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Tag: Masculine energy

Women, Money, and Feminine Energy

In today’s world, both men and women face unique challenges when it comes to managing their finances while nurturing their personal lives. Women often struggle with balancing their careers and family life, while men may find it difficult to maintain their role as providers and protectors. However, with the right mindset and strategies, it is possible to take control of your financial well-being while nurturing your personal life. As a money mindset coach, I believe it’s crucial for women to understand the relationship between money and their feminine energy. In this post, I’ll share my personal experiences with financial abuse and finding balance between my femininity and financial independence.

The Importance of Understanding the Relationship Between Women, Money, and Feminine Energy

The way we perceive money is deeply intertwined with our beliefs about ourselves and our worth as women. Society has taught us that money is a symbol of power and success, and for a long time, women were not encouraged to take control of their finances. However, things are changing, and it’s now more important than ever for women to understand the role that money plays in their lives and how it’s linked to their feminine energy.

Money and femininity are not mutually exclusive. Women can be feminine and powerful, and they can also be financially independent. In fact, embracing your femininity can help you be more successful with money. As women, we have unique skills and traits that can help us succeed, such as empathy, intuition, and collaboration.

To understand the relationship between women, money, and feminine energy, it’s essential to first understand your own relationship with money. Take some time to reflect on your beliefs about money and where they come from. Are you comfortable talking about money? Do you feel confident making financial decisions? By understanding your own relationship with money, you can start to see how it’s linked to your feminine energy.


My Personal Experiences with Financial Abuse and Finding Balance  

I’ve experienced financial abuse from both my first and second husbands, which has made me realize the importance of financial independence. In my first marriage, my husband became highly abusive and controlling towards me and our finances because he was uncomfortable with me being the breadwinner. In my second marriage, my husband forced me to accept his girlfriend as his second wife, and I had to give up my financial independence to keep a roof over my head.

These experiences have taught me the importance of finding a balance between my femininity and financial independence. It’s essential to embrace my feminine energy while also taking control of my finances. I’ve learned that financial independence is not just about providing for myself but also having the freedom to live my life on my terms.

The Power of Feminine Energy in Financial Planning

Feminine energy is a powerful force that has the potential to transform every aspect of our lives, including our finances. Feminine energy is often associated with nurturing, intuition, creativity, and collaboration. It is a force that helps us connect with our emotions and inner wisdom, which enables us to make better decisions.

In financial planning, feminine energy can help us create a balanced and holistic approach to our finances. It can help us connect with our values and priorities, which enables us to make better financial decisions. Additionally, feminine energy can help us develop healthy relationships with money and overcome any limiting beliefs that prevent us from achieving financial success.

Embracing Your Feminine Energy While Taking Control of Your Finances

Many women struggle with the idea of financial independence because they fear that it might make them seem less feminine or even threaten their relationships. However, it’s essential to understand that financial independence doesn’t have to compromise your femininity or your relationships. Instead, it can be a source of empowerment and freedom that allows you to take charge of your life on your own terms.

To achieve this balance, it’s crucial to understand the role that feminine energy plays in our financial lives. Feminine energy is often associated with qualities such as empathy, compassion, intuition, and nurturing. These qualities can be extremely beneficial in managing our finances, such as having empathy for others’ financial situations or using intuition to make sound financial decisions.

At the same time, it’s important not to allow these qualities to make you vulnerable to financial abuse or manipulation. It’s essential to be assertive, set boundaries, and stand up for yourself when it comes to your finances. This doesn’t mean you have to be aggressive or masculine, but rather assertive in a way that’s true to your feminine energy.

One way to embrace both your femininity and financial independence is by reframing the way you view money. Instead of seeing it as a source of power or control, see it as a tool that can be used to create the life you desire. By doing so, you can align your financial goals with your values and use your money to create a life that feels authentic and fulfilling.

Another way to balance feminine energy and financial independence is by seeking out support and resources that align with your values. For example, finding a financial advisor who understands the importance of balancing femininity and financial independence can be extremely beneficial. Additionally, surrounding yourself with a community of like-minded women who share your values can provide a supportive and empowering environment to help you achieve your financial goals.

Balancing Career Breaks

Career breaks can be beneficial for women who have children, as it can provide them with the time and space to concentrate on their personal life. However, it’s essential to balance this break with your career, especially when it comes to finances. Women who take a career break may face challenges when returning to work, such as earning less or being overlooked for promotions.

It’s important to ensure that you’re financially stable during your career break, and this can be achieved through saving and investing. By developing a financial plan and being disciplined with your money, you can ensure that you have the financial resources you need during your break and when you return to work.

It’s also essential to create a relaxed environment during your career break, especially if you have children. Stressful situations, such as reading depositions while trying to put a baby to sleep, can negatively affect both you and your child. It’s important to prioritize your personal life during this time and ensure that you have a healthy work-life balance.

Embracing Masculine Energy as a Provider and Protector

For men, there comes a time when you need to be the provider and protector of your family. It’s essential to educate yourself about money and develop the right understanding of it. Both men and women need to have a healthy relationship with money at certain periods in their lives.

For men, regardless of age, it’s time to step into your masculine energy and fulfill your role as a provider and protector. Being responsible for the financial well-being of your family can be a significant source of pride and fulfillment.

Developing a Healthy Relationship with Money

Your relationship with money is crucial in achieving financial independence. Many people grow up with certain beliefs and attitudes towards money that may be limiting and prevent them from achieving their financial goals. This is where working on your money mindset comes in.

It involves identifying and letting go of any limiting beliefs you have about money and adopting new, positive beliefs that align with your financial goals.

For example, if you have a belief that “money is the root of all evil,” it may be challenging to achieve financial success because your subconscious mind will always be working against you. You can replace this belief with a positive one such as “money is a tool to create a better life for myself and my loved ones.”

Developing a healthy relationship with money involves understanding that money is not just about accumulation, but about the positive impact it can have on your life and the lives of others. When you view money as a tool to create a fulfilling life, it becomes easier to manage it and make decisions that align with your financial goals.

Another way to develop a healthy relationship with money is by practicing gratitude. Focus on what you have, rather than what you don’t have. This helps you cultivate a sense of abundance and attract more prosperity into your life.

Additionally, it’s crucial to develop a financial plan that aligns with your values and priorities. This plan should include short-term and long-term financial goals, a budget, and a plan for unexpected expenses.



Understanding money and how it relates to different periods in our lives is crucial for our financial well-being. It’s essential to educate ourselves about money, take care of ourselves during career breaks, and embrace our feminine or masculine energy as appropriate. By doing so, we can achieve financial success and fulfillment while living our lives to the fullest.

Achieving financial independence is possible for anyone, regardless of their gender. However, as a woman, it’s essential to understand the relationship between money and feminine energy and find a balance between the two.

This involves embracing your femininity while also taking control of your finances, becoming financially literate, working on your money mindset, and developing a healthy relationship with money. Additionally, surrounding yourself with a supportive community can help you stay motivated and on track towards your financial goals.

Remember, achieving financial independence is not just about the numbers, but about creating a balanced and fulfilling life that aligns with your values and priorities.

 Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;


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