Gull Khan

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Tag: goals

Value yourself first before you become wealthy

Today we are going to be discussing why you need to value yourself first before you start to see your wealth.
During a recent session with my mastermind, we discussed the financial trauma of our pasts and how important it is for us to forgive ourselves for them and allow ourselves to move forward from said trauma. It was during this session that I realised how much pain and anger we as individuals hold against ourselves and how we set unrealistic standards for ourselves then get upset at ourselves for not meeting these standards.

Do you value yourself?

Generally, most of us do not see any reason to place value on ourselves and this is a terrible mentality to have when you are aiming to be wealthy. We never appreciate who we are and the unfortunate thing about this is if you do not have any value for yourself as a person then there will always be something missing in your life. No matter how much money you have, how many awards you receive, how many successful businesses you own, or whether you have a thriving family life, if you do not allow yourself to appreciate where you are now and what you are accomplishing then you will never truly be wealthy.

What is wealth?

Wealth is not determined by the amount of money you have in your bank account. Of course, I believe money should be one of your best friends; I am not going to be metaphysical and say ‘happiness is your wealth’ because having money is important, but truthfully there are many people who have a lot of wealth in their bank accounts and yet are still poor. To be truly wealthy, you have to have abundance in all areas of your life – your relationships, your health, your happiness, your mental health and of course your bank accounts. The true extent of your wealth does not stop at just making money so you cannot let money be your only focus in life; you cannot allow amassing money to be the source of your happiness. This realisation that there is more to wealth is what has allowed me to recognize the importance of appreciating who you are no matter the phase you are going through in your life.

You are valuable

During one of my workshops, I spoke on the difference between self-esteem and self-worth and I believe that self-esteem is something you continuously work on and strive to achieve while self-worth is independent of all your achievements, you need to make a conscious effort to accept that you are valuable just the way you are, no matter where you are in life. A pastor I listened to once explained that no matter what you have done or how much of a sinner you believe you are, God does not see you that way. Divine energy does not look down on you because you have sinned nor does Universal energy look down on you because you believe you have not lived up to your own expectations, no matter what the situation may be they are always supporting you and will always be there to guide you on the right path. Someone once told me that the universe is always trying to lead the right way no matter the wrong paths you have taken in the past, just like our satellite navigation system for example and how, when you take a wrong turn, she is always ready to readjust her directions and guide you back on your right path without looking down on you and criticising you for your mistake.
Similarly, Universal energy does not condemn you for the mistakes or wrong turns you have made in life and is always ready to put you back on the right track. There is nothing you can achieve that will make God or Universal energy love you more and there is nothing you can do that will make them hate you or dislike you either however that does not change karmic debt and the laws of sowing and reaping so if you are committing crimes or if you are attracting low vibrational energy then what you give is what you get back in return, that is universal and is the consequence of your own actions, not God punishing you.
As a child, my mother used to say that God loves us more than seventy mothers meaning God loves you seventy times more than your mother who already loves you more than anyone else in the world. This confused me because I remember thinking ‘If God loves me why does He punish me when I make a mistake? Why would God not forgive me when my mother can forgive me when I do something wrong?’ but now I have come to understand that there is a cause and effect for everything. God is not punishing you for doing wrong; rather, according to universal law, your actions and wrongdoings from the past are what come back and cause problems for you in the future. So in truth, you are punishing yourself later with your wrongdoings now.

