Gull Khan

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Embracing Your Ugly to Make Money

Today we are going to be discussing how to successfully embrace your ugly in order to key into your wealth and, as usual, I am going to share a recent personal experience with you to help explain my point.
Making money for yourself is a journey and on this journey of becoming abundant and wealthy, it is important for you to understand that you cannot let things from your past make you feel bad about yourself or make you feel less than who you are.

What is your ugly?

Your ugly, in this case, has nothing to do with your physical features or the imperfections you believe you see in your mirror every day but are in fact those experiences and moments of embarrassment that you feel you can never get away from no matter how hard you try.

Personally, I have had to deal with a lot of ugly moments in my life and as a British-born Pakistani woman, there has always been some stigma attached to these moments from my community. I have been divorced twice and in both marriages, I dealt with some form of abuse – physical abuse from my first husband and verbal, emotional, and financial abuse from my second one who eventually left me with the most trauma, emotionally and energetically; One of the things he said to me towards the end, after I had caught him cheating and he had confessed to various other awful things he had done, was that no one would say anything to him even after what he had done to me and all fingers would eventually end up pointing in my direction since I was the one who had been divorced before.
And unfortunately, he was right. People from our community would not care about the reason behind it or if there was something harmful about the relationship, they would just think ‘She has been divorced twice? She must have a bad character or she is rude or she cannot keep a husband’ and in the end, the vast majority would blame me. But even though I knew there was truth in his statement and that it was about to be my new reality, I embraced the ugly of both divorces publicly and now I can proudly say that I am a completely empowered woman, a seven-figure earner with multiple businesses and a proud mother despite it all. And yet there are still times when people, especially people of Pakistani or Indian origin, have judged me and expressed how they believe something is wrong with me.

Recently, I went to the Pakistani embassy to get an ID card since I have never needed one until now and although I had all my other documents with me there; I did not have any of my marriage or divorce certificates as I did not think it was something that I would need to portray my origin. Unfortunately, I soon realised that it was necessary information as this person began to loudly ask several questions about my personal life in the middle of the embassy ‘Are you married or single?’ he began, I replied I was currently divorced ‘Do you have your marriage and divorce certificates with you?’ I replied I didn’t have a marriage certificate but I had a divorce certificate for the first one which he did not seem to understand so I explained to him that I had been divorced twice. I saw the judgmental look of astonishment on his face and the way his jaw dropped in reaction as he asked questions about my kids and where they were from and proceeded to send me on a wild goose chase to produce various additional documents, all the while trying to make me feel bad in the process. He deliberately went out of his way to announce very loudly, in the presence of my daughter, how I had been divorced twice, had had two husbands, and had a child from each of the marriages to the entire room just so he could make me feel small and demean me in their eyes. And even after all this, he still refused to give me my card until I came back with my brother to support me, even though I had all the necessary documents for it in my possession which I found completely foolish.

Now although I have pretty thick skin and I didn’t really let his words get to me, my daughter was quite upset by them and so I found myself being reminded of my second husband’s words and how this man at the embassy had been so quick to judge me without even knowing anything about the circumstances that warranted the divorces. But what I realised from this experience was that I could either choose anger and hold a grudge against this person who means absolutely nothing to me or I could choose not to let the words of this person who acted terribly to me dwell in my heart, forgive him and send him love and blessings instead because in the end I did not need to have all that negative energy while I went through the ID card process all over again. The moment I forgave him and cut chords from him, I found myself showing compassion and seeing things from his point of view, even though he had treated me badly. Do I think that he should behave like that with any other woman? Absolutely not. However, I realised that holding on to animosity added no benefit to my life, added no success to my life nor would it help elevate my vibration in any way especially because, looking back at it, no matter how many anti-Islam acts my ex-husband partook in and no matter how much I did everything right as a good Muslim wife and mother, I was still ridiculed, shamed and expected to feel bad about myself over my ugly moments.

Accepting your ugly

At some point, when I had allowed myself to feel really sad about all he did to me and about people’s reactions to my situation, I began to ask devices energy why they would bring someone like him into my life in the first place. If the Quran says good women for good men and bad women for bad men, then how did I end up being married to someone like him? How could a man like him be my destiny? And as I always say whenever you are having some sort of dilemma, the best course of action is to find an outlet that allows you to work out these emotions and alleviate yourself so I prayed to devices energy; to ask them why these things happened the way they did and to centre myself through prayer.

It was during this moment of prayer that I realised two things. Firstly, how I allowed myself to feel was a choice, I could either choose to feel humiliated and upset about what happened or I could choose to let it go. And Secondly, I had to believe that everything that happens in my life happens for me not to me, so I could choose to be a victim or I could choose to be empowered that this was just a lesson or a test for the progression of my life’s plan. The traumatic moments I had to deal with were part of the process I had to go through for me to grow into the person I have become today. It was during this period of prayer that I finally received this awareness and I soon felt calm and grateful again, no longer feeling the need to question what devices energy had planned for my life.
The moment you begin to feel that energy of gratitude and love towards devices energy, you have elevated your vibration and when you find out that you are on that raised vibration, you realise that abundance and everything else on that positive vibration would begin to come your way. The moment you come into alignment with positive energy, gratitude, and love that is the signal you are sending out to the universe, and surely that is eventually what would be sent back to you.

Embracing your ugly

It is important to not only understand, but to embrace what has happened to you in your past. Because I was able to embrace all the ugliness that I went through in the past, I am able to talk about it now without any feelings of shame and embarrassment and most importantly, I was able to get rid of all this negativity coming off this individual, cut costs with him and even have compassion for him and where he is in life. Embracing your ugly allows you to brush off those awful moments in your life and accept them as moments of growth and empowerment for you.
Embrace and own those dark, embarrassing sides of your story and see them as moments that have taught you and led you to be the person you are today and the person you continue to grow into. When I look in the mirror I love who I am despite what I have been through, I admire the woman I see in it for both what she has achieved and how far she has come in her life, and if I love who I am then how can I allow myself be angry at the past which made me who I am today? All those moments which at the time I found shameful and humiliating were just part of my journey to being this person whom I love and am immensely proud of.

When you get to this point where you can be grateful for the good, the bad, and the ugly of your journey, that is truly when you know you are on the right track and that your vibration has been elevated. And the moment you realise that your vibration has been raised, amazing things begin to line themselves up to come into your life.


Keep your vibration elevated, and the only way you can keep your vibration elevated is by continuously being in a state of gratitude even for the things that you should ordinarily not be grateful for. It is easy to show gratitude when things are going your way in life but it is important to show gratitude when you do not physically see those good results or when the shame of your past is being brought in front of you. Instead of being angry at the person that is trying to make you feel small, cut costs, allow yourself to send them love and blessings instead of animosity, and move on. When this incident at the embassy happened to me, I could have gone back into victim mode and allowed myself to get upset, yet I chose to forgive and move past this individual as well as show gratitude for all the experiences that have made me who I am today. And when you are in that state of gratitude and love, not just towards divine energy but to yourself as well, that is when you begin to open yourself up to abundance in all areas of your life.

Taking a leap of faith

Do you have control issues?

Are you afraid of not knowing, of uncertainty?

If you’re someone who is afraid of change or thinks you are on this journey of life all by yourself so your way is the only way, I have got you covered on this one.

Today I’ll be talking about taking a leap of faith and ways you can do this.

According to JK. Rowling “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all—in which case, you fail by default”

The saddest part of life is regrets, the “could have, should have, would have” , nothing hurts more like changes we had control over but did nothing about because of fear, you might end up the rest of your life, thinking of how different things might have turned out if only you had tried. I would rather fail than not live or at least try to live, because the regrets always sits with you.

Majority of the time, people regret things that they didn’t do, the chances they didn’t take. You can’t tiptoe your way to the grace, which is why taking a leap of faith is important in our lives.

