Gull Khan

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Category: Money Mindset

Prosperity and Poverty Consciousness

Which one do you think you have?

I’m going to ask you a few questions today that may trigger you into asking questions and realizing what kind of consciousness you really have whether it’s poverty or prosperity consciousness and I want you to understand the two aspects to this, there’s poverty or prosperity consciousness.

And the reason why we can determine this is based on your financial standing. I’m gonna explain both of those terms but I want you to understand that every single person on the planet fits into the spectrum.

What is Prosperity Consciousness?

Inside this spectrum is someone who’s extremely prosperous. They are aware that abundance is all around them and they manifest money very easily, whatever they touch turns to gold, they have what we call the Midas Touch.

Everything they do excels really well, they have successful businesses and money comes to them and they’re able to invest. This is what I would classify as a prosperity consciousness, they’re aware of all the resources available to them. They’re able to get people’s time and people’s money to create their own money. They also enjoy abundance in their health and their relationship. This is one extreme example of the spectrum of other camps.

What is Poverty Consciousness?

On the other end, you have people who have poverty conscious and they live in scarcity all their entire life and there’s never enough time or money. They usually have big victim mentality.

In between these two extremes, we have everybody else somewhere along the spectrum and where you fit on that spectrum is determined by your financial thermostat.

What is your financial thermostat?

This is your comfort zone with money, It is not something of your own choice unless you’ve actively worked on it. Your financial thermostat has been given to you, it has been programmed into you by your primary caregivers. And this could be your mum and dad, your foster parents, even your doctors, uncles and aunties. Whoever it was with the most influence on you between the ages of zero to seven and to some extent between 7 to 14 and maybe even to 21.

Generally most of your programming is done by the age of seven so this financial thermostat has been programmed into you by your primary caregivers without your knowledge even. In your teens and early 20s, you can rebel, pull away and be able to make a lot of money and that’s good but you find that towards the beginning of your 30s, somewhere along those lines between early 30s and 40s, there’s what I call a snapback. It happens. When you experience a snapback, you are pulled back into your earliest money paradigm and you begin to live the story (thermostat) that was programmed into you.

So basically in your 20s and even to some extent your 30s, you pull away from your true part of the financial paradigm. You might think, “Oh! I escaped though. I’ve made money and done all this“. A lot of people don’t understand that If you don’t clear your energy around your earliest money paradigm, you will suffer a snapback and get shot down to where your financial thermostat is set for you by your primary caregivers and it could be in the form of going bankrupt, physical burnout, Cancer, a failed marriage and losing everything. This snapback can manifest itself in a number of different ways, there are different situations.

How do you realize what your financial thermostat is?

Your financial thermostat is the financial thermostat of the people that looked after you in your primary age.Your primary caregivers at the age of 7, What kind of money did they make? What kind of life did they live? What kind of ideas did they have? This is what sets your lower and your upper financial thermostat. So you find that with most people (there are exemptions to this of course) but generally 90% of the time, majority of the people who I’ve come across tend to live in that upper and lower financial thermostat which is the upper zone and lower zone based on the financial thermostat of their parents.

Financial thermostat is your comfort zone around money, The Lower threshold of it is the absolute low amount of money that you can survive before your sense is coming to play and you attract money and the upper threshold of it is the amount of money you allow yourself to have in your energy field through investments through a business through whatever have you before your subconscious mind kicks into action and starts attracting ways to get rid of the money.

We tend to live between the upper limit and the lower limit but once this snapback happens, they tend to switch between the two unless they clear this so they don’t continue to do this ping-pong journey for the rest of their life. During my research, I remember doing a lot of research and speaking to lots of people in their retirement age and finding out why most people retire and retire poor.

This one story really stuck out to me, about this gentleman who had multiple businesses, was running a multi-million at one point and in his retirement when he was the age of 70, he was fully financial dependent on his son, himself and his wife and he couldn’t work it out how he ended up being fully financial dependent on his son rather than himself. And the only thing that came to mind was that he ping-ponged his way between the lower and the upper throughout his life and he never actually cleared his energy therefore at the age when he should be enjoying his money, he had nothing to enjoy.

I would encourage you to look at your financial thermostat and think “what kind of money makes me uncomfortable?” I don’t want you to give me straight answers because you grew up rich or you read my book or you listened to this podcast or you listen to Tony Robbins and you think….. you can make a million a month and can be happy with it.


Whether you can make a million a month, I don’t doubt that, I think you can. I think every single person can make a million a month, it’s not a big deal but whether you can make a million a month and keep it long-term, that’s what I doubt, the amount of money you make is not going to be impacted by your financial thermostat. Sometimes we stretch our upper/lower limits by doing all these positive works but we only stretch it, we don’t actually stabilize them.

So we can stretch and stretch and at one point, we take a step back and come right back down to the bottom, that’s when bankruptcy happens. I want you to really think about what kind of money did your parents (primary caregivers) have when you were growing up. And if you are about 30-40, please pay attention to what kind of lifestyle you are living right now and how similar or different it is from the lifestyle of your parents, you may have a lot more money coming in but in terms of lifestyle and standard of living, how similar or different is it from your parents and 9 times out of 10, I find people off of the age of 30 onwards generally have a very similar standard of living to that of the primary caregivers.

Surprisingly it occurs a lot for people from professional backgrounds, I remember this conversation I was having with this doctor, she was a GP and her husband was an IT consultant. Between the two of them, they were making $150,000 pounds annually. I remember she was very frustrated and upset because they were losing money and she couldn’t work out why they were not able to keep and grow money.

They were making all this money but their outgoings were more than their incomes and she didn’t understand this because they weren’t spendthrift. She thought they were frugal but what you find is that as your income grows so does your expenses (if your financial thermostat has not been worked on). You manifest a legal action, a wrong client, something which will bring you back down and bring you back into this comfort zone around money.

Okay, this is what happens and the reason for the thermostat analogy. My radio thingy comes to mind initially, I’m usually always cold and have set my thermostat so whenever the temperature falls to a certain point, it automatically comes on and when it goes above the same point, the heater kicks in. This is what happens with you energetically, when your financial thermostat picks up, there’s no money coming in and you really feel like, “Oh! I don’t know how I’m gonna pay the rent.” And if your financial thermostat is set to the point where you have to pay lease, your rental mortgage and your bills have to be paid and your manifesting power goes through the roof and you attract opportunities, people and money to make sure you make your commitment.