Appreciate who you are

As human beings, criticising ourselves always comes so easily to us. Sometimes, even when we are doing things right we find reasons to look at the things we could have done better and criticise ourselves for them. You realise that you are constantly holding yourself to these ridiculously high expectations; asking yourself why you did not give a better presentation, whether you could have controlled your temper more, if you made all the right statements or wishing you were a better parent to your kids and this constant search for imperfections only makes you look down on yourself and see yourself negatively. Self-improvement is good, you should constantly strive to improve yourself and to remain in happiness and joy, not anger and frustration but you must also accept that you are a work in progress; if you were meant to be perfect, God would have made you that way.
We all have our individuality and our various quirks, our good, our bad, and our ugly’s but all these things are part of what makes us who we are now. The problem with the majority of us is we constantly look for our imperfections and shortcomings when really we need to accept that we are having a physical experience in a physical body and therefore will always have one shortcoming or the other. We are always going to make mistakes but what is most important is that we learn from these mistakes and not have unrealistic expectations of who we need to be or where we should be heading because these kinds of expectations are what hold us back from adequately loving ourselves and properly appreciating who we are as individuals.
This morning I woke up and I felt like I looked beautiful. My abusive ex-husband was a textbook narcissist and being married to him was the worst seven years of my life so it took me a long time to get where I am today but this morning, I looked in the mirror and told myself that I was beautiful and that I was gorgeous. And these were not affirmations, this was me appreciating my physical body for where she is now. Of course there are still things I would like to achieve, I still want to be a smaller size and I would still like to be healthier but overall I appreciated myself and I gave her all the love and compassion that I hardly ever showed her in the past. I found that I was always looking at my body when I was uncomfortable and it was in these uncomfortable moments that I focused on the negatives and found one imperfection or another with myself but now, especially recently, I tell myself how beautiful I am and I allow myself focus on the positive parts and the things I love about my physical body. I appreciate things about myself that I genuinely and truthfully love and refuse to let these negative imperfections make me feel less than who I am. I will always strive to improve and be a better version of myself but that does not change the fact that I am perfect just the way I am. There are so many things we can improve on in life and these things are ongoing but when you look in the mirror I want you to see yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and be proud of who you are, no matter your emotional scars. When I look in the mirror I allow myself to see this strong independent woman and I love her and where she is now no matter what I have been through or the emotional scars that I have, I am extremely proud of myself and that’s how you need to be with yourself as well.
Nobody knows your story and no one knows what you have been through to get to this point except you so it is your responsibility to be your own best friend. The only relationship you know is going to be with you forever is the one you have with yourself; when we die, our physical bodies will remain in this dimension and only our spirits will cross over to the next one so you need to stop being so hard on yourself and criticising yourself. You need to stop beating your body up and instead, look at yourself in the mirror and show your body more love and gratitude.


Appreciate yourself for getting up every time you fell and for all the hardships you have overcome to get to where you are now and once you start recognizing that you are a miracle and you begin to recognize your higher self constantly telling you how amazing you are, you are going to see your life transform and you are going to start to appreciate yourself for the things you are currently taking for granted. You are amazing and you deserve all the miracles, abundance, and happiness heading your way and if you do not allow yourself to feel like you deserve everything that the universe has to offer then you will self-sabotage, in one form of your wealth or the other. Strive to be a better person than you were yesterday, to help more people today than you did yesterday, to control your emotions better than you did yesterday, and as always, continue to improve yourself daily. Build a better relationship with yourself and watch how having a healthy, happy relationship with yourself would raise your vibration and steer abundance and wealth in your direction.

The true meaning of Wealth

What does wealth really mean to you?
Why is wealth important?

“True wealth is not measured in money or status or power, It is measured in the legacy we leave behind for those we love and those we inspire”

This quote from Cesar Chavez really touched my heart and I thought about what I’m trying to create in my life or inspire people to. I am all about creating wealth for yourselves, abundance in all areas of your life, health, relationships, metaphysical and physical wealth. I want to have the car, the house, the life that you could possibly imagine, access to make great choices that you could possibly have, everything that money can buy for you and more.


Why is creating wealth important?

I tend to attract audiences or people who are similar to myself, it’s not just about creating wealth. You want to create generational wealth, a legacy that you can leave behind once you pass on to the next dimension. It’s much more grander than your own physical need, it’s really not just about the car or house or the success that comes to you, It’s about creating that legacy and leaving that activity behind, inspiring others through your legacy and your work. This is what true wealth means to me, unfortunately we get so tied to the physical aspects like the car, house, fame that we forget what we are really working for. How much money do you actually need to live the life of your dreams and if you sit and work out how much money you need to live comfortably and happily, It will be nowhere near the number that you’re striving to get to.

