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Tag: faith

Do Not Tell God What You Can Not Do

Today we are going to be discussing how you need to stop telling divine energy what you cannot do and instead start listening to them telling you all the things you can do.

Allow yourself to dream bigger

During my mastermind, I often ask people what they would like to manifest and something that stood out to me after listening to their answers was that most of us only allow ourselves to dream a little bit bigger than our current situations. And because of how comfortable and digestible these little dreams are, we do not allow ourselves to even envision anything bigger for our lives.

The reason we do not allow ourselves to dream bigger is that we do not truly believe that we can create miracles nor do we believe that divine energy is ready to give us the supernatural help we would need to manifest magnificent goals. Most of the people who invested in things like cryptocurrency and ended up forming companies like Canva and Uber have become billionaires over the space of a few years because they decided to dream big and found themselves in the right place at the right time.

We do not acknowledge our dreams because to us these dreams are too far away from where we are currently; For example, you find it impossible to ever fathom earning two million dollars because you are currently making only two thousand dollars from your job however you need to understand that the universe does not work with numbers but rather recognizes your energies and beliefs around your goal. Therefore, the more you believe you can achieve a larger goal, the more divine energy would create situations to achieve said goal for you.

You need to believe in your dreams

It is not just enough to dream; you must also believe in these dreams and listen to the conversations universal energy is willing to have with you. These conversations come to you in the form of desires and goals and God brings them to you this way in order for you to grow and materialize these desires in the physical world.
Unfortunately, when these desires come we allow ourselves to be intimidated by them and question whether or not it is actually possible for them to come to pass; We do not allow ourselves to even dream these desires into fruition. Personally, I am guilty of doing this and I began to think about these things when I realized that I had spent my time talking about cars I would like to attain yet I have never once sat to visualize my private jets, even though I have one on my vision board and it is something I want for my future. By doing this, I have allowed my current situation to put limitations on myself and instead pushed this desire onto my future self instead of visualizing and emotionalizing these desires regardless of the income and situation I am currently in now.

When these big desires come, most people either refuse to acknowledge these God-given dreams or push them into the future for their future selves to deal with. We find all sorts of excuses and reasons to look at it later in life, and this is because as humans we hide behind our self-made safety nets to protect ourselves from the possibility of failure. Because it is not something that can be attained now, we push it into the future and then allow ourselves to forget about them once they are not in our minds continuously. You begin to think that these dreams are too much for you, too unachievable for you, and instead allow yourself to push them away, forgetting about and limiting yourself only to the small goals within your comfort zone.
How long will you allow yourself to put your desires on hold because of what you are currently seeing in your physical world?

Your dreams and desires are not too big

Divine energy will always give you the desires that you can handle and whether you believe it or not, you already have the skills needed to fulfill these desires and create this reality within you. However you have to believe in them and believe that these things really can happen for you, your dreams are not too big!
Stop telling your God how big your problems are and start telling your problems how big your God is. Universal energy can create anything you could ever imagine but they need you to make that move of belief so that everything they have planned for you will fall into place.

When you make a move, you know that even when you make a mistake there is still room for you to change directions and improve on your desire. However, the moment you allow yourself to be frozen by the enormity of these goals, you lose hope in yourself and in divine energy. This is the reason a lot of people are wallowing in mediocrity and eventually fall into situations of lack and scarcity.

Leaving your comfort zone

Your comfort zone is that point where you have allowed yourself continuously become comfortable with being uncomfortable, it is the box you have placed yourself in because you believe you are too small to achieve the big dreams and desires that God has in store for you. This box -this comfort zone- will not lead you to a wealthier life; you have to consciously break out of this comfortable place, and to get out of this box you need to think and dream bigger for yourself!

You have the ability to create anything you desire because divine energy has already given you all the skills, abilities, and resources you would need to fulfill these desires. I was told a story once of a husband who was trying to answer his wife’s questions about creating her own reality but was unable to within his ability so he was reached out to by another man who was willing to help explain it to her, the other man advised him to place a 20$ bill in his wife’s book in order to solve her problem so he did. During the next lecture, the wife once again stood up full of questions and gently, the man asked her to open her book and hand him a 20$ bill. The wife continuously protested, insisting she had no money on her person at all, and ended up being annoyed and agitated even as the man gently asked her to just check her book and hand him the bill, finally she opened the book just to prove to him that there was nothing there but instead ended up surprised to find the 20$ bill in it. The man then explained this point to her which I believe is also applicable to all of us; if the universe is continuously repeating a desire to you it means that you already have the skills and resources you would need to fulfill these desires, even if you are unaware of it, so instead of arguing and complaining it is your responsibility to open your heart and search within yourself for these gifts instilled in you to achieve these dreams.