Once those commitments are met, you go back to your comfort zone and when you start making more money, you begin to manifest the very opposite, ways to lose it. These things happened to me and I’m talking from experience. When I became a millionaire at the age of 27, I completely shambled my life within a year, from property crash, my marriage ending, becoming a single mother and having a negative equity, it was really awful.

I didn’t even know at the time that I was experiencing my snapback due to energy and financial thermostat, you have to work on financial thermostat so when you start making money, obviously it happens both ways, The reverse way it happens with your lower end, It also happens at the top end as well and this is exactly what happened to me in 2008, My energy could not handle me having that kind of money, that net worth or prosperity mark so it brought me back to my financial thermostat comfort zone and I didn’t realize this for the longest time until a few years ago when I really deep dived into money, prosperity and money consciousness.

I realized my consciousness was geared towards poverty, I was programmed to be in poverty, to have poverty consciousness because that’s what I grew up in. My father was a multi millionaire, a self-made one but he too grew up in poverty and my mother left him and I grew up in the ghettos, in East London. My mind was never programmed to be prosperous, therefore I wasn’t. And the times I prospered, I brought myself back to the level I was comfortable with and subconsciously, very quickly, it only took me a year to get back to base. So now I realize the need to push up my thermostat.

Pushing up your thermostat and changing our limited beliefs

You are always going to have an upper/lower limit, you need to bring your lower limit up and take your higher limit higher so your absolute bottom limit would be a lot higher than where it is at the moment and your upper limit should be always expanding. You should always expand that further and further and further. Now in order for you to expand and grow your financial thermostat, you have to change your limiting beliefs and there are so many limited beliefs that we are programmed with as we’re growing up and these are given to us again, they are not ours.

We buy into these beliefs, they are not taken by us by choice. We may think there are thoughts now but initially there were somebody else’s thoughts and ideas and were planted into our minds as young beings and we took them on as our own and these ideas are;

  • Money is the root of all evils
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • Money corrupts you
  • Money causes divorces
  • I don’t need money to be happy etc.

I have a whole program around this, it’s called Millennial foundations where we cover hundred and one limiting beliefs around money, business and success and it’s surprising how some of the beliefs are taken up by the majority of people and they don’t even see them as limited beliefs. In my programs, I explain why these beliefs can be limiting, the impact it has and we change it with energy clearance of course but it’s shocking to see how many people don’t even see them as limiting beliefs.

This is how the world goes, they have this paradigm around money and they don’t even realize it. So what we are after by changing your financial thermostat is to change you, we want to get you to change your paradigms around money and when you change your paradigm around money, you will change your financial thermostat. You actually extend it further and expand the upper limit of it, and you’ll be able to allow more money to come to you at a faster pace and allow it to stay in your energy field and you will not suffer from snapback as rapidly and eventually you should stop all together.

This financial thermostat would always happen by the way, when you get to the next upper limit, it will have a snapback and you come back down. You build it up further again and it goes further up again and you have another snap back and you come back and this is why if you look at anyone who’s successful, their journey is not an exponential line, it’s a zigzag and that’s normal as long as the trajectory is upwards, I’m okay with that because it means you need to adjust, expand your mind further and work a bit more on your beliefs, build your prosperity consciousness and that’s quite perfectly fine.

As we’re learning and growing, we’re going to have these minor snapbacks again and again but what we don’t want is a major snapback like I had back in 2008, I went from being a millionaire in 2007 at the age of 27 to being under the poverty line in 2008, having no money, no job, no partner and being a single parent, almost destitute. And having all these properties with negative equity and I was stuck, The only option was for me to go bankrupt which I chose not to do and I’m grateful that I didn’t.

So this is what we don’t want and asides that the snapbacks will continue to happen but that only is feedback given to your subconscious mind that you need to expand your financial thermostat further and further and that just means constant growth of our prosperity consciousness. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.


We should continuously continue working on our prosperity consciousness because we are a work in progress. The whole point of this life is to grow, to learn, to develop and any time you stop learning, you stop growing, you stop living.

Why pain is essential for your growth to become wealthy

We are looking at pain and how it’s important on your journey to becoming wealthy. I came up with this topic because of my own challenges recently with my injury and also some businesses that have not been as profitable as they should be.

It really got me looking around, all those people who’ve gone before me on this success path, we always stand on the shoulder of giants and if you look at the life journey of anyone who’s been highly successful, you would realize how much pain they endured before they tasted success and even as they have become successful, they still had episodes of severe pain and it causes you to question whether God gets some kind of sadistic pleasure in causing us pain and the answer is no, absolutely not.

God is good all the time. I love that phrase, I really resonate with it because God is great all the time. We are currently in Ramadan and fasting at the moment. When you’re fasting, your spiritual energy is heightened, I’ve been reassessing and thinking about various things especially during the hajib…..a midnight prayer.

So I’d be sitting there reading the Hajj and contemplating about various aspects of my life and while meditating, I try to work out what the purpose of pain is, because pain has a huge purpose and I was just trying to get my head around it especially as it relates to one aspect of my life that I was really struggling with. Again, I have to admit I’ve begun to struggle with this aspect of my life again.

Discovering the purpose of my pain

I share my life so openly and candidly with you all because I’m a work in progress and I’m not standing on some mantle and talking down to you. I’m here amongst you telling you what I aspire to be and where I fall short so that you can avoid my mistakes and also for you to have hope and learn with me along the journey.

So this is one aspect of my life that I was really questioning divine energy, I couldn’t figure out why this individual had come into my life, (he’s been out of my life of the last six years now) and I have forgiven him yet things pop up and wounds open up again because of his attitude towards his children and I couldn’t understand, We’re so opposites in every regard in terms of personality and integrity so I couldn’t work out why the divine energy would bring such an individual into my life to cause me so much pain, not just when we were together, but also as we have parted ways and being a devoted parent, I get hurt when my children hurt.

So as I was on my “God, why?” , I’m human and I’m having this physical experience and being emotional. Sometimes when we give into emotions, we are prone to low vibrational thoughts, but I am of the opinion that those times we need to seek guidance. As a child, my mother taught me that no one would value my tears as much as God will, so I only cry to my God and I think my tears are very precious, most of the time when I’m crying, it’s usually in a prayer.