A lot of my needs are actually quite modest, food, clothing, a nice car and a decent house to live in, access to good education and healthcare. Even though I don’t have any lavish lifestyles, don’t gamble or drink, my needs are going to be modest compared to most ambitious People, yet I am working towards a number which might be a thousand times more than that amount that I actually need, this is because I want to leave a legacy behind. I want to create something that’s bigger than myself, I want to be remembered for something, a legacy through my work, it’s about helping others and inspiring others to live their best and fullest life.

There are times when I ask myself why I work so hard, why I want to achieve xyz. It’s not because I want the name and the fame, I’m not an egotistical person. It is very nice to get praises but it’s not what drives me. I connect with money in its spiritual form so I’m not attached to money in its physical form. What is it that gets me going? What makes me work 10 times harder than anybody else? What keeps me going when I want to give up? In those trying times when I’m exhausted, I have my goal in sight, I’ve cried and persevered through because I remember my vision, what wealth means to me. In the past, I have said that my children are the purpose but honestly my kids don’t need that kind of money either.

The meaning of wealth can be different for everyone just as the legacy one leaves behind is different for everyone. I have a particular legacy in mind that I want to leave behind for my two children, I have other things that I want to create not necessarily for myself but also for other people, some charitable organizations that I want to support, projects for young women especially in the South Asian continent. My family is from Pakistan, my parents were born in India so I have this strong affiliation with India, Pakistan and Bangladesh as well, I know of the plight of young females from South Asia and this is part of the reason why education is so important to me because it opens your mind and gives you the ability to deal with life in ways differently. Wealth to me means having the freedom of choice and ability to help who I want to help, to be able to do the things I want to do in my short life while inspiring people around to live their fullest life too.

My children are my one motivating factor, they are both in university now, I’ve pretty much completed the task of raising them but that’s not all I want to do but I find myself creating extra opportunities because I want to leave a legacy behind, my wealth is not going to be measured with how much money I have in the bank account or how many cars or houses I have. My wealth is going to be measured in who I’ve helped, what I have helped them achieve both through my works, my money and my inspiring story. My life has been a roller coaster journey from the age of five, my mother finding out about my father remarrying, being abused, my brother going to Juvie, my mother passing away and living with an abusive husband in my various marriages, yet I have carried on moving forward. I think every part of my life can inspire someone else, this is why I share everything about my life so openly, I have made mistakes, I have learnt and grown from it. There is a reason why my life turned out the way it did and maybe my story can help people and inspire them.

Financial success is simply a stepping stone to creating the kind of legacy that I want. In order for you to have the freedom to choose to do what you want to do, you have to have the financial freedom behind you, When you don’t have to worry about the rent, the mortgage, the car payments, the food payments, and the utility payments, then you have freedom to choose what else you want to create with your time and the people you want to have in your life.

If you are currently struggling with connecting with financial wealth because this is not why money is important to you, I want you to think in grander terms and expand your mind to know what wealth means to you. Ask yourself these questions;
What would it mean for me to be really wealthy?
What would I do with my time?
What would I do with my money?
What kind of legacy would I leave behind?
What kind of legacy would I want to create?

And then focus on that picture and see how that connects with your current life at the moment, it might seem really far stretched from where you currently are at the moment but It’s okay. You don’t have to know how you’re going to get there, all you need is to know your heart and follow your vision. My vision is beyond me and my family, I want to create this for women, especially young girls from this particular continent because I know what these women are going through, the kind of mental programming and emotional torture that they go through even at this day and age, I know this because I’ve experienced it myself even though I was born and brought up in the Western world.

When my mom passed away, I kept holding up to the idea of chastity and being a good Muslim girl and how this was important and choosing to cut ties with a partner who wasn’t for me. They gave me hell and said i had brought shame to the family because I decided I will no longer marry this individual, and because I already brought shame to the family, I was pushed into a proper arranged marriage, I never got to know him nor see the red flags until after I was married and It was far too late. He was a highly abusive person and I remember when my second husband was insulting me, laughing in my face saying “Even after everything I have done Gull, no one is going to blame me. They’re going to blame you and humiliate your kids and tell them their mother has been divorced twice.”

