Gull Khan

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Tag: vision

Having a Clear Vision For Your Goals

Today we are going to be discussing having a clear vision for our goals in order to reach our manifestations.

Why is having a clear vision for your goal so important?

The first step to constructing the life you are manifesting is to know exactly what it is that you want to create meaning you need to clearly know what you want and have these goals written down. Most especially in the beginning of the year, we are all encouraged to have goals or resolutions for our lives, make sure they are positive and in the present tense and have them written down.

After this, your next step is to understand your clear vision and find the importance of this reason; when you do not have clear reasons why you want to achieve your vision, you will lose hope in them when the tough circumstances of life arrive and when you run out of faith in your goals you will never be able to achieve them. When you are not as emotionally invested in a manifestation, it is more likely that this goal will be achieved faster than that goal that you are passionate about.

In those moments of hardship, you need to hold on to your goals and have faith in the manifestations you have for yourself. One of my clients had this vision to become a business coach but was unable to develop her business without her relationship with her partner suffering and vice versa, when I met up with her I was able to show her that there were some elements of self-sabotage and other things that were not allowing this business thrive.

When the devil realizes that you are determined and focused on fulfilling your goal, it will do everything in its power to attack you in other areas of your life in order to dissuade you from your manifestation journey just as God finds ways to help you in unexpected ways. The devil will always find ways to attack you and try to stop you from achieving your dreams, whether it is directly attacking your manifestation or attacking other parts of your life to break you but as long as you stand strong and have faith you will be able to overcome whatever it throws your way.

Keep an eye on your vision

As long as you have a clear vision of your goals you will not lose sight of your manifestation, no matter what situations you have to face. Be aware of your weaknesses and the areas of your life that will distract you from fulfilling your goals if they are attacked but do not allow yourself to forget the importance of your goal and the clear understanding of why you have these manifestations that you want to achieve.

Instead of letting them distract you, trust that God will take care of your worries and focus on the amazing goals you have written to accomplish your manifestation.

Personally, I know the biggest distraction the devil can use to deter me from achieving my goal is my children which is why my vision for my business is to create a lifestyle for them without having to worry about debts or struggling too much with life. I faced multiple challenges in December 2022 that were simply sent my way by the devil to break me down completely but I was able to overcome them by faith and now I know universal energy has a massive breakthrough waiting for me.

What is your vision and what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Before your manifestation shows up in your physical world, the devil will find a way to attack you in order for your dreams not to come to pass – the breakdown before the breakthrough – and only those who can overcome these moments of instability will be able to reach the finish line.

Crawl to faith

Facing these challenges gave me a better understanding of who I am and drew me closer to my faith in God, this has made my prayer life a lot better and has moved my prayer life from intermittent to constant. If you are manifesting something that is really important to you then you must know that the devil will come for you but as long as you stand strong and hold on to your faith in divine energy, your breakthrough will surely come.

Have a clear vision for your goal and always write your goals in the present tense. Why do you believe that it must take two to five years for you to achieve your goal of making a hundred thousand a month? Why do you think you cannot achieve it in the next month or few months?

If you continuously write your dreams in the future tense then they will not be fulfilled till this time period because that is when you believe your manifestation is going to happen for you. Believe that divine timing is in your present and that universal energy is willing to give you everything you desire now if you truly trust in them.

You cannot have a desire without it already being allocated to you and without it being present in your universal warehouse because only then do you become aware of it and only then can you pray for it. In Islamic tradition, we are taught that if God gives you a desire and allows you to pray for it then the only reason he has allowed you to pray for it is that he wants you to receive it so if you have a desire, it has already been allocated to your spiritual world and it is only a matter of time before it manifests in your physical world.


You have to know that before your manifestation appears in your physical world, you will face some form of turmoil or challenge during your journey. The breakdown will always happen before the breakthrough so hold on to faith with both hands in these trying times; it is at that moment that those who are truly manifesting become separated from those who do not have belief in their dreams.

Conquer your demons, overcome the turmoil, and persevere to the end! Your manifestation will come to pass only if you truly hold on to your belief in it.Do not get bitter, get better.

Move On and Let Go For Abundance

A quote I heard once said ‘There are things that we never want to let go of and people we never want to leave behind but keep in mind that letting go is not the end of the world but the beginning of a new life” and this caused an energy shift in my life because I recently had to let go of a very close relative of mine and even though it was a difficult decision to make, I have found that this decision has bettered me as a person. The reason I had to let go of this relative of mine was that we were no longer on the same mental plane and even though I still love and respect her, our conversations were beginning to feel toxic to me; actively making the painful decision to pull back and let her go ended up restoring the positive energy that had been missing in my life.

When is it time to let go?