Anyways I find that this prayer, the Islamic Salah, is a really deeply spiritual experience so I had just read the hajar, I was really emotional, crying and did a bit of playing the victim for five minutes and then I decided to meditate because I had about half an hour between then and Iftar, I already had the Suhoor food so I wasn’t going to eat any more apart from drinking water.

So I just sat on the praying mat and I meditated, During my meditation, I was just taken on this journey which is difficult for me to explain to you right now. It can only just be felt and sensed, it was almost like divine energy, God was listening to me and saying;

“Look, you are this amazing creative being and you have so much knowledge, get up, look at what the purpose is. I never do anything without purpose, look at what I’ve done for you, and see the reason for this happening to you.”

I really believe everything happens all for you and not to you but five minutes ago when I was questioning and I had fallen to the trap of feeling like things were happening or happened to me and this was when I realized the essential elements that pain played in shaping my character, in me being who I am and taking me along the journey where I’m going, I know where I’m going and I know the kind of character I have and there’s no way that I could be this person or could achieve those things that I’m looking to achieve had I not gone through that pain and this was really beautifully highlighted to me and I was filled with a sense of gratitude.

I’ve shared this story before, multiple times and I’m going to share it again. This story was brought to my attention during this meditation and it is of butterflies, when a butterfly was coming out of its cocoon and this man was watching and timing for hours as the butterfly just battled away and tried to come out of the cocoon and was just really struggling, The body was too big and it really couldn’t come out and the man felt sorry for the butterfly so he thought to help, unknown to him that pain the butterfly was going through was essential and after helping the butterfly, it was severely harmed.

Let me explain. So he went and helped open a bit more of the cocoon which meant that the butterfly was able to come out easily but the problem now was that usually when the butterfly comes out of this cocoon, the fluid in the body is pushed out into the wings and that’s how the wings actually take form and the butterfly is able to fly, otherwise the body’s too heavy and the wings are too weak.

So this pain that the butterfly goes through coming out of its cocoon is essential in order for the butterfly to fly and that just hit me and made me realize how all the pain that I’m going through is just building my wings and the stronger the wings, the faster and higher I will soar. In other for me to grow and elevate to the levels that I wish to and have on my vision board then this pain that I’m still going through on certain days and aspects of my business or personal life is absolutely essential for my wings to be formed, for me to develop the personality and character needed in order to achieve my goals.

Inspiration of my pain

When my accident happened recently, I wasn’t ungrateful for that, it highlighted to me that that was a test of my loyalty and faithfulness in Divine energy and I passed with flying colors. What I questioned the divine energy about was this individual and I really wish him all the luck and send him love and blessings because even though what he may have done to me can be classified as evil but it doesn’t matter how much evil he’s done to me or evil intentions he has towards me, those have been for my benefit, the pains that he caused me and continues to cause me through various ways is essential for my growth and this is why even though the divine energy can make it easier, is allowing me to come out of my cocoon myself, so I can develop my wings so I could fly.

The inspiration I got during that meditation was how easy it is for the divine energy to make things easy for me but then I will not develop the character that I need in order to get to the levels I want to get to. If my life was as easy as I wanted it to be and things happened the way it is in other people’s lives (because I find that other people have it a lot easier than I do), I would not have this character, also they don’t have my ambitions, our paths are different. So in order for me to achieve these things, to become this person that Gull needs to become and achieve all the goals that I set up for myself, I have to go through this pain and this is why the divine energy at times throws you in the pit of fire for you to grow through certain things.

There’s a saying in my culture, I’m from the India-Pakistan culture and my mother used to say to me that gold goes through the pitch of fire to be purified and that’s the only way it can get rid of impurities, this is no saying that God sometimes puts you through the pit of fire to let go of the impurities which are your bad habits, your weakness, the playing victim tendencies, as I had. You need to shred these aspects of yourself to become this amazing new version of yourself, capable and worthy of achieving these goals you have set for yourself. Everything you want for yourself already exists here, in some form but in order for you to bring it into your physical 3D world, you have to be a certain person. It’s not about looking like it but about actually being that individual.

The awareness of my pain and embracing it

The awareness that I got during that short meditation in the morning was the fact that everything that I’m going through at the moment is making me who I need to be, I am becoming the person who will achieve these goals and everything that’s happening in my life is just helping me to acquire the characteristics that I need in order to have the goals that I have set for myself.

So when I look upon my life, everything that’s happened in my life has been to shape my character, and I have to be grateful for it because when I became really aware of what God was doing in my life, how he has literally been standing here like a teacher, on the side, ensuring that I go through certain things in order to develop the person that I am, it just filled me up with so much gratitude because once again something that I always say that everything is happening for you not to you.

So all the pain that I’ve gone through, all the pain that I’m currently going through and one of the biggest pains was the loss of my mother. I lost my mother at the age of 21/22, a really young age, I’ve lived on this planet more years than she was with me. She was my only parent and I still miss her every single day and all the time yet the pain of losing her has built me and has given me strength too. And if she was in my life, I would not be here in this position, she wouldn’t let me get married to both of the people I did but besides that, my life would be a lot easier in many ways. When I lost my mother, my life became one of hardship and it did for a while seemed to be on the hamster wheel.

I still go from one thing to another and if somebody was looking at my life from the outside point of view, someone who knew things of my life would be wondering, okay what’s next. My life is simple half of the time and most of the time I look upon it as divine energy’s blessings because my life has shaped me to be who I am and I’m extremely proud of myself and my achievements, the way I help my clients, the way I am able to help people, the way I think, the way I behave and I still have a long way to go.

There’s so much more improvement that I can make and I definitely will but as of today, I’m very proud of myself and I like who I am and I’m becoming the person I need to be in order to achieve everything I want to achieve. This is why pain is so essential for your growth especially if you’re becoming wealthy because when you want to become wealthy and you want to do it the right way, you will experience obstacles and face challenges and sometimes, you may find yourself to be very lonely. I don’t know anybody who is as ambitious or works as hard as I do and I work smart too and I’m really focused on two things. One is my children, their education and the other is my businesses.

Therefore, I don’t have as much time as I would like to spend time with friends or with other people as I’m really focused on what I need to do.