I remember that it really hit my heart because there’s some element of truth in that. In our culture, divorce is very embarrassing and humiliating especially for South Asian women and it doesn’t matter if it was her fault or not, the woman is always the one blamed. In my case, the first one was highly abusive and the second one was not just abusive, he cheated on me openly, yet the society will never blame him because he’s a man. As a well travelled, educated woman who grew up in the Western world, I dealt with this humiliation and it really opened my eyes to the plight of young women in South Asia communities. I had the privilege of living in London, in a Western world but what about the women who are living in South Asia?

Those young girls grow up in abusive environments and they have no one to turn to, and as soon as they voice that they don’t want to be abused or treated this way, the society tags them as girls with bad characters and blames them. This was when my purpose was born, the desire to create something bigger than myself and in order for me to do this, I need to create wealth for myself, to create those choices for myself, to be able to do the things I need to do for myself and others. I want to inspire and empower these girls and women to get out and make something of herself. To create this amazing life of her own, to be financially independent and I can make a difference in my life and those around me with my story.

This is going to be my legacy, and I need wealth in order for me to be able to liberate or inspire the younger generation of women. That is why I think becoming a money mindset expert was probably the best thing I could possibly imagine because not only am I doing this for myself, I’m also doing it for people around me. I work with both men and women to teach them what the true intrinsic value and true wealth is.

In working majorly with young women, we can achieve a place where no man on the planet irrespective of them being their father, their uncle, the grandad or the brother or even the son could ever devalue them.


We all need wealth because it is a financial freedom. In pursuit of this wealth, think of a legacy that you will leave behind when you are no more, a journey that can be carried out without us. This is what true wealth is

Boundaries Essential For Self-Love and Self-care

When loving yourself and also in order not to be manipulated or people wasting your time, you need to set some boundaries or lay down some rules clearly. Boundaries cause people to respect you and your time.

Ways Boundaries Works In My Life

1. Respecting my time

I come from South Asian background, I was born in Manchester and grew up in London, my parents are originally from Lahore, Pakistan and they were both born in India so we are Punjabis and South Asian, we are very merry people and we are used to having lots of guests, friends and families and the concept of asking before you turn up does not exist, everyone just turns up whenever they feel like it.

When I was younger, I began to train my family and friends that they need to send a message across before showing up at my house because I am busy and I have other commitments. You pre-arrange before you show up and I know it became more common in my family and people messaged me before they showed up rather than just showing up. Subconsciously, I did this because of my commitments to work and my kids, I don’t like people calling me randomly either, my phone is on flight mode or DND so nobody’s calls can go through when I am working.

If I get a call, I will answer if it’s from a number that I recognize or I send those voicemails asking them to leave me a message and for me to get back to them and I realized that I have been doing this to my family and friends as well. They have to arrange time to speak with me and I get them to respect my time now because I respect my time, I didn’t realize I had done it so well until it was brought to my attention.

My school pickup and drop off time is between three and six. There are a couple of people like my brother and some of my cousins who would call me at that time, if it’s them I would answer, if not, I would not answer and just say, I’m sorry I can’t speak right now and give them a call much later. I am very clear in my mind that if someone calls me without arranging to see if I am free, they are not respecting my time, Of course I’m happy to speak to people but in a time that we can arrange which is convenient for the both of us. If I’m working or doing something else, cooking, there are a number of things that I could be doing, you can’t just call and expect me to answer.

There is this family member from Pakistan, they just randomly called and I actually said to them that I was busy at the moment and I wasn’t busy at the time, I was doing a mundane task but I didn’t want them to think that they can just call me anytime and I will answer, I asked if it was urgent and they said no so I said “I’m sorry, I’m busy at the moment, I’ll call when it’s more convenient” and I arranged a time with them and I called back.

Don’t be rude, I am telling you to be very vigilant with your time management and allow people understand that your time is precious and they need to respect you and respect your time, you have to stand up and respect yourself, respect your time and this will enforce other people to follow suit and do the same, if you think that you can carry on being a doormat and become wealthy.

People ask why a nice person doesn’t last and good things don’t happen to good people. Good things do happen to good people, good people just have to be more vigilant and be more mindful so they don’t let people manipulate them. it is one of the reasons why you have to be really careful about who you allow in your space .You have to be very careful with your time.