What does taking a leap of faith mean?

Leaping without knowing where you land, it can definitely be a bit of scary, the fear of not knowing, but it could land you to the positives, quantum leap you to your dream life. The thing about life is, it moves even as we’re afraid of moving or procrastinating, it just never stands for one person.

It’s about knowing who you are, surrendering to all your expectations and trusting that a greater being would look out for you. Without risks, you can’t grow in life, Noone really knows what the future holds, you’re never going to have all the answers yet we continue to move forward

How do you distinguish walking blindly and taking a leap of faith?

Faith has to do with a strong belief in the supernatural, in something above us, something higher than us, it could be God , Brahman, the universe, your intuition and trusting that our interests are protected.

When you have a vision, you take a leap of faith and trust that taking this step could propel you into where you’re destined to be. That something above you will guide you despite your fears. Leap of faith doesn’t eliminate fear in its entirety, it supports and carries you to move despite the fear and the hurdles you might encounter.

There’s always a reward for faith, for entrusting and submitting yourself to the divine energy. Everything that is happening, is happening for you not just to you. You have to trust divine energy, even when you think you’ve failed, when your plans go as you have expected, you have to take something out of it, you don’t come out the same person, you’ve been made into magnificent version of yourself which is going to fulfill your divine purpose, the divine plan.

Everyone has divine purpose that you’re here to fulfill, and in order for you to fulfill that purpose, you have to have certain characteristics or personalities and the things you go through in life, the failures, the ups and downs are all geared to make you the kind of person that you need to be in order for you to fulfill your divine purpose to live your destined life.

See your life as a gift, and everything that is happening to you is preparing you for everything you desire but in order for you to obtain this, you have to go through certain paths. Do it the divine energy’s way.

5 ways to take a leap of faith

1. State your intention clearly;

Have an idea of where you are going and be intentional. Your intentions acts a compass, a beacon of where you want to go. You need to have intentions of what you want placed, it grounds you and sets you on the direction that you’re going. You can’t get what you want unless you know where you’re going to get this.

For me, I knew I wanted to have a business, an online business because I wanted to stay close to my kids. Initially I was working generally as a coach, I realized that as an energy healer, I’m a lot more powerful and instead of focusing on health which I was very good at, I focused on money.

Remember your intentions are not here to box you but rather guide you. So even as it grounds you, it’s flexible enough that you walk in whatever route the divine energy sets you in.

So setting clear intentions are very important, you have to ask yourself;

What exactly do I want to do?

Do I want to build my own business or to work for someone?

How much would I like to earn, monthly or annually?

How much of my time am I willing to commit to this?

It all starts with a clear intent.

2. Consent;

Once you have laid out your intentions, the next step is to surrender to the outcome. You cannot decide where you want to go, in which direction you want to go but how you get there is mostly up to divine energy.

Like how I decided recently that I wanted to have multiple businesses. I already have the coaching, which I love and I have my property business and my trading going for me and I wanted to have another additional business but I wasn’t really sure what direction to go in. So I asked divine energy to show me what other niches I could create for myself and a few have been brought to my attention.

And that was it. I asked divine energy for guidance on how to get here. My intention was to have multiple sources of income and a lot of channels has been made shown to me.

If I can try this, you can do that. All these different opportunities that I got awareness for are simply because of this intention that I set up and surrendered to. So the destination isn’t yours to decide, You just have to have the intention, ” I want to go in this direction”. What exactly is going happen and how you’re going to get there is for divine to show you.

Allow the universe to show you the best path to get your intentions. This is what it means to surrender to the outcome. You need to give yourself the flexibility, open yourself up and to receive your intuitive guidance from divine energy. Letting divine energy guide you is very important.

3. Look for Signs and Synchronicities;

There’s always a sign. When you ask divine energy for help or guidance and you ask for a sign to show you which decision to make, you’ll be given signs. So recently, I asked for a sign that I’m on the right path and that I’m doing is what I should be doing and all of a sudden I started seeing double ones, the time at 11:11 and day at 22|22 and all these double digits on all the time, all the time.

So I’m taking that as a sign that I am doing what I need to be doing. So when you see these signs, you know that you’re on the right path and that your faith is being acknowledged and you are being guided onto the right path. That’s the third way for you to take a leap of faith.

4. There’s no perfect time;

You need to actually understand that you’re never going to be fully ready, your ducks are never going line up. You are never going to have the right opportunity, the right time, the right place at the same time. There is always going to be issues, with your health, or kids or partners, that’s life. It’s never gonna be the right time. So there’s going to come to a point when you just have to take the jump. So you have to jump before you’re ready, there’s nothing as leaping too early, only the fact that maybe you don’t leap at all.

A lot of the times people instead of leaping with faith early, they don’t move at all, they just sit there, procrastinating on the edge of the mountain. The next thing they know, they are turning 80 or 90 and they feel it is too late for them now.

I think of time is the only thing we have scarcity of. You can make everything else, money but the only thing that we have a limited quantity of is time because in this our world, we do have a limited time and we don’t realize how quickly the day become weeks and weeks months then years.

And next thing you know, you are thinking about something you wanted to do five years ago and haven’t even started yet. I remember this happened to me, I started my podcast in June 2020 but I had been yearning and talking about it since 2018. It literally took me two whole years, just talking about it and I never got started. And then COVID happened and during the pandemic, I thought, my god, I have to start now, and we begun. We’ve gone from strength to strength, ever since but it’s amazing that I was stuck there for the longest time because I was procrastinating. So you have to jump before you’re ready.

5. Faith;

The one final way to do this is by trusting and believing, your faith will hold your hand through the darkness. You need to know that divine energy is always there through it all, for every step of the way. There’s a story that comes to mind at this moment and that’s it’s footsteps.

This person looks upon her life and notices that most of the times, there were two sets of footsteps in the sand but for the darkest times in her life, she could only see one set of footsteps and it was really painful so she turns to God and she says “God, that’s so unfair. How could you do this?”

And God was like, what’s wrong? And the answer is well, you know, in the times of my darkness and my darkest hour, you left me alone. There’s only one set of footsteps there so that means I was alone. And God turns around and says to this woman “My child, the reason why they’re only one set of footsteps in those moments is because during those moments of hardships, I carried you” . And that story has always stuck with me, it really resonates with me because that’s kind thing that I would think God would say to me, “Look, that’s when I was carrying you, you didn’t have the energy to walk”

And I know there are many times in my life, where I’ve literally broken down and cried to my God to take over that I have no strength left in me. When I took the decision to divorce, I was taking a leap of faith that divine energy will provide for me, I literally came very close to bankruptcy yet I held onto my faith that divine energy will see me through and guide me, this was back in 2016 and I’m writing this in 2022. So six years ago, I caught my ex husband having an affair and my life changed, I just had this faith in my heart that no matter what happens, God will get me through and I will find a way to provide for my kids and that I’ll make sure I give them the kind of education that I want to.

I took that leap of faith and I have been rewarded. I have to say it was not an easy journey moving forward. If I look back in hindsight, everything that happened created me to be the person I am today and today I have multiple businesses. I am doing phenomenally well, my kids have access to private education and we have the luxury of not worrying about bills.

I’m in a privileged position to be able to do it myself but this only happened because I took the leap of faith and trusted divine energy to show me a way to be able to make enough money to not only look after my kids but provide them with the best life possible and give them the most important thing for ne which is love and attention from their mother by not going out to work and I am doing it on my own terms.


Taking a leap of faith and trusting the divine energy to show you what to do and how to do it will never let you down. That even when you fail, it’s a preparation for the grandeur things that are to come. You will pick yourself up and divine energy will guide you to move to the next level.

Taking a leap of faith is most times, the best thing you can do.

The six top lessons from the lord of rings trilogy

Everyday moments serve as lessons and reminders to us.