The pains that I have gone through in my life are helping me to become the person I need to be to achieve what I want to achieve, so I hope that today’s episode makes sense to you and that you can get a glimpse of my understanding of pain and how essential it is for you to grow and be the kind of person that you need to be to achieve the kind of things you want to achieve.

Having a positive mindset towards life and building wealth

Having a positive mindset towards life

Today we are talking about the need for a positive mindset for growing wealth and towards our life generally. This episode is really personal, coming from a place of pain, it really highlights the need for a positive mindset and how important it is. I don’t just talk the talk, I walk the walk as well which is why I mostly teach you through my experiences and as usual I’m going to be sharing an incident that happened in my life recently.



Why do you need a positive attitude and mindset in your life?

How you do one thing simply imitates the other areas of your life, it shows in how you do every other thing. In life events, the kind of mindset and energy you have around it makes your life journey a lot more interesting, more enjoyable and you are better equipped to deal with life’s uncertainties and unexpected circumstances and vice versa.

Recently, I was on a holiday to Turkey, I have not left the country since 2019 so the kids and I were really excited. We booked the trip and even my cousin agreed to come with us. I was looking forward to having some time off work because I’m constantly working on something, either with my kids or one of my numerous businesses that I run so I needed the time off mentally. I thought I could physically go and relax at the beach. So on the third day into our holiday, I got into a pretty major accident on on a quad biking excursion and I ended up at the hospital with both my knees in pretty bad shape and one of my knees had the flesh completely come off and I needed 20 plus stitches, it was a horrific accident. At that point when the accident took place, I actually thought I has lost my left knee, I thought it was broken.

This accident happened right at the end of the track on the ride and it was just very unfortunate but I celebrate this as a win for the way my children, my family and I dealt with it and the kind of mindset we had through it. This for me is an absolutely phenomenal win from where I’m standing because it showed how far I’ve come with dealing with adversity that come into my life unexpectedly at times.

While I had the unfortunate incident, my son was driving the buggy, not a quad bike and I chose the buggy because he literally wanted to drive it and he’s pretty amazing driver, he does Go karts all the time so driving the buggy was not a problem for him, he did it pretty well. It was just very unfortunate that the buggy skidded at the last minute and we had this major accident and at that time, I fainted because of the pain, it was too much for my body to take, my body went into shock and when I did come around, I saw my son crying his eyes out and being very apologetic, apologizing to me saying “Sorry mom, Sorry mom”. I remember telling him that mommy was fine, that it was just a scratch and I knew in my heart of hearts that it wasn’t but as I told him that, I was smiling as much as I could while I was conscious. I was even still smiling as we got to the hospital and just biting down the pain, I got stitched up and ended up being in a wheelchair for the remainder of the holiday.

At the moment, I’m still not very mobile because of the accident, I have had to take it easy and think about the stitches coming out. What I actually want to share with you today is how positively I took this. A different person could look at the situation and focus on how unfortunate the accident was, being that it happened on our first trip outside the country after two years but I completely saw it from a different perspective.

I am so grateful to divine energy that it wasn’t worse, my first initial fear was that I had lost my left knee but by the grace of God alhamdulillah, none of my bones were broken, I saw an orthopedic and I only had ligament issues so hopefully it won’t cause long-term implications. And another thing I’m grateful for was that my son was unharmed because he was sitting right next to me and I had this severe injury but my beautiful son escaped without a scratch on him. I felt this intense, immense wave of gratitude to divine energy that my son was fine, my bones were fine, It could have been a lot worse and also with my travel insurance, I was able to cover all the expenses that were required including seeing the doctors and the hospital bills, they were all taken care of by my insurance company and I was surrounded by such amazing people who take care of me.

My cousin being there was simply pure coincidence, she wasn’t going to come initially and I convinced her to come and she joined us last minute and I’m so grateful to her for being there to support me while I was in the hospital and also keeping my kids company because once I came back to the hotel after the accident, I wasn’t able to be mobile so she took the kids out and they were able to enjoy the holiday as well.

I also had people supporting me in the hotel, helping me come in and out of that wheelchair and moving around. I was given so much love and support that all I felt was gratitude. I remember relaying this story to my cousins and my other friends and realizing how intense my gratitude was to divine energy throughout this whole ordeal.

Not once was I ungrateful or felt as a victim. No why me, Not once was I even annoyed with the divine energy for this intense pain. I didn’t have any kind of negative feeling or emotion about this injury and that has shown me how far I’ve come from my journey which I started 6-10 years ago when the incident with my ex happened because we are all prone to having a bit of victim mentality, why me attitude but throughout this whole ordeal, I had nothing but gratitude to divine energy because it could have been a lot worse yet none of those things happened and if it was meant to be then it is meant to be, as Muslims we believe that some things are written in our kismet.

I could have been easily involved in a car accident in London and the injury could have come through the worst form but I had it in Turkey. It’s been nine days since it happened, I am still in a lot of pain, taking painkillers and not one part of me feels annoyed or upset, If anything my heart is overflowing with the amount of gratitude I can’t even express to divine energy for making the injury not as severe as it could have been and more importantly, providing me with support and ability to come home with ease and grace and making sure that my family was safe.

Now if we adopt this attitude towards everything that happens to us, in your businesses, in your lives, can you imagine how far that would take you? I always talk about how life isn’t happening to you but happening for you, everything that happens in your life happens for you on your behalf, it’s building you, it’s making you stronger, it’s making your character and doing something for you. In this instance especially, it really highlighted to me how far this ideology has been ingrained into my psyche, like I said earlier, it is not just about talking but also walking the walk.

Genuinely, not an atom of my being felt ungrateful when this incident happened, I was smiling and was grateful to the divine energy for making it not as severe as it could be, for saving my child and for all the support given to me through it, people really came out to support me, my staff, my family members, my brother picked me up from the airport. Everything was all done so seamlessly and I never felt alone, Divine energy was just supporting me, taking care of me every step of the way. If we can adopt this same ideology in our businesses, no supposed failure in your business would hold you back, you would always move forward and have a way out, you would always be grateful for all the things that are going right with your business. We all need to adopt this ideology because at any given time, things may not be working out, maybe a marketing strategy didn’t work or a partnership failed or certain petitions flopped and didn’t go according to plan but there is so much for you to be grateful for, find it and pull away from the despair, depression or anxiety.