I don’t care who you are or who calls if it’s a number that I don’t recognize, I will pick it up incase it is urgent and ask if it’s urgent and when they say yes or no, depending on who is on the line, if it’s not urgent, it doesn’t matter who it is, I’ll ask them to call back later around a particular time and if they do not call me back during that time, I will not answer. I am very clear about that, if you need to you contact me otherwise, you can through email and I don’t read lengthy emails either.

I do respect my time and I want you to respect your time. It’s one of the first boundaries that you have to lay down, very clearly.

2. Learn to say no

The second one is related to people respecting you but it’s a bit more deeper. If you can enforce your first boundary and get people to start respecting your time, the second one becomes a non-issue. People don’t tend to do the second one if they’re already respecting you and that is manipulating you for money and other things emotionally, blackmailing you to do things that you don’t necessarily want to do.

So the second boundary is about learning to say no. I remember when I first learned how to say no, it was really hard. I come from a family, like my mother who was overly generous, she had 14 siblings which she helped out financially and otherwise, every single one of them, a lot of the time. She would give things to them by taking them away from my kids, she takes the money and gives it to somebody else who needs it more. That was her idea of generosity, when I look back in time, I do believe in giving and generosity, but this is why one of the bank accounts we talk about the three steps to cash flow street is charity and charity has 10% in there for a reason. People who are overly generous, people who are empaths, and who it’s in their nature to be generous give more than they should and I think you should calculate a 10% until you do have sufficient amount of money in your bank account, until then 10% is efficient.

I remember one time, this uncle of mine who’s passed away now, he was a younger brother of hers and he demanded, he didn’t ask ,that she give him 5,000 pounds. This was about 30 years ago, I was about to enter into my teenage years. And I remember this clearly because he asked her for this huge amount of money which was 5,000 pounds, which was a lot of money for a woman who was working God knows how many hours at this factory and making only a hundred pounds a week. If she had the money, she would definitely send it but she didn’t have the money so she said no and he got so upset with her, how dare she say no to him when she has helped everybody else out, how she has never helped him out, he didn’t speak to her for years thereafter and I found out that even though he was not asking, he was demanding, she helped because she was so used to helping people.

He knew that she helped everyone else so how can she not help him. It doesn’t matter how she got the money, She needs to get the money and send it to him. So that kind of behavior and my mother still didn’t learn by the way, God bless her soul, she was just a very generous person. You need to set boundaries and especially if you are on this path of enlightenment and you want to be prosperous at the same time, you need to lay down boundaries, you’re not a bank. If people want money, they shouldn’t come to you, they should go to their bank and you are not a bank and you should not be bailing people out, don’t enable people, empower people, help them to help themselves. There’s an old saying that if you give a man fish, he eats for a day, you teach how to fish, he feeds for the rest of his life.

You need to help people that want to help themselves, you don’t want to be helping people who don’t want to learn how to fish. They just want you to give them the fish every single day and the day you stop giving them the fish, they get angry. There are times when you find yourself stuck between a rock and a hard place, and you can’t say no because of such a situation.

A situation where if I didn’t help, this person would be out on the streets. I am trying to lay down boundaries so that this situation can be controlled and can be taken care of as quickly as possible but at the same time, I don’t want to feel like I have been taken advantage of, it gives a really wrong energy.

My brother is just similar to my mom, God bless his soul. He is easily taken advantage of and he just feels compelled to be in this situation as things are and there was nothing else he could do. He couldn’t help this individual because it was a girl so I stepped in and I am able to help but people would take advantage of it because they think they can. I am seen as someone who’s done well and they clearly asked me if I can pay the legal fees as well and I said “No I am sorry, this is your responsibility. I am afraid I can’t do that, you have to pay the money” My brother would have nodded and found ways to justify. I’m not gonna lie, I do have the money but I have refused to pay it.

I was doing enough as it is and it was very clear and the way it was requested was similar to the tone that my uncle used on my mother a while ago where it was demanded, I wasn’t asked if I could loan it to them or if I could help them. You need to give yourself permission to say no, plain and simple, when you learn to say no, that becomes a very empowering skill that you have.

