Gull Khan

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Tag: faith

Finding Faith in Your Darkest Hour

Today, we’re discussing a topic that resonates deeply with many of us, especially those going through challenging times: holding onto faith in your darkest hour. How do you maintain faith when everything around you seems to be falling apart?

The Importance of Faith

Faith is a powerful force. It’s that unwavering belief that despite how things appear, there’s a greater plan at work. In your financial journey, faith plays a crucial role in your abundance.

I’ve seen this in my own life time and time again. Before things fall into place, they often appear to be falling apart. Faith helps you navigate through those periods.

When you are in the midst of financial uncertainty, it’s easy to succumb to fear and doubt. However, faith acts as a stabilizing force, allowing you to remain focused on your goals and trust in the process.

This belief in a greater plan can provide the motivation and resilience needed to persevere through tough times, ultimately leading to greater financial success and personal fulfillment.

Faith isn’t a passive state that happens automatically; it’s like a muscle that needs to be developed and practiced daily. Think of it like going to the gym.

If you haven’t exercised in a while, lifting heavy weights will be challenging. But if you go regularly and build your strength, you’ll be able to handle more weight over time. Faith works the same way. It requires consistent effort and dedication to nurture and strengthen it.

Just as you would follow a workout routine to build physical strength, incorporating practices such as meditation, prayer, and positive affirmations into your daily life can help you build and maintain your faith. Over time, this strong foundation of faith can empower you to face any challenges that come your way with confidence and grace.

My Personal Journey with Faith

In the last few months, I’ve faced significant challenges in both my business and personal life. Yet, I’m here today because holding onto my faith helped me navigate through those darkest times.

Even now, some aspects of my life are still in pitch-black darkness. Every day, I navigate through this darkness, holding onto faith.

During these trying periods, faith has been my guiding light, providing me with the strength and determination to keep moving forward. It has reminded me that no matter how bleak things may seem, there is always hope and a path to better days ahead.

One of the most challenging times in my life was during my second divorce. I had two young children and was financially strained, living in one of the poorest boroughs in London.

Despite the dire circumstances, my faith helped me get through that time and reach where I am today. If it can happen for me, it can happen for you too.

During this period, my faith was tested in ways I never imagined. However, by consistently turning to my faith and relying on its strength, I was able to overcome these obstacles and build a better life for myself and my children.

My journey serves as a testament to the power of faith and its ability to transform even the most challenging situations into opportunities for growth and renewal.

Building Faith: Practical Steps

  1. Daily Affirmations: Start your day with affirmations. Remind yourself of your strength, worth, and ability to overcome obstacles. Affirmations like “I trust the universe to provide for me” or “Every day in every way, I’m getting better and better” can reinforce your faith. The best times to practice affirmations are first thing in the morning and last thing at night.
  2. Visualization: Spend a few minutes each day visualizing the life you want to live. See yourself in abundance, outside of your current challenges. Visualize your desired outcomes as already achieved.
  3. Gratitude Practice: Even in your darkest moments, there are things to be grateful for. A gratitude practice can shift your focus from what’s going wrong to what’s going right. List the things you’re thankful for every day, no matter how small.
  4. Prayer and Meditation: Building a relationship with a higher power through prayer or meditation can provide immense comfort and strength. Whether it’s a religious practice or a spiritual one, connecting with a divine source can deepen your faith.


Holding onto faith in your darkest hour is crucial for navigating life’s challenges. Faith is not just about believing in a higher power but also believing in yourself. By incorporating daily affirmations, visualization, gratitude practice, and spiritual connections into your routine, you can strengthen your faith muscle and face any challenge with resilience.

Remember, faith is dynamic and active. It requires practice and dedication. As you build your faith, you’ll find that it becomes a guiding light, helping you navigate through the darkest times and leading you towards abundance and fulfillment.

Stay strong and keep the faith.

I hope this blog helps you understand the importance of faith and provides practical steps to build it in your life. If you find this post helpful, please share it with others who might benefit from it. Let’s spread the light of faith together.

Unlocking the Secrets of Prosperity

In the vast tapestry of the universe, there exists a simple yet profound truth: abundance and wealth are not just gifts, but creations of our own making. At the heart of this revelation lies the law of prosperity, a universal decree that we are the architects of our own fortune.

Embark with us on a journey through the law of prosperity, where imagination isn’t just a whimsical fancy but the very cornerstone of abundance.

The Essence of True Prosperity

Prosperity, in its most authentic form, transcends the conventional definitions that confine it to the accumulation of tangible wealth or the hoarding of material possessions.

It is, instead, an exquisite dance with the universe, a delicate balance between our thoughts, actions, and intentions. True prosperity resonates with the frequency of abundance, and you, in your unique essence, are the maestro of this grand symphony, the creator and conductor of the music that is your life.

Unveiling the Pillars of Prosperity

The Pillars of Prosperity are not merely theoretical constructs; they are universal principles, actionable truths that serve as the foundation upon which the edifice of an abundant life is built. When these principles are understood and applied, they hold the power to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, the mundane into the magnificent.

The Pareto Principle

Affectionately known as the 80/20 rule, the Pareto Principle serves as a profound reminder that a mere 20% of our efforts often yield 80% of our results. It is an invitation to dance with efficiency, to identify and focus on the actions that yield the most significant impact. It teaches us that prosperity thrives not on the quantity of our actions but on the quality and precision of our efforts.

Parkinson’s Law

Parkinson’s Law presents time as our canvas and productivity as our brush. It asserts that our tasks expand to fill the time we allocate to them. This law is a powerful reminder to set intentional boundaries and to work creatively within those confines, ensuring that our time is utilized with purpose and efficiency, thereby maximizing our productivity and effectiveness.

Law of Averages

A gambler’s ally and a pessimist’s bane, the Law of Averages brings a message of hope and persistence. It whispers the secret that after a series of rejections, an acceptance isn’t just possible—it becomes probable. This law encourages us to keep playing the notes of effort and resilience, for eventually, the melody of success will emerge.

Law of Association

“You are the company you keep,” declares the Law of Association. It urges us to surround ourselves with individuals who inspire and uplift us, individuals who are themselves symphonies of success and wisdom. In their company, we find ourselves harmonizing with their tunes of excellence, basking in the shared glow of collective prosperity.

The Law of Giving

Echoed in the annals of ancient scriptures and the pages of modern narratives, the Law of Giving reflects the profound interconnectedness of our human experience. It holds up a mirror to our innate capacity for generosity, reminding us that in the act of giving, we open ourselves to receive an abundance far greater than we could ever bestow.