Over the weekend, I watched lords of the rings trilogy and I picked up a few lessons that are quite applicable in our daily lives when it comes to becoming wealthy, abundant and successful in our life. We all have dreams and purpose, we will be making a dreamboat and talking about our vision, I have been helping my son and my daughter create their vision boards and I created my own as well and updated a lot of things because I had really achieved some of the things from my vision board last year and the year before, I really upleveled my vision board.

Sometimes we get stuck while creating a vision board because we wonder how we are ever going to achieve it or make that happen and our ego takes over and our lower self esteem comes into play and convinces us to think that the vision is too big and we are too small to achieve them.



Six Lessons From Lord Of The Rings;

1. Underestimating Our Capability

We all underestimate our capabilities and I know for a fact that I did and this is where the imposter syndrome comes and attacks. Even the most successful people in the world, these big actors, doctors, lawyers, politicians, and business people underestimate themselves sometimes. If you look at the interviews of some of the most successful people like Elon Musk, he’s very open and really believes in himself but he is not immune to this imposter syndrome too. This is why It is really important for us to put things in perspective.

In Lord of the rings, little hobbit Frodo was given this mammoth task of taking a ring across and destroying it while fighting demonic creatures, orcs and he had no idea what he had gotten himself into, it was a task which he felt compelled to complete. It is important for us to understand that whatever dreams or desires we have in our hearts are not just mere desires, if you tune into your desires, those desires have been given to you by divine energy, those desires are important because the journey that you need to go on to make those desires (getting that degree, getting a car, getting into the next level in business etc) a reality is what the universe is after, it’s not actually the car or the house but the journey that you would go through, the transformation that your spirit will go through in order to obtain those dreams, that’s what the divine energy is interested in. This is why the desires you have are actually given by divine energy and it’s not just a random thing.

If you have a true desire to attain or obtain something, that desire has been given to you as a gift from divine energy and the path to obtain it would be shown to you even if it’s just an initial journey.

When Frodo (in the movie) was given his task, he had no clue how to get to where he needed to go or even aware of the difficulties that would come on the way or the help that would be given to him on the journey, but he carried on with the task so it is important for us to remember that we completely underestimate our capabilities, who we are and what we are. We see ourselves as this tiny things against this big universe which is against us, that everything is against us. If only you see your potential (there’s a lot of potential in this tiny fingertip of yours) then you’ll learn to see how powerful and amazing you are. I always say this, you are a created being in a body and if this is true then you have more potential than anybody else around you that you can see.

I am not saying that you have more potential than somebody else, I am saying that you have more potential than anybody else around you because nobody actually uses their full potential. You are much bigger and you have hidden potential within you.

2. Enjoy The Journey

It does not matter how difficult the journey or task is, if you are just interested in the final destination, you will miss out on most of the journey if getting to that final stage or whatever number it is, is all your focused on because the fun is actually in the journey and it does not matter how difficult or cumbersome it becomes, you need to enjoy all parts of the journey sometimes when it’s really difficult, you may not enjoy it but you can still be optimistic.

In the Lord of the Rings, I think Sam, Frodo’s best friend is a true hero because if it wasn’t for Sam, Frodo wouldn’t have accomplished his task. Frodo did actually fail at one point when he decided not to throw the ring and destroy the ring. He took the ring and he tried to keep it, if it wasn’t for Sam that picked a fight with him, he would not have completed his task so Sam was true to his friendship with Frodo. He is actually the character that came through. You need to enjoy the journey and you have to be optimistic.

Yes, things will be difficult, there will be times when you want to sit and cry, there will be times when you want to give up but you need to understand that journey is part of the experience, most of the experience would be the journey and the lessons you learn, the character development you have.

If you have been given a goal to get a Bentley, the task which is the desire you have been given is to get a Bentley but that is just a final destination, the path that you will walk on in order for you to get the Bentley is what divine energy is interested in. If all you are interested in is getting the Bentley, you forget about how you are going to get there, you will be prone to take the wrong path especially when it comes to money.

There is no limit to the amount of money you can make but I do want you to pay attention to the path that you take to get the money, getting money through the wrong means is not what we are after, we are after high vibration money. Pay attention to the journey and make sure that you enjoy the journey and be optimistic, Nothing worth achieving comes easy, We human beings really don’t appreciate things that comes easily to us, anything worthwhile achieving is meant to be hard because universe knows if it makes it easy for you to obtain that thing, you will not value it. So blame your psychology, blame your makeup but things are not meant to be easy, if it is easy, you will not appreciate it.

3. Take One Step At A Time 

In the movie, Frodo had to get to the other side of the mountain, there was a valley full of orcs and he has no idea how to cross that valley to get to the other side so as to destroy the ring. Sam tells him that miracles do happen and that they should take it one step at a time, “Let’s climb down the mountain first and work out how to cross the valley after”

I love this because there will be times when you have no idea how you are going to get from A to B to C to D, what you need to do is just work out how you get to B from A (the first part of the journey) and the rest will be shown to you as you progress, life generally works if you set a goal. If you set a goal and you know how to get there then the goal is probably not big enough, it’s not pushing you enough. You need to set a goal for yourself which is going to absolutely push past your comfort zone, they all had to climb down that mountain and get to the valley and then work out how they were going to cross past all the orcs that were on the journey.

Take one step at a time, If you look at how great your journey is and you can’t even see half the time how long it will take you to get to a particular destination, you will be overwhelmed and you will fall back, you will not have the stamina, the courage or the strength to carry on but the best way is to focus on the task at hand and think about moving just the 1-10 steps that you can see at the moment, Don’t worry about where you will go after because as soon as you cross the first initial steps, you would be given instructions on how to move from there onwards.

So have faith in divine energy, in the process that once you have completed the task at hand, you will know how to move forward from that point. On this journey of creating and having wealth, when you have no idea how to move forward when business goes belly up, all sorts of things are going to happen and that is absolutely part of the journey.

Frodo and Sam were exhausted, completely exhausted and they could barely keep up. The final hurdle is usually the hardest, there is a saying in our culture that the night is the darkest just before dawn, which means the last section is always the hardest. This is where you have to muster up every little ounce of courage and carry on. I have noticed recently when I am doing my son’s 11 plus exam, I have been working with him and it got to the end when he was not performing, I almost gave up and thought that I really couldn’t do it but I did not give up, It’s okay to stop and rest but it’s not okay to stop, it’s not okay to give up, so I rested, started again and we are gradually coming to the end of it.

Whatever happens, I know I have done as much as I can to support my son, my son has done the best he can as a 10 year old and divine energy will help him to be successful, if nothing else I have made a very strong base for him to go to secondary school.

The point here is that you have to carry on. You have to complete the task, far too often, we are three feet from gold and we give up.

There is a book called three feet from gold about a guy that found out there was a lot of gold in this particular cave when they were doing the gold rush, he got people around him and invested a lot of money and went digging for gold and they only found a bit of gold. Unfortunately for him, before he recovered all the investments and equipment, the gold thread finished, there was no gold left and he was very disheartened and disappointed.

He was financially in a lot of stress, Instead of carrying on, he did not think logically and left, selling every equipment to somebody else. Now this other person who bought it thought logically and actually got an expert in the field to observe what was going on.

This expert told the new owner that archaeologically or scientifically that there was a gap between the thread of gold, three feet on from where the old owner had stopped digging, when he started digging three feet on from the point,the gold thread opened up and there was one of the most profitable gold mines of their region. This story illustrates that you cannot give up, you cannot stop midway. There’s another saying that God doesn’t bring you this far just for you to be this far. You will have moments when you want to give up, you will have moments of despair but you have to carry on.

4. Complete the task

You have to complete the task, it does not matter where you are or how hard it is, you have to muster up every ounce of your courage, strength and stamina to make sure you complete the finish line. You don’t stop before the finish line .