Making good use of every situation

During this resting period, I had a number of things that I could really focus on but these two areas stand out to me the most and I’ll put in time and effort moving forward, I really found clarity. You will find goodness coming through whatever situation at hand because of your positive mindset, you will raise your vibration and attract more abundance and opportunities to yourself.

I analyzed this little incident that happened to me recently and the way my mind worked, I understood how amazing I am and how wonderful I handled it, I’m a work in progress that has so much more to work on but I have acknowledge this aspect of my life, for being the kind of person that I am working towards and behaving the way that I did. I didn’t even hold the buggy company responsible, yes they could have checked out their buggies and the tracks which I stressed out very clearly to them but I’m not blaming them. It was meant to happen so there’s no blame game.

There was no issue of any kind and I lived up to my expectation of myself and I’m really proud of myself for that. This has allowed me to realize that if I can deal with this in this manner, I can deal with any business issues or any disappointments in any of my businesses in a similar manner because I know that things could have been a lot worse but the divine energy always works for my good and the goodness of my heart.

This incident indicated to me how far I’ve grown as a person and how much I’ve developed in terms of my reliance on divine energy and how grateful I am for everything that comes my way. This is a kind of attitude I want you to adopt because I want you to be grateful for everything that happens in your life and note that there’s a higher being who’s keeping an eye out for you, that has your back and allows you to develop the kind of character you need in order to achieve your goals.


Go through life knowing that you are being supported by divine energy, at every given moment in time and this would give you hope and you would use your intuition to find out the best way for you to move forward in your business and continue working towards your wealth.

A positive attitude is so important, you need a positive attitude and outlook towards your life, and to take everything that comes to you in your stride, you need to see the obstacles as stepping stones to your destination to your wealth. We are all going to be on a journey and whenever you are close to achieving one goal, you’re going to set another goal and then another and that’s how life is. There is no final destination.

Bob Proctor once said “Goals are to help us grow, goals are to help us get. The getting is a side benefit; the growth is the real benefit”.

And that’s the growth that I want you to have, personal growth.

Pay the people who make you wealthy

Quite a number of people come to mind to talk about but today’s focus is on small business owners or those building a side hustle. If you are currently either on a corporate job or you left your corporate job and you are now working on your passion or your business that you’re doing on the side, which may now be a full-time profession, Whichever one it is, I’m assuming that you have a business that you’re running now.

Also I’m going under the impression that you want to become wealthy and for that to come to fruition, you need certain people to help you get there.



Today we’re talking about paying the people who make you wealthy but who are these people? There are three people that enable your business growth that you need to pay.

  • A Business Mentor
  • A Mindset Coach
  • Yourself

1. A Business Mentor

I learned about having mentors from Tony Robbins way back, when I was in my early 20s, I remember in his book he talked about modeling and how finding somebody who has gone through the part of success you want for yourself and replicating their actions makes your journey easier. We all know that the easiest way to bake a cake is to follow a recipe and the aim is that you would go out and find a mentor who has achieved what you want to achieve who can show you the steps on the way.

The coaching industry has really exploded to a billion dollar industry over the last 10 years. It certainly has different types of people who can coach you on different things, you would get all sorts of coach from parenting to business coach to even ads coach and so forth. There are two types of coaches that I believe you would need when it comes to having a successful business and the reason why I think these two should be two distinct people is because I’m yet to find someone who excels in both, myself inclusive.

So on one hand, you definitely need a coach or a mentor, somebody who can support you in your business. For example, if you’re setting up a business in the coaching industry stuff or you’re setting up a business where you are selling some kind of a course online, any kind of business that you’re doing, Whether it’s an off line business and you are doing the marketing for your B2C business. Irrespective of what kind of business, then I recommend you go out and get a mentor. Why? Because it takes years to accumulate experience you need to build a successful six or seven figure business.

Now, I’m talking about experience as a significant business owner, that it’s much easier to go out and find a mentor who can support your journey and help you build to that significant level which is why I recommend having a business coach who can help you along. And obviously I’m not going to recommend anyone in particular. There are different types of people out there, some people are more spiritual, some are quirky, some more direct, it depends on your philosophy and the kind of person you are.

I remember these two gentlemen that I actually worked with simultaneously in the same year. The first one was very Direct, very much alpha male, stuck in a 3D world, not very spiritual but he was an awesome mentor and the other mentor was very much spiritually aligned. They were both really amazing mentors in their own respect and I resonated with both of them, one more than the other. I learned from both of them a lot and with that knowledge, I was able to drive my business to 10x growth.

An important thing I want to bring to your attention is this, When you are working with a mentor, you’re not actually investing in the mentor, but yourself. Let me explain that clearly, people are far too occupied with investing in this and that when you want to work with them. In the middle of last year, I worked with a company who promised to get me a certain amount of leads through organic marketing, really slowly and now looking back in hindsight, it was an awful company. This was when I was investing in my business, I was investing in the company and not those people, that was wrong. When you work with a mentor, you are investing in yourself because you work with somebody who can teach you, who can help you to learn the skills and give you the skills required to build the business.

So, there’s a big distinction here, you’re not investing in the mentor, You’re investing in yourself. The first thing you’re going be doing is actually learning a particular skill set that you can use to build a successful business, that’s very important distinction to have.

So the first kind of coach that I would advise you to get would be a business coach.

2. A Mindset Coach

The second coach I would want you to get is a mindset person. Now, I truly believe that in order for you to have the kind of correct mindset, you need to have the right energies. I’m all about energy healing but I’m not going to force that upon you, What I would recommend you do is go out and work with someone who’s brilliant at fixing your mindset.

It’s like going to a doctor, Would you rather go to a general practitioner, who knows bit about surgery, a bit about heart condition and a bit about diabetes or a specialist who specializes in heart surgery or one who specializes in skin conditions and does that day in day out. Same thing applies when it comes to mindset, I want you to understand how important it is, Both of these mentors are important for you but some people would go for business coach and leave mindset out but I promise you mindset is really 80% of the game because if you don’t have the right mindset coach, you are going to be doing an uphill struggle


This is why I work with mostly multi six/seven figure business owners because these people have their skills they’ve learned, they’ve got business coach to help them set up, but just because business coaches have helped you set up the business doesn’t mean you’re going to be successful or be as successful as you want to be because you don’t have the right mindset, it just doesn’t have the right energy around it which is why I highly recommend that you engage both sides. Both are equally important, without one or the other, your business is always going to be struggling. You’re going be stuck in the boom of cycle. You’re going to be making money and losing money or even failing to scale up to the level you want to scale, you just keep on chasing your tail. One thing leads to another and you’re never getting anywhere.

