Gull Khan

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Tag: goals

How Daily Intentions and Goals Shape Success

Let’s talk real talk about making money moves and setting intentions for a life of abundance. Setting intentions and having big goals might sound like two peas in a pod, but let’s peel back the layers and dig into why they’re not quite the same.

Today, we’re diving into the daily ritual of setting intentions, unlocking a bit of magic that could lead you to true wealth.

Intentions vs. Goals

Alright, so you’ve probably heard intentions and goals tossed around like they’re interchangeable, but let’s hit pause and break it down. Intentions and goals might roll in the same crew, but they’re running different games.

Goals are like the finish line in a race. It’s where you’re headed, what you’re aiming to achieve – the big, tangible outcomes. On the flip side, intentions are more like the energy you’re throwing into the universe right now.

It’s about what you’re doing at this very moment to make those goals happen. Goals are all about the destination, the future, and ticking off achievements.

Intentions? They’re like the secret sauce that adds purpose, inspiration, and that extra kick to your journey.

Why Bother with Setting Intentions?

Let’s be real; we’ve all been there with the New Year’s resolutions that crash and burn faster than a rocket launch. Turns out, a whopping 80% of those resolutions nosedive by February. Why? Well, the pressure to overhaul your whole life in one go can be a vibe killer.

Enter intentions, the unsung heroes of this story. They come from a deeper place – your internal compass. Intentions are about planting seeds in your consciousness, aligning your actions with your values. They’re not about abrupt changes but a steady, purposeful shift.

Daily Intentions: Your Secret Sauce Toolbox

Now, let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of daily intentions. These aren’t lofty ideals; they’re your secret weapons to deal with stress and tackle everyday roadblocks. Think of them as your toolbox filled with solutions.

  1. I intend to love myself unconditionally: Give yourself a break, practice forgiveness, and roll with gratitude. Self-love is the key.
  2. I intend to embrace the right process: Life’s a rollercoaster, embrace the ride. Open up to new experiences and changes.
  3. I intend to stop taking things personally: Detox from the opinions of others. It’s your life; focus on what matters.
  4. I intend to be productive and still get rest: Find that sweet spot between hustle and chill. It’s not just about working hard; it’s about working smart.

Five Steps to Power Up Your Intentions

Enough theory, let’s put it into practice. Deepak Chopra drops some wisdom with five steps to turbocharge your intentions:

  1. Slip into the gap: Meditate to cut through the noise, find pure awareness, and plant those intention seeds.
  2. Release your intentions and desires: After meditation, release your intentions into the wild. Do this daily for maximum impact.
  3. Remain in a state of restful awareness: Chill out. Don’t let doubts mess with your vibe. Trust the process.
  4. Detach from possible outcomes: Lose the attachment and expectations baggage. Trust yourself, and let the magic unfold.
  5. Let go and let the universe handle it: Trust the universe vibes. Let your intentions ride the cosmic wave.

In Conclusion: Your Wealth Transformation Starts Here

Setting intentions isn’t a fluffy ritual; it’s a realignment with your higher self. Trust your gut, take action, and watch your financial landscape transform. Get ready for the wealth, abundance, and joy you’ve got coming your way.

And here’s an exclusive invitation for you: If you’re eager to take your money mindset journey to the next level, join our thriving community on the Skool platform.

It’s a space where we delve even deeper, share valuable resources, and support each other in our quest for financial success. Don’t miss out—come be a part of our community: 

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude for a Prosperous Money Mindset

Welcome to a transformative exploration of how cultivating an attitude of gratitude can profoundly shape your money mindset. In a world often consumed by the pursuit of financial success, it’s easy to overlook the simple yet potent practice of gratitude. However, the act of acknowledging and appreciating what we have can be a powerful catalyst for shifting our financial perspective and inviting abundance into our lives.

Join me on this journey as we delve into the five impactful ways to develop an attitude of gratitude that harmonizes with your money mindset. Prepare to uncover the hidden treasures that lie within the practice of gratitude, and witness how it can become a cornerstone of your financial success.

Gratitude as a Gateway to Abundance

Before we dive into the strategies for cultivating gratitude within your money mindset, let’s take a moment to understand the transformative power of this practice. Gratitude is not merely a sentiment; it’s a way of being that shapes our thoughts, emotions, and actions. When we consciously acknowledge and appreciate the blessings in our lives, we create an energetic shift that attracts more positivity and abundance.

In the context of our financial journey, gratitude acts as a gateway to abundance. By focusing on what we have rather than fixating on what we lack, we shift our attention from scarcity to sufficiency. This shift in perspective has a profound impact on our relationship with money, influencing our decisions, actions, and ultimately, our financial outcomes.

Now, let’s explore five actionable ways to cultivate an attitude of gratitude that can revolutionize your money mindset:

Daily Gratitude Practice: Nurturing Your Mindset with Appreciation

In your quest for a profound transformation of your money mindset, consider the potency of a daily gratitude practice. This practice is more than a mere routine; it’s an intentional act that can infuse your every day with positivity and reshape your perspective on abundance.

As the first rays of morning light touch your awakening consciousness, take a deliberate pause before even stepping out of bed. In this tranquil moment, reflect on three distinct things that you are genuinely grateful for. These sources of gratitude can span the spectrum of your life—ranging from the seemingly trivial to the grandiose. It could be the gift of good health that empowers your every endeavor, the presence of cherished loved ones who bring warmth to your heart, or the opportunities that unveil themselves in every corner of your existence.

With each contemplation, you are not just acknowledging the presence of these blessings; you are consciously fostering a sense of appreciation that resonates deeply within you. This practice is akin to tuning the strings of your mindset to a harmonious frequency—one that resonates with gratitude, positivity, and abundance.

As the day unfolds, you’ll find that the intentional act of morning gratitude sets an unwavering tone for the hours ahead. It’s like casting a luminous aura that guides your thoughts, actions, and decisions. The challenges you encounter and the triumphs you celebrate are filtered through the lens of gratitude, allowing you to navigate them with a resilient and open heart.

So, embark on this daily ritual with the knowledge that it isn’t confined to a few fleeting moments in the morning. Instead, its influence ripples throughout your day, weaving a narrative of gratitude and abundance that becomes an integral part of your money mindset. With each sunrise, you have the opportunity to sculpt your perspective, fuel your aspirations, and direct your focus towards the boundless possibilities that await.


Gratitude Journaling: Nurturing Gratitude Through the Written Word

This deliberate act of putting pen to paper not only documents your appreciation but also serves as a canvas on which your mindset can evolve and flourish. Let its pages become a sanctuary where your blessings, both minute and monumental, find their rightful place. Each day, pause in the gentle embrace of your journal and compile a list of the elements for which you are truly thankful. The power lies not only in the act of listing but in the genuine emotions that infuse each entry.