5. Surround yourself with the right people

It is very important to surround yourself with the right people. In this Lord of Rings, I don’t think Frodo would have gotten anywhere without Sam, Sam was crucial towards the latter part of the journey because he kept his strength and his spirits up even at a point he had to carry Frodo on his shoulder up to the mountain because Frodo ran out of energy. Sometimes you have these friends who cannot do what you need to do but they carry you on their shoulders, they can’t carry your burden, but they can carry you. I think that is such a beautiful line when Sam says “Frodo, I cannot carry your burden but I can carry you” , you need to have those friends with you who can carry you further.

I think there are people that carry me at times and they have carried me through my darkest moments. You need to have these few friends. I don’t have a million friends, I am very social and I have loads of acquaintances and people that I am friendly with but I’m not friends with many people. I choose my friends very carefully, the friends I have are amazing, they have carried me through and that’s all I need, we all need friends who would be loyal and genuine. You need to have one friend like Sam who is going to be there to hold you.

And these friends could be a partner or spouse. You’re lucky if this person ends up being your spouse, your boyfriend or girlfriend even if you don’t have a partner, you can have a friend who can be there for you, I think every single person in the world should have a Sam in their life.

6. Divine Energy

When everything is falling apart, we forget we have divine energy. We think miracles can happen for other people but they cannot happen for us whereas miracles happen for you all the time, I’m also guilty of that. Now when I see a miracle happen, I acknowledge it and I thank Divine Energy for it and If you are religiously inclined, you can believe that God will make a way for you. He will show you a pathway that you haven’t seen yourself, parting of the seas like God did for Moses, Miracles can happen for you, like they happen for other people. We as people, we dismiss ourselves too much,

“I’m not so special, Why would God create miracles for me?” My question is, why not, you are just as wonderful as the next person, as every person on the planet. Why would device energy not create miracles for you?

Still using Lords of the rings as an illustration, when the lava was coming down the mountain, Frodo and Sam were stuck on this piece of rock and had no idea how to get forward. And they thought that time was up, Gandalf the eagle came and carried them away, miracles happen, all the time. So you should expect miracles to happen for you especially when there is no way out.


Have a clear understanding of who you are and all you are capable of.
Never underestimate who you really are, enjoy the journey.
It’s not just about arriving at the destination, the journey is just as important as the actual destination.
Take one step at a time, the longest journey begins with the first step
Always complete your tasks, don’t leave things undone.
The final lap is always the hardest, It requires so much strength, courage and stamina but with your friends (tribe) by your side, you will scale through. Expect miracles everyday of your life.

The true meaning of Wealth

What does wealth really mean to you?
Why is wealth important?

“True wealth is not measured in money or status or power, It is measured in the legacy we leave behind for those we love and those we inspire”

This quote from Cesar Chavez really touched my heart and I thought about what I’m trying to create in my life or inspire people to. I am all about creating wealth for yourselves, abundance in all areas of your life, health, relationships, metaphysical and physical wealth. I want to have the car, the house, the life that you could possibly imagine, access to make great choices that you could possibly have, everything that money can buy for you and more.


Why is creating wealth important?

I tend to attract audiences or people who are similar to myself, it’s not just about creating wealth. You want to create generational wealth, a legacy that you can leave behind once you pass on to the next dimension. It’s much more grander than your own physical need, it’s really not just about the car or house or the success that comes to you, It’s about creating that legacy and leaving that activity behind, inspiring others through your legacy and your work. This is what true wealth means to me, unfortunately we get so tied to the physical aspects like the car, house, fame that we forget what we are really working for. How much money do you actually need to live the life of your dreams and if you sit and work out how much money you need to live comfortably and happily, It will be nowhere near the number that you’re striving to get to.

A lot of my needs are actually quite modest, food, clothing, a nice car and a decent house to live in, access to good education and healthcare. Even though I don’t have any lavish lifestyles, don’t gamble or drink, my needs are going to be modest compared to most ambitious People, yet I am working towards a number which might be a thousand times more than that amount that I actually need, this is because I want to leave a legacy behind. I want to create something that’s bigger than myself, I want to be remembered for something, a legacy through my work, it’s about helping others and inspiring others to live their best and fullest life.

There are times when I ask myself why I work so hard, why I want to achieve xyz. It’s not because I want the name and the fame, I’m not an egotistical person. It is very nice to get praises but it’s not what drives me. I connect with money in its spiritual form so I’m not attached to money in its physical form. What is it that gets me going? What makes me work 10 times harder than anybody else? What keeps me going when I want to give up? In those trying times when I’m exhausted, I have my goal in sight, I’ve cried and persevered through because I remember my vision, what wealth means to me. In the past, I have said that my children are the purpose but honestly my kids don’t need that kind of money either.

The meaning of wealth can be different for everyone just as the legacy one leaves behind is different for everyone. I have a particular legacy in mind that I want to leave behind for my two children, I have other things that I want to create not necessarily for myself but also for other people, some charitable organizations that I want to support, projects for young women especially in the South Asian continent. My family is from Pakistan, my parents were born in India so I have this strong affiliation with India, Pakistan and Bangladesh as well, I know of the plight of young females from South Asia and this is part of the reason why education is so important to me because it opens your mind and gives you the ability to deal with life in ways differently. Wealth to me means having the freedom of choice and ability to help who I want to help, to be able to do the things I want to do in my short life while inspiring people around to live their fullest life too.

My children are my one motivating factor, they are both in university now, I’ve pretty much completed the task of raising them but that’s not all I want to do but I find myself creating extra opportunities because I want to leave a legacy behind, my wealth is not going to be measured with how much money I have in the bank account or how many cars or houses I have. My wealth is going to be measured in who I’ve helped, what I have helped them achieve both through my works, my money and my inspiring story. My life has been a roller coaster journey from the age of five, my mother finding out about my father remarrying, being abused, my brother going to Juvie, my mother passing away and living with an abusive husband in my various marriages, yet I have carried on moving forward. I think every part of my life can inspire someone else, this is why I share everything about my life so openly, I have made mistakes, I have learnt and grown from it. There is a reason why my life turned out the way it did and maybe my story can help people and inspire them.

Financial success is simply a stepping stone to creating the kind of legacy that I want. In order for you to have the freedom to choose to do what you want to do, you have to have the financial freedom behind you, When you don’t have to worry about the rent, the mortgage, the car payments, the food payments, and the utility payments, then you have freedom to choose what else you want to create with your time and the people you want to have in your life.

If you are currently struggling with connecting with financial wealth because this is not why money is important to you, I want you to think in grander terms and expand your mind to know what wealth means to you. Ask yourself these questions;
What would it mean for me to be really wealthy?
What would I do with my time?
What would I do with my money?
What kind of legacy would I leave behind?
What kind of legacy would I want to create?

And then focus on that picture and see how that connects with your current life at the moment, it might seem really far stretched from where you currently are at the moment but It’s okay. You don’t have to know how you’re going to get there, all you need is to know your heart and follow your vision. My vision is beyond me and my family, I want to create this for women, especially young girls from this particular continent because I know what these women are going through, the kind of mental programming and emotional torture that they go through even at this day and age, I know this because I’ve experienced it myself even though I was born and brought up in the Western world.

When my mom passed away, I kept holding up to the idea of chastity and being a good Muslim girl and how this was important and choosing to cut ties with a partner who wasn’t for me. They gave me hell and said i had brought shame to the family because I decided I will no longer marry this individual, and because I already brought shame to the family, I was pushed into a proper arranged marriage, I never got to know him nor see the red flags until after I was married and It was far too late. He was a highly abusive person and I remember when my second husband was insulting me, laughing in my face saying “Even after everything I have done Gull, no one is going to blame me. They’re going to blame you and humiliate your kids and tell them their mother has been divorced twice.”

