelter for stray cats or dogs, or invent some kind of new gadget, your purpose is simply what you are here to contribute to society. We all have different purposes that’s beyond who we are and it’s always about giving. The bigger your purpose, the longer it might take you to get there so you need to have more patience as well.

Your purpose is part of divine planning for you, it is what you are here to do in order to help contribute to society, to humanity, to the world. It is God’s plan and therefore it’s bigger than you.

What is Vision?

Your vision is of what you are given and how you can live out your life’s purpose and how you can create it. For example, Moses was given the vision of helping all the Israelites to escape from pharaoh, Prophet Muhammad Salah’s vision was to bring this new religion Islam into being and that took a course of 23 years to complete and he wasn’t given the vision till he was 40 so everyone has a vision of how they can create and they can fulfill their purpose. Purpose is what you’re here to do while Vision is what you are given, how you can live your purpose, what it is that you’re meant to be doing with your life. Sometimes we get confused about our vision because it is given to us, We as parents often push our own vision on our children, directing them on what they need to do or create, especially when it comes to choosing career paths. “You should be a doctor, you should be a lawyer, you should be doing this and you should be an architect, or you should create a business.”

Our children need to grow with the flexibility and the ability to create their own vision, to create their own life, recognize their own purpose and create a vision thereby. Your vision is what you feel you are here to create. Elon Musk had this vision of traveling to space and has made creating the travel means his purpose, your vision could be to create these amazing wheelchairs so people can have better accessibility or it could be you wanting to go and help young women in remote places, giving education and access to quality health care to orphans.

I have this vision of myself, I truly believe that I am an advocate for money and my vision is to help every single individual adopt an amazing relationship with money and in the process build a really strong relationship with divine energy built on love and faith not fear and frustration. so I believe my purpose is to create abundance, not just for myself, but also help everyone create theirs as well. This is why I believe that I’m living my purpose through my book which is laws of money, my podcast, free seminars and paid workshops. My vision is what’s helping me to live my purpose, my vision of where I want to go, this vision has encouraged me to set milestones in the form of goals to enable me to live my purpose.

Steve Jobs, his vision may have been to make everyone’s life easier by reducing a laptop to the size of a handheld device we can carry anywhere. We can not only just make phone calls but also video calls.

Your vision is always about what you can create and how you can live your life’s purpose. Whatever you believe your purpose to be, your vision would correlate that and would allow you to create and live up to that purpose.

What are Goals?

We’ve explored purpose and vision but what are goals?

Goals are small milestones you reach in order to fulfill your vision which is used to actually live out your life’s purpose. There are God-given goals which help us to live our vision and there are good goals which come from our ego. An example is a goal to make $100k monthly or creating a business that gives you that kind of financial freedom, It may be a God-given goal because in order for you to create that income level at seven figure monthly, you have to provide a particular service or product and through that action, the divine energy may have other plans for you or the people who use your services.

A lot of times when we create this massive goal to support our vision, they are usually God’s plan because in order for us to reach those levels, we have to create action and in that process live our purpose. As we are contributing to our vision, the divine energy is using us in the best way possible. So, this is why God’s goals can be as The purpose behind our God’s goal is to make you grow.

What happens when our vision takes time to unfold?

Sometimes you are given a vision and there’s a delay, sometimes for months or years and you might even lose momentum somewhere along the lines, life happens. There is a correlation between the delay and the size of the vision. So the bigger the vision, the bigger the delay because in that delay, you are being given the skills required to fulfill that purpose properly. Things happen for a reason at a particular time because it’s divine right timing, For example if you’re meant to go to Amsterdam but you don’t and you’re destined to meet your future wife or future husband there. If you go to Amsterdam today, you may not meet them but if your flight gets delayed and you end up going two months later and you end up bumping into them in the coffee shop.

Sometimes we are given this vision and we have this burning desire to create the vision, we believe through that vision we’re going to live our life purpose. When there’s a delay, we get frustrated because of our burning desire or urgency to get it done. In my case, I remember earlier on I used to question how it was possible that I could be fooled by someone like my ex but there must be a reason why I was led to marry first Myra’s father and then I was literally out of the frying pan to the fire. 2-3 months after my divorce from him, a proposal came from Ivan and then literally a couple of months after that I was married, it’s unbelievable that my common sense didn’t step in at any point in time and stop me from making these decisions or taking this action.

I wouldn’t have my son and my daughter if I didn’t marry these two individuals and I can’t trade my kids for anything. Whatever the reason for it, there is a hidden purpose, maybe my training. My life has not been easy from a young age, and I remember this professor of mine, Dr. Thomas, He was my mentor and he was familiar with my story and when my cousin passed away 8 months after my mom died, my cousin was very close to me and he stepped in to help me out of my suicidal state, and 8 months later, he passed away, I was back to square one and I was in a bad state, I remember Dr. Thomas said to me “Oh my god. I’ve never met a more unlucky person. You’ve had so many things happen to you in your short span of life.” I had never looked upon myself as an unlucky person and I remember looking at him and telling him, “No, it’s just life. It happens. I don’t think I’m unlucky at all, I still had my health, my brother….” I went on to list about 5-6 different things that I was grateful for, including him for being such a kind man, and a very great mentor to me.

I don’t see the delay that you have in attaining your vision as a delay at all, I think it’s a preparation for your vision, that you’ve been given a vision doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ready to create it. When you have a vision, your preparation starts, you start looking for opportunities to create that vision. The reason why you have this delay is so that you can pray and prepare for your vision. Preparation comes first and your actualization of your vision comes second because sometimes you are not of that sound mind, you may not have the strength of character needed to bring your visions to light. This is how life works.



If you’ve been questioning the divine energy and asking these questions like;
Why is there a delay if I have been given this vision?
Why can’t I make it happen today? Why am I having to wait?
I have done everything, What else can I do?
Why haven’t I created that million dollar business?
Why don’t I have that car yet?
Why haven’t I met that man/woman yet?
Why don’t I have a child yet?

I want you to understand your purpose, your vision and set your goals and while working towards it, know that the reason for this delay is divinely planned preparation for you to be able to create that life and be able to create that vision in order for you to live your life’s purpose. So have faith in the divine plan and divine timing to get people in the right place at the right time to create the right situation to be able to make your vision a reality.

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