As you pour your thoughts onto the pages, be specific and heartfelt. Describe the intricacies that make your blessings unique—whether it’s the gentle touch of a loved one’s hand, the aroma of a freshly brewed cup of coffee, or the opportunity to witness a radiant sunset. Let your words encapsulate the essence of your gratitude, as if you are crafting a mosaic of appreciation.

In the passages of time, your gratitude journal evolves into a profound mirror that reflects the growth of your gratitude and its transformative impact. As you revisit earlier entries, you’ll witness the progression from the seeds of thankfulness to the blossoming of an unwavering attitude of appreciation. This journey through your own words becomes a testament to your capacity for positivity and the expansion of your money mindset.

So, let your journal be a chronicle of your journey—a canvas on which you paint your evolving mindset. As you inscribe your gratitude, you are not just recording the events of the day; you are fostering a profound transformation that permeates every facet of your being. In the words that flow from your heart, you have the power to awaken a wellspring of gratitude that guides your financial aspirations and transcends the boundaries of mere existence.

Expressing Gratitude: Fostering Connection Through Appreciation 

In the symphony of life, expressing gratitude acts as a melodious note that harmonizes relationships and enriches your money mindset. Beyond the boundaries of introspection, the act of appreciating others kindles a profound connection that ripples through the tapestry of your existence.

Imagine your gratitude as a bouquet of flowers, each petal representing a heartfelt thank you. As you traverse your journey, take moments to extend these petals to those who color your life. Be it your family, friends, colleagues, or mentors, expressing gratitude becomes a radiant thread that binds you in a tapestry of appreciation.

In the cadence of daily interactions, pause to share your genuine appreciation. A heartfelt thank you, a thoughtful note, or a sincere conversation can be the vessel through which your gratitude flows. Let your words carry the weight of your feelings, conveying not just acknowledgment but a profound understanding of their impact on your life.

The act of expressing gratitude is a two-fold blessing. As your words uplift the spirits of others, they simultaneously cultivate your sense of abundance. The energy of appreciation, once set in motion, creates a reciprocity of positivity. By magnifying the light within others, you amplify your own luminosity.

Moreover, the act of expressing gratitude extends beyond the immediate exchange—it lays the foundation for a richer, more fulfilling connection. It transforms acquaintances into allies, colleagues into collaborators, and mentors into guiding stars. Through gratitude, you navigate the delicate art of acknowledging the significance of others in your journey.

Just as your gratitude enhances relationships, it also reverberates within your money mindset. By acknowledging the contributions of those around you, you affirm your belief in a universe of abundance. The act of giving thanks reinforces your inner knowing that resources, opportunities, and blessings are boundless and readily available.

So, let your gratitude be a bridge that unites hearts and transforms minds. Embrace the power to express appreciation as a cherished gift—one that transforms lives, deepens connections, and sets the stage for a money mindset steeped in the rich soil of abundance.


Linguistic Alchemy: Transforming Thoughts Through Gratitude

In the realm of thoughts and words, lies a potent alchemy—a transformational process that transmutes the mundane into the miraculous. It is the conscious shifting of language and inner dialogue—a practice that infuses the elixir of gratitude into the very fabric of your financial perceptions.

Every thought you harbor, every word you utter, constructs the edifice of your reality. Much like a skilled sculptor, you wield the chisel of language to carve the contours of your financial mindset. Thus, the practice of linguistic alchemy becomes the compass that navigates your journey from scarcity to abundance.

Imagine your thoughts and words as brushstrokes on the canvas of existence. Each hue, each stroke, paints the landscape of your financial narrative. In this vibrant panorama, negativity acts as a cloud that obscures the sun of possibility. Gratitude, however, becomes the gentle breeze that disperses the clouds, revealing the limitless expanse of potential.

Pay heed to the symphony of your inner dialogue. Notice the notes of complaint, the whispers of lack, and the refrains of limitations. These utterances, subtle though they may be, cast ripples across your financial reality. They are the architects of your perceived boundaries—the walls that confine your possibilities.

Enter the practice of linguistic alchemy. It is the conscious choice to replace the notes of complaint with the melodies of gratitude. When faced with financial decisions, allow your language to be a symphony of thankfulness. Instead of declaring, “I can’t afford that,” let the mantra of gratitude resound: “I am grateful for the resources I possess and the choices that grace my path.”

In this alchemical process, words cease to be mere tools of expression; they become talismans of transformation. Your choice of language becomes the wand that conjures abundance. Each statement of gratitude infuses your thoughts with the light of possibility, transmuting scarcity into prosperity.

Linguistic alchemy is not about masking reality; it is about unveiling the hidden gems within it. It is about acknowledging limitations while simultaneously embracing the vast landscape of opportunities. Through this practice, you become the alchemist of your financial reality—transcending circumstances, and sculpting a life of abundance with the power of your words.

So, wield your linguistic wand with intention. Craft a symphony of gratitude that reverberates through your thoughts, conversations, and decisions. Let your language be the key that unlocks the treasure chest of limitless potential—an anthem that harmonizes with the melody of abundance.


Cultivating Gratitude Through Financial Lessons

In the grand tapestry of life, challenges often emerge as unexpected brushstrokes that add depth and contrast to our experiences. Similarly, in the realm of finances, setbacks and unexpected expenses can weave intricate patterns of learning and growth. Here lies the profound practice of gratitude—for it is not only about celebrating achievements, but also about embracing the lessons wrapped in adversity.

Consider the landscape of your financial journey as a vast canvas, adorned with both sunny meadows and shadowy valleys. As you traverse this terrain, financial challenges may arise, casting momentary clouds over the bright sky of abundance. It is during these times that the art of gratitude for financial lessons comes to the forefront.

Instead of succumbing to frustration or disappointment when confronted with unexpected financial burdens, pause and reflect. Contemplate the canvas before you and acknowledge that every stroke, every shade, contributes to the masterpiece of your life. Each financial challenge, though seemingly daunting, holds within it the potential for growth, transformation, and enlightenment.

Imagine these challenges as mentors in disguise, offering you invaluable teachings. They beckon you to delve deeper, to uncover the pearls of wisdom hidden within their folds. Gratitude becomes the lantern that guides your exploration, allowing you to perceive the silver lining even in the darkest of clouds.

When faced with a setback, remind yourself of the resilience within your spirit. Express gratitude for the opportunity to rise above circumstances, to refine your problem-solving skills, and to cultivate a newfound sense of adaptability. Acknowledge that these challenges are sculpting you into a more resourceful and resilient individual—one who can weather financial storms with grace and determination.