If you only have mindset strategies or mindset tools but you don’t have a proper business strategy, then you’re chasing a tail again because you have to go out and actually work with somebody who can teach you the ropes of the business. I only take people who actually have established businesses, If you don’t have established business then I would usually refer you to my other programs and my monthly membership program is better. In order for you to qualify for my mastermind program, you have to have an established business, which you’ve been running for at least a year so we know that you have the skills required for you to scale up to get the kind of results you want as there’s no point coming to join mastermind until you have those skills or you’re willing to learn those skills and invested in a business mentor.

So these are the two people that you need to bring into your world and remember you’re investing not in them but in yourself in order to have an exceptional business.


So we have covered the two people that you definitely want to pay, Who’s the third person? There is a third person to pay and guess what? That third person is you, you are going to make yourself wealthy. Far too often I find (I’ve been guilty of this in the past) that the last person you pay is yourself.

The business has expenses and you’ve paid for everything and then there’s no money left for you. There’s no money left there to pay you and this is where the book of profit first came to my attention, it made me realize that there were aspects of my business which needed tweaking, and I did.

One of the most important thing was to remember to pay myself first, and the reason for this is that you need to understand and give the universe a clear signal that you know how to treat, respect and value money. Therefore you need to be able to pay yourself and if you’re not paying yourself first then there’s something wrong there. I covered this in “my three steps to cash for mastery”

You have to pay yourself first, regularly and continuously, it’s non-negotiable. It’s something that you have to pay even if something else has to be cut down, And when you start paying yourself regularly, you will always find ways to pay yourself and you will also have the money required for everything else.

So the three people that I recommend that you pay are your business mentor who will give you the skills required to establish and set up a successful business, Number two would be your mindset or energy coach, somebody who can help align you with the right energies and the right kind of vibration that you need to be in, in order for you to attract the right clients, the right people, the right team members for you to set up and run a successful business.

Finally, I want you to remember to pay yourself first because you matter and therefore you need to appreciate yourself in order for you to move ahead. This is without a doubt and I hope you enjoyed reading today’s episode and you realize now that the people you need to pay in order for you to become wealthy are non-negotiable.


Do you have a business or thinking about one, already have one that’s been established for present time and you’re looking to see how you can improve it. So if you are looking to do any of those things then do take this advice.

You have to have all three of these people, one you obviously have is yourself, but you need to make sure that you have the two other people in your team who will help you to become successful and become wealthy. On a 9 – 5 job alone, it’s unlikely possible so I highly recommend you set up a business.

Now, if you think that you need my help and I’m going to plug myself, if you’re looking to see how you can have my help, I would recommend you join our money mindset makeover workshops.

How to Get Rid of Debt and Increase your Wealth

Do you want to know how to get rid of debt and finally live the life you’ve always wanted?

Most people are worried about debt. And most are always looking for ways to get rid of their debt. 

What most people don’t know is that debt has to do with your money mindset. It’s also related to the energy you assign to it. 

So today, we will be talking about how to get rid of debt and how to increase your wealth and abundance.


how to get rid of debt


Good debt vs. Bad Debt 


What comes to mind when you hear the word debt? 

Most would have a negative notion when it comes to debt. But like money, debt can also be good or bad. 

The adage, “It takes money to make money” comes into play when we’re talking about debt, especially with business. 

If it helps you to increase your net worth, then it’s good debt. 

For example, getting a loan to pay for your college tuition can be considered as good debt. Investing in yourself and your education can help you get better chances at work later on. 

Your college degree can get you the edge you need to compete in the workplace. And getting higher degrees can also increase your chances of promotion later on. 

Getting a loan to start a business is also a good example of good debt. And so is getting debt for homeownership. 

On the other hand, bad debt involves borrowing money to purchase assets that depreciate your net worth. 

These purchases usually don’t generate income but rather become a liability. 

For some, it’s buying the latest mobile phones. For others, it’s the shopping spree. Some get new car models that cost tons of money. 

Probably the worst form of bad debt is credit cards. 

A credit card in itself is neutral. But the way you use it can go either way. 

Most of the time people who use a credit card think of it as an extension of their cash. What they don’t know is that the interest rate is much higher than the rates on consumer loans. 

This behavior causes more problems. Instead of getting out of debt, it makes it more difficult for people to pay off their loans. 


Debt and your money mindset 


debt and money mindset


In my years as a money mindset expert, I’ve encountered so many clients with debt problems. 

Almost all of them didn’t have problems creating money. Actually, they were good at it. 

The problem was, most of them couldn’t keep the money they make. 

Despite having a good job and a steady income, these clients still struggle with credit card debt. 

Some struggle to pay off their college debt or house loans. 

Some find themselves out of debt for some time. But a few months later, they see themselves in debt again. 

It’s an unfortunate cycle, and it’s something we see happening all the time. 

And the reason behind this isn’t about the debt itself. It’s all about your mindset around money. 

Your energy and emotions are connected with how you deal with debt and money. 

And the reason why you can’t get out of it is that you feel you still don’t deserve it.

There’s a lot of fear and shame about debt. This is also the reason why it’s so difficult to get out of debt. 

We are sensitive to how we deal with our finances. It can get difficult to talk about finances and be transparent about it because we fear judgment. 

Remember the three levels of the mind? We have the conscious mind, the subconscious mind, and the superconscious mind. 

[Read more about the three levels of the mind here:]

Your conscious mind may have helped you create wealth and abundance. But in your subconscious, there’s still a part of you that believes you’re not good enough. 

It’s possible that you still doubt yourself and your worth. 

That’s why it’s difficult for you to pay off existing debts. And that’s why debt becomes such a stressful thing to address. 


Why you can’t get rid of your debt 


Most of the people I spoke with about their debts often have to deal with the negative emotions they have around debt. 

Some feel shame and guilt for having so much debt. Others feel anxious and insecure about how much money they accumulated and how much debt they’ve gotten as well. 