I remember that it really hit my heart because there’s some element of truth in that. In our culture, divorce is very embarrassing and humiliating especially for South Asian women and it doesn’t matter if it was her fault or not, the woman is always the one blamed. In my case, the first one was highly abusive and the second one was not just abusive, he cheated on me openly, yet the society will never blame him because he’s a man. As a well travelled, educated woman who grew up in the Western world, I dealt with this humiliation and it really opened my eyes to the plight of young women in South Asia communities. I had the privilege of living in London, in a Western world but what about the women who are living in South Asia?

Those young girls grow up in abusive environments and they have no one to turn to, and as soon as they voice that they don’t want to be abused or treated this way, the society tags them as girls with bad characters and blames them. This was when my purpose was born, the desire to create something bigger than myself and in order for me to do this, I need to create wealth for myself, to create those choices for myself, to be able to do the things I need to do for myself and others. I want to inspire and empower these girls and women to get out and make something of herself. To create this amazing life of her own, to be financially independent and I can make a difference in my life and those around me with my story.

This is going to be my legacy, and I need wealth in order for me to be able to liberate or inspire the younger generation of women. That is why I think becoming a money mindset expert was probably the best thing I could possibly imagine because not only am I doing this for myself, I’m also doing it for people around me. I work with both men and women to teach them what the true intrinsic value and true wealth is.

In working majorly with young women, we can achieve a place where no man on the planet irrespective of them being their father, their uncle, the grandad or the brother or even the son could ever devalue them.


We all need wealth because it is a financial freedom. In pursuit of this wealth, think of a legacy that you will leave behind when you are no more, a journey that can be carried out without us. This is what true wealth is

The Difference between Purpose, Vision and Goals

What is the difference between the three?
Why are they all important in order for you to be extremely wealthy?

These words purpose, vision and goals have been thrown around all the time especially by gurus, experts and most self-help books. Sometimes they are used interchangeably but here are my own definitions.

What is Purpose?

Purpose is what you were created for in life. I always say to people that the fact that you have a particular desire is the Universe’s or Divine energy’s way of guiding you through life for a particular purpose. Every single individual who’s born on this planet has a particular purpose. Whether they understand it and fulfill it is another story but everyone has a purpose that’s unique to them.

Your purpose is the reason why you came into existence, and through your desires, be it to get married, have a child, change jobs, create a business, own a car or that ring or those shoes. Whatever desire you have is usually given by divine energy. There are also times when our desires come from a lower source which is the dark side but generally most desires which will uplift us and move us ahead in our lives, which allows us to live a more comfortable and healthier life comes from divine energy. How you fulfill these desires could also be leading into the dark side. You may not recognize or understand your purpose yet but as we mature and begin to understand our intuitive side and build our connection to divine energy, we become familiar with that purpose.

That purpose in the case of Elon Musk is to create travel means, those are part of his purpose. Your purpose could be to have a family, create these great human beings who are going to go ahead and bring much positivity to the world. It could also be to create shelter for stray cats or dogs, or invent some kind of new gadget, your purpose is simply what you are here to contribute to society. We all have different purposes that’s beyond who we are and it’s always about giving. The bigger your purpose, the longer it might take you to get there so you need to have more patience as well.

Your purpose is part of divine planning for you, it is what you are here to do in order to help contribute to society, to humanity, to the world. It is God’s plan and therefore it’s bigger than you.

What is Vision?

Your vision is of what you are given and how you can live out your life’s purpose and how you can create it. For example, Moses was given the vision of helping all the Israelites to escape from pharaoh, Prophet Muhammad Salah’s vision was to bring this new religion Islam into being and that took a course of 23 years to complete and he wasn’t given the vision till he was 40 so everyone has a vision of how they can create and they can fulfill their purpose. Purpose is what you’re here to do while Vision is what you are given, how you can live your purpose, what it is that you’re meant to be doing with your life. Sometimes we get confused about our vision because it is given to us, We as parents often push our own vision on our children, directing them on what they need to do or create, especially when it comes to choosing career paths. “You should be a doctor, you should be a lawyer, you should be doing this and you should be an architect, or you should create a business.”

Our children need to grow with the flexibility and the ability to create their own vision, to create their own life, recognize their own purpose and create a vision thereby. Your vision is what you feel you are here to create. Elon Musk had this vision of traveling to space and has made creating the travel means his purpose, your vision could be to create these amazing wheelchairs so people can have better accessibility or it could be you wanting to go and help young women in remote places, giving education and access to quality health care to orphans.

I have this vision of myself, I truly believe that I am an advocate for money and my vision is to help every single individual adopt an amazing relationship with money and in the process build a really strong relationship with divine energy built on love and faith not fear and frustration. so I believe my purpose is to create abundance, not just for myself, but also help everyone create theirs as well. This is why I believe that I’m living my purpose through my book which is laws of money, my podcast, free seminars and paid workshops. My vision is what’s helping me to live my purpose, my vision of where I want to go, this vision has encouraged me to set milestones in the form of goals to enable me to live my purpose.

Steve Jobs, his vision may have been to make everyone’s life easier by reducing a laptop to the size of a handheld device we can carry anywhere. We can not only just make phone calls but also video calls.

Your vision is always about what you can create and how you can live your life’s purpose. Whatever you believe your purpose to be, your vision would correlate that and would allow you to create and live up to that purpose.

What are Goals?

We’ve explored purpose and vision but what are goals?

Goals are small milestones you reach in order to fulfill your vision which is used to actually live out your life’s purpose. There are God-given goals which help us to live our vision and there are good goals which come from our ego. An example is a goal to make $100k monthly or creating a business that gives you that kind of financial freedom, It may be a God-given goal because in order for you to create that income level at seven figure monthly, you have to provide a particular service or product and through that action, the divine energy may have other plans for you or the people who use your services.

A lot of times when we create this massive goal to support our vision, they are usually God’s plan because in order for us to reach those levels, we have to create action and in that process live our purpose. As we are contributing to our vision, the divine energy is using us in the best way possible. So, this is why God’s goals can be as The purpose behind our God’s goal is to make you grow.

What happens when our vision takes time to unfold?

Sometimes you are given a vision and there’s a delay, sometimes for months or years and you might even lose momentum somewhere along the lines, life happens. There is a correlation between the delay and the size of the vision. So the bigger the vision, the bigger the delay because in that delay, you are being given the skills required to fulfill that purpose properly. Things happen for a reason at a particular time because it’s divine right timing, For example if you’re meant to go to Amsterdam but you don’t and you’re destined to meet your future wife or future husband there. If you go to Amsterdam today, you may not meet them but if your flight gets delayed and you end up going two months later and you end up bumping into them in the coffee shop.

Sometimes we are given this vision and we have this burning desire to create the vision, we believe through that vision we’re going to live our life purpose. When there’s a delay, we get frustrated because of our burning desire or urgency to get it done. In my case, I remember earlier on I used to question how it was possible that I could be fooled by someone like my ex but there must be a reason why I was led to marry first Myra’s father and then I was literally out of the frying pan to the fire. 2-3 months after my divorce from him, a proposal came from Ivan and then literally a couple of months after that I was married, it’s unbelievable that my common sense didn’t step in at any point in time and stop me from making these decisions or taking this action.

I wouldn’t have my son and my daughter if I didn’t marry these two individuals and I can’t trade my kids for anything. Whatever the reason for it, there is a hidden purpose, maybe my training. My life has not been easy from a young age, and I remember this professor of mine, Dr. Thomas, He was my mentor and he was familiar with my story and when my cousin passed away 8 months after my mom died, my cousin was very close to me and he stepped in to help me out of my suicidal state, and 8 months later, he passed away, I was back to square one and I was in a bad state, I remember Dr. Thomas said to me “Oh my god. I’ve never met a more unlucky person. You’ve had so many things happen to you in your short span of life.” I had never looked upon myself as an unlucky person and I remember looking at him and telling him, “No, it’s just life. It happens. I don’t think I’m unlucky at all, I still had my health, my brother….” I went on to list about 5-6 different things that I was grateful for, including him for being such a kind man, and a very great mentor to me.