Just as a gemstone is polished to brilliance through friction, your financial challenges are shaping your character into something truly remarkable. Express gratitude for their presence in your journey. They are the sculptors of your financial resilience, the architects of your wisdom, and the weavers of your inner strength.

In cultivating gratitude for financial lessons, you unveil a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of experiences. You recognize that setbacks are not roadblocks; they are stepping stones towards an enriched version of yourself. As you navigate the intricate dance between success and challenge, remember that every twist and turn contributes to the masterpiece of your life—a masterpiece that is colored by the hues of gratitude and the strokes of resilience.

So, as you encounter financial challenges, embrace them with open arms. Let gratitude be your guiding light—a lantern that illuminates the path of growth and enlightenment. With each lesson learned, you forge a more empowered relationship with your finances—one that is grounded in gratitude and poised for enduring success.


As we conclude this blog, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to gratitude. Let us infuse our financial choices with mindfulness and appreciation. Let us celebrate the strides we’ve taken and the transformations we’ve undergone. And as we navigate the intricate realm of finances, let gratitude be our constant companion—a guiding star that illuminates the path to prosperity, contentment, and a harmonious relationship with money.

The expedition of reshaping our money mindset through gratitude is unending. It’s an expedition that calls for patience, determination, and a willingness to embrace change. Yet, with every gesture of gratitude, we sow the seeds of abundance. With every change in perspective, we take a step towards a more empowered and fulfilled financial life.


 Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;


Pay the people that will make you wealthy

Quite a number of people come to mind to talk about but today’s focus is on small business owners or those building a side hustle. If you are currently either on a corporate job or you left your corporate job and you are now working on your passion or your business that you’re doing on the side, which may now be a full-time profession, Whichever one it is, I’m assuming that you have a business that you’re running now.

Also I’m going under the impression that you want to become wealthy and for that to come to fruition, you need certain people to help you get there.



Today we’re talking about paying the people who make you wealthy but who are these people? There are three people that enable your business growth that you need to pay.

  • A Business Mentor
  • A Mindset Coach
  • Yourself

1. A Business Mentor

I learned about having mentors from Tony Robbins way back, when I was in my early 20s, I remember in his book he talked about modeling and how finding somebody who has gone through the part of success you want for yourself and replicating their actions makes your journey easier. We all know that the easiest way to bake a cake is to follow a recipe and the aim is that you would go out and find a mentor who has achieved what you want to achieve who can show you the steps on the way.

The coaching industry has really exploded to a billion dollar industry over the last 10 years. It certainly has different types of people who can coach you on different things, you would get all sorts of coach from parenting to business coach to even ads coach and so forth. There are two types of coaches that I believe you would need when it comes to having a successful business and the reason why I think these two should be two distinct people is because I’m yet to find someone who excels in both, myself inclusive.

So on one hand, you definitely need a coach or a mentor, somebody who can support you in your business. For example, if you’re setting up a business in the coaching industry stuff or you’re setting up a business where you are selling some kind of a course online, any kind of business that you’re doing, Whether it’s an off line business and you are doing the marketing for your B2C business. Irrespective of what kind of business, then I recommend you go out and get a mentor. Why? Because it takes years to accumulate experience you need to build a successful six or seven figure business.

Now, I’m talking about experience as a significant business owner, that it’s much easier to go out and find a mentor who can support your journey and help you build to that significant level which is why I recommend having a business coach who can help you along. And obviously I’m not going to recommend anyone in particular. There are different types of people out there, some people are more spiritual, some are quirky, some more direct, it depends on your philosophy and the kind of person you are.

I remember these two gentlemen that I actually worked with simultaneously in the same year. The first one was very Direct, very much alpha male, stuck in a 3D world, not very spiritual but he was an awesome mentor and the other mentor was very much spiritually aligned. They were both really amazing mentors in their own respect and I resonated with both of them, one more than the other. I learned from both of them a lot and with that knowledge, I was able to drive my business to 10x growth.

An important thing I want to bring to your attention is this, When you are working with a mentor, you’re not actually investing in the mentor, but yourself. Let me explain that clearly, people are far too occupied with investing in this and that when you want to work with them. In the middle of last year, I worked with a company who promised to get me a certain amount of leads through organic marketing, really slowly and now looking back in hindsight, it was an awful company. This was when I was investing in my business, I was investing in the company and not those people, that was wrong. When you work with a mentor, you are investing in yourself because you work with somebody who can teach you, who can help you to learn the skills and give you the skills required to build the business.

So, there’s a big distinction here, you’re not investing in the mentor, You’re investing in yourself. The first thing you’re going be doing is actually learning a particular skill set that you can use to build a successful business, that’s very important distinction to have.

So the first kind of coach that I would advise you to get would be a business coach.

2. A Mindset Coach

The second coach I would want you to get is a mindset person. Now, I truly believe that in order for you to have the kind of correct mindset, you need to have the right energies. I’m all about energy healing but I’m not going to force that upon you, What I would recommend you do is go out and work with someone who’s brilliant at fixing your mindset.

It’s like going to a doctor, Would you rather go to a general practitioner, who knows bit about surgery, a bit about heart condition and a bit about diabetes or a specialist who specializes in heart surgery or one who specializes in skin conditions and does that day in day out. Same thing applies when it comes to mindset, I want you to understand how important it is, Both of these mentors are important for you but some people would go for business coach and leave mindset out but I promise you mindset is really 80% of the game because if you don’t have the right mindset coach, you are going to be doing an uphill struggle


This is why I work with mostly multi six/seven figure business owners because these people have their skills they’ve learned, they’ve got business coach to help them set up, but just because business coaches have helped you set up the business doesn’t mean you’re going to be successful or be as successful as you want to be because you don’t have the right mindset, it just doesn’t have the right energy around it which is why I highly recommend that you engage both sides. Both are equally important, without one or the other, your business is always going to be struggling. You’re going be stuck in the boom of cycle. You’re going to be making money and losing money or even failing to scale up to the level you want to scale, you just keep on chasing your tail. One thing leads to another and you’re never getting anywhere.

If you only have mindset strategies or mindset tools but you don’t have a proper business strategy, then you’re chasing a tail again because you have to go out and actually work with somebody who can teach you the ropes of the business. I only take people who actually have established businesses, If you don’t have established business then I would usually refer you to my other programs and my monthly membership program is better. In order for you to qualify for my mastermind program, you have to have an established business, which you’ve been running for at least a year so we know that you have the skills required for you to scale up to get the kind of results you want as there’s no point coming to join mastermind until you have those skills or you’re willing to learn those skills and invested in a business mentor.