You are a creative being born with all sorts of skills and abilities to achieve these amazing desires for your life. Even though they may be latent or underdeveloped, God knows you have the ability to do so much more than you could ever imagine which is why they always believe in you, you have to now accept this and believe in yourself and God’s plan for you.

Instead of telling God what you cannot do, listen to what God is telling you that you can do. The moment you develop the belief that you have all the skills and resources you need to achieve whatever desire you might have, everything will rapidly begin to fall into place in your physical world. Your belief comes first while your manifestation comes second. As long as you believe in yourself and you believe that divine energy would never give you a desire that is impossible for you to achieve, you can create anything and everything you could ever imagine! Accept it, believe it, and act on it!

Value yourself first before you become wealthy

Today we are going to be discussing why you need to value yourself first before you start to see your wealth.
During a recent session with my mastermind, we discussed the financial trauma of our pasts and how important it is for us to forgive ourselves for them and allow ourselves to move forward from said trauma. It was during this session that I realised how much pain and anger we as individuals hold against ourselves and how we set unrealistic standards for ourselves then get upset at ourselves for not meeting these standards.

Do you value yourself?

Generally, most of us do not see any reason to place value on ourselves and this is a terrible mentality to have when you are aiming to be wealthy. We never appreciate who we are and the unfortunate thing about this is if you do not have any value for yourself as a person then there will always be something missing in your life. No matter how much money you have, how many awards you receive, how many successful businesses you own, or whether you have a thriving family life, if you do not allow yourself to appreciate where you are now and what you are accomplishing then you will never truly be wealthy.

What is wealth?

Wealth is not determined by the amount of money you have in your bank account. Of course, I believe money should be one of your best friends; I am not going to be metaphysical and say ‘happiness is your wealth’ because having money is important, but truthfully there are many people who have a lot of wealth in their bank accounts and yet are still poor. To be truly wealthy, you have to have abundance in all areas of your life – your relationships, your health, your happiness, your mental health and of course your bank accounts. The true extent of your wealth does not stop at just making money so you cannot let money be your only focus in life; you cannot allow amassing money to be the source of your happiness. This realisation that there is more to wealth is what has allowed me to recognize the importance of appreciating who you are no matter the phase you are going through in your life.

You are valuable

During one of my workshops, I spoke on the difference between self-esteem and self-worth and I believe that self-esteem is something you continuously work on and strive to achieve while self-worth is independent of all your achievements, you need to make a conscious effort to accept that you are valuable just the way you are, no matter where you are in life. A pastor I listened to once explained that no matter what you have done or how much of a sinner you believe you are, God does not see you that way. Divine energy does not look down on you because you have sinned nor does Universal energy look down on you because you believe you have not lived up to your own expectations, no matter what the situation may be they are always supporting you and will always be there to guide you on the right path. Someone once told me that the universe is always trying to lead the right way no matter the wrong paths you have taken in the past, just like our satellite navigation system for example and how, when you take a wrong turn, she is always ready to readjust her directions and guide you back on your right path without looking down on you and criticising you for your mistake.
Similarly, Universal energy does not condemn you for the mistakes or wrong turns you have made in life and is always ready to put you back on the right track. There is nothing you can achieve that will make God or Universal energy love you more and there is nothing you can do that will make them hate you or dislike you either however that does not change karmic debt and the laws of sowing and reaping so if you are committing crimes or if you are attracting low vibrational energy then what you give is what you get back in return, that is universal and is the consequence of your own actions, not God punishing you.
As a child, my mother used to say that God loves us more than seventy mothers meaning God loves you seventy times more than your mother who already loves you more than anyone else in the world. This confused me because I remember thinking ‘If God loves me why does He punish me when I make a mistake? Why would God not forgive me when my mother can forgive me when I do something wrong?’ but now I have come to understand that there is a cause and effect for everything. God is not punishing you for doing wrong; rather, according to universal law, your actions and wrongdoings from the past are what come back and cause problems for you in the future. So in truth, you are punishing yourself later with your wrongdoings now.