You can say no initially and have a change of heart afterwards, If you do have a change of heart, you don’t feel pressured into saying yes at that very moment, you are happy to help, they would be more elated to hear this news. If you say yes because you’re obligated to say yes but later on when you go away, you think about it and you can’t help them and you pick the phone, call up and tell them that you found out you can’t help them, they will feel bad and upset towards you.


I hope we now understand how boundaries enable our self care and self love and how they go hand in hand in your journey to becoming wealthy. If you don’t love yourself enough to value your time, then you are never going to become wealthy.

If you can’t value your time, you will not value your money. It’s as simple as that. Love and respect yourself and your time and enforce other people to do the same.

The Difference between Purpose, Vision and Goals

What is the difference between the three?
Why are they all important in order for you to be extremely wealthy?

These words purpose, vision and goals have been thrown around all the time especially by gurus, experts and most self-help books. Sometimes they are used interchangeably but here are my own definitions.

What is Purpose?

Purpose is what you were created for in life. I always say to people that the fact that you have a particular desire is the Universe’s or Divine energy’s way of guiding you through life for a particular purpose. Every single individual who’s born on this planet has a particular purpose. Whether they understand it and fulfill it is another story but everyone has a purpose that’s unique to them.

Your purpose is the reason why you came into existence, and through your desires, be it to get married, have a child, change jobs, create a business, own a car or that ring or those shoes. Whatever desire you have is usually given by divine energy. There are also times when our desires come from a lower source which is the dark side but generally most desires which will uplift us and move us ahead in our lives, which allows us to live a more comfortable and healthier life comes from divine energy. How you fulfill these desires could also be leading into the dark side. You may not recognize or understand your purpose yet but as we mature and begin to understand our intuitive side and build our connection to divine energy, we become familiar with that purpose.

That purpose in the case of Elon Musk is to create travel means, those are part of his purpose. Your purpose could be to have a family, create these great human beings who are going to go ahead and bring much positivity to the world. It could also be to create shelter for stray cats or dogs, or invent some kind of new gadget, your purpose is simply what you are here to contribute to society. We all have different purposes that’s beyond who we are and it’s always about giving. The bigger your purpose, the longer it might take you to get there so you need to have more patience as well.

Your purpose is part of divine planning for you, it is what you are here to do in order to help contribute to society, to humanity, to the world. It is God’s plan and therefore it’s bigger than you.

What is Vision?

Your vision is of what you are given and how you can live out your life’s purpose and how you can create it. For example, Moses was given the vision of helping all the Israelites to escape from pharaoh, Prophet Muhammad Salah’s vision was to bring this new religion Islam into being and that took a course of 23 years to complete and he wasn’t given the vision till he was 40 so everyone has a vision of how they can create and they can fulfill their purpose. Purpose is what you’re here to do while Vision is what you are given, how you can live your purpose, what it is that you’re meant to be doing with your life. Sometimes we get confused about our vision because it is given to us, We as parents often push our own vision on our children, directing them on what they need to do or create, especially when it comes to choosing career paths. “You should be a doctor, you should be a lawyer, you should be doing this and you should be an architect, or you should create a business.”

Our children need to grow with the flexibility and the ability to create their own vision, to create their own life, recognize their own purpose and create a vision thereby. Your vision is what you feel you are here to create. Elon Musk had this vision of traveling to space and has made creating the travel means his purpose, your vision could be to create these amazing wheelchairs so people can have better accessibility or it could be you wanting to go and help young women in remote places, giving education and access to quality health care to orphans.

I have this vision of myself, I truly believe that I am an advocate for money and my vision is to help every single individual adopt an amazing relationship with money and in the process build a really strong relationship with divine energy built on love and faith not fear and frustration. so I believe my purpose is to create abundance, not just for myself, but also help everyone create theirs as well. This is why I believe that I’m living my purpose through my book which is laws of money, my podcast, free seminars and paid workshops. My vision is what’s helping me to live my purpose, my vision of where I want to go, this vision has encouraged me to set milestones in the form of goals to enable me to live my purpose.

Steve Jobs, his vision may have been to make everyone’s life easier by reducing a laptop to the size of a handheld device we can carry anywhere. We can not only just make phone calls but also video calls.