The Law of Gratitude

Gratitude is not just an act; it is the very heartbeat of prosperity. It is a transformative force that shifts our perspective, allowing us to recognize and appreciate the abundant blessings that permeate our lives. When we practice gratitude, we tune into the frequency of abundance, and the universe responds in kind, amplifying the richness of our experience.

The Creative Law of Prosperity

At the crescendo of these principles lies the Creative Law of Prosperity, which celebrates the boundless power of human imagination. It tells us that our deepest desires, when fueled by a fervent and vivid imagination, have the potential to leap from the realms of thought into the tangible world of reality. This law is an ode to the creative spirit that dwells within each of us, urging us to dream boldly and to give life to those dreams through our actions.

Together, these Pillars of Prosperity compose a symphony of abundance, a harmonious orchestration of principles that guide us toward a life of fulfillment and richness. They remind us that prosperity is not a distant dream but a reality that can be crafted through conscious action, unwavering belief, and a deep understanding of the universal laws that govern our world.

The Transformative Power of Imagination in Manifesting Wealth

Imagination isn’t merely a playground for the mind; it’s a powerful force, a sacred bridge that connects the realm of dreams to the tangible world. It’s the canvas upon which our deepest desires take shape and color. Through imagination, we don’t just daydream; we architect our future.

It kindles the fire of desire within us, and this desire is not a passive longing but a call to action. When we heed this call, we set into motion the gears that drive us toward success and fulfillment.

Imagination is like the roots of a mighty tree, reaching deep into the fertile soil of our consciousness. It draws up the nutrients of our experiences, beliefs, and knowledge, weaving them into a vision of what could be.

This vision, rich and vivid, becomes the north star guiding our actions. When we nurture this imaginative power, when we allow it to flourish without the restraints of doubt or fear, we open ourselves up to a world of endless possibilities.

Unlocking Prosperity Through Visualization: A Journey Beyond Sight

Visualization stands as a testament to the mind’s incredible ability to shape our reality. This potent process transcends mere thinking; it’s an immersive experience that involves the heart and soul as much as it does the intellect. Let’s delve deeper into its components:

Vision Boards: Far more than a collection of images and quotes, vision boards are a beacon of inspiration. They are a visual echo of our deepest yearnings, a daily reminder of the life we yearn to lead. By representing our dreams with images, we give them weight and clarity. The vision board becomes a map, each picture a landmark on the journey to our desired destination.

Goal Setting: The act of setting goals is akin to charting a course through uncharted waters. It transforms the ethereal whispers of our dreams into a chorus of actionable steps. By writing down our goals, we invite them into the world of the concrete and the real. It’s an act of commitment, a declaration to the universe that we are ready to mold our destiny with our own hands.

Meditation: In the hustle and bustle of daily life, our vision can become clouded by the dust of distractions and doubts. Meditation is the gentle breeze that clears the air. It quiets the noise, allowing us to hear the whispers of our intuition more clearly. Through meditation, we cultivate a sanctuary within, a tranquil space where our imagination can roam freely, unencumbered by the chains of limiting beliefs.


The law of prosperity isn’t merely a concept; it’s a living, breathing tapestry woven with threads of divine providence and human agency. On the one hand, there exists a benevolent Divine Source, a wellspring of blessings that showers us with potential and possibility. On the other hand, we stand as sculptors of our own fortune, endowed with the tools of will, action, and imagination.

By attuning ourselves to the whispers of intuition, we align our actions with a higher plan. The visions and inspirations that visit us are not mere figments; they are seeds of potentiality, divine gifts awaiting our nurturing. When we embrace these seeds with faith and work diligently to cultivate them, we witness the blossoming of abundance in our lives.

How do you weave the principles of prosperity into the fabric of your life? Share your practices, your stories, and let’s embark on a collective journey towards a life rich with abundance.

Life is Not Fair – God is Fair

Life is a journey filled with ups and downs, victories and challenges. At times, it may feel like life is not fair, that circumstances are unjust, and that we are dealt an unfair hand. However, in this captivating blog post, we invite you to explore a profound perspective that can shift your mindset and empower you on your path to financial abundance. Join us on Money Mindset with Gull Khan as we delve into the concept of how God’s fairness can guide us through life’s challenges and lead us to a fulfilling and abundant path.

Understanding the Perceived Unfairness of Life

Fairness is a concept that varies from person to person. What one individual perceives as fair may be seen as unfair by another. Our understanding of fairness is influenced by our unique experiences, beliefs, and expectations. It is shaped by our cultural background, upbringing, and the values instilled in us. By recognizing the subjective nature of fairness, we open ourselves up to a broader perspective that can shape our mindset and lead to personal growth.

When we encounter moments in our lives where it feels like life is treating us unfairly, it can be helpful to reflect on these experiences. By introspecting and exploring the emotions associated with these situations, we can gain valuable insights into our reactions and thought patterns. This reflection allows us to challenge our assumptions and question whether our perception of unfairness is based on a limited viewpoint.

By taking a closer look at these experiences, we may uncover underlying factors that contribute to our perception of unfairness. It could be our own expectations, comparing ourselves to others, or a lack of understanding of the bigger picture. This self-reflection helps us develop a greater sense of self-awareness and provides an opportunity for personal growth.


Recognizing the limitations of our understanding and perception

It’s important to acknowledge that our understanding and perception of the world are limited. We are influenced by our own biases, assumptions, and preconceived notions. Our view of what is fair or unfair is shaped by our individual circumstances and perspectives. It is essential to recognize that there are countless factors at play in any given situation, and we may not have a complete understanding of the intricate dynamics involved.

By acknowledging the limitations of our understanding, we open ourselves up to a greater level of humility and empathy. We become more willing to consider alternative viewpoints and seek a deeper understanding of the complexities of life. This recognition allows us to approach situations with an open mind, fostering personal growth and the development of a more balanced and resilient mindset.

Embracing the Concept of God’s Fairness

This involves recognizing and believing in the existence of a higher power and divine order. It acknowledges that there is a greater purpose and wisdom beyond our human comprehension. By acknowledging the presence of a divine force, we open ourselves up to the possibility that life’s circumstances, even those that seem unfair, are part of a grander plan.

Faith and trust play a significant role in embracing God’s fairness. It requires placing our trust in the belief that everything happens for a reason and that there is divine guidance and intervention in our lives. This faith enables us to navigate through life’s challenges with resilience, knowing that there is a purpose behind every situation, even if it is not immediately evident to us.