They also fear being judged for not managing their finances and still have debt despite the increase in their income. 

Let’s take accountants for example. 

Most accountants are geniuses when it comes to fixing other people’s books and finances. 

But when it comes to their own, it’s a nightmare. 


how to get rid of debt


This is because of the emotions they unconsciously attach to their own money and finances. 

Accountants can fix other people’s books because these books their emotions aren’t involved. Because of this, they can make logical decisions and come up with the best strategies. 

But when they deal with theirs, they are usually overcome with guilt, fear, and shame. 

If you’re not able to get rid of your debt, this means there’s still an energetic imprint of your past self. Your subconscious still believes you’re not worth the financial stability you so deserve. 

Negative feelings and emotions around debt are much stronger triggers compared to having savings. 

It can reflect deeper, darker shame and insecurities about ourselves. It can also trigger feelings of unworthiness and bring you down to lower vibrations. 

You might think of debt consciously or unconsciously and you might not be aware of these negative emotions. 

But when you focus on the anxiety caused by your debts, it will be what you manifest. 

This is also the reason why people can’t go beyond debt. Even if you clear your debt in a few months, your credit card would probably get maxed out again in a matter of time. 


Energy Clearings, Forgiveness, and Debt 


I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. Your mindset and attitude around money is the product of all the experiences you’ve had in the past. 

Some of these beliefs may have been inherited from family and friends. Others may have been conditioned to you by society or other influences. 

But then, there’s also the universal law of money. Your wealth and abundance start with you. 

The same goes for debt. You have the power to take control of your finances and get rid of debt. 

A huge part of ending the debt cycle is to forgive yourself and clear your energy. 

Let’s talk about forgiveness first. 


debt and forgiveness


Your relationship with money relates to your emotions. And most of the time, we have negative emotions attached to money and finances.

So I’d like to remind you that money is neutral. It shouldn’t bring you pain or shame. 

You assign this emotional attachment, and you also have the power to remove it. 

You need to realize that you are not your past mistakes. You need to learn how to move forward and reshape your thoughts and emotions around money. 

One way to do that is through gratitude.

Focusing on gratitude increases your vibrations. It also helps you focus on the good things and reframes your perception. 

Forgiveness can open doors and clear up the negative energy that you have. It helps you let go and prepares you for better opportunities. 

When it does, you’ll find new and creative ways on how to get rid of your debt. 


How to get out of debt quickly


I’m not saying that a credit card is evil. Having a good credit line is what we’re aiming for.

The point of all this is for you to learn how to spend your money wisely and get rid of the blocks that prevent you from growing your net worth. 

I also want you to become debt-free in the shortest amount of time. 

The goal is to pay off the debt as fast as possible. And find the best ways you can start. 

Here are some ways on how you can get rid of debt and how to find ways to get out of debt that works for you. 


Use your credit card wisely 


debt and credit cards


Look for a credit card with the best interest rate. 

If you can, find ones that have a zero interest rate option and minimum payments that fit your budget.  

You can also look at refinancing higher interest cards so you could get a lower interest rate. 

It also makes sense for you to pay off your credit card with the highest interest rate first. These cards cost you more money in the end, so make sure to deal with it first. 


Set a budget and stick to it 


Create a budget and cut costs in all aspects of your life. 

Do a budget audit and see which parts of your current expenses you can do without. Start with the stuff you do for entertainment. 

Are you still paying for cable? How many subscriptions do you have that you don’t use? 

Check your grocery list and see which ones you can do without. Look for brands you can replace with much cheaper options. 

Assess the way you spend and see which ones you can do without. Try and keep things simple and live frugally. 


Sell some of your stuff 


debt and decluttering


Another way to get out of debt is to sell your stuff to get extra cash. 

Selling can give you a win-win situation. It helps you clear our space and gives you a way to keep living frugally. 

It can also help you let go of the negative energy that comes with the stuff you buy. 

Some people use shopping as therapy. Others buy things to impress others and improve their social status. 

Whatever your reason is, letting go of what you buy to make room for yourself can bring you peace of mind. 

It can also help you manage your debts better. 


How do I get out of debt with no money


But Gull, how do I get rid of my debt when I don’t have enough money to pay for it? 

You know what? I’ve been there before. I know how it feels to have no money coming in despite my achievements and talents. 

And I’m not sharing these things with you to judge you or your lifestyle. 

It’s not easy to take care of maxed-out credit card bills. And it takes time to completely get out of debt. 

I’m telling you these things because it can be done. You can pay off all your bills on time. 


debt free and happy


You can lessen your debts even without having the money. 

You can manage to pay off your college loan, that mortgage, and those past due credit card statements on your desk. 

And I can help you with that. 

All you have to do is follow three simple steps. 

  1. Identify what you feel about money. Doing so will help you know what to change and how to change it. 
  2. Create five accounts to help you let go of the guilt and shame you have around money. You can start with 1% for each account so you’ll have money to spend on debt, investment, larger purchases, or just to have fun.
  3. Increase the percentage as you go. Start with 1% then go as high as 5% as more opportunities come.

Learn all about how to increase your cash flow and get rid of debt here:




Learning how to get rid of debt takes more than having the money to pay off your debt. 

To get out of debt, you must first understand how you respond to it emotionally. 

When you understand it, you’ll be able to come up with the best and most logical solutions to get rid of debt. 

Listen to the full podcast below. 



Ready to change your money story? 

Join my Millionaire Mindset Makeover today. Register here: 

On Saving Money: The Truth About your Savings Account

Saving money is one of the most difficult things to do for most people.

The truth is, there’s a different mindset needed to start savings.

Today, we will be discussing the truth behind saving money and how we can successfully make it a habit. 


saving money


How can I really save money?


Saving money helps people feel safer and more secure. It gives people a sense of calm, especially during times of crisis or emergency.

Have you noticed that when there is a significant amount of money in your savings account, you have more freedom to do as you please?

You can call your own shots and make life choices that do not depend on your paycheck.

For example, a healthy savings account can allow you to take a vacation or buy the things you want without thinking about the price tag.

It could also allow you to fulfill your dreams, like building a business or donating to your favorite charity.


saving money for a good purpose


Saving money has a lot of perks. So why do most people still find it hard to save?

According to a survey done by GoBankingRates, about 50% of women and 30% of men claimed that they have $0 in their savings account. 