I don’t see the delay that you have in attaining your vision as a delay at all, I think it’s a preparation for your vision, that you’ve been given a vision doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ready to create it. When you have a vision, your preparation starts, you start looking for opportunities to create that vision. The reason why you have this delay is so that you can pray and prepare for your vision. Preparation comes first and your actualization of your vision comes second because sometimes you are not of that sound mind, you may not have the strength of character needed to bring your visions to light. This is how life works.



If you’ve been questioning the divine energy and asking these questions like;
Why is there a delay if I have been given this vision?
Why can’t I make it happen today? Why am I having to wait?
I have done everything, What else can I do?
Why haven’t I created that million dollar business?
Why don’t I have that car yet?
Why haven’t I met that man/woman yet?
Why don’t I have a child yet?

I want you to understand your purpose, your vision and set your goals and while working towards it, know that the reason for this delay is divinely planned preparation for you to be able to create that life and be able to create that vision in order for you to live your life’s purpose. So have faith in the divine plan and divine timing to get people in the right place at the right time to create the right situation to be able to make your vision a reality.

Casting your burden over to divine energy in your pursuit of wealth, abundance and prosperity

This almost feels like I’m sharing a journal of personal life as I progress on my work towards creating wealth and abundance for myself. When we are on this path of prosperity and abundance, this is actually a journey of growth and self realization, you are going to have moments of doubt, despair, desperation and you’re going to come across obstacles which may seem insurmountable.

It doesn’t matter how clear your vision is and how strong your why is, you will definitely experience moments of doubt, despair and frustration but if your will is strong enough, you will come out of this situation rapidly and you’ll be on track again. The stronger your why, the quicker you’ll come out of this state. My whole life revolves around my two children, every thought, idea and my desire for prosperity stems from my love for them and my desire to give them the best life possible. My children’s access to quality education is of the highest priority for me at the moment and equally giving them a good life and raising them in a good environment because my brother and I grew up in a council state and he got into bad company. My ‘why’ is so strong, to ensure my children do not lack anything and it makes it rare for me to fall into these low moments, and when I do, It pulls me out very quickly.

I have these flickering thoughts and moments of doubt, frustration and despair as every other human, I’m not immune to these moments but because of my strength and sheer will, I come out of it.

How can you come out of these moments of despair, desperation, frustration and anger?

When I find myself in frustrating situations that feel too big for me to handle, I cast the burden of that situation over to divine energy. This is when I admit to divine energy that this is too much for me, that I cannot handle it, this is your problem. I had this situation that kept on occurring in my coaching business for months now and it occurred to me that I was seeking outside help, involving an external agency to help me with this particular issue but so far after wasting thousands of pounds and time, the conclusion I’ve come to is that nobody else can help me, this is something that I need to work out on my own.

I’m naturally gifted towards it and this realization came after I had prayed to God to give me a solution and a sign. I really believe that when you ask God for help in all sincerity, he would answer and show you signs. When I prayed for a solution, I was told to look at myself and look within but every time an agency that I employed to help failed, I would look for the next agency or expert to fix it, I kept on looking outside of myself. I did not look within because It was not the area that I wanted to practice or specialize in so I kept on outsourcing it to someone else. I do believe in outsourcing to other people for various things but sometimes as was in this case, you have to do it in-house. I finally gave into that, I had to learn it and I have to become an expert of this skill that has been gifted to me by the universe.

Another instance is this business that I want to go into but I don’t know how to get into that business so I’ve put that idea on a shelf and I have handed over the part of creating a way for me to break through into this business to divine energy because that’s the source of the guidance and intuition that I need to go into this particular area. I have given divine energy the responsibility of bringing a person or a course, or ideas on how to get into that business. I know the information and help is out there but I don’t know where to look or how to find it so I am relying completely on divine energy to not just create a way for me to start but also show me how to get the funding and I’m very confident that by the end of this year, I would have opened up that business and It’s up to divine energy to guide me.

I have accepted the vision about going into this business by the end of year and I’m certain things will unfold in the most magical way possible because I’m letting divine energy guide my steps to take actions when the time is right and send me solutions where needed, because of my faith in God, I’m certain it’s going to happen. As I’ve cast the burden to the divine energy, I’m going to go on with life following his directives to the best of my ability.

Always rely on Divine energy for guidance in any situation in your life. My son’s results for his entrance examination into elite private school came through and my son Aryan fortunately got into these amazing schools. Earlier, the issues were getting into these schools but now it’s which one of them I should select for him. All of these schools are amazing but each one has its pros and cons and I have asked divine energy for guidance to make the right decision for my son. I really believe that having a strong educational background opens up the mind. I have three schools to choose from, School A wasn’t a school I was considering because I didn’t even think we could get in, I wasn’t really keen on School B but it was my second favourite and School C is my daughter’s school. I am very proud of my son and I prayed to thank God for helping him accomplish this feat, I also asked for guidance and we are going to visit all the schools before I make my decision.

I thought that I’ll be leaning towards the school where my daughter goes because it makes logical sense for both kids to be there together and we are already familiar with the teachers and school and they know me as well. I was shocked the next day that all I could think about was school A, the benefits and most importantly how it’s the most academically superior of the three. My intuition strongly told me to go with school A which was not even on my radar. The fees of these three schools are the same so it wasn’t used as consideration points. So why was my spirit insisting on School A, because divine energy knows better.


Divine energy knows more, sees deeper and knows what’s going on far greater than you can. In your limited capacity, when you try to make these life-changing decisions for your business, your personal life and your kids, it’s best not to rely on your common sense or my conscious mind only.

When I have an important decision to make, a change that will have an impact on me or my business or my family for a long term, I always ask divine energy for advice and this is what I’ve become accustomed to, I’m always listening to my intuition and seeking out his guidance.

I hope we can utilise divine energy’s power to unburden ourselves and get on with our lives while walking on his directives and his timing, this would help you to quantum leap your results. There might be times when you’ll be asked to take actions that go against logic but remember to trust your instincts and follow his guidance to build your wealth.

Prosperity and Poverty Consciousness

Which one do you think you have?

I’m going to ask you a few questions today that may trigger you into asking questions and realizing what kind of consciousness you really have whether it’s poverty or prosperity consciousness and I want you to understand the two aspects to this, there’s poverty or prosperity consciousness.

And the reason why we can determine this is based on your financial standing. I’m gonna explain both of those terms but I want you to understand that every single person on the planet fits into the spectrum.

What is Prosperity Consciousness?

Inside this spectrum is someone who’s extremely prosperous. They are aware that abundance is all around them and they manifest money very easily, whatever they touch turns to gold, they have what we call the Midas Touch.

Everything they do excels really well, they have successful businesses and money comes to them and they’re able to invest. This is what I would classify as a prosperity consciousness, they’re aware of all the resources available to them. They’re able to get people’s time and people’s money to create their own money. They also enjoy abundance in their health and their relationship. This is one extreme example of the spectrum of other camps.

What is Poverty Consciousness?

On the other end, you have people who have poverty conscious and they live in scarcity all their entire life and there’s never enough time or money. They usually have big victim mentality.

In between these two extremes, we have everybody else somewhere along the spectrum and where you fit on that spectrum is determined by your financial thermostat.

What is your financial thermostat?

This is your comfort zone with money, It is not something of your own choice unless you’ve actively worked on it. Your financial thermostat has been given to you, it has been programmed into you by your primary caregivers. And this could be your mum and dad, your foster parents, even your doctors, uncles and aunties. Whoever it was with the most influence on you between the ages of zero to seven and to some extent between 7 to 14 and maybe even to 21.