Perceived unfairness can be a catalyst for personal growth and self-reflection. It is within these challenging moments that we have the opportunity to learn valuable lessons and develop our character. By embracing God’s fairness, we shift our mindset to view these experiences as opportunities for growth, understanding that they are intricately woven into our life journey for a purpose.

Finding Fairness in the Bigger Picture

To find fairness in the bigger picture, we must expand our perspective beyond individual moments or circumstances. By zooming out and looking at the entirety of our life’s journey, we can gain a deeper understanding of how every experience, both fair and unfair, contributes to our growth and development.

Life is a tapestry of interconnected experiences. Embracing the concept of God’s fairness invites us to see the interconnectedness of these experiences and how they collectively shape our lives. What may seem unfair in isolation could be part of a larger web of events that are guiding us towards a higher purpose.


Applying God’s Fairness to our Money Mindset

When it comes to our money mindset, understanding God’s fairness can help us reframe our perception of financial success. Rather than seeing it as a measure of luck or privilege, we can approach it from a perspective of divine alignment and the rewards that come from living in accordance with divine principles.

Gratitude and abundance are integral components of God’s fairness. By cultivating gratitude for what we have and embracing an abundance mindset, we align ourselves with the flow of divine blessings. Recognizing the abundance that surrounds us allows us to attract more financial opportunities and manifest greater prosperity.

To fully apply God’s fairness to our money mindset, it is essential to align our actions with divine principles. This involves practicing ethical financial behavior, making conscious choices aligned with our values, and using our financial resources to make a positive impact in the world. By doing so, we align ourselves with the divine flow of abundance and experience greater financial well-being.


In conclusion, embracing the concept of God’s fairness requires cultivating faith, trust, and gratitude in our lives. By trusting in a higher power and having faith in the greater plan, we can find solace and guidance in times of perceived unfairness. Gratitude opens the doors to abundance and aligns us with divine blessings.

I encourage you to embrace the concept of God’s fairness not only in your financial journey but in all aspects of life. By shifting your perspective, recognizing the interconnectedness of experiences, and trusting in divine guidance, you can find greater peace and fulfillment.

For a deeper exploration of the topic and practical tips on how to apply God’s fairness to your money mindset, I invite you to watch the full video. Join us on Money Mindset with Gull Khan as we dive deeper into the concept of God’s fairness and its profound impact on our financial well-being. Together, let’s discover the abundance and fulfillment that await us when we align ourselves with divine principles. [ ]

Casting Your Burden onto Divine Source Energy

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the challenges of life? Do you find yourself worrying about the future and struggling to let go of negative thoughts and emotions? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us experience these feelings at some point in our lives. But what if there was a way to release our burdens and find peace, joy, and abundance? In this post, we will explore the power of surrendering our worries and fears to a higher power – Divine Source Energy – and trusting that everything will work out for our highest good.

What is Divine Source Energy?

Before we can understand how to tap into the power of Divine Source Energy, we must first define what it is.  Divine Source Energy is a concept that has been recognized by many different cultures and belief systems throughout history. Some call it the universe, others refer to it as God, and still, others describe it as an all-encompassing life force energy that is present in all things.

At its core, Divine Source Energy is the energy that connects all of us to each other and to the universe. It is the energy that gives life to all things and provides the spark that drives us forward in our lives.Ultimately, the power of Divine Source Energy is available to all of us. By opening ourselves up to this energy and trusting in the wisdom of the universe, we can find peace, joy, and abundance in our lives. We can overcome obstacles and challenges and create a reality that aligns with our deepest desires.


Tapping into the Power of Divine Source Energy

One of the most powerful ways to tap into the power of Divine Source Energy is through meditation. By quieting our minds and focusing on the present moment, we can connect with this energy and experience a sense of oneness with the universe. This allows us to release our worries and fears and allow ourselves to be guided by the wisdom of the universe. It can also help us to develop a deeper sense of intuition and to connect with our inner wisdom.

Visualization is another effective tool for tapping into the power of Divine Source Energy. By creating a mental image of our desired outcome and focusing on the positive emotions associated with that outcome, we can attract positive energy into our lives. This technique can be particularly effective in manifesting our desires and creating a reality that aligns with our deepest desires. By visualizing our goals and dreams, we can attract the right people, opportunities, and circumstances into our lives to help us achieve them.

Prayer is another way to tap into the power of Divine Source Energy. By expressing gratitude for the blessings in our lives and asking for guidance and support, we can connect with the divine and receive the help we need to overcome obstacles and challenges. Prayer can also help us to cultivate a sense of peace and serenity, and to develop a deeper sense of faith and trust in the universe.


Letting Go of Negative Emotions and Beliefs

Negative emotions and beliefs can weigh us down, making it difficult to connect with Divine Source Energy. They can cause us to feel stuck, anxious, and uncertain, preventing us from experiencing the abundance and joy that life has to offer. That’s why it’s important to let go of these negative emotions and beliefs and replace them with positive ones.

One effective way to release negative emotions is through journaling. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you gain clarity and perspective on the situation. It can also help you identify any patterns or beliefs that may be holding you back. By acknowledging these negative emotions and beliefs, you can begin to let go of them and create space for positivity to flow in.

Another useful tool for letting go of negative emotions and beliefs is affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to create a new belief or perspective. For example, if you struggle with feelings of unworthiness, you could repeat the affirmation, “I am worthy of love and abundance.” By repeating this affirmation regularly, you begin to shift your mindset and replace negative beliefs with positive ones.

Forgiveness exercises can also be helpful in releasing negative emotions and beliefs. When we hold onto grudges and resentments, we create a negative energy that can impact our well-being and relationships. By forgiving ourselves and others, we release this negative energy and open ourselves up to love and positivity. This doesn’t mean that we condone or excuse hurtful behavior, but rather that we release the negative emotions that are holding us back.

By letting go of negative emotions and beliefs, we create space for positive energy to flow in. We open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities, and we become more receptive to the guidance and inspiration of Divine Source Energy. So take some time to reflect on any negative emotions or beliefs that may be holding you back, and begin to release them through journaling, affirmations, or forgiveness exercises.


Applying Divine Source Energy to Specific Challenges

When faced with a specific challenge, it’s important to remember that Divine Source Energy is always available to us. By using the power of this energy, we can tap into an infinite source of wisdom, guidance, and support.