1. When someone’s negativity is rubbing off on you:  No matter how optimistic you are, being surrounded by toxic people can cause their negativity to rub off on you. You are the average of the people you spend time with so to reach your full potential, you need to be surrounded by positive people.

2. When you have grown apart from someone: I have some childhood friends who I had to let go of because our ideas of life were no longer the same, while I am more ambitious and business-minded now most of them are content with their nine-to-five jobs and where they currently are in life. So even though I still love them and wish them well, we are no longer on the same wavelength and no longer share the same core values.

3. When you are unhappy with your circumstances: Sometimes it is good to persevere and keep moving forward even though your situation seems difficult. Other times it is better to cut your losses and move on before things get even more difficult than they already are. Sometime in 2011, I set up a business with my cousin which I ended up having to let go of about two years later due to a lack of clients; even though we had gotten all the accreditations and I had invested so much money, time and energy into this business it ended up not being fruitful. There will be times that you invest in something, in this case a business, and the universe just does not want you to move in that direction but as long as you have faith that things are happening for you and not to you and that universal energy would never give up on you, you will achieve the life you have desired for yourself.

4. When your goals change: When I decided to start a family, I chose to leave my goal of being a lawyer behind and to instead raise my children myself as a stay home mom. After my separation, I became the breadwinner and had to get back to work again to provide for my family; however I did not go back to law even though I had worked so hard to get that degree. My goals in life had changed and I had to let go of my identity as a lawyer in order to pursue all the other goals I have for my life; you have to let go of your old goals and move on to this newer, higher version of yourself who has new goals that are positive for your manifestation journey. If you are in a profession and a higher self is calling towards a different goal, then divine energy is pointing you to the next challenge of achieving the life you manifested for yourself.

5. When fear is holding you back: Part of letting go and moving on is facing the disappointments and mistakes of your past. I have been divorced for about six years now and a question I am always asked is why I have not moved on to another relationship after all this time; at first, I used my children and work as my excuse but I soon realized that I was letting my fear of having another narcissistic abusive partner hold me back from moving forward with a new partner. Whether it is a business or a partnership, you cannot let the bad experiences you have had in the past deter you from reaching your full potential and manifesting the dreams you have for your life.

6. When you are still living in your past: Sometimes we allow ourselves to develop these unrealistic expectations of ourselves, family members, friends, businesses, relationships, etcetera, and when these expectations are not met, we complain about what could have been and how we could have changed our past situations. If you do not allow yourself to let go of the sadness and pain from your past, you will never be able to move forward in your manifestation journey.

7. When you are holding grudges: Old grudges are only capable of hurting you if you allow them to. A grudge I remember having to let go of was one I had been holding against my brother and my sister-in-law; my brother had refused to let me move out of the house until I got married while his wife made it very difficult for me while I lived there and even though I love my brother so much right now our relationship was very different. I had not lived in their house since 2005 but I let myself carry that negative energy for years and was allowing this past event to stop me from moving forward and achieving the life of success that I was manifesting for myself.

8. When you are only seeing the pain from an experience and not the lesson: Everything that happens in your life happens for a reason and if you only allow yourself to see the pain an event has caused you, you will not be able to learn any lessons from these situations. You have to learn to not just let go of the pain of your past but to also let go of the self-made expectations you could not meet and forgive yourself for the mistakes you have made. Let the pain go and embrace the lessons you learned from the experience instead.

Focus on the lesson, not the pain

During a recent visit to Pakistan, I was introduced to some relatives I had never met before and while I interacted with them I realized that even after being gone for 17 years, all these people still behaved the same way they did in the past. This was the universe showing me that even though I walk around trying my best to ignore it, most people behave badly and whether I believe it or not there will always be people whose energies are not good for me; this was a hard lesson for me to learn especially because it meant letting go of some people who were really close to me but unfortunately fit this description. Life has taught me that I cannot have blind faith in everyone and this lesson has saved me a lot of heartache for the future.

Tips on how to let go

1. Accept what happened and show gratitude for it: There is always some element of good that comes from a situation, no matter how bad the situation might have been. Bob Proctor once said ‘Whatever happens to you, there are equal amounts of good and bad’ meaning on your manifestation journey things are always balanced, if something good happens to you it is likely that something bad could happen to you as well. Accept reality as it is and show gratitude to the universe for the truth that you have now been made aware of.

2. Build some distance between the people you need to let go of: You need to build some distance between yourself and the people with negative energy in your life. There are people, for example family members or work colleagues, that you cannot completely avoid talking to completely so you can instead cut ties with them. Put some physical distance between you and them as well as energetic distance in order for you to recreate your relationship from a new angle.