So these are the two people that you need to bring into your world and remember you’re investing not in them but in yourself in order to have an exceptional business.


So we have covered the two people that you definitely want to pay, Who’s the third person? There is a third person to pay and guess what? That third person is you, you are going to make yourself wealthy. Far too often I find (I’ve been guilty of this in the past) that the last person you pay is yourself.

The business has expenses and you’ve paid for everything and then there’s no money left for you. There’s no money left there to pay you and this is where the book of profit first came to my attention, it made me realize that there were aspects of my business which needed tweaking, and I did.

One of the most important thing was to remember to pay myself first, and the reason for this is that you need to understand and give the universe a clear signal that you know how to treat, respect and value money. Therefore you need to be able to pay yourself and if you’re not paying yourself first then there’s something wrong there. I covered this in “my three steps to cash for mastery”

You have to pay yourself first, regularly and continuously, it’s non-negotiable. It’s something that you have to pay even if something else has to be cut down, And when you start paying yourself regularly, you will always find ways to pay yourself and you will also have the money required for everything else.

So the three people that I recommend that you pay are your business mentor who will give you the skills required to establish and set up a successful business, Number two would be your mindset or energy coach, somebody who can help align you with the right energies and the right kind of vibration that you need to be in, in order for you to attract the right clients, the right people, the right team members for you to set up and run a successful business.

Finally, I want you to remember to pay yourself first because you matter and therefore you need to appreciate yourself in order for you to move ahead. This is without a doubt and I hope you enjoyed reading today’s episode and you realize now that the people you need to pay in order for you to become wealthy are non-negotiable.


Do you have a business or thinking about one, already have one that’s been established for present time and you’re looking to see how you can improve it. So if you are looking to do any of those things then do take this advice.

You have to have all three of these people, one you obviously have is yourself, but you need to make sure that you have the two other people in your team who will help you to become successful and become wealthy. On a 9 – 5 job alone, it’s unlikely possible so I highly recommend you set up a business.

 Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;

Hope Fuels Faith

 Today we will be discussing hope, how hope fuels your faith, why faith is important to your belief, and why believing is an essential ingredient needed for your manifestation journey. 


How hope fuels your faith

   It is important that you have enough hope- fueled faith to believe that you can achieve all the things you have dreamt about for yourself, no matter what area of your life these dreams are related to.

When those moments of doubt from the devil creep into your life, it is essential that you have strong faith in your beliefs and for this faith to be as firm as you need, you need to have hope. Personally, when I am at my lowest or darkest moments, I turn to prayers more than anything else naturally because that connection with the divine reinforces my hope in God and the plans he has for my life which helps recharge my faith that everything I am manifesting will fall into place according to divine timing. 

   Many religions – and even those who do not believe in God – have specific times of prayers or periods when the world is quiet, you can put your worldly thoughts aside, sit through meditation and connect with divine energy.

Connecting to divine energy gives you peace because now you have hope that your manifestations and prayers are going to come true. When you meditate, you are able to connect to your higher self and to what you are desiring for yourself and regardless of what path you take, you have hope that whatever you are creating and manifesting is going to happen.   


God is looking out for you 

   You need to truly believe that divine energy is looking out for you and everything you are hoping for is going to happen for you; God is looking out for you and as long as you have faith that allows you to believe daily, you will be able to overcome the doubts that creep into your mind when you are facing tough situations on your manifestation journey. 

I have always thought Bollywood actor, Shah Rukh Khan, is an amazing person who really embodies everything about the law of attraction and manifesting the life you want for yourself; generally he is very honest and upfront about how he achieved things and what you should do to reach the success that he has been able to reach.

I listened to an interview he did where someone asked if he thought the three films he did before he took a four-year sabbatical for health reasons would be successful and he replied that he believed that every single one of them is going to be a super duper hit; he said ‘I’m not saying this to be arrogant but this is the belief that I hold. And it’s a belief that I go to sleep with, it’s a belief that I wake up with, and it’s a belief that I walk around with and I thought, absolutely fantastic’ and this is how every one of us is supposed to be believing.

When the movie came out after this interview, it ended up breaking box office records and making large amounts of money not just because of how great he is at marketing (because he did a lot of amazing marketing for the movie and was able to cover his costs for it even before the film came out) but because of the belief he already had in the project.

Shah Rukh Khan has always had complete belief in himself and in his dreams and aspirations for as long as I have seen him in Bollywood and this is something we all can learn from and aspire to do in our own lives every day; even when it does not look like things are working out right now they will happen eventually according to divine timing as long as you believe in yourself and in universal energy. 


Believe in yourself      

   You do not have to be the best at everything to achieve your goals, you just have to believe in yourself and whatever you are manifesting for your life; The one thing that you need to have for you to be ultimately financially successful, successful in relationships or successful in any area of your life is faith in the dreams and aspirations you have for yourself.

Do not ever allow yourself to think about the opposite of your dreams or doubt that any of your manifestations will come true, if you truly believe in yourself with all your heart and mind you will be able to achieve anything you desire.

   When you believe you can do something, you work harder to achieve it and become more motivated to try harder to reach that goal you are believing in.

Give it your best with the belief that you are going to succeed then mountains begin to be moved for you, the universe contrives and gives you everything you want; when you really want something the whole universe conspires to give you that which you are desiring for yourself and this is what the law of attraction is all about.

You may not have the same talents or opportunities as someone else but you cannot let that derail you from the manifestations you have planned for your life, as long as you are able to believe in yourself and your abilities you will succeed. 

You have to start figuring out how to instill yourself to have this belief and to have this belief, you have to have faith in a higher power no matter what your religion is. When you believe in a higher power it allows you to have faith and this faith gives you hope to solidify your belief that everything is going to work out for your success.  



Make sure that you have a ritual, prayer, or meditation that gives you hope every day and this hope fuels your faith in divine energy or whatever higher power you believe in. Shah Rukh Khan believed in his dreams, worked for them, and was able to achieve them over and over again; no matter how much effort you put into something, if you do not have the belief it will not work out the way you have envisioned it to work out. 

If you do not believe in your dreams and continuously allow doubt to cloud your mind, you will never be able to achieve them no matter the amount of effort you put into it.

Hard work is important but believing that you can achieve your goals is much more important; if there is anything you want to achieve in life you have to believe with here atom of your being that it has already happened for you and the universe is bringing things together for it to come into fruition for you to receive in the physical world. 


Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;



Three Steps To Manifesting Wealth

Today let us talk about the three steps you need to fulfill to manifest your wealth. As you must all know by now, I am a firm believer in simplicity and not overcomplicating situations. The simpler the solution to a problem is, the better it is for me and the more application it can have; Here are the three steps to manifesting anything you want in your life:

Step One:

Be very clear about what you want. Too many people say they want things but are unsure about them and it is this uncertainty that does not allow their manifestations to come to pass. Do not put limitations on yourself; the desires you truly want are coming to you from your higher self via divine energy so they are not just random events that are occurring in your mind’s eye.

If you truly have a desire for something then you have the talents and abilities to make that dream your reality in your physical world, you just have to work out how to acquire the skills to hone these gifts. Divine energy will never give you a desire if you do not have the talent for it – be it a dormant one or an active one. Be sincere with yourself about what you truly want, write these desires down, allow yourself to stay aware of these desires, and take them one step at a time till you have completed all the goals on your list.

Step Two:

Believing that you can have these clear desires you have written for yourself. No matter the dream that you are manifesting for your life – whether it is to make a million monthly, to have a new car, a new partner, a new house etcetera – if you do not have the conviction that it is already yours, then it will never be manifested. You can wish for something over and over again but unless you strongly believe it you will never be able to attain it; bypass the difficulties of your physical world and do not allow them to dissuade you from the strong convictions your higher self has made.

The problem most people have with manifesting is having that unshaken belief in their desires, if you do not instill this belief inside of you that you will achieve this dream then you will only end up being someone who continuously wants but never ends up achieving. You have to have the certainty that what you have dreamt of has already been given to you, only then will these desires begin to manifest for you in your physical world.

There is an old saying that goes ‘if you can see it in here, if you can believe it in here, you can hold it in here’ but knowing it in here and believing it in here are two different things, unless you have that inner belief that everything will work out for you then it will never come to pass.

When you come from this energy, things will always work in your favor. If there is something you truly desire then you need to develop the conviction for it first; manifesting tools that can help you get rid of doubts and instill these convictions inside of you include the mirror exercise (my personal favorite), daily affirmations, vision boards etcetera. Something I teach beginners of my mastermind class is having a manifestation roadmap; we get on a call together, I give them my favorite techniques, we discuss what they truly desire, and techniques we use daily in order to turn these beliefs into convictions in daily lives.

Step number two is usually the hardest because it is during this phase that your limiting beliefs interfere and this negative energy towards money creates uncertainties and pushes whatever you desire away from you. People who try to use the law of attraction in their favor but do not have the belief in their desires end up battling with their inner programming who is sending negative energy into the universe by just wanting without conviction.

There’s a difference between wanting and desiring; When you want something and you are radiating energy that is a lack of it, it does not exist in your life at the moment. When you desire it, you cannot only want it but you must also instill the belief that you already have the things you are manifesting. The laws of the universe are very specific and will only work for you if you understand them, for example, the laws of gravity cannot be stopped no matter how much you want them to but when you understand the laws then you will know how to make them work for you.

Using the right manifesting techniques, you instill the belief and turn that belief into conviction over some time, the longer it takes you to turn that belief into conviction, the longer it will take for you to bring whatever you want into your into your three-dimensional world.

Step Three:

Listen to your intuition. When you have instilled the belief that you can achieve your desire inside of you, you will create opportunities and situations that will help you accomplish these goals and then take inspired action from your inner thoughts.

Before you make any decision, take time to stop, sit down, meditate, and think it through before reacting; never take action without being inspired.

What do you feel inspired to do? What do you feel is the next step for you to create this desire in your physical world? As important as step number two is, if you do not take action to support your conviction then your manifestation will not happen for you at the rate it is supposed to.


Figure out what you desire, turn your belief into a conviction that what you desire is already available to you without any form of doubt, and then take action to see what you are inspired to do to bring that desire into your physical world.

Having a Clear Vision For Your Goals

Today we are going to be discussing having a clear vision for our goals in order to reach our manifestations.

Why is having a clear vision for your goal so important?

The first step to constructing the life you are manifesting is to know exactly what it is that you want to create meaning you need to clearly know what you want and have these goals written down. Most especially in the beginning of the year, we are all encouraged to have goals or resolutions for our lives, make sure they are positive and in the present tense and have them written down.

After this, your next step is to understand your clear vision and find the importance of this reason; when you do not have clear reasons why you want to achieve your vision, you will lose hope in them when the tough circumstances of life arrive and when you run out of faith in your goals you will never be able to achieve them. When you are not as emotionally invested in a manifestation, it is more likely that this goal will be achieved faster than that goal that you are passionate about.

In those moments of hardship, you need to hold on to your goals and have faith in the manifestations you have for yourself. One of my clients had this vision to become a business coach but was unable to develop her business without her relationship with her partner suffering and vice versa, when I met up with her I was able to show her that there were some elements of self-sabotage and other things that were not allowing this business thrive.

When the devil realizes that you are determined and focused on fulfilling your goal, it will do everything in its power to attack you in other areas of your life in order to dissuade you from your manifestation journey just as God finds ways to help you in unexpected ways. The devil will always find ways to attack you and try to stop you from achieving your dreams, whether it is directly attacking your manifestation or attacking other parts of your life to break you but as long as you stand strong and have faith you will be able to overcome whatever it throws your way.

Keep an eye on your vision

As long as you have a clear vision of your goals you will not lose sight of your manifestation, no matter what situations you have to face. Be aware of your weaknesses and the areas of your life that will distract you from fulfilling your goals if they are attacked but do not allow yourself to forget the importance of your goal and the clear understanding of why you have these manifestations that you want to achieve.

Instead of letting them distract you, trust that God will take care of your worries and focus on the amazing goals you have written to accomplish your manifestation.

Personally, I know the biggest distraction the devil can use to deter me from achieving my goal is my children which is why my vision for my business is to create a lifestyle for them without having to worry about debts or struggling too much with life. I faced multiple challenges in December 2022 that were simply sent my way by the devil to break me down completely but I was able to overcome them by faith and now I know universal energy has a massive breakthrough waiting for me.

What is your vision and what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Before your manifestation shows up in your physical world, the devil will find a way to attack you in order for your dreams not to come to pass – the breakdown before the breakthrough – and only those who can overcome these moments of instability will be able to reach the finish line.

Crawl to faith

Facing these challenges gave me a better understanding of who I am and drew me closer to my faith in God, this has made my prayer life a lot better and has moved my prayer life from intermittent to constant. If you are manifesting something that is really important to you then you must know that the devil will come for you but as long as you stand strong and hold on to your faith in divine energy, your breakthrough will surely come.