Because of this, the lack of money became the number one source of stress for Americans. In one survey conducted by the American Psychological Association, 72% of respondents said that money is a source of stress in their household. 

Money issues are also the reason why 37% of marriages in the US fail.

If you think that having a higher income guarantee having a sizable savings account, this research proves that isn’t the case. 

Here are some reasons why it gets difficult to save money. 


When income goes up, the lifestyle goes up


Most people wait for a salary bump so that they can finally buy their dream house, dream car, or go on their dream vacation.

Being able to buy the things they previously can’t afford gives them a boost in self-esteem and confidence. They go on spending that money because they believe it will make them happier.


Expenses go higher but salaries are not keeping up


saving money and shopping


An average household in the US spends $5,000 in healthcare annually. When considering the cost of childcare, housing, and other expenses, savings fall at the bottom of the list.

With a fixed monthly income, this person becomes incapable of putting money aside.

For low-income households, savings can become a luxury they cannot afford.


Saving becomes an afterthought


Because of the increasing expenses, most people save less than 5% of their disposable income.

Most of the time, this happens only if there is money left over from paying all their responsibilities.

Some just focus on what they have now, thinking that there’s only one life to live.

While it’s good to savor the moments, some people take this too literally. They think money should be spent without thinking of the consequence.

This behavior also encourages ‘one-day millionaire’ thinking. So in the end, all their hard-earned cash goes to people, things, and experiences that don’t add up to their value.


Cultural differences



saving money at a young age


A person’s cultural upbringing also has a huge impact on their behavior towards money. 

Most Asian cultures have a strong inclination to fulfilling filial duties. This may include helping raise family members, usually brothers and sisters even as they grow older.

Or covering for hospital expenses of an aunt or uncle.

Differences in religious beliefs also impact how you spend.

All of these factors contribute to our relationship with money and can be carried on to the next generations.

So when a parent doesn’t have the right money mindset, their children tend to show the same behavior when they become adults. Children of spenders become spenders themselves. Children of borrowers become borrowers too.

“I must be a fool for not being able to save. I mean, I’ve been working for the past x amount of years, and yet I have nothing to show for it.”

If this is you, I want you to stop being so hard in yourself.

Do not beat yourself up because your life can change.

Remember the universal law of creating money? You always have control over how much you want to make.

Read more about it here:

In the next section, I will show you how to focus on yourself so that you can build back your self-esteem and be on your way to achieving your money goals.


How to Save Money


There are a lot of ways to kickstart your saving journey. If you’re unsure where to start, here are a few ideas that can help.


Track your expenses


Some people are too afraid to look at their bank accounts. 

Because of this fear, they become unaware of how much they’re spending and so they’re left wondering where all the money went.

Tracking where your money goes becomes much easier if you write it down. You can easily do this by using a spreadsheet or a notebook.

Write down all the things you’ve spent money on, whether that’s groceries or even a simple cup of coffee. 

Doing this will help you find opportunities to improve your finances.

In this article, Dave Ramsey talks about how you can start saving money. Tips that are simple and can be achieved by changing your routine and looking for ways to cut back on your spending.


Make a budget and stick to it


saving money on budget


After you have listed your expenses, you now have a clear idea of where your money goes each month.

It’s now time to make a budget.

Take note of your usual purchases and see which parts you can cut down from. 

Check alternatives when it comes to buying. Focus on the value and not the brand.

Creating a budget helps you be more mindful of how you spend. It also helps you become less impulsive when making purchases.


Make savings a priority


Instead of putting savings on the backseat, put it on the top of your priority list.

Before you spend your money on expenses, make it a point to keep a portion of it in your savings account.

This can be done by automating your savings account.

Most financial gurus would tell you that to be able to grow your savings account, you must first create an emergency fund.

As a money mindset expert, I strongly advise against that.

Emergencies should not be the reason to start saving money.

Instead of that, here’s what I suggest you do.


Work on clearing your money blocks


Here’s the truth: How you feel about money is manifested in your finances.

Just like what we have talked about regarding cultural differences, being immersed in an environment that has a negative perception of money will greatly impact your ability to earn and keep the money.

The law of attraction states you attract what you think. The thoughts you focus on turn into your reality.


saving money and good vibes


When you are saving money for an emergency, the emergency would have to appear and take that money away from you.

The good news is you can rewire your brain to focus on the positive through gratitude.

If your thoughts focus on your desires, you will have the drive to achieve those goals.

For you to change your money story, you must be willing to change the way you think and feel about money.

Read more about how to create money avatars here:


Tips on How to Save Money


I have talked about how you can master your cash flow and create better financial flow here:

And one of the best and fastest way for you to create savings is by setting up five accounts for your money.

The goal is to create five accounts where you can put in at least 1% of your actual earnings.

So why am I recommending this? One, it’s pretty manageable even if you don’t have much. Second, I’ve used it myself up to date so I know that it works.

This process will teach you the discipline you need to start the habit of savings. It’s also a powerful process that can help you clear your debts.

So here it goes…


saving money in 5 accounts


Account #1: [Your Name] Account

This account is dedicated to yourself. It helps you feel at ease knowing that you’re putting money in for you alone. In the future, you can use this account to build investments that would help you during your retirement years.

Account #2: Account for Fun

Use this account to take care of yourself. Spend it on things that will help you achieve a more positive outlook in life. While it’s tempting to spend less on yourself when money is tight, you must resist the urge. Avoid using this account to pay for bills and other expenses.

Account #3: Account for Large Purchases

This account is for large purchases, those items that would normally take up to six months to save up for. Use this account when you’re planning to purchase a car, a phone, or a house.

Account #4: Account for Charity

This account is for helping those who are in need. Having money in this account enables you to help other people without dipping into your other accounts.

Account #5: Account for Debt Payments/ Investments

 If you have debt, use this account to pay your debts first. It is not advisable to invest money when there is still debt. Once you’ve cleared your debts, use this money to build your investment portfolio.

If you’re currently living paycheck to paycheck and you think that this task would be impossible for you to achieve, try these saving money tips.

If you only have $100 to spend, commit the $5 for these accounts. All you need to do is put $1 for each account monthly.

As you progress, you can increase the amount you put into these accounts.

When you’ve built the habit and gained momentum, you can increase it