3. Focus on what can be changed: In my case, I have been using Facebook as my primary platform for growing my business but now I am looking at other platforms which could help me expand better. You need to realise that when one door closes, the universe is always there opening other doors for you; let go of the closed door and focus on what can make your situation better and move you forward on your manifestation journey.

4. Be in control of your life: To truly let go, you need to claim ownership of your life. Do not let yourself live by other people’s views and standards, instead take responsibility for the events that are occurring in your life whether they are good or bad; I had to learn that if I could manifest the hurtful events I went through for myself then I could manifest wealth and prosperity into my life as well so I took personal responsibility for the bad of my past and refused to allow it define who I am today. Take personal responsibility for the events you are experiencing and make changes that will benefit your journey to wealth and elevate your positive vibration.

5. Be focused: Pay attention to the thoughts, words, and actions you are making and have positive conversations with your inner self to avoid manifesting negativity into your life. Everything that is showing up in your physical world externally is a direct reflection of what is happening in your inner world so take responsibility for the conversations you have with your inner self and focus on the positives to reap positive results.

6. Let go: Stop allowing yourself to associate with the people who radiate negative energy in your life, no matter who they are. Spend the limited time we have on earth with the people who spread positivity and make you feel good about yourself, not belittle you or make you feel like everything is wrong. If someone does not value who you are then you should not be spending the majority of your time with them.


Identify those people you need to let go of for you to move on and be happy with your life. Allow yourself to live in today, not in your past or in what your future will be because today is the moment that truly matters; your current life is the only thing that you can truly change so make sure to spend today thinking and manifesting positivity for your future self to enjoy tomorrow.

Taking a leap of faith

Do you have control issues?

Are you afraid of not knowing, of uncertainty?

If you’re someone who is afraid of change or thinks you are on this journey of life all by yourself so your way is the only way, I have got you covered on this one.

Today I’ll be talking about taking a leap of faith and ways you can do this.

According to JK. Rowling “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all—in which case, you fail by default”

The saddest part of life is regrets, the “could have, should have, would have” , nothing hurts more like changes we had control over but did nothing about because of fear, you might end up the rest of your life, thinking of how different things might have turned out if only you had tried. I would rather fail than not live or at least try to live, because the regrets always sits with you.

Majority of the time, people regret things that they didn’t do, the chances they didn’t take. You can’t tiptoe your way to the grace, which is why taking a leap of faith is important in our lives.

What does taking a leap of faith mean?

Leaping without knowing where you land, it can definitely be a bit of scary, the fear of not knowing, but it could land you to the positives, quantum leap you to your dream life. The thing about life is, it moves even as we’re afraid of moving or procrastinating, it just never stands for one person.

It’s about knowing who you are, surrendering to all your expectations and trusting that a greater being would look out for you. Without risks, you can’t grow in life, Noone really knows what the future holds, you’re never going to have all the answers yet we continue to move forward

How do you distinguish walking blindly and taking a leap of faith?

Faith has to do with a strong belief in the supernatural, in something above us, something higher than us, it could be God , Brahman, the universe, your intuition and trusting that our interests are protected.

When you have a vision, you take a leap of faith and trust that taking this step could propel you into where you’re destined to be. That something above you will guide you despite your fears. Leap of faith doesn’t eliminate fear in its entirety, it supports and carries you to move despite the fear and the hurdles you might encounter.

There’s always a reward for faith, for entrusting and submitting yourself to the divine energy. Everything that is happening, is happening for you not just to you. You have to trust divine energy, even when you think you’ve failed, when your plans go as you have expected, you have to take something out of it, you don’t come out the same person, you’ve been made into magnificent version of yourself which is going to fulfill your divine purpose, the divine plan.

Everyone has divine purpose that you’re here to fulfill, and in order for you to fulfill that purpose, you have to have certain characteristics or personalities and the things you go through in life, the failures, the ups and downs are all geared to make you the kind of person that you need to be in order for you to fulfill your divine purpose to live your destined life.

See your life as a gift, and everything that is happening to you is preparing you for everything you desire but in order for you to obtain this, you have to go through certain paths. Do it the divine energy’s way.

5 ways to take a leap of faith

1. State your intention clearly;

Have an idea of where you are going and be intentional. Your intentions acts a compass, a beacon of where you want to go. You need to have intentions of what you want placed, it grounds you and sets you on the direction that you’re going. You can’t get what you want unless you know where you’re going to get this.

For me, I knew I wanted to have a business, an online business because I wanted to stay close to my kids. Initially I was working generally as a coach, I realized that as an energy healer, I’m a lot more powerful and instead of focusing on health which I was very good at, I focused on money.

Remember your intentions are not here to box you but rather guide you. So even as it grounds you, it’s flexible enough that you walk in whatever route the divine energy sets you in.