Have a clear vision for your goal and always write your goals in the present tense. Why do you believe that it must take two to five years for you to achieve your goal of making a hundred thousand a month? Why do you think you cannot achieve it in the next month or few months?

If you continuously write your dreams in the future tense then they will not be fulfilled till this time period because that is when you believe your manifestation is going to happen for you. Believe that divine timing is in your present and that universal energy is willing to give you everything you desire now if you truly trust in them.

You cannot have a desire without it already being allocated to you and without it being present in your universal warehouse because only then do you become aware of it and only then can you pray for it. In Islamic tradition, we are taught that if God gives you a desire and allows you to pray for it then the only reason he has allowed you to pray for it is that he wants you to receive it so if you have a desire, it has already been allocated to your spiritual world and it is only a matter of time before it manifests in your physical world.


You have to know that before your manifestation appears in your physical world, you will face some form of turmoil or challenge during your journey. The breakdown will always happen before the breakthrough so hold on to faith with both hands in these trying times; it is at that moment that those who are truly manifesting become separated from those who do not have belief in their dreams.

Conquer your demons, overcome the turmoil, and persevere to the end! Your manifestation will come to pass only if you truly hold on to your belief in it.Do not get bitter, get better.

5 Steps to Changing Any Beliefs

Today we will be discussing the five steps you need to follow in order to change your beliefs and ultimately, your lives.

How to change your beliefs

I have taught on the three steps to manifesting and how the second – and most important- step is truly believing in your manifestation. A famous quote by Henry Ford that has stuck with me since I began my entrepreneurial journey said ‘If you believe you can then you can and if you believe you can’t then you can’t ‘ and it was with this that I realized that the beliefs we have as humans are very important; As it says in the Bible, ask for something and if you believe it will be given to you, and in the Quran, I am to my servant as he expects me to be meaning when you believe something then definitely it will be true for you.

Now that we have discussed the importance of beliefs, how do we identify and change these beliefs? As I began to look at my manifestation journey and the work that I do, I have realized that we create a new reality by generating and adapting new beliefs. I was speaking to the members of my mastermind during the question & answer session today and I told one of them that if she can believe in her heart that she can earn a hundred thousand then that is the amount she will start to earn in her bank account; the amount of time this would take is not the problem because in truth you have the ability to collapse time as long as you have the deep conviction to do so. If you have true belief in your manifestation, then that will be the reality that will show up for you.

Five Steps To Changing One’s Beliefs

These are methods that I personally have used at various points in my life, especially whenever I think I am not succeeding at something or something is not going well for example, I realized that even though I had a good relationship with money, my relationship with time was lacking so to improve that I needed to make some changes to the current beliefs I have concerning time.

1. Identify the areas you would like to work on.

If you do not focus on the specific section of your life that you need to change, you end up creating beliefs on various random parts instead. Now how do you get to these core beliefs? Identify the center of the particular area you want to work on and the more focused you are on that specific, the more you allow your mind to focus on beliefs about it. Using money as our area of focus, if you currently make a hundred thousand a month then there is nothing stopping you from making that same amount daily; the universe does not see the numbers when we are dealing with money but rather the changes in our energies regarding money.

2. Write down all your beliefs about this area.

One thing that has helped me on multiple occasions regarding this is whenever I get new ideas, I set a timer for five minutes and write down as much as I can without lifting my pen for this period of time. When you do this you find out that your logical mind, for the first few minutes, has empowering views of money before your subconscious mind begins to think about all the reasons making money would be a difficult task. By the time the timer goes off, you will realize that your conscious mind has given you amazing money beliefs for your new reality.

3. Read through the beliefs you have written.

When you look through the beliefs you have written during those five minutes, you will realize that you should be able to identify about two to five core beliefs that summarize all your other beliefs. This helps you analyze how your mind works and what core beliefs rule your subconscious mind and is creating your reality that your conscious mind is not aware of.

4. Create the opposite of the core beliefs you already have.

These will be your new set of beliefs. If one of your core beliefs is there is not enough time in the day to make the amount of money you would like to make daily, then your new core belief should be that you need a new system that would allow you to make this type of income in that short period. So you do not need to work ten times harder, you just have to find a different way of working to achieve your aforementioned goal.

The amount I make working shorter hours now with ease is almost ten times more than the amount I made working longer hours when I was a lawyer because I had not created the system that worked best for me yet; My conviction was that I could not only do this but do it differently and it was with this that I was able to create the reality I am living today; If the core beliefs you currently have are not working then try the opposite of these beliefs till you reach a system that works better and easier for you. Before you can create a new reality you need to have the belief to back it up.

5. Embody your new beliefs and make them part of your energy system.

This step is the hardest part. There are several modalities like EFT, energy healings, energy clearing, NLP techniques etcetera; generally, I believe any manifesting technique is about reprogramming your new beliefs and creating a new reality from the new sets of beliefs that you have. In order to embody these new beliefs in your energy field and make your convictions, I would recommend doing your personal research using books, mediations, teachings etcetera.

My favorite one is energy clearing and in my masterminds, I teach about using this method to help connect you to life as well as take out the energy in your old beliefs and put them into new beliefs; energy clearing is repeating this clearing continuously over the next few weeks until these new beliefs get embodied into your energy field. This causes you to start thinking differently from a new portal belief system rather than the old one and in turn, is why we get quicker results because the faster you instill a new belief, the faster your new reality begins to show up in your physical world.


Focus on yourself and your beliefs; The quicker you can change your beliefs, the quicker you will be able to create a new reality for yourself. Find new techniques and modalities that can help you identify and instill new beliefs in yourself. Change your beliefs and create a new reality for yourself to make your manifestations a part of your physical world.

Being the Best Version Of Yourself

Today we are going to be discussing you and how you can be the best version of yourself.


Stop Comparing Yourself

One of the biggest problems we face during our journey to wealth is comparing ourselves to others. We tend to believe that the other person is doing better than we are, for one reason or the other, and this is why we end up coming short of ourselves. However, I need you to understand that you are unique; there is no one else in the world more important than you and if you can focus more on bettering yourself rather than on what others are doing you will surely reach all the goals you are manifesting for yourself.

Regardless of the shortcomings and weaknesses you believe you have, you are still the most amazing being on this planet because there is only one you. There is no one like you in the world, no matter how hard they try to be and if identical twins end up having their differences from each other why would you want to be the same as anyone else? All the skills and abilities that you need to fulfill your life’s purpose have already been given to you by divine energy, the problem is that you are too busy so busy comparing yourself to the people around you that you cannot see them.