For example, let’s say you’re experiencing financial struggles. Perhaps you’ve lost your job, or unexpected expenses have left you feeling overwhelmed. Instead of allowing fear and stress to take over, you can use Divine Source Energy to find a solution.

One way to apply Divine Source Energy to financial challenges is to visualize abundance and prosperity. Take some time to sit in a quiet space and envision yourself in a state of financial abundance. See yourself with all the money you need to live a comfortable life, and feel the emotions associated with this abundance. As you do this, you are sending out a powerful signal to the universe that you are ready to receive financial abundance.

Another way to apply Divine Source Energy to specific challenges is through prayer. When we pray, we are opening ourselves up to the wisdom and guidance of a higher power. By asking for help and guidance, we are surrendering our fears and worries and allowing Divine Source Energy to work on our behalf.

If you’re struggling with a difficult relationship, you can use Divine Source Energy to create a positive outcome. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong with the relationship, focus on what you want to see happen. Envision yourself in a loving, supportive relationship and feel the emotions associated with this vision. As you do this, you are sending out a powerful signal to the universe that you are ready to receive a positive outcome in your relationship.

In the case of health issues, Divine Source Energy can be used to promote healing and well-being. By visualizing yourself in a state of perfect health, you are sending a powerful message to your body that it is capable of healing itself. Combine this with proper medical care and a healthy lifestyle, and you can give yourself the best possible chance of overcoming any health challenge.


In our fast-paced, modern world, it’s easy to get lost in the chaos and lose sight of the bigger picture. We can become overwhelmed by the challenges and struggles that we face in our daily lives. It’s in these moments that we need to remember the power of Divine Source Energy and the transformative effect it can have on our lives.

As we’ve discussed in this post, tapping into the power of Divine Source Energy can be done through various practices, including meditation, visualization, and prayer. By quieting our minds and focusing on the present moment, we can connect with this universal life force energy and access its infinite potential.

But accessing Divine Source Energy is only the first step. We must also learn to let go of negative emotions and beliefs that can hold us back from living our best lives. By using techniques such as journaling, affirmations, and forgiveness exercises, we can release these limiting beliefs and replace them with positive ones that align with our desires.

Once we’ve cleared the way for positive energy to flow in, we can apply the power of Divine Source Energy to any challenge we face in life. Whether it’s a difficult relationship, financial struggles, or health issues, we can focus on positive outcomes and visualize success, creating a reality that aligns with our desires.

In conclusion, surrendering our worries and fears to Divine Source Energy can be a transformative experience that brings peace, joy, and abundance into our lives. So why not try the practical exercises discussed in this post and start tapping into the power of Divine Source Energy today?  The journey may not be easy, but the rewards are immeasurable.

Hope Fuels Faith

 Today we will be discussing hope, how hope fuels your faith, why faith is important to your belief, and why believing is an essential ingredient needed for your manifestation journey. 


How hope fuels your faith

   It is important that you have enough hope- fueled faith to believe that you can achieve all the things you have dreamt about for yourself, no matter what area of your life these dreams are related to.

When those moments of doubt from the devil creep into your life, it is essential that you have strong faith in your beliefs and for this faith to be as firm as you need, you need to have hope. Personally, when I am at my lowest or darkest moments, I turn to prayers more than anything else naturally because that connection with the divine reinforces my hope in God and the plans he has for my life which helps recharge my faith that everything I am manifesting will fall into place according to divine timing. 

   Many religions – and even those who do not believe in God – have specific times of prayers or periods when the world is quiet, you can put your worldly thoughts aside, sit through meditation and connect with divine energy.

Connecting to divine energy gives you peace because now you have hope that your manifestations and prayers are going to come true. When you meditate, you are able to connect to your higher self and to what you are desiring for yourself and regardless of what path you take, you have hope that whatever you are creating and manifesting is going to happen.   


God is looking out for you 

   You need to truly believe that divine energy is looking out for you and everything you are hoping for is going to happen for you; God is looking out for you and as long as you have faith that allows you to believe daily, you will be able to overcome the doubts that creep into your mind when you are facing tough situations on your manifestation journey. 

I have always thought Bollywood actor, Shah Rukh Khan, is an amazing person who really embodies everything about the law of attraction and manifesting the life you want for yourself; generally he is very honest and upfront about how he achieved things and what you should do to reach the success that he has been able to reach.

I listened to an interview he did where someone asked if he thought the three films he did before he took a four-year sabbatical for health reasons would be successful and he replied that he believed that every single one of them is going to be a super duper hit; he said ‘I’m not saying this to be arrogant but this is the belief that I hold. And it’s a belief that I go to sleep with, it’s a belief that I wake up with, and it’s a belief that I walk around with and I thought, absolutely fantastic’ and this is how every one of us is supposed to be believing.

When the movie came out after this interview, it ended up breaking box office records and making large amounts of money not just because of how great he is at marketing (because he did a lot of amazing marketing for the movie and was able to cover his costs for it even before the film came out) but because of the belief he already had in the project.

Shah Rukh Khan has always had complete belief in himself and in his dreams and aspirations for as long as I have seen him in Bollywood and this is something we all can learn from and aspire to do in our own lives every day; even when it does not look like things are working out right now they will happen eventually according to divine timing as long as you believe in yourself and in universal energy. 


Believe in yourself      

   You do not have to be the best at everything to achieve your goals, you just have to believe in yourself and whatever you are manifesting for your life; The one thing that you need to have for you to be ultimately financially successful, successful in relationships or successful in any area of your life is faith in the dreams and aspirations you have for yourself.

Do not ever allow yourself to think about the opposite of your dreams or doubt that any of your manifestations will come true, if you truly believe in yourself with all your heart and mind you will be able to achieve anything you desire.

   When you believe you can do something, you work harder to achieve it and become more motivated to try harder to reach that goal you are believing in.

Give it your best with the belief that you are going to succeed then mountains begin to be moved for you, the universe contrives and gives you everything you want; when you really want something the whole universe conspires to give you that which you are desiring for yourself and this is what the law of attraction is all about.

You may not have the same talents or opportunities as someone else but you cannot let that derail you from the manifestations you have planned for your life, as long as you are able to believe in yourself and your abilities you will succeed. 

You have to start figuring out how to instill yourself to have this belief and to have this belief, you have to have faith in a higher power no matter what your religion is. When you believe in a higher power it allows you to have faith and this faith gives you hope to solidify your belief that everything is going to work out for your success.  