So setting clear intentions are very important, you have to ask yourself;

What exactly do I want to do?

Do I want to build my own business or to work for someone?

How much would I like to earn, monthly or annually?

How much of my time am I willing to commit to this?

It all starts with a clear intent.

2. Consent;

Once you have laid out your intentions, the next step is to surrender to the outcome. You cannot decide where you want to go, in which direction you want to go but how you get there is mostly up to divine energy.

Like how I decided recently that I wanted to have multiple businesses. I already have the coaching, which I love and I have my property business and my trading going for me and I wanted to have another additional business but I wasn’t really sure what direction to go in. So I asked divine energy to show me what other niches I could create for myself and a few have been brought to my attention.

And that was it. I asked divine energy for guidance on how to get here. My intention was to have multiple sources of income and a lot of channels has been made shown to me.

If I can try this, you can do that. All these different opportunities that I got awareness for are simply because of this intention that I set up and surrendered to. So the destination isn’t yours to decide, You just have to have the intention, ” I want to go in this direction”. What exactly is going happen and how you’re going to get there is for divine to show you.

Allow the universe to show you the best path to get your intentions. This is what it means to surrender to the outcome. You need to give yourself the flexibility, open yourself up and to receive your intuitive guidance from divine energy. Letting divine energy guide you is very important.

3. Look for Signs and Synchronicities;

There’s always a sign. When you ask divine energy for help or guidance and you ask for a sign to show you which decision to make, you’ll be given signs. So recently, I asked for a sign that I’m on the right path and that I’m doing is what I should be doing and all of a sudden I started seeing double ones, the time at 11:11 and day at 22|22 and all these double digits on all the time, all the time.

So I’m taking that as a sign that I am doing what I need to be doing. So when you see these signs, you know that you’re on the right path and that your faith is being acknowledged and you are being guided onto the right path. That’s the third way for you to take a leap of faith.

4. There’s no perfect time;

You need to actually understand that you’re never going to be fully ready, your ducks are never going line up. You are never going to have the right opportunity, the right time, the right place at the same time. There is always going to be issues, with your health, or kids or partners, that’s life. It’s never gonna be the right time. So there’s going to come to a point when you just have to take the jump. So you have to jump before you’re ready, there’s nothing as leaping too early, only the fact that maybe you don’t leap at all.

A lot of the times people instead of leaping with faith early, they don’t move at all, they just sit there, procrastinating on the edge of the mountain. The next thing they know, they are turning 80 or 90 and they feel it is too late for them now.

I think of time is the only thing we have scarcity of. You can make everything else, money but the only thing that we have a limited quantity of is time because in this our world, we do have a limited time and we don’t realize how quickly the day become weeks and weeks months then years.

And next thing you know, you are thinking about something you wanted to do five years ago and haven’t even started yet. I remember this happened to me, I started my podcast in June 2020 but I had been yearning and talking about it since 2018. It literally took me two whole years, just talking about it and I never got started. And then COVID happened and during the pandemic, I thought, my god, I have to start now, and we begun. We’ve gone from strength to strength, ever since but it’s amazing that I was stuck there for the longest time because I was procrastinating. So you have to jump before you’re ready.

5. Faith;

The one final way to do this is by trusting and believing, your faith will hold your hand through the darkness. You need to know that divine energy is always there through it all, for every step of the way. There’s a story that comes to mind at this moment and that’s it’s footsteps.

This person looks upon her life and notices that most of the times, there were two sets of footsteps in the sand but for the darkest times in her life, she could only see one set of footsteps and it was really painful so she turns to God and she says “God, that’s so unfair. How could you do this?”

And God was like, what’s wrong? And the answer is well, you know, in the times of my darkness and my darkest hour, you left me alone. There’s only one set of footsteps there so that means I was alone. And God turns around and says to this woman “My child, the reason why they’re only one set of footsteps in those moments is because during those moments of hardships, I carried you” . And that story has always stuck with me, it really resonates with me because that’s kind thing that I would think God would say to me, “Look, that’s when I was carrying you, you didn’t have the energy to walk”

And I know there are many times in my life, where I’ve literally broken down and cried to my God to take over that I have no strength left in me. When I took the decision to divorce, I was taking a leap of faith that divine energy will provide for me, I literally came very close to bankruptcy yet I held onto my faith that divine energy will see me through and guide me, this was back in 2016 and I’m writing this in 2022. So six years ago, I caught my ex husband having an affair and my life changed, I just had this faith in my heart that no matter what happens, God will get me through and I will find a way to provide for my kids and that I’ll make sure I give them the kind of education that I want to.

I took that leap of faith and I have been rewarded. I have to say it was not an easy journey moving forward. If I look back in hindsight, everything that happened created me to be the person I am today and today I have multiple businesses. I am doing phenomenally well, my kids have access to private education and we have the luxury of not worrying about bills.