Personally, I am severely dyslexic and because of this there are various challenges I have to overcome every day such as speaking slowly however I cannot compare myself to someone who speaks more eloquently than I do because they are not facing the same situations I am. We all have our likes and dislikes, the things we prefer and the things we do not, and this is perfectly normal; stop trying to please everyone and instead accept who you are and what you can do. Build on your strengths and work on your shortcomings because truthfully no one is perfect.

Accept Yourself As You Are

Just like everyone else, you have your flaws and faults but if you do not accept yourself wholly then you will not be able to allow others to love and accept you as well. You can not expect other people to appreciate you when you do not appreciate yourself. No matter how much you emulate and imitate someone, you can never be that person nor can you truly be anyone other than yourself; if you spend your life trying to be a copy of someone else then you will end up miserable and unfulfilled because it simply is not possible.

It is your responsibility to be the best and most unique version of yourself possible, continuously being a better you daily because there is no one else who can be you not even a clone of yourself. Various things have made you who you are today – the choices you made, the paths you have chosen, the thoughts you have had, the circumstances you have undergone etcetera, and these specific quirks that makeup who you are cannot be emulated by anyone else on the planet. You are a unique being and no one can ever be you.

Everything you are going through in life is to prepare you for your next level. Your previous experiences have armed you with particular skills, abilities, and personality traits that you will need for the next level of your evolution. Just like in a video game, the next stage in our life is always going to be harder but the reward you earn from it is usually bigger than the last. When challenges arise you can choose to let them make you a bitter or better person; I heard a saying once that said ‘I asked God for strength and then he gave me challenges which required me to have strength. I asked God for faith and then he gave me certain circumstances where faith was the only option’ this applies to our daily lives because challenges will always come but how you allow these circumstances to affect you will determine whether you are growing or deteriorating.

You Are A Masterpiece

Everything you are going through in this life is shaping you into the masterpiece that you are destined to be. Whether you accept it or not, universal energy believes you are a work of art and that you deserve every good thing you want for yourself in this life but to reach this point, you have to go through various trials which will test your unique abilities and gifts; for example, a two hundred meter sprinter can run a marathon and a marathon runner can run a two hundred meter sprint but they each have their unique abilities which make them suited or their own races. Where a two-hundred-meter sprinter has more speed, a marathon runner has more stamina and longevity and these specific skills are what make them both great at their tasks.

Stop trying to copy people. You can be inspired by the work of someone else and learn new skills from them but in the end, you have to do something unique to you. God has a purpose for you that can not be fulfilled by anyone else on this planet, you are his amazing masterpiece and he did not create you by mistake. There is a plan for every one of us and even though we do not have the mental capacity to truly understand this plan, we must trust that universal energy knows what they are doing and that their timing is always right.

As we start this new year, make a promise to yourself to stop negative speech, especially self-speech. Whenever you feel those dark, low feelings do not voice them out, instead speak positive things into your life and allow yourself to be grateful to universal energy for making you their masterpiece. Comparing yourself to someone else is like comparing a cat, who has its specific skills for its own specific circumstances, to a fish which also has the same for its own unique purpose; Do not devalue yourself because you believe someone else is doing better than you are, you are amazing and even though you are a work in progress you are still a masterpiece.


Stop treating yourself like a second-class citizen and instead work on the things you believe you need to be better at for yourself, not for anyone else. Learn that skill you want to learn, try new hobbies, work on handling your emotions better and on any other shortcoming you believe you have to fix.

There are so many amazing things in your life, stop focusing on the one or two issues that you are facing and start accepting that you are an amazing individual with unique abilities and talents that make you who you are. Stop focusing on the black dot on the whiteboard and instead look at the massive amount of white that is left – you are amazing, you are a gift from God, you are a masterpiece and a few flaws do not change that fact. There is a reason you have been given this life at this moment so instead of putting yourself down and being negative towards yourself, find your purpose and believe in the plan that God has for your life.
Love and appreciate who divine energy has made you be and do not be a cheap copy of someone else.

Show Up Even When You Do Not Want To

Being an authentic person

There are many times we are faced with situations that we just do not feel like showing up for, whether it is going to work, attending to a business, or even having awkward conversations; using myself as an example there have been times when I genuinely did not want to participate in any of my businesses or to even to say my five daily prayers as a Muslim. Something I told my daughter when we were discussing showing up when you do not feel a hundred percent was that even though no one will be there to force you, it is your responsibility to attend to your duties because it is the ethical thing to do.

When you make a commitment you have to value other people’s time and follow through on that commitment to remain the kind of person that people can continue to rely on, this is one of the fundamental elements of being wealthy. Wealthy people make sure they always show up no matter the circumstances, they follow through on commitments and when they cannot, they apologize and overcompensate for missing said commitment. This is how to genuinely be an authentic person.

Value your time as well as the time of others

On this journey to wealth, there are various ways of making money which we have discussed previously but building one’s reputation as well as the reputation of one’s business is very important in your manifestation journey. You should be known as someone dependable and not someone who continuously falls short of their obligations. Even though my podcast is not monetized, I continue to put out new episodes three times a week because my primary goal for creating it was to get my message out to as many people as I can and connect with as many people as we can which we are accomplishing successfully. I continue to show up every day and two and a half years later, I make sure I make myself do it because I know how important it is and I know the impact that it is making on people.

Showing up constantly eventually becomes part of your character. Something I learned long ago from my mother first as well as a few of my school teachers and people I view as my personal mentors like Bob Proctor and Jim Rowan was that how you do one thing is how you should do everything else; the commitment you make to one thing should be the commitment you make to everything else and if you are not able to follow through on something then the likeliness of committing to something else is very low. If you want to do well in life, you must truly commit to the goals you are manifesting for your life.
To be an individual who follows through on their commitments, you have to be able to do things even though you do not feel like it. Of course, there are unforeseen circumstances that cannot be avoided, for example, I had to move a workshop by a week because my son had appendicitis and I had to spend most of my week with him and even though I made sure I still did the workshop and made sure extra support was available, I made sure I explained why the workshop had to be postponed.

Show up every single day

Commitment is a very important part of achieving abundance and this is something many of us have taken for granted. The most successful entrepreneurs are the ones committed to their goals and to making daily actions because they are more focused on achieving the bigger picture and not on what is happening in their present life. Sometimes a daily action feels so minuscule that you do not see how it is contributing towards your achieving your goal but as long as you are making these daily actions with the right intentions, you will eventually achieve your desires. It may not be obvious now but in the future, you will realize that the actions you remained committed to daily eventually paid off in the form of your manifestations becoming your reality.