Make sure that you have a ritual, prayer, or meditation that gives you hope every day and this hope fuels your faith in divine energy or whatever higher power you believe in. Shah Rukh Khan believed in his dreams, worked for them, and was able to achieve them over and over again; no matter how much effort you put into something, if you do not have the belief it will not work out the way you have envisioned it to work out. 

If you do not believe in your dreams and continuously allow doubt to cloud your mind, you will never be able to achieve them no matter the amount of effort you put into it.

Hard work is important but believing that you can achieve your goals is much more important; if there is anything you want to achieve in life you have to believe with here atom of your being that it has already happened for you and the universe is bringing things together for it to come into fruition for you to receive in the physical world. 


Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;



Having a Clear Vision For Your Goals

Today we are going to be discussing having a clear vision for our goals in order to reach our manifestations.

Why is having a clear vision for your goal so important?

The first step to constructing the life you are manifesting is to know exactly what it is that you want to create meaning you need to clearly know what you want and have these goals written down. Most especially in the beginning of the year, we are all encouraged to have goals or resolutions for our lives, make sure they are positive and in the present tense and have them written down.

After this, your next step is to understand your clear vision and find the importance of this reason; when you do not have clear reasons why you want to achieve your vision, you will lose hope in them when the tough circumstances of life arrive and when you run out of faith in your goals you will never be able to achieve them. When you are not as emotionally invested in a manifestation, it is more likely that this goal will be achieved faster than that goal that you are passionate about.

In those moments of hardship, you need to hold on to your goals and have faith in the manifestations you have for yourself. One of my clients had this vision to become a business coach but was unable to develop her business without her relationship with her partner suffering and vice versa, when I met up with her I was able to show her that there were some elements of self-sabotage and other things that were not allowing this business thrive.

When the devil realizes that you are determined and focused on fulfilling your goal, it will do everything in its power to attack you in other areas of your life in order to dissuade you from your manifestation journey just as God finds ways to help you in unexpected ways. The devil will always find ways to attack you and try to stop you from achieving your dreams, whether it is directly attacking your manifestation or attacking other parts of your life to break you but as long as you stand strong and have faith you will be able to overcome whatever it throws your way.

Keep an eye on your vision

As long as you have a clear vision of your goals you will not lose sight of your manifestation, no matter what situations you have to face. Be aware of your weaknesses and the areas of your life that will distract you from fulfilling your goals if they are attacked but do not allow yourself to forget the importance of your goal and the clear understanding of why you have these manifestations that you want to achieve.

Instead of letting them distract you, trust that God will take care of your worries and focus on the amazing goals you have written to accomplish your manifestation.

Personally, I know the biggest distraction the devil can use to deter me from achieving my goal is my children which is why my vision for my business is to create a lifestyle for them without having to worry about debts or struggling too much with life. I faced multiple challenges in December 2022 that were simply sent my way by the devil to break me down completely but I was able to overcome them by faith and now I know universal energy has a massive breakthrough waiting for me.

What is your vision and what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Before your manifestation shows up in your physical world, the devil will find a way to attack you in order for your dreams not to come to pass – the breakdown before the breakthrough – and only those who can overcome these moments of instability will be able to reach the finish line.

Crawl to faith

Facing these challenges gave me a better understanding of who I am and drew me closer to my faith in God, this has made my prayer life a lot better and has moved my prayer life from intermittent to constant. If you are manifesting something that is really important to you then you must know that the devil will come for you but as long as you stand strong and hold on to your faith in divine energy, your breakthrough will surely come.

Have a clear vision for your goal and always write your goals in the present tense. Why do you believe that it must take two to five years for you to achieve your goal of making a hundred thousand a month? Why do you think you cannot achieve it in the next month or few months?

If you continuously write your dreams in the future tense then they will not be fulfilled till this time period because that is when you believe your manifestation is going to happen for you. Believe that divine timing is in your present and that universal energy is willing to give you everything you desire now if you truly trust in them.

You cannot have a desire without it already being allocated to you and without it being present in your universal warehouse because only then do you become aware of it and only then can you pray for it. In Islamic tradition, we are taught that if God gives you a desire and allows you to pray for it then the only reason he has allowed you to pray for it is that he wants you to receive it so if you have a desire, it has already been allocated to your spiritual world and it is only a matter of time before it manifests in your physical world.


You have to know that before your manifestation appears in your physical world, you will face some form of turmoil or challenge during your journey. The breakdown will always happen before the breakthrough so hold on to faith with both hands in these trying times; it is at that moment that those who are truly manifesting become separated from those who do not have belief in their dreams.

Conquer your demons, overcome the turmoil, and persevere to the end! Your manifestation will come to pass only if you truly hold on to your belief in it.Do not get bitter, get better.

5 Steps to Changing Any Beliefs

Today we will be discussing the five steps you need to follow in order to change your beliefs and ultimately, your lives.

How to change your beliefs

I have taught on the three steps to manifesting and how the second – and most important- step is truly believing in your manifestation. A famous quote by Henry Ford that has stuck with me since I began my entrepreneurial journey said ‘If you believe you can then you can and if you believe you can’t then you can’t ‘ and it was with this that I realized that the beliefs we have as humans are very important; As it says in the Bible, ask for something and if you believe it will be given to you, and in the Quran, I am to my servant as he expects me to be meaning when you believe something then definitely it will be true for you.

Now that we have discussed the importance of beliefs, how do we identify and change these beliefs? As I began to look at my manifestation journey and the work that I do, I have realized that we create a new reality by generating and adapting new beliefs. I was speaking to the members of my mastermind during the question & answer session today and I told one of them that if she can believe in her heart that she can earn a hundred thousand then that is the amount she will start to earn in her bank account; the amount of time this would take is not the problem because in truth you have the ability to collapse time as long as you have the deep conviction to do so. If you have true belief in your manifestation, then that will be the reality that will show up for you.

Five Steps To Changing One’s Beliefs

These are methods that I personally have used at various points in my life, especially whenever I think I am not succeeding at something or something is not going well for example, I realized that even though I had a good relationship with money, my relationship with time was lacking so to improve that I needed to make some changes to the current beliefs I have concerning time.

1. Identify the areas you would like to work on.

If you do not focus on the specific section of your life that you need to change, you end up creating beliefs on various random parts instead. Now how do you get to these core beliefs? Identify the center of the particular area you want to work on and the more focused you are on that specific, the more you allow your mind to focus on beliefs about it. Using money as our area of focus, if you currently make a hundred thousand a month then there is nothing stopping you from making that same amount daily; the universe does not see the numbers when we are dealing with money but rather the changes in our energies regarding money.