I’m in a privileged position to be able to do it myself but this only happened because I took the leap of faith and trusted divine energy to show me a way to be able to make enough money to not only look after my kids but provide them with the best life possible and give them the most important thing for ne which is love and attention from their mother by not going out to work and I am doing it on my own terms.


Taking a leap of faith and trusting the divine energy to show you what to do and how to do it will never let you down. That even when you fail, it’s a preparation for the grandeur things that are to come. You will pick yourself up and divine energy will guide you to move to the next level.

Taking a leap of faith is most times, the best thing you can do.

The six top lessons from the lord of rings trilogy

Everyday moments serve as lessons and reminders to us.

Over the weekend, I watched lords of the rings trilogy and I picked up a few lessons that are quite applicable in our daily lives when it comes to becoming wealthy, abundant and successful in our life. We all have dreams and purpose, we will be making a dreamboat and talking about our vision, I have been helping my son and my daughter create their vision boards and I created my own as well and updated a lot of things because I had really achieved some of the things from my vision board last year and the year before, I really upleveled my vision board.

Sometimes we get stuck while creating a vision board because we wonder how we are ever going to achieve it or make that happen and our ego takes over and our lower self esteem comes into play and convinces us to think that the vision is too big and we are too small to achieve them.



Six Lessons From Lord Of The Rings;

1. Underestimating Our Capability

We all underestimate our capabilities and I know for a fact that I did and this is where the imposter syndrome comes and attacks. Even the most successful people in the world, these big actors, doctors, lawyers, politicians, and business people underestimate themselves sometimes. If you look at the interviews of some of the most successful people like Elon Musk, he’s very open and really believes in himself but he is not immune to this imposter syndrome too. This is why It is really important for us to put things in perspective.

In Lord of the rings, little hobbit Frodo was given this mammoth task of taking a ring across and destroying it while fighting demonic creatures, orcs and he had no idea what he had gotten himself into, it was a task which he felt compelled to complete. It is important for us to understand that whatever dreams or desires we have in our hearts are not just mere desires, if you tune into your desires, those desires have been given to you by divine energy, those desires are important because the journey that you need to go on to make those desires (getting that degree, getting a car, getting into the next level in business etc) a reality is what the universe is after, it’s not actually the car or the house but the journey that you would go through, the transformation that your spirit will go through in order to obtain those dreams, that’s what the divine energy is interested in. This is why the desires you have are actually given by divine energy and it’s not just a random thing.

If you have a true desire to attain or obtain something, that desire has been given to you as a gift from divine energy and the path to obtain it would be shown to you even if it’s just an initial journey.

When Frodo (in the movie) was given his task, he had no clue how to get to where he needed to go or even aware of the difficulties that would come on the way or the help that would be given to him on the journey, but he carried on with the task so it is important for us to remember that we completely underestimate our capabilities, who we are and what we are. We see ourselves as this tiny things against this big universe which is against us, that everything is against us. If only you see your potential (there’s a lot of potential in this tiny fingertip of yours) then you’ll learn to see how powerful and amazing you are. I always say this, you are a created being in a body and if this is true then you have more potential than anybody else around you that you can see.

I am not saying that you have more potential than somebody else, I am saying that you have more potential than anybody else around you because nobody actually uses their full potential. You are much bigger and you have hidden potential within you.

2. Enjoy The Journey

It does not matter how difficult the journey or task is, if you are just interested in the final destination, you will miss out on most of the journey if getting to that final stage or whatever number it is, is all your focused on because the fun is actually in the journey and it does not matter how difficult or cumbersome it becomes, you need to enjoy all parts of the journey sometimes when it’s really difficult, you may not enjoy it but you can still be optimistic.

In the Lord of the Rings, I think Sam, Frodo’s best friend is a true hero because if it wasn’t for Sam, Frodo wouldn’t have accomplished his task. Frodo did actually fail at one point when he decided not to throw the ring and destroy the ring. He took the ring and he tried to keep it, if it wasn’t for Sam that picked a fight with him, he would not have completed his task so Sam was true to his friendship with Frodo. He is actually the character that came through. You need to enjoy the journey and you have to be optimistic.

Yes, things will be difficult, there will be times when you want to sit and cry, there will be times when you want to give up but you need to understand that journey is part of the experience, most of the experience would be the journey and the lessons you learn, the character development you have.

If you have been given a goal to get a Bentley, the task which is the desire you have been given is to get a Bentley but that is just a final destination, the path that you will walk on in order for you to get the Bentley is what divine energy is interested in. If all you are interested in is getting the Bentley, you forget about how you are going to get there, you will be prone to take the wrong path especially when it comes to money.