Appreciate who you are

As human beings, criticising ourselves always comes so easily to us. Sometimes, even when we are doing things right we find reasons to look at the things we could have done better and criticise ourselves for them. You realise that you are constantly holding yourself to these ridiculously high expectations; asking yourself why you did not give a better presentation, whether you could have controlled your temper more, if you made all the right statements or wishing you were a better parent to your kids and this constant search for imperfections only makes you look down on yourself and see yourself negatively. Self-improvement is good, you should constantly strive to improve yourself and to remain in happiness and joy, not anger and frustration but you must also accept that you are a work in progress; if you were meant to be perfect, God would have made you that way.
We all have our individuality and our various quirks, our good, our bad, and our ugly’s but all these things are part of what makes us who we are now. The problem with the majority of us is we constantly look for our imperfections and shortcomings when really we need to accept that we are having a physical experience in a physical body and therefore will always have one shortcoming or the other. We are always going to make mistakes but what is most important is that we learn from these mistakes and not have unrealistic expectations of who we need to be or where we should be heading because these kinds of expectations are what hold us back from adequately loving ourselves and properly appreciating who we are as individuals.
This morning I woke up and I felt like I looked beautiful. My abusive ex-husband was a textbook narcissist and being married to him was the worst seven years of my life so it took me a long time to get where I am today but this morning, I looked in the mirror and told myself that I was beautiful and that I was gorgeous. And these were not affirmations, this was me appreciating my physical body for where she is now. Of course there are still things I would like to achieve, I still want to be a smaller size and I would still like to be healthier but overall I appreciated myself and I gave her all the love and compassion that I hardly ever showed her in the past. I found that I was always looking at my body when I was uncomfortable and it was in these uncomfortable moments that I focused on the negatives and found one imperfection or another with myself but now, especially recently, I tell myself how beautiful I am and I allow myself focus on the positive parts and the things I love about my physical body. I appreciate things about myself that I genuinely and truthfully love and refuse to let these negative imperfections make me feel less than who I am. I will always strive to improve and be a better version of myself but that does not change the fact that I am perfect just the way I am. There are so many things we can improve on in life and these things are ongoing but when you look in the mirror I want you to see yourself physically, emotionally, and spiritually, and be proud of who you are, no matter your emotional scars. When I look in the mirror I allow myself to see this strong independent woman and I love her and where she is now no matter what I have been through or the emotional scars that I have, I am extremely proud of myself and that’s how you need to be with yourself as well.
Nobody knows your story and no one knows what you have been through to get to this point except you so it is your responsibility to be your own best friend. The only relationship you know is going to be with you forever is the one you have with yourself; when we die, our physical bodies will remain in this dimension and only our spirits will cross over to the next one so you need to stop being so hard on yourself and criticising yourself. You need to stop beating your body up and instead, look at yourself in the mirror and show your body more love and gratitude.


Appreciate yourself for getting up every time you fell and for all the hardships you have overcome to get to where you are now and once you start recognizing that you are a miracle and you begin to recognize your higher self constantly telling you how amazing you are, you are going to see your life transform and you are going to start to appreciate yourself for the things you are currently taking for granted. You are amazing and you deserve all the miracles, abundance, and happiness heading your way and if you do not allow yourself to feel like you deserve everything that the universe has to offer then you will self-sabotage, in one form of your wealth or the other. Strive to be a better person than you were yesterday, to help more people today than you did yesterday, to control your emotions better than you did yesterday, and as always, continue to improve yourself daily. Build a better relationship with yourself and watch how having a healthy, happy relationship with yourself would raise your vibration and steer abundance and wealth in your direction.

Why Faith in the middle is important for wealth

Today we are going to be discussing the right way to have faith in order to create your wealth and having faith in your manifestations; whether it is in manifesting a partner, a business, a house, a better income, or whatever it is that you want for yourself. A pastor I listened to once taught me something that really touched my heart, his sermon explained that there are two points in time in every manifestation journey, no matter the context you put it in, when having faith comes easiest to you – faith at the beginning of your journey and faith at the end of your journey.