Make it an obligation to show up every day. Following the eighty-twenty rule, there will be days when you are ill or having a family emergency which is the ten to twenty percent so you must make sure that the eighty percent that is left is dedicated to showing up and staying fully committed to whatever you are doing no matter the circumstances in your personal life. Show your character and you will succeed. Personally, if someone does not carry out the commitment they have made to me without giving any reason prior, my value for them immediately diminishes and it is unlikely that I will ever be able to work with said individual again.

Strive to always be seen as a reliable person. Do not be the kind of person who wastes people’s time because you do not want others to make commitments to you and end up wasting your time either. No matter how you are feeling, come through on your commitment and hold yourself to higher standards because there will always be people waiting for you to fall short so that they can see you as unreliable. Do things because it is the right thing to do even when you do not want to do them, hold yourself to a standard, and fulfill your commitment because you are a person of integrity.


Be an authentic person. Success comes with various twists and turns in life but as long as you continue to follow through on your commitments, commit to your goals and take daily action, have higher standards for yourself then you will achieve any form of desire you have for yourself eventually. What you do in your professional life will reflect in your personal life and vice versa you must make commitments and follow through on them in all areas of your life.

Be committed to yourself even as you accomplish your daily commitments. No matter the circumstances life throws at you, you will overcome them as long as you stay true to yourself and do the necessary work even when you do not want to. There are always going to be things that turn up that you do not want to do or you do not feel like doing but you cannot give in to these urges, you must remain focused and committed in order to reach your manifested goals.

Do Not Tell God What You Can Not Do

Today we are going to be discussing how you need to stop telling divine energy what you cannot do and instead start listening to them telling you all the things you can do.

Allow yourself to dream bigger

During my mastermind, I often ask people what they would like to manifest and something that stood out to me after listening to their answers was that most of us only allow ourselves to dream a little bit bigger than our current situations. And because of how comfortable and digestible these little dreams are, we do not allow ourselves to even envision anything bigger for our lives.

The reason we do not allow ourselves to dream bigger is that we do not truly believe that we can create miracles nor do we believe that divine energy is ready to give us the supernatural help we would need to manifest magnificent goals. Most of the people who invested in things like cryptocurrency and ended up forming companies like Canva and Uber have become billionaires over the space of a few years because they decided to dream big and found themselves in the right place at the right time.

We do not acknowledge our dreams because to us these dreams are too far away from where we are currently; For example, you find it impossible to ever fathom earning two million dollars because you are currently making only two thousand dollars from your job however you need to understand that the universe does not work with numbers but rather recognizes your energies and beliefs around your goal. Therefore, the more you believe you can achieve a larger goal, the more divine energy would create situations to achieve said goal for you.

You need to believe in your dreams

It is not just enough to dream; you must also believe in these dreams and listen to the conversations universal energy is willing to have with you. These conversations come to you in the form of desires and goals and God brings them to you this way in order for you to grow and materialize these desires in the physical world.
Unfortunately, when these desires come we allow ourselves to be intimidated by them and question whether or not it is actually possible for them to come to pass; We do not allow ourselves to even dream these desires into fruition. Personally, I am guilty of doing this and I began to think about these things when I realized that I had spent my time talking about cars I would like to attain yet I have never once sat to visualize my private jets, even though I have one on my vision board and it is something I want for my future. By doing this, I have allowed my current situation to put limitations on myself and instead pushed this desire onto my future self instead of visualizing and emotionalizing these desires regardless of the income and situation I am currently in now.

When these big desires come, most people either refuse to acknowledge these God-given dreams or push them into the future for their future selves to deal with. We find all sorts of excuses and reasons to look at it later in life, and this is because as humans we hide behind our self-made safety nets to protect ourselves from the possibility of failure. Because it is not something that can be attained now, we push it into the future and then allow ourselves to forget about them once they are not in our minds continuously. You begin to think that these dreams are too much for you, too unachievable for you, and instead allow yourself to push them away, forgetting about and limiting yourself only to the small goals within your comfort zone.
How long will you allow yourself to put your desires on hold because of what you are currently seeing in your physical world?

Your dreams and desires are not too big

Divine energy will always give you the desires that you can handle and whether you believe it or not, you already have the skills needed to fulfill these desires and create this reality within you. However you have to believe in them and believe that these things really can happen for you, your dreams are not too big!
Stop telling your God how big your problems are and start telling your problems how big your God is. Universal energy can create anything you could ever imagine but they need you to make that move of belief so that everything they have planned for you will fall into place.

When you make a move, you know that even when you make a mistake there is still room for you to change directions and improve on your desire. However, the moment you allow yourself to be frozen by the enormity of these goals, you lose hope in yourself and in divine energy. This is the reason a lot of people are wallowing in mediocrity and eventually fall into situations of lack and scarcity.

Leaving your comfort zone

Your comfort zone is that point where you have allowed yourself continuously become comfortable with being uncomfortable, it is the box you have placed yourself in because you believe you are too small to achieve the big dreams and desires that God has in store for you. This box -this comfort zone- will not lead you to a wealthier life; you have to consciously break out of this comfortable place, and to get out of this box you need to think and dream bigger for yourself!

You have the ability to create anything you desire because divine energy has already given you all the skills, abilities, and resources you would need to fulfill these desires. I was told a story once of a husband who was trying to answer his wife’s questions about creating her own reality but was unable to within his ability so he was reached out to by another man who was willing to help explain it to her, the other man advised him to place a 20$ bill in his wife’s book in order to solve her problem so he did. During the next lecture, the wife once again stood up full of questions and gently, the man asked her to open her book and hand him a 20$ bill. The wife continuously protested, insisting she had no money on her person at all, and ended up being annoyed and agitated even as the man gently asked her to just check her book and hand him the bill, finally she opened the book just to prove to him that there was nothing there but instead ended up surprised to find the 20$ bill in it. The man then explained this point to her which I believe is also applicable to all of us; if the universe is continuously repeating a desire to you it means that you already have the skills and resources you would need to fulfill these desires, even if you are unaware of it, so instead of arguing and complaining it is your responsibility to open your heart and search within yourself for these gifts instilled in you to achieve these dreams.


You are a creative being born with all sorts of skills and abilities to achieve these amazing desires for your life. Even though they may be latent or underdeveloped, God knows you have the ability to do so much more than you could ever imagine which is why they always believe in you, you have to now accept this and believe in yourself and God’s plan for you.

Instead of telling God what you cannot do, listen to what God is telling you that you can do. The moment you develop the belief that you have all the skills and resources you need to achieve whatever desire you might have, everything will rapidly begin to fall into place in your physical world. Your belief comes first while your manifestation comes second. As long as you believe in yourself and you believe that divine energy would never give you a desire that is impossible for you to achieve, you can create anything and everything you could ever imagine! Accept it, believe it, and act on it!

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