There is no limit to the amount of money you can make but I do want you to pay attention to the path that you take to get the money, getting money through the wrong means is not what we are after, we are after high vibration money. Pay attention to the journey and make sure that you enjoy the journey and be optimistic, Nothing worth achieving comes easy, We human beings really don’t appreciate things that comes easily to us, anything worthwhile achieving is meant to be hard because universe knows if it makes it easy for you to obtain that thing, you will not value it. So blame your psychology, blame your makeup but things are not meant to be easy, if it is easy, you will not appreciate it.

3. Take One Step At A Time 

In the movie, Frodo had to get to the other side of the mountain, there was a valley full of orcs and he has no idea how to cross that valley to get to the other side so as to destroy the ring. Sam tells him that miracles do happen and that they should take it one step at a time, “Let’s climb down the mountain first and work out how to cross the valley after”

I love this because there will be times when you have no idea how you are going to get from A to B to C to D, what you need to do is just work out how you get to B from A (the first part of the journey) and the rest will be shown to you as you progress, life generally works if you set a goal. If you set a goal and you know how to get there then the goal is probably not big enough, it’s not pushing you enough. You need to set a goal for yourself which is going to absolutely push past your comfort zone, they all had to climb down that mountain and get to the valley and then work out how they were going to cross past all the orcs that were on the journey.

Take one step at a time, If you look at how great your journey is and you can’t even see half the time how long it will take you to get to a particular destination, you will be overwhelmed and you will fall back, you will not have the stamina, the courage or the strength to carry on but the best way is to focus on the task at hand and think about moving just the 1-10 steps that you can see at the moment, Don’t worry about where you will go after because as soon as you cross the first initial steps, you would be given instructions on how to move from there onwards.

So have faith in divine energy, in the process that once you have completed the task at hand, you will know how to move forward from that point. On this journey of creating and having wealth, when you have no idea how to move forward when business goes belly up, all sorts of things are going to happen and that is absolutely part of the journey.

Frodo and Sam were exhausted, completely exhausted and they could barely keep up. The final hurdle is usually the hardest, there is a saying in our culture that the night is the darkest just before dawn, which means the last section is always the hardest. This is where you have to muster up every little ounce of courage and carry on. I have noticed recently when I am doing my son’s 11 plus exam, I have been working with him and it got to the end when he was not performing, I almost gave up and thought that I really couldn’t do it but I did not give up, It’s okay to stop and rest but it’s not okay to stop, it’s not okay to give up, so I rested, started again and we are gradually coming to the end of it.

Whatever happens, I know I have done as much as I can to support my son, my son has done the best he can as a 10 year old and divine energy will help him to be successful, if nothing else I have made a very strong base for him to go to secondary school.

The point here is that you have to carry on. You have to complete the task, far too often, we are three feet from gold and we give up.

There is a book called three feet from gold about a guy that found out there was a lot of gold in this particular cave when they were doing the gold rush, he got people around him and invested a lot of money and went digging for gold and they only found a bit of gold. Unfortunately for him, before he recovered all the investments and equipment, the gold thread finished, there was no gold left and he was very disheartened and disappointed.

He was financially in a lot of stress, Instead of carrying on, he did not think logically and left, selling every equipment to somebody else. Now this other person who bought it thought logically and actually got an expert in the field to observe what was going on.

This expert told the new owner that archaeologically or scientifically that there was a gap between the thread of gold, three feet on from where the old owner had stopped digging, when he started digging three feet on from the point,the gold thread opened up and there was one of the most profitable gold mines of their region. This story illustrates that you cannot give up, you cannot stop midway. There’s another saying that God doesn’t bring you this far just for you to be this far. You will have moments when you want to give up, you will have moments of despair but you have to carry on.

4. Complete the task

You have to complete the task, it does not matter where you are or how hard it is, you have to muster up every ounce of your courage, strength and stamina to make sure you complete the finish line. You don’t stop before the finish line .

5. Surround yourself with the right people

It is very important to surround yourself with the right people. In this Lord of Rings, I don’t think Frodo would have gotten anywhere without Sam, Sam was crucial towards the latter part of the journey because he kept his strength and his spirits up even at a point he had to carry Frodo on his shoulder up to the mountain because Frodo ran out of energy. Sometimes you have these friends who cannot do what you need to do but they carry you on their shoulders, they can’t carry your burden, but they can carry you. I think that is such a beautiful line when Sam says “Frodo, I cannot carry your burden but I can carry you” , you need to have those friends with you who can carry you further.