Faith at the beginning of your journey

When you are just starting your project or you are just realising your manifestation and you believe that the things you want for yourself are going to happen for you, that is a point when your faith is at its highest. It is when your dreams start becoming so real to you; you can see them, feel them, and touch them. This point is when you start seeing the possibility of all your plans and ideas coming to life before your eyes. At this point in your journey, your faith is at its maximum and you believe you can do anything. After all, why start the manifestation journey if you don’t believe it can happen for you?

Faith at the end of your journey

It is equally easy for your faith to be at its highest when your manifestation is finally coming to life. At this point, all the pieces of the puzzle are falling into place and you are beginning to see the clear image of the result of your goal. Most times, we even become thankful when we are nearing the end and start to show our gratitude for reaching the desired goal.

Why do you need to have faith in the middle of your journey?

In the middle of your manifestation journey, for example that online business that you are building with the hope of turning it into a six-figure earner in three years, the initial enthusiasm you had towards your new project starts to wear off and you are faced with the actuality of your manifestation. You begin to strategize and make proper plans to fulfill this desire; hire the right people, create the right ad accounts, learn how to post better on your social media and everything seems like it is ready to go. Unfortunately, life does not come without its challenges. Suddenly the ads you set up aren’t working, your Ad account got banned, your copywriter quit on you unexpectedly or a family member passed or something else happened that is no fault of yours and you are now faced with these external problems that you could never have prepared for. Your business just isn’t taking off the way you planned for it to. And now you realise that making a business online is more than just throwing some adverts together and making a plan, it takes understanding, different forms of strategizing, determination, and most importantly, faith.
This point in your journey is when everything begins to look impossible to you and you find yourself thinking ‘Oh my God, what do I even do now?’. And the thing about this teaching was that I realised it could be applied to any project, manifestation, or goal that you have in your life whether it is a business, a house, creating your wealth, relationships, or whatever the situation may be. When you realise you can make a manifestation into your life, there is always that faith in it that it would come to pass and the moment you are beginning to see the result of this manifestation, that faith in it returns but it is in the middle of the manifestation when your faith needs to be at its maximum that we come up short. And the reality is that sometimes things just will not go your way. Sometimes things don’t work out and there are setbacks, failures, all sorts of turmoil and as a person you have to learn to have faith in the divine energy even though physically you cannot see anything happening.
A religious example he gave, which I am going to use as well because we have similar examples in Islam, is the story of Joseph who as a teenager had a vision that he would become ruler of Egypt and shared this dream with his father. At the beginning of this manifestation, he was enthusiastic and believed in the visions and dreams he had. But how did he end up actualizing this manifestation and becoming the ruler of Egypt? He was thrown into a well by his brothers, sold into slavery, served a master for several years, seduced by his master’s wife, and then thrown into prison for several more years even though he had committed no crime; his middle was full of so many struggles and in the eyes of others, his dream was impossible. But even though nothing seemed to be going his way, Joseph kept his faith and trusted the process, knowing that God had given him that manifestation and that the universe had his back. Things were going to work out eventually. So he persevered and in the end, he was rewarded for his faith and submitting to divine energy.

Why is the middle of your journey so important?

When I look through my life and the lives of people around me, I realise that the middle of the journey is a point a lot of us seem to miss in our manifestation journey. This is the period when you have to hold on to your faith the most because it is when you have to believe that what you have manifested for your life will come to pass as long as you trust the process. Aside from submitting to divine energies and having faith in your manifestations, your middle part is the point of growth in your journey. It is the part of your journey when you grow into the type of person who can handle the manifestation you have in mind for yourself. If you are manifesting your ideal partner, the easiest parts are in the beginning when you have manifested the perfect person and you are excited about what is to come and in the end, when you have finally met the person you would like to spend the rest of your life with but the most difficult and most important part is the middle part when you are growing and developing into the person who is ready for the kind of partner you have manifested. Similarly, when you are building a business, you have to grow to be the kind of person who can handle the kind of business you have envisioned for yourself.
So essentially the middle part of your journey is not just for having faith and trusting the process for your project or your manifestation, it is also important for you to grow into the person who can handle and be in alignment with that partner, business, house or whatever manifestation you have trusted the universe for.


For you to create the life of your dreams, you are going to go through this middle phase when there seems to be no end in sight or light at the end of the tunnel, and everything you have manifested for yourself looks impossible but that is when you need to trust in the divine energy the most. And when things seem like they aren’t working out; you pick yourself up, change your strategy and try again. The times when you should have the greatest doubt are the times when you need to have the greatest faith because that is the difference between you who is making manifestations and other people who just have wishful thinking that never reaches fruition.

