Gull Khan

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5 Steps to Changing Any Beliefs

Today we will be discussing the five steps you need to follow in order to change your beliefs and ultimately, your lives.

How to change your beliefs

I have taught on the three steps to manifesting and how the second – and most important- step is truly believing in your manifestation. A famous quote by Henry Ford that has stuck with me since I began my entrepreneurial journey said ‘If you believe you can then you can and if you believe you can’t then you can’t ‘ and it was with this that I realized that the beliefs we have as humans are very important; As it says in the Bible, ask for something and if you believe it will be given to you, and in the Quran, I am to my servant as he expects me to be meaning when you believe something then definitely it will be true for you.

Now that we have discussed the importance of beliefs, how do we identify and change these beliefs? As I began to look at my manifestation journey and the work that I do, I have realized that we create a new reality by generating and adapting new beliefs. I was speaking to the members of my mastermind during the question & answer session today and I told one of them that if she can believe in her heart that she can earn a hundred thousand then that is the amount she will start to earn in her bank account; the amount of time this would take is not the problem because in truth you have the ability to collapse time as long as you have the deep conviction to do so. If you have true belief in your manifestation, then that will be the reality that will show up for you.

Five Steps To Changing One’s Beliefs

These are methods that I personally have used at various points in my life, especially whenever I think I am not succeeding at something or something is not going well for example, I realized that even though I had a good relationship with money, my relationship with time was lacking so to improve that I needed to make some changes to the current beliefs I have concerning time.

1. Identify the areas you would like to work on.

If you do not focus on the specific section of your life that you need to change, you end up creating beliefs on various random parts instead. Now how do you get to these core beliefs? Identify the center of the particular area you want to work on and the more focused you are on that specific, the more you allow your mind to focus on beliefs about it. Using money as our area of focus, if you currently make a hundred thousand a month then there is nothing stopping you from making that same amount daily; the universe does not see the numbers when we are dealing with money but rather the changes in our energies regarding money.

2. Write down all your beliefs about this area.

One thing that has helped me on multiple occasions regarding this is whenever I get new ideas, I set a timer for five minutes and write down as much as I can without lifting my pen for this period of time. When you do this you find out that your logical mind, for the first few minutes, has empowering views of money before your subconscious mind begins to think about all the reasons making money would be a difficult task. By the time the timer goes off, you will realize that your conscious mind has given you amazing money beliefs for your new reality.

3. Read through the beliefs you have written.

When you look through the beliefs you have written during those five minutes, you will realize that you should be able to identify about two to five core beliefs that summarize all your other beliefs. This helps you analyze how your mind works and what core beliefs rule your subconscious mind and is creating your reality that your conscious mind is not aware of.

4. Create the opposite of the core beliefs you already have.

These will be your new set of beliefs. If one of your core beliefs is there is not enough time in the day to make the amount of money you would like to make daily, then your new core belief should be that you need a new system that would allow you to make this type of income in that short period. So you do not need to work ten times harder, you just have to find a different way of working to achieve your aforementioned goal.

The amount I make working shorter hours now with ease is almost ten times more than the amount I made working longer hours when I was a lawyer because I had not created the system that worked best for me yet; My conviction was that I could not only do this but do it differently and it was with this that I was able to create the reality I am living today; If the core beliefs you currently have are not working then try the opposite of these beliefs till you reach a system that works better and easier for you. Before you can create a new reality you need to have the belief to back it up.

5. Embody your new beliefs and make them part of your energy system.

This step is the hardest part. There are several modalities like EFT, energy healings, energy clearing, NLP techniques etcetera; generally, I believe any manifesting technique is about reprogramming your new beliefs and creating a new reality from the new sets of beliefs that you have. In order to embody these new beliefs in your energy field and make your convictions, I would recommend doing your personal research using books, mediations, teachings etcetera.

My favorite one is energy clearing and in my masterminds, I teach about using this method to help connect you to life as well as take out the energy in your old beliefs and put them into new beliefs; energy clearing is repeating this clearing continuously over the next few weeks until these new beliefs get embodied into your energy field. This causes you to start thinking differently from a new portal belief system rather than the old one and in turn, is why we get quicker results because the faster you instill a new belief, the faster your new reality begins to show up in your physical world.


Focus on yourself and your beliefs; The quicker you can change your beliefs, the quicker you will be able to create a new reality for yourself. Find new techniques and modalities that can help you identify and instill new beliefs in yourself. Change your beliefs and create a new reality for yourself to make your manifestations a part of your physical world.

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