I think there are people that carry me at times and they have carried me through my darkest moments. You need to have these few friends. I don’t have a million friends, I am very social and I have loads of acquaintances and people that I am friendly with but I’m not friends with many people. I choose my friends very carefully, the friends I have are amazing, they have carried me through and that’s all I need, we all need friends who would be loyal and genuine. You need to have one friend like Sam who is going to be there to hold you.

And these friends could be a partner or spouse. You’re lucky if this person ends up being your spouse, your boyfriend or girlfriend even if you don’t have a partner, you can have a friend who can be there for you, I think every single person in the world should have a Sam in their life.

6. Divine Energy

When everything is falling apart, we forget we have divine energy. We think miracles can happen for other people but they cannot happen for us whereas miracles happen for you all the time, I’m also guilty of that. Now when I see a miracle happen, I acknowledge it and I thank Divine Energy for it and If you are religiously inclined, you can believe that God will make a way for you. He will show you a pathway that you haven’t seen yourself, parting of the seas like God did for Moses, Miracles can happen for you, like they happen for other people. We as people, we dismiss ourselves too much,

“I’m not so special, Why would God create miracles for me?” My question is, why not, you are just as wonderful as the next person, as every person on the planet. Why would device energy not create miracles for you?

Still using Lords of the rings as an illustration, when the lava was coming down the mountain, Frodo and Sam were stuck on this piece of rock and had no idea how to get forward. And they thought that time was up, Gandalf the eagle came and carried them away, miracles happen, all the time. So you should expect miracles to happen for you especially when there is no way out.


Have a clear understanding of who you are and all you are capable of.
Never underestimate who you really are, enjoy the journey.
It’s not just about arriving at the destination, the journey is just as important as the actual destination.
Take one step at a time, the longest journey begins with the first step
Always complete your tasks, don’t leave things undone.
The final lap is always the hardest, It requires so much strength, courage and stamina but with your friends (tribe) by your side, you will scale through. Expect miracles everyday of your life.

The Difference between Purpose, Vision and Goals

What is the difference between the three?
Why are they all important in order for you to be extremely wealthy?

These words purpose, vision and goals have been thrown around all the time especially by gurus, experts and most self-help books. Sometimes they are used interchangeably but here are my own definitions.

What is Purpose?

Purpose is what you were created for in life. I always say to people that the fact that you have a particular desire is the Universe’s or Divine energy’s way of guiding you through life for a particular purpose. Every single individual who’s born on this planet has a particular purpose. Whether they understand it and fulfill it is another story but everyone has a purpose that’s unique to them.

Your purpose is the reason why you came into existence, and through your desires, be it to get married, have a child, change jobs, create a business, own a car or that ring or those shoes. Whatever desire you have is usually given by divine energy. There are also times when our desires come from a lower source which is the dark side but generally most desires which will uplift us and move us ahead in our lives, which allows us to live a more comfortable and healthier life comes from divine energy. How you fulfill these desires could also be leading into the dark side. You may not recognize or understand your purpose yet but as we mature and begin to understand our intuitive side and build our connection to divine energy, we become familiar with that purpose.

That purpose in the case of Elon Musk is to create travel means, those are part of his purpose. Your purpose could be to have a family, create these great human beings who are going to go ahead and bring much positivity to the world. It could also be to create shelter for stray cats or dogs, or invent some kind of new gadget, your purpose is simply what you are here to contribute to society. We all have different purposes that’s beyond who we are and it’s always about giving. The bigger your purpose, the longer it might take you to get there so you need to have more patience as well.

Your purpose is part of divine planning for you, it is what you are here to do in order to help contribute to society, to humanity, to the world. It is God’s plan and therefore it’s bigger than you.

What is Vision?

Your vision is of what you are given and how you can live out your life’s purpose and how you can create it. For example, Moses was given the vision of helping all the Israelites to escape from pharaoh, Prophet Muhammad Salah’s vision was to bring this new religion Islam into being and that took a course of 23 years to complete and he wasn’t given the vision till he was 40 so everyone has a vision of how they can create and they can fulfill their purpose. Purpose is what you’re here to do while Vision is what you are given, how you can live your purpose, what it is that you’re meant to be doing with your life. Sometimes we get confused about our vision because it is given to us, We as parents often push our own vision on our children, directing them on what they need to do or create, especially when it comes to choosing career paths. “You should be a doctor, you should be a lawyer, you should be doing this and you should be an architect, or you should create a business.”

Our children need to grow with the flexibility and the ability to create their own vision, to create their own life, recognize their own purpose and create a vision thereby. Your vision is what you feel you are here to create. Elon Musk had this vision of traveling to space and has made creating the travel means his purpose, your vision could be to create these amazing wheelchairs so people can have better accessibility or it could be you wanting to go and help young women in remote places, giving education and access to quality health care to orphans.