Generally most of your programming is done by the age of seven so this financial thermostat has been programmed into you by your primary caregivers without your knowledge even. In your teens and early 20s, you can rebel, pull away and be able to make a lot of money and that’s good but you find that towards the beginning of your 30s, somewhere along those lines between early 30s and 40s, there’s what I call a snapback. It happens. When you experience a snapback, you are pulled back into your earliest money paradigm and you begin to live the story (thermostat) that was programmed into you.

So basically in your 20s and even to some extent your 30s, you pull away from your true part of the financial paradigm. You might think, “Oh! I escaped though. I’ve made money and done all this“. A lot of people don’t understand that If you don’t clear your energy around your earliest money paradigm, you will suffer a snapback and get shot down to where your financial thermostat is set for you by your primary caregivers and it could be in the form of going bankrupt, physical burnout, Cancer, a failed marriage and losing everything. This snapback can manifest itself in a number of different ways, there are different situations.

How do you realize what your financial thermostat is?

Your financial thermostat is the financial thermostat of the people that looked after you in your primary age.Your primary caregivers at the age of 7, What kind of money did they make? What kind of life did they live? What kind of ideas did they have? This is what sets your lower and your upper financial thermostat. So you find that with most people (there are exemptions to this of course) but generally 90% of the time, majority of the people who I’ve come across tend to live in that upper and lower financial thermostat which is the upper zone and lower zone based on the financial thermostat of their parents.

Financial thermostat is your comfort zone around money, The Lower threshold of it is the absolute low amount of money that you can survive before your sense is coming to play and you attract money and the upper threshold of it is the amount of money you allow yourself to have in your energy field through investments through a business through whatever have you before your subconscious mind kicks into action and starts attracting ways to get rid of the money.

We tend to live between the upper limit and the lower limit but once this snapback happens, they tend to switch between the two unless they clear this so they don’t continue to do this ping-pong journey for the rest of their life. During my research, I remember doing a lot of research and speaking to lots of people in their retirement age and finding out why most people retire and retire poor.

This one story really stuck out to me, about this gentleman who had multiple businesses, was running a multi-million at one point and in his retirement when he was the age of 70, he was fully financial dependent on his son, himself and his wife and he couldn’t work it out how he ended up being fully financial dependent on his son rather than himself. And the only thing that came to mind was that he ping-ponged his way between the lower and the upper throughout his life and he never actually cleared his energy therefore at the age when he should be enjoying his money, he had nothing to enjoy.

I would encourage you to look at your financial thermostat and think “what kind of money makes me uncomfortable?” I don’t want you to give me straight answers because you grew up rich or you read my book or you listened to this podcast or you listen to Tony Robbins and you think….. you can make a million a month and can be happy with it.


Whether you can make a million a month, I don’t doubt that, I think you can. I think every single person can make a million a month, it’s not a big deal but whether you can make a million a month and keep it long-term, that’s what I doubt, the amount of money you make is not going to be impacted by your financial thermostat. Sometimes we stretch our upper/lower limits by doing all these positive works but we only stretch it, we don’t actually stabilize them.

So we can stretch and stretch and at one point, we take a step back and come right back down to the bottom, that’s when bankruptcy happens. I want you to really think about what kind of money did your parents (primary caregivers) have when you were growing up. And if you are about 30-40, please pay attention to what kind of lifestyle you are living right now and how similar or different it is from the lifestyle of your parents, you may have a lot more money coming in but in terms of lifestyle and standard of living, how similar or different is it from your parents and 9 times out of 10, I find people off of the age of 30 onwards generally have a very similar standard of living to that of the primary caregivers.

Surprisingly it occurs a lot for people from professional backgrounds, I remember this conversation I was having with this doctor, she was a GP and her husband was an IT consultant. Between the two of them, they were making $150,000 pounds annually. I remember she was very frustrated and upset because they were losing money and she couldn’t work out why they were not able to keep and grow money.

They were making all this money but their outgoings were more than their incomes and she didn’t understand this because they weren’t spendthrift. She thought they were frugal but what you find is that as your income grows so does your expenses (if your financial thermostat has not been worked on). You manifest a legal action, a wrong client, something which will bring you back down and bring you back into this comfort zone around money.

Okay, this is what happens and the reason for the thermostat analogy. My radio thingy comes to mind initially, I’m usually always cold and have set my thermostat so whenever the temperature falls to a certain point, it automatically comes on and when it goes above the same point, the heater kicks in. This is what happens with you energetically, when your financial thermostat picks up, there’s no money coming in and you really feel like, “Oh! I don’t know how I’m gonna pay the rent.” And if your financial thermostat is set to the point where you have to pay lease, your rental mortgage and your bills have to be paid and your manifesting power goes through the roof and you attract opportunities, people and money to make sure you make your commitment.

Once those commitments are met, you go back to your comfort zone and when you start making more money, you begin to manifest the very opposite, ways to lose it. These things happened to me and I’m talking from experience. When I became a millionaire at the age of 27, I completely shambled my life within a year, from property crash, my marriage ending, becoming a single mother and having a negative equity, it was really awful.

I didn’t even know at the time that I was experiencing my snapback due to energy and financial thermostat, you have to work on financial thermostat so when you start making money, obviously it happens both ways, The reverse way it happens with your lower end, It also happens at the top end as well and this is exactly what happened to me in 2008, My energy could not handle me having that kind of money, that net worth or prosperity mark so it brought me back to my financial thermostat comfort zone and I didn’t realize this for the longest time until a few years ago when I really deep dived into money, prosperity and money consciousness.

I realized my consciousness was geared towards poverty, I was programmed to be in poverty, to have poverty consciousness because that’s what I grew up in. My father was a multi millionaire, a self-made one but he too grew up in poverty and my mother left him and I grew up in the ghettos, in East London. My mind was never programmed to be prosperous, therefore I wasn’t. And the times I prospered, I brought myself back to the level I was comfortable with and subconsciously, very quickly, it only took me a year to get back to base. So now I realize the need to push up my thermostat.

Pushing up your thermostat and changing our limited beliefs

You are always going to have an upper/lower limit, you need to bring your lower limit up and take your higher limit higher so your absolute bottom limit would be a lot higher than where it is at the moment and your upper limit should be always expanding. You should always expand that further and further and further. Now in order for you to expand and grow your financial thermostat, you have to change your limiting beliefs and there are so many limited beliefs that we are programmed with as we’re growing up and these are given to us again, they are not ours.

We buy into these beliefs, they are not taken by us by choice. We may think there are thoughts now but initially there were somebody else’s thoughts and ideas and were planted into our minds as young beings and we took them on as our own and these ideas are;

  • Money is the root of all evils
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • Money corrupts you
  • Money causes divorces
  • I don’t need money to be happy etc.

I have a whole program around this, it’s called Millennial foundations where we cover hundred and one limiting beliefs around money, business and success and it’s surprising how some of the beliefs are taken up by the majority of people and they don’t even see them as limited beliefs. In my programs, I explain why these beliefs can be limiting, the impact it has and we change it with energy clearance of course but it’s shocking to see how many people don’t even see them as limiting beliefs.

This is how the world goes, they have this paradigm around money and they don’t even realize it. So what we are after by changing your financial thermostat is to change you, we want to get you to change your paradigms around money and when you change your paradigm around money, you will change your financial thermostat. You actually extend it further and expand the upper limit of it, and you’ll be able to allow more money to come to you at a faster pace and allow it to stay in your energy field and you will not suffer from snapback as rapidly and eventually you should stop all together.