2. Write down all your beliefs about this area.

One thing that has helped me on multiple occasions regarding this is whenever I get new ideas, I set a timer for five minutes and write down as much as I can without lifting my pen for this period of time. When you do this you find out that your logical mind, for the first few minutes, has empowering views of money before your subconscious mind begins to think about all the reasons making money would be a difficult task. By the time the timer goes off, you will realize that your conscious mind has given you amazing money beliefs for your new reality.

3. Read through the beliefs you have written.

When you look through the beliefs you have written during those five minutes, you will realize that you should be able to identify about two to five core beliefs that summarize all your other beliefs. This helps you analyze how your mind works and what core beliefs rule your subconscious mind and is creating your reality that your conscious mind is not aware of.

4. Create the opposite of the core beliefs you already have.

These will be your new set of beliefs. If one of your core beliefs is there is not enough time in the day to make the amount of money you would like to make daily, then your new core belief should be that you need a new system that would allow you to make this type of income in that short period. So you do not need to work ten times harder, you just have to find a different way of working to achieve your aforementioned goal.

The amount I make working shorter hours now with ease is almost ten times more than the amount I made working longer hours when I was a lawyer because I had not created the system that worked best for me yet; My conviction was that I could not only do this but do it differently and it was with this that I was able to create the reality I am living today; If the core beliefs you currently have are not working then try the opposite of these beliefs till you reach a system that works better and easier for you. Before you can create a new reality you need to have the belief to back it up.

5. Embody your new beliefs and make them part of your energy system.

This step is the hardest part. There are several modalities like EFT, energy healings, energy clearing, NLP techniques etcetera; generally, I believe any manifesting technique is about reprogramming your new beliefs and creating a new reality from the new sets of beliefs that you have. In order to embody these new beliefs in your energy field and make your convictions, I would recommend doing your personal research using books, mediations, teachings etcetera.

My favorite one is energy clearing and in my masterminds, I teach about using this method to help connect you to life as well as take out the energy in your old beliefs and put them into new beliefs; energy clearing is repeating this clearing continuously over the next few weeks until these new beliefs get embodied into your energy field. This causes you to start thinking differently from a new portal belief system rather than the old one and in turn, is why we get quicker results because the faster you instill a new belief, the faster your new reality begins to show up in your physical world.


Focus on yourself and your beliefs; The quicker you can change your beliefs, the quicker you will be able to create a new reality for yourself. Find new techniques and modalities that can help you identify and instill new beliefs in yourself. Change your beliefs and create a new reality for yourself to make your manifestations a part of your physical world.

Move On and Let Go For Abundance

A quote I heard once said ‘There are things that we never want to let go of and people we never want to leave behind but keep in mind that letting go is not the end of the world but the beginning of a new life” and this caused an energy shift in my life because I recently had to let go of a very close relative of mine and even though it was a difficult decision to make, I have found that this decision has bettered me as a person. The reason I had to let go of this relative of mine was that we were no longer on the same mental plane and even though I still love and respect her, our conversations were beginning to feel toxic to me; actively making the painful decision to pull back and let her go ended up restoring the positive energy that had been missing in my life.

When is it time to let go?

1. When someone’s negativity is rubbing off on you:  No matter how optimistic you are, being surrounded by toxic people can cause their negativity to rub off on you. You are the average of the people you spend time with so to reach your full potential, you need to be surrounded by positive people.

2. When you have grown apart from someone: I have some childhood friends who I had to let go of because our ideas of life were no longer the same, while I am more ambitious and business-minded now most of them are content with their nine-to-five jobs and where they currently are in life. So even though I still love them and wish them well, we are no longer on the same wavelength and no longer share the same core values.

3. When you are unhappy with your circumstances: Sometimes it is good to persevere and keep moving forward even though your situation seems difficult. Other times it is better to cut your losses and move on before things get even more difficult than they already are. Sometime in 2011, I set up a business with my cousin which I ended up having to let go of about two years later due to a lack of clients; even though we had gotten all the accreditations and I had invested so much money, time and energy into this business it ended up not being fruitful. There will be times that you invest in something, in this case a business, and the universe just does not want you to move in that direction but as long as you have faith that things are happening for you and not to you and that universal energy would never give up on you, you will achieve the life you have desired for yourself.

4. When your goals change: When I decided to start a family, I chose to leave my goal of being a lawyer behind and to instead raise my children myself as a stay home mom. After my separation, I became the breadwinner and had to get back to work again to provide for my family; however I did not go back to law even though I had worked so hard to get that degree. My goals in life had changed and I had to let go of my identity as a lawyer in order to pursue all the other goals I have for my life; you have to let go of your old goals and move on to this newer, higher version of yourself who has new goals that are positive for your manifestation journey. If you are in a profession and a higher self is calling towards a different goal, then divine energy is pointing you to the next challenge of achieving the life you manifested for yourself.

5. When fear is holding you back: Part of letting go and moving on is facing the disappointments and mistakes of your past. I have been divorced for about six years now and a question I am always asked is why I have not moved on to another relationship after all this time; at first, I used my children and work as my excuse but I soon realized that I was letting my fear of having another narcissistic abusive partner hold me back from moving forward with a new partner. Whether it is a business or a partnership, you cannot let the bad experiences you have had in the past deter you from reaching your full potential and manifesting the dreams you have for your life.

6. When you are still living in your past: Sometimes we allow ourselves to develop these unrealistic expectations of ourselves, family members, friends, businesses, relationships, etcetera, and when these expectations are not met, we complain about what could have been and how we could have changed our past situations. If you do not allow yourself to let go of the sadness and pain from your past, you will never be able to move forward in your manifestation journey.

7. When you are holding grudges: Old grudges are only capable of hurting you if you allow them to. A grudge I remember having to let go of was one I had been holding against my brother and my sister-in-law; my brother had refused to let me move out of the house until I got married while his wife made it very difficult for me while I lived there and even though I love my brother so much right now our relationship was very different. I had not lived in their house since 2005 but I let myself carry that negative energy for years and was allowing this past event to stop me from moving forward and achieving the life of success that I was manifesting for myself.

8. When you are only seeing the pain from an experience and not the lesson: Everything that happens in your life happens for a reason and if you only allow yourself to see the pain an event has caused you, you will not be able to learn any lessons from these situations. You have to learn to not just let go of the pain of your past but to also let go of the self-made expectations you could not meet and forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made. Let the pain go and embrace the lessons you learned from the experience instead.