I have this vision of myself, I truly believe that I am an advocate for money and my vision is to help every single individual adopt an amazing relationship with money and in the process build a really strong relationship with divine energy built on love and faith not fear and frustration. so I believe my purpose is to create abundance, not just for myself, but also help everyone create theirs as well. This is why I believe that I’m living my purpose through my book which is laws of money, my podcast, free seminars and paid workshops. My vision is what’s helping me to live my purpose, my vision of where I want to go, this vision has encouraged me to set milestones in the form of goals to enable me to live my purpose.

Steve Jobs, his vision may have been to make everyone’s life easier by reducing a laptop to the size of a handheld device we can carry anywhere. We can not only just make phone calls but also video calls.

Your vision is always about what you can create and how you can live your life’s purpose. Whatever you believe your purpose to be, your vision would correlate that and would allow you to create and live up to that purpose.

What are Goals?

We’ve explored purpose and vision but what are goals?

Goals are small milestones you reach in order to fulfill your vision which is used to actually live out your life’s purpose. There are God-given goals which help us to live our vision and there are good goals which come from our ego. An example is a goal to make $100k monthly or creating a business that gives you that kind of financial freedom, It may be a God-given goal because in order for you to create that income level at seven figure monthly, you have to provide a particular service or product and through that action, the divine energy may have other plans for you or the people who use your services.

A lot of times when we create this massive goal to support our vision, they are usually God’s plan because in order for us to reach those levels, we have to create action and in that process live our purpose. As we are contributing to our vision, the divine energy is using us in the best way possible. So, this is why God’s goals can be as The purpose behind our God’s goal is to make you grow.

What happens when our vision takes time to unfold?

Sometimes you are given a vision and there’s a delay, sometimes for months or years and you might even lose momentum somewhere along the lines, life happens. There is a correlation between the delay and the size of the vision. So the bigger the vision, the bigger the delay because in that delay, you are being given the skills required to fulfill that purpose properly. Things happen for a reason at a particular time because it’s divine right timing, For example if you’re meant to go to Amsterdam but you don’t and you’re destined to meet your future wife or future husband there. If you go to Amsterdam today, you may not meet them but if your flight gets delayed and you end up going two months later and you end up bumping into them in the coffee shop.

Sometimes we are given this vision and we have this burning desire to create the vision, we believe through that vision we’re going to live our life purpose. When there’s a delay, we get frustrated because of our burning desire or urgency to get it done. In my case, I remember earlier on I used to question how it was possible that I could be fooled by someone like my ex but there must be a reason why I was led to marry first Myra’s father and then I was literally out of the frying pan to the fire. 2-3 months after my divorce from him, a proposal came from Ivan and then literally a couple of months after that I was married, it’s unbelievable that my common sense didn’t step in at any point in time and stop me from making these decisions or taking this action.

I wouldn’t have my son and my daughter if I didn’t marry these two individuals and I can’t trade my kids for anything. Whatever the reason for it, there is a hidden purpose, maybe my training. My life has not been easy from a young age, and I remember this professor of mine, Dr. Thomas, He was my mentor and he was familiar with my story and when my cousin passed away 8 months after my mom died, my cousin was very close to me and he stepped in to help me out of my suicidal state, and 8 months later, he passed away, I was back to square one and I was in a bad state, I remember Dr. Thomas said to me “Oh my god. I’ve never met a more unlucky person. You’ve had so many things happen to you in your short span of life.” I had never looked upon myself as an unlucky person and I remember looking at him and telling him, “No, it’s just life. It happens. I don’t think I’m unlucky at all, I still had my health, my brother….” I went on to list about 5-6 different things that I was grateful for, including him for being such a kind man, and a very great mentor to me.

I don’t see the delay that you have in attaining your vision as a delay at all, I think it’s a preparation for your vision, that you’ve been given a vision doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ready to create it. When you have a vision, your preparation starts, you start looking for opportunities to create that vision. The reason why you have this delay is so that you can pray and prepare for your vision. Preparation comes first and your actualization of your vision comes second because sometimes you are not of that sound mind, you may not have the strength of character needed to bring your visions to light. This is how life works.



If you’ve been questioning the divine energy and asking these questions like;
Why is there a delay if I have been given this vision?
Why can’t I make it happen today? Why am I having to wait?
I have done everything, What else can I do?
Why haven’t I created that million dollar business?
Why don’t I have that car yet?
Why haven’t I met that man/woman yet?
Why don’t I have a child yet?

I want you to understand your purpose, your vision and set your goals and while working towards it, know that the reason for this delay is divinely planned preparation for you to be able to create that life and be able to create that vision in order for you to live your life’s purpose. So have faith in the divine plan and divine timing to get people in the right place at the right time to create the right situation to be able to make your vision a reality.

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