This financial thermostat would always happen by the way, when you get to the next upper limit, it will have a snapback and you come back down. You build it up further again and it goes further up again and you have another snap back and you come back and this is why if you look at anyone who’s successful, their journey is not an exponential line, it’s a zigzag and that’s normal as long as the trajectory is upwards, I’m okay with that because it means you need to adjust, expand your mind further and work a bit more on your beliefs, build your prosperity consciousness and that’s quite perfectly fine.

As we’re learning and growing, we’re going to have these minor snapbacks again and again but what we don’t want is a major snapback like I had back in 2008, I went from being a millionaire in 2007 at the age of 27 to being under the poverty line in 2008, having no money, no job, no partner and being a single parent, almost destitute. And having all these properties with negative equity and I was stuck, The only option was for me to go bankrupt which I chose not to do and I’m grateful that I didn’t.

So this is what we don’t want and asides that the snapbacks will continue to happen but that only is feedback given to your subconscious mind that you need to expand your financial thermostat further and further and that just means constant growth of our prosperity consciousness. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.


We should continuously continue working on our prosperity consciousness because we are a work in progress. The whole point of this life is to grow, to learn, to develop and any time you stop learning, you stop growing, you stop living.

How I Became an Energy Healer and Money Mindset Expert

Most of you know me as an energy healer and money mindset expert.

It wasn’t an easy journey.

Still, I feel like all the experiences led me to the right path I’m in today.

So I would like to share with you how I went from being a banking and finance lawyer to the energy healer I am today.

Let’s get started.


energy healer


Memories of my childhood


I was born in Manchester to a Muslim family.

A few months after my birth, my father decided to bring the whole family back to Pakistan to start a business.

We were well-off. And in Islam, Muslim men can take more than one wife. That is, as long as he can take care of finances and if the first wife would agree.

My mother didn’t approve of my father having another wife. But still, he went on to marry another woman.

Of course, she wasn’t happy when she found out.

My father tried to control her by holding out on finances. He thought he might convince her with his decision through money, but she held her own.

So she packed her bags and left, taking us with her.

I was five years old when my parents separated. And instead of going back to Manchester, my mother decided to live in London’s East End.

Now if you’re from London, you’d know it’s the rough side of town.

My mother was having a hard time making ends meet. My father still didn’t support her financially. He thought she would change her mind and go back to him.

Instead, she decided she would live life her way.

My brother, on the other hand, had a hard time adjusting to the huge change in our lifestyle. Because of that, he did all sorts of things and went off the rails.

In my case, I wanted to prove to my father that I didn’t need him. So I focused on studying instead. I got straight As, got my law degree, and achieved so many things despite being diagnosed as a severe dyslexic.

I became a barrister with a middle temple in the UK. I also became a New York attorney. I got to work with some of the top law firms in the world.

Eventually, I got accepted by the Law Society and became a fully qualified solicitor with the England and Wales Law Society.

You’d think I’ve got it all, with all the things I’ve achieved. But unfortunately, my mother passed away when I was 21.

It devastated me and led me to question my purpose and find the meaning of my life.

If anything, it made me want to achieve more success. My dyslexia and my mother’s passing pushed me to improve myself more.

I got interested in personal development and learned more about topics like speed reading and mind mapping.

Tony Buzan became one of my early influencers. And then I got introduced to Tony Robbins’ book, Awaken the Giant Within.

At the time, I didn’t know it would be the beginning of my journey as an energy healer and money mindset expert.


On Love and Marriage


Energy Healer - love and marriage
Image by rajesh koiri from Pixabay


You’d think I have it all.

An awesome career as a banking and finance lawyer. Earning six figures and traveling the world.

And yes, I was pretty much settled with what I wanted. At the time I felt it was right for me to get married.

Call me crazy, but I decided to go down the traditional route. I had my father choose my first husband, and our marriage was arranged.

He preferred to stay at home as a house husband. I took care of the finances. That was fine with me since I loved working and keeping myself busy.

But things turned for the worse when he started physically abusing me. The more I earned and the more financially dependent he became, the more he became controlling and abusive.

I was already thinking of leaving, but then I got pregnant.

Back then I was too naive. I wanted my baby to have a father and thought he was going to change.

It didn’t happen.

The abuse got worse. He didn’t hold back hurting me, even if I was holding our baby in my arms.

I knew I had enough, so I plucked the courage to call authorities and got him out of my life for good.

It took a lot of courage for me to give love another chance. And one day it came knocking on my door again.

This time around I wanted to make sure that I won’t have him depending on me, especially for finances.

He said he’s been in love with me for the last sixteen years but didn’t have the courage to tell me. So I believed him and took a chance.

Somehow it felt right that time. He took care of me and asked me to stay at home with the kids.

But I felt constrained as it went on. While he wasn’t physically hurting me, he was becoming more and more abusive verbally.

I began to lose confidence and lost my self-worth. I felt like I was nothing.


On healing and becoming an energy healer


energy healer - be happy always
Image by Epsita Mahapatra from Pixabay


Looking back, I felt like I was making up for the lost time I had without a family.

I came from a broken home. And I tried my best to prove myself to my father that I got all my success without him.

And since my mother had died early, I felt like there was a need for me to make sure my kids had a real family.

For me, it was enough reason for me to endure all things, even if it meant the loss of my being.

I felt ugly and insecure. The confidence and strength of character I had were slipping away.

This was translating into all the businesses I was trying to set up. I felt so desperate like everything I touched was becoming a failure.

I tried almost all things from MLM to affiliate marketing. Somehow I felt like I was slowly drowning and I don’t have a way to get out.

So I resorted to understanding who I was. I tried to figure out my spirituality. That’s how I got to learn about emotional therapy, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique.

I also got interested in Reiki and intuitive healing from a renowned mentor.

That was when I realized I had a gift as an intuitive energy healer.


Embracing the Energy Healer in Me


The program I enrolled in lasted for a year.

I was practicing and learning at the same time. The lessons helped me help others who needed healing and energy clearing.

Despite that, I still felt constrained. I felt trapped in an abusive marriage, and I couldn’t help myself heal.

Somehow I felt like an imposter like there was something wrong with me because I couldn’t get out of this marriage.

But you know what? The universe will feel it when you want things to change for you. And it will find ways to help you get out of situations you want to get rid of.

[ Read more about limiting beliefs here]

In 2016, I caught my husband cheating with a 19-year-old.

Of course, it was painful and difficult. But it became a reason for us to separate.

We thought separating would help fix things. It didn’t. So we agreed to end things and move on with our lives.

He made things difficult by withdrawing financial support from us. And because I was a property millionaire, I wasn’t eligible for financial support in the UK.

I remember sitting on my dining table, thinking I’ve got no money to my name. All I had was £140 as child benefits every four weeks. I honestly wondered how I was going to make ends meet.

I also remember my aunt consoling me and telling me how much my life reminded her of my mother’s.

That was when I realized that I am my mother’s daughter. What happened to her happened to me.

It was like a vicious cycle. And I knew I had to break it for me and my children’s sake.

I realized I had manifested my mother’s life to become mine. But instead of feeling broken, I honestly felt free.

energy healer - self care

Just imagine, what if I used this power of manifestation to make things happen in my life?

What if I can create a world where everything I put my heart into was made possible?

The thought liberated me so much that I felt as if I was a new person.

This realization enabled me to change my life in just six months!

From then on I decided to work on myself and help others break free from their energy blocks.

I’ve applied the lessons I’ve learned and created a new and unique experience for those who are ready to make a change in their lives.

That’s also the reason why I started a podcast called Money Mindset with Gull Khan.

Here we’ll talk about how you can change your mindset about money and abundance. We’ll also discuss ways to heal yourself and unblock your energy to open new opportunities for yourself.

We’ll also speak with other phenomenal entrepreneurs who overcame their challenges and are now living their best lives.

I’d love to share my journey with you as an energy healer and money mindset expert.

Listen to the whole episode here.

Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to it here.

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