Focus on the lesson, not the pain

During a recent visit to Pakistan, I was introduced to some relatives I had never met before and while I interacted with them I realized that even after being gone for 17 years, all these people still behaved the same way they did in the past. This was the universe showing me that even though I walk around trying my best to ignore it, most people behave badly and whether I believe it or not there will always be people whose energies are not good for me; this was a hard lesson for me to learn especially because it meant letting go of some people who were really close to me but unfortunately fit this description. Life has taught me that I cannot have blind faith in everyone and this lesson has saved me a lot of heartache for the future.

Tips on how to let go

1. Accept what happened and show gratitude for it: There is always some element of good that comes from a situation, no matter how bad the situation might have been. Bob Proctor once said ‘Whatever happens to you, there are equal amounts of good and bad’ meaning on your manifestation journey things are always balanced, if something good happens to you it is likely that something bad could happen to you as well. Accept reality as it is and show gratitude to the universe for the truth that you have now been made aware of.

2. Build some distance between the people you need to let go of: You need to build some distance between yourself and the people with negative energy in your life. There are people, for example family members or work colleagues, that you cannot completely avoid talking to completely so you can instead cut ties with them. Put some physical distance between you and them as well as energetic distance in order for you to recreate your relationship from a new angle.

3. Focus on what can be changed: In my case, I have been using Facebook as my primary platform for growing my business but now I am looking at other platforms which could help me expand better. You need to realise that when one door closes, the universe is always there opening other doors for you; let go of the closed door and focus on what can make your situation better and move you forward on your manifestation journey.

4. Be in control of your life: To truly let go, you need to claim ownership of your life. Do not let yourself live by other people’s views and standards, instead take responsibility for the events that are occurring in your life whether they are good or bad; I had to learn that if I could manifest the hurtful events I went through for myself then I could manifest wealth and prosperity into my life as well so I took personal responsibility for the bad of my past and refused to allow it define who I am today. Take personal responsibility for the events you are experiencing and make changes that will benefit your journey to wealth and elevate your positive vibration.

5. Be focused: Pay attention to the thoughts, words, and actions you are making and have positive conversations with your inner self to avoid manifesting negativity into your life. Everything that is showing up in your physical world externally is a direct reflection of what is happening in your inner world so take responsibility for the conversations you have with your inner self and focus on the positives to reap positive results.

6. Let go: Stop allowing yourself to associate with the people who radiate negative energy in your life, no matter who they are. Spend the limited time we have on earth with the people who spread positivity and make you feel good about yourself, not belittle you or make you feel like everything is wrong. If someone does not value who you are then you should not be spending the majority of your time with them.


Identify those people you need to let go of for you to move on and be happy with your life. Allow yourself to live in today, not in your past or in what your future will be because today is the moment that truly matters; your current life is the only thing that you can truly change so make sure to spend today thinking and manifesting positivity for your future self to enjoy tomorrow.

Expect Miracles and Blessings

Today we will be discussing the importance of expecting miracles.

Expecting miracles is important for manifestation

No matter the perspective you have towards manifesting your life of success, you need to expect miracles and have faith in the expectations you are nursing. When we as humans are pregnant there are scans and tests which act as evidence to prove the presence of a baby in its mother as well as the baby kicking and moving inside her; but for an animal like the eagle, the mother has to sit on her egg for about thirty-five days waiting for her baby to appear, with no form of confirmation that there is something in its egg until the thirty-fifth day when it hatches.

This is the same thing that happens with your manifestations, there are some situations when there is evidence of improvement, for example when you are healing from a previous illness even when you have not completely recovered from it yet. Unfortunately, there are times things do not work out the way you expect them to, especially when it comes to financial situations but if you are expectant of your miracle and you firmly hold on to your faith in divine energy then you do not need to be afraid of what is to come.

Whenever you are going through something, you have the choice to either lean into fear or lean into faith; the devil wants you to lean into fear and does everything in his power to convince you that you cannot achieve your dreams and you should give up on them while faith will always want you to know that God is on your side and that miracles will happen for you as long as you keep believing that divine energy will come through for you.

Fear vs Faith

There is always an internal battle in our minds between fear and faith. Usually in my line of business, I meet a lot of people who failed in their entrepreneurial journeys not because they lack the talent or charisma but because they lack faith in divine energy. Before any dream is manifested, there is always a period of darkness when it feels like divine energy is silent on the situation you are going through; my mother used to say ‘the darkest part of the night is just before dawn’ so when God is about to do something great in your life, you might experience a period of equal difficulty but as long as you hold on to faith and expect miracles during these adversities divine energy will come through for you.

Most people easily hold on to faith when things are going well and they are not facing any form of difficulty but the moment a situation starts to look impossible, they allow fear to take control of their minds. They go into victim mode, believing that divine energy is no longer working in their favor and that manifestation that was close to being fulfilled no longer comes to pass because of their self-inflicted negativity. Steve Harvey once explained that for most people, the delivery of their manifestation to their doorstep is cutoff by living in a state of doubt so it is during these moments of doubt that you should instead believe that your miracle is on its way and hold on to faith that divine energy is making ways for you. When it seems like nothing is going right; hold on to faith in universal energy, expect them to create miracles for you and your miracles will show up for you.

Show faith first

Most of the time people say they will have faith only when they begin to see physical evidence. As a former lawyer my natural instinct is to rely solely on the evidence in order to believe something but when it comes to the supernatural, having faith comes first before your manifestation can appear in the physical world especially when there is proof that universal energy is working for you. There are some aspects of my life that I am currently manifesting that I have no physical evidence of but I speak about them like they are already happening; I have complete faith in divine energy and I know that when it is time, my miracle will come. So no matter what I am manifesting in my life I know that it is coming whether it comes tomorrow or in ten years, I have faith that God will always work things out in my favor and whenever I have any doubts I lean on this faith and belief.

I have various responsibilities I handle and people I need to support and because of how sensitive a person I am, I end up having to handle my numerous emotions while dealing with all these duties I have but it is my continuous faith in divine energy that constantly keeps me going no matter the obstacles. In life, there will always be issues to deal with and hurdles that you need to face, your job is to continuously speak miracles into your life and hold on to faith that universal energy will make a way for you. I live my life continuously expecting miracles whether it is in my business, my relationship, my daughter’s GCSE exams, or my son’s school selection, no matter what the situation is I always expect miracles and I always expect divine energy to come through for me. Call these miracles into your life at every opportunity and thank universal energy for their constant support, opportunities, grace, and everything you are manifesting for yourself knowing God has a plan for you.