Taking a leap of faith

Do you have control issues?

Are you afraid of not knowing, of uncertainty?

If you’re someone who is afraid of change or thinks you are on this journey of life all by yourself so your way is the only way, I have got you covered on this one.

Today I’ll be talking about taking a leap of faith and ways you can do this.

According to JK. Rowling “It is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all—in which case, you fail by default”

The saddest part of life is regrets, the “could have, should have, would have” , nothing hurts more like changes we had control over but did nothing about because of fear, you might end up the rest of your life, thinking of how different things might have turned out if only you had tried. I would rather fail than not live or at least try to live, because the regrets always sits with you.

Majority of the time, people regret things that they didn’t do, the chances they didn’t take. You can’t tiptoe your way to the grace, which is why taking a leap of faith is important in our lives.

What does taking a leap of faith mean?

Leaping without knowing where you land, it can definitely be a bit of scary, the fear of not knowing, but it could land you to the positives, quantum leap you to your dream life. The thing about life is, it moves even as we’re afraid of moving or procrastinating, it just never stands for one person.

It’s about knowing who you are, surrendering to all your expectations and trusting that a greater being would look out for you. Without risks, you can’t grow in life, Noone really knows what the future holds, you’re never going to have all the answers yet we continue to move forward

How do you distinguish walking blindly and taking a leap of faith?

Faith has to do with a strong belief in the supernatural, in something above us, something higher than us, it could be God , Brahman, the universe, your intuition and trusting that our interests are protected.

When you have a vision, you take a leap of faith and trust that taking this step could propel you into where you’re destined to be. That something above you will guide you despite your fears. Leap of faith doesn’t eliminate fear in its entirety, it supports and carries you to move despite the fear and the hurdles you might encounter.

There’s always a reward for faith, for entrusting and submitting yourself to the divine energy. Everything that is happening, is happening for you not just to you. You have to trust divine energy, even when you think you’ve failed, when your plans go as you have expected, you have to take something out of it, you don’t come out the same person, you’ve been made into magnificent version of yourself which is going to fulfill your divine purpose, the divine plan.

Everyone has divine purpose that you’re here to fulfill, and in order for you to fulfill that purpose, you have to have certain characteristics or personalities and the things you go through in life, the failures, the ups and downs are all geared to make you the kind of person that you need to be in order for you to fulfill your divine purpose to live your destined life.

See your life as a gift, and everything that is happening to you is preparing you for everything you desire but in order for you to obtain this, you have to go through certain paths. Do it the divine energy’s way.

5 ways to take a leap of faith

1. State your intention clearly;

Have an idea of where you are going and be intentional. Your intentions acts a compass, a beacon of where you want to go. You need to have intentions of what you want placed, it grounds you and sets you on the direction that you’re going. You can’t get what you want unless you know where you’re going to get this.

For me, I knew I wanted to have a business, an online business because I wanted to stay close to my kids. Initially I was working generally as a coach, I realized that as an energy healer, I’m a lot more powerful and instead of focusing on health which I was very good at, I focused on money.

Remember your intentions are not here to box you but rather guide you. So even as it grounds you, it’s flexible enough that you walk in whatever route the divine energy sets you in.

So setting clear intentions are very important, you have to ask yourself;

What exactly do I want to do?

Do I want to build my own business or to work for someone?

How much would I like to earn, monthly or annually?

How much of my time am I willing to commit to this?

It all starts with a clear intent.

2. Consent;

Once you have laid out your intentions, the next step is to surrender to the outcome. You cannot decide where you want to go, in which direction you want to go but how you get there is mostly up to divine energy.

Like how I decided recently that I wanted to have multiple businesses. I already have the coaching, which I love and I have my property business and my trading going for me and I wanted to have another additional business but I wasn’t really sure what direction to go in. So I asked divine energy to show me what other niches I could create for myself and a few have been brought to my attention.

And that was it. I asked divine energy for guidance on how to get here. My intention was to have multiple sources of income and a lot of channels has been made shown to me.

If I can try this, you can do that. All these different opportunities that I got awareness for are simply because of this intention that I set up and surrendered to. So the destination isn’t yours to decide, You just have to have the intention, ” I want to go in this direction”. What exactly is going happen and how you’re going to get there is for divine to show you.