Your vision is always about what you can create and how you can live your life’s purpose. Whatever you believe your purpose to be, your vision would correlate that and would allow you to create and live up to that purpose.

What are Goals?

We’ve explored purpose and vision but what are goals?

Goals are small milestones you reach in order to fulfill your vision which is used to actually live out your life’s purpose. There are God-given goals which help us to live our vision and there are good goals which come from our ego. An example is a goal to make $100k monthly or creating a business that gives you that kind of financial freedom, It may be a God-given goal because in order for you to create that income level at seven figure monthly, you have to provide a particular service or product and through that action, the divine energy may have other plans for you or the people who use your services.

A lot of times when we create this massive goal to support our vision, they are usually God’s plan because in order for us to reach those levels, we have to create action and in that process live our purpose. As we are contributing to our vision, the divine energy is using us in the best way possible. So, this is why God’s goals can be as The purpose behind our God’s goal is to make you grow.

What happens when our vision takes time to unfold?

Sometimes you are given a vision and there’s a delay, sometimes for months or years and you might even lose momentum somewhere along the lines, life happens. There is a correlation between the delay and the size of the vision. So the bigger the vision, the bigger the delay because in that delay, you are being given the skills required to fulfill that purpose properly. Things happen for a reason at a particular time because it’s divine right timing, For example if you’re meant to go to Amsterdam but you don’t and you’re destined to meet your future wife or future husband there. If you go to Amsterdam today, you may not meet them but if your flight gets delayed and you end up going two months later and you end up bumping into them in the coffee shop.

Sometimes we are given this vision and we have this burning desire to create the vision, we believe through that vision we’re going to live our life purpose. When there’s a delay, we get frustrated because of our burning desire or urgency to get it done. In my case, I remember earlier on I used to question how it was possible that I could be fooled by someone like my ex but there must be a reason why I was led to marry first Myra’s father and then I was literally out of the frying pan to the fire. 2-3 months after my divorce from him, a proposal came from Ivan and then literally a couple of months after that I was married, it’s unbelievable that my common sense didn’t step in at any point in time and stop me from making these decisions or taking this action.

I wouldn’t have my son and my daughter if I didn’t marry these two individuals and I can’t trade my kids for anything. Whatever the reason for it, there is a hidden purpose, maybe my training. My life has not been easy from a young age, and I remember this professor of mine, Dr. Thomas, He was my mentor and he was familiar with my story and when my cousin passed away 8 months after my mom died, my cousin was very close to me and he stepped in to help me out of my suicidal state, and 8 months later, he passed away, I was back to square one and I was in a bad state, I remember Dr. Thomas said to me “Oh my god. I’ve never met a more unlucky person. You’ve had so many things happen to you in your short span of life.” I had never looked upon myself as an unlucky person and I remember looking at him and telling him, “No, it’s just life. It happens. I don’t think I’m unlucky at all, I still had my health, my brother….” I went on to list about 5-6 different things that I was grateful for, including him for being such a kind man, and a very great mentor to me.

I don’t see the delay that you have in attaining your vision as a delay at all, I think it’s a preparation for your vision, that you’ve been given a vision doesn’t necessarily mean you’re ready to create it. When you have a vision, your preparation starts, you start looking for opportunities to create that vision. The reason why you have this delay is so that you can pray and prepare for your vision. Preparation comes first and your actualization of your vision comes second because sometimes you are not of that sound mind, you may not have the strength of character needed to bring your visions to light. This is how life works.



If you’ve been questioning the divine energy and asking these questions like;
Why is there a delay if I have been given this vision?
Why can’t I make it happen today? Why am I having to wait?
I have done everything, What else can I do?
Why haven’t I created that million dollar business?
Why don’t I have that car yet?
Why haven’t I met that man/woman yet?
Why don’t I have a child yet?

I want you to understand your purpose, your vision and set your goals and while working towards it, know that the reason for this delay is divinely planned preparation for you to be able to create that life and be able to create that vision in order for you to live your life’s purpose. So have faith in the divine plan and divine timing to get people in the right place at the right time to create the right situation to be able to make your vision a reality.

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