Expect miracles and speak them into your life. It is not possible to be happy and positive one hundred percent of the time but apply the eighty/twenty rule, expect miracles and own a positive vibration eighty percent of the time, and when those overwhelming feelings occur during the twenty percent take a break. Do not allow yourself to verbalize your fears or worries but instead talk to universal energy and cry if you need to, whether they are tears of gratitude to God or they are tears from being so overwhelmed by your situation. The easiest time to create negativity in your life is when your emotions are high and it is during these periods that you must stop yourself from verbalizing fear into your life so as not to pull darkness into your physical world.


Ask universal energy for help in that dark moment and give yourself the space to feel these emotions without speaking and dwelling on them. Do not allow yourself to stay in that dark place and once you have let all the sad emotions out, know that God has heard you and is solving your problems. You have the power to speak miracles for yourself but you need to expect them first and ask divine energy to help you in both your high and low moments. Start expecting miracles that will take you to the next level with ease because expecting miracles are essential for your miracles to show up.

Do Not Tell God What You Can Not Do

Today we are going to be discussing how you need to stop telling divine energy what you cannot do and instead start listening to them telling you all the things you can do.

Allow yourself to dream bigger

During my mastermind, I often ask people what they would like to manifest and something that stood out to me after listening to their answers was that most of us only allow ourselves to dream a little bit bigger than our current situations. And because of how comfortable and digestible these little dreams are, we do not allow ourselves to even envision anything bigger for our lives.

The reason we do not allow ourselves to dream bigger is that we do not truly believe that we can create miracles nor do we believe that divine energy is ready to give us the supernatural help we would need to manifest magnificent goals. Most of the people who invested in things like cryptocurrency and ended up forming companies like Canva and Uber have become billionaires over the space of a few years because they decided to dream big and found themselves in the right place at the right time.

We do not acknowledge our dreams because to us these dreams are too far away from where we are currently; For example, you find it impossible to ever fathom earning two million dollars because you are currently making only two thousand dollars from your job however you need to understand that the universe does not work with numbers but rather recognizes your energies and beliefs around your goal. Therefore, the more you believe you can achieve a larger goal, the more divine energy would create situations to achieve said goal for you.

You need to believe in your dreams

It is not just enough to dream; you must also believe in these dreams and listen to the conversations universal energy is willing to have with you. These conversations come to you in the form of desires and goals and God brings them to you this way in order for you to grow and materialize these desires in the physical world.
Unfortunately, when these desires come we allow ourselves to be intimidated by them and question whether or not it is actually possible for them to come to pass; We do not allow ourselves to even dream these desires into fruition. Personally, I am guilty of doing this and I began to think about these things when I realized that I had spent my time talking about cars I would like to attain yet I have never once sat to visualize my private jets, even though I have one on my vision board and it is something I want for my future. By doing this, I have allowed my current situation to put limitations on myself and instead pushed this desire onto my future self instead of visualizing and emotionalizing these desires regardless of the income and situation I am currently in now.

When these big desires come, most people either refuse to acknowledge these God-given dreams or push them into the future for their future selves to deal with. We find all sorts of excuses and reasons to look at it later in life, and this is because as humans we hide behind our self-made safety nets to protect ourselves from the possibility of failure. Because it is not something that can be attained now, we push it into the future and then allow ourselves to forget about them once they are not in our minds continuously. You begin to think that these dreams are too much for you, too unachievable for you, and instead allow yourself to push them away, forgetting about and limiting yourself only to the small goals within your comfort zone.
How long will you allow yourself to put your desires on hold because of what you are currently seeing in your physical world?

Your dreams and desires are not too big

Divine energy will always give you the desires that you can handle and whether you believe it or not, you already have the skills needed to fulfill these desires and create this reality within you. However you have to believe in them and believe that these things really can happen for you, your dreams are not too big!
Stop telling your God how big your problems are and start telling your problems how big your God is. Universal energy can create anything you could ever imagine but they need you to make that move of belief so that everything they have planned for you will fall into place.

When you make a move, you know that even when you make a mistake there is still room for you to change directions and improve on your desire. However, the moment you allow yourself to be frozen by the enormity of these goals, you lose hope in yourself and in divine energy. This is the reason a lot of people are wallowing in mediocrity and eventually fall into situations of lack and scarcity.

Leaving your comfort zone

Your comfort zone is that point where you have allowed yourself continuously become comfortable with being uncomfortable, it is the box you have placed yourself in because you believe you are too small to achieve the big dreams and desires that God has in store for you. This box -this comfort zone- will not lead you to a wealthier life; you have to consciously break out of this comfortable place, and to get out of this box you need to think and dream bigger for yourself!

You have the ability to create anything you desire because divine energy has already given you all the skills, abilities, and resources you would need to fulfill these desires. I was told a story once of a husband who was trying to answer his wife’s questions about creating her own reality but was unable to within his ability so he was reached out to by another man who was willing to help explain it to her, the other man advised him to place a 20$ bill in his wife’s book in order to solve her problem so he did. During the next lecture, the wife once again stood up full of questions and gently, the man asked her to open her book and hand him a 20$ bill. The wife continuously protested, insisting she had no money on her person at all, and ended up being annoyed and agitated even as the man gently asked her to just check her book and hand him the bill, finally she opened the book just to prove to him that there was nothing there but instead ended up surprised to find the 20$ bill in it. The man then explained this point to her which I believe is also applicable to all of us; if the universe is continuously repeating a desire to you it means that you already have the skills and resources you would need to fulfill these desires, even if you are unaware of it, so instead of arguing and complaining it is your responsibility to open your heart and search within yourself for these gifts instilled in you to achieve these dreams.


You are a creative being born with all sorts of skills and abilities to achieve these amazing desires for your life. Even though they may be latent or underdeveloped, God knows you have the ability to do so much more than you could ever imagine which is why they always believe in you, you have to now accept this and believe in yourself and God’s plan for you.

Instead of telling God what you cannot do, listen to what God is telling you that you can do. The moment you develop the belief that you have all the skills and resources you need to achieve whatever desire you might have, everything will rapidly begin to fall into place in your physical world. Your belief comes first while your manifestation comes second. As long as you believe in yourself and you believe that divine energy would never give you a desire that is impossible for you to achieve, you can create anything and everything you could ever imagine! Accept it, believe it, and act on it!

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