Allow the universe to show you the best path to get your intentions. This is what it means to surrender to the outcome. You need to give yourself the flexibility, open yourself up and to receive your intuitive guidance from divine energy. Letting divine energy guide you is very important.

3. Look for Signs and Synchronicities;

There’s always a sign. When you ask divine energy for help or guidance and you ask for a sign to show you which decision to make, you’ll be given signs. So recently, I asked for a sign that I’m on the right path and that I’m doing is what I should be doing and all of a sudden I started seeing double ones, the time at 11:11 and day at 22|22 and all these double digits on all the time, all the time.

So I’m taking that as a sign that I am doing what I need to be doing. So when you see these signs, you know that you’re on the right path and that your faith is being acknowledged and you are being guided onto the right path. That’s the third way for you to take a leap of faith.

4. There’s no perfect time;

You need to actually understand that you’re never going to be fully ready, your ducks are never going line up. You are never going to have the right opportunity, the right time, the right place at the same time. There is always going to be issues, with your health, or kids or partners, that’s life. It’s never gonna be the right time. So there’s going to come to a point when you just have to take the jump. So you have to jump before you’re ready, there’s nothing as leaping too early, only the fact that maybe you don’t leap at all.

A lot of the times people instead of leaping with faith early, they don’t move at all, they just sit there, procrastinating on the edge of the mountain. The next thing they know, they are turning 80 or 90 and they feel it is too late for them now.

I think of time is the only thing we have scarcity of. You can make everything else, money but the only thing that we have a limited quantity of is time because in this our world, we do have a limited time and we don’t realize how quickly the day become weeks and weeks months then years.

And next thing you know, you are thinking about something you wanted to do five years ago and haven’t even started yet. I remember this happened to me, I started my podcast in June 2020 but I had been yearning and talking about it since 2018. It literally took me two whole years, just talking about it and I never got started. And then COVID happened and during the pandemic, I thought, my god, I have to start now, and we begun. We’ve gone from strength to strength, ever since but it’s amazing that I was stuck there for the longest time because I was procrastinating. So you have to jump before you’re ready.

5. Faith;

The one final way to do this is by trusting and believing, your faith will hold your hand through the darkness. You need to know that divine energy is always there through it all, for every step of the way. There’s a story that comes to mind at this moment and that’s it’s footsteps.

This person looks upon her life and notices that most of the times, there were two sets of footsteps in the sand but for the darkest times in her life, she could only see one set of footsteps and it was really painful so she turns to God and she says “God, that’s so unfair. How could you do this?”

And God was like, what’s wrong? And the answer is well, you know, in the times of my darkness and my darkest hour, you left me alone. There’s only one set of footsteps there so that means I was alone. And God turns around and says to this woman “My child, the reason why they’re only one set of footsteps in those moments is because during those moments of hardships, I carried you” . And that story has always stuck with me, it really resonates with me because that’s kind thing that I would think God would say to me, “Look, that’s when I was carrying you, you didn’t have the energy to walk”

And I know there are many times in my life, where I’ve literally broken down and cried to my God to take over that I have no strength left in me. When I took the decision to divorce, I was taking a leap of faith that divine energy will provide for me, I literally came very close to bankruptcy yet I held onto my faith that divine energy will see me through and guide me, this was back in 2016 and I’m writing this in 2022. So six years ago, I caught my ex husband having an affair and my life changed, I just had this faith in my heart that no matter what happens, God will get me through and I will find a way to provide for my kids and that I’ll make sure I give them the kind of education that I want to.

I took that leap of faith and I have been rewarded. I have to say it was not an easy journey moving forward. If I look back in hindsight, everything that happened created me to be the person I am today and today I have multiple businesses. I am doing phenomenally well, my kids have access to private education and we have the luxury of not worrying about bills.

I’m in a privileged position to be able to do it myself but this only happened because I took the leap of faith and trusted divine energy to show me a way to be able to make enough money to not only look after my kids but provide them with the best life possible and give them the most important thing for ne which is love and attention from their mother by not going out to work and I am doing it on my own terms.


Taking a leap of faith and trusting the divine energy to show you what to do and how to do it will never let you down. That even when you fail, it’s a preparation for the grandeur things that are to come. You will pick yourself up and divine energy will guide you to move to the next level.

Taking a leap of faith is most times, the best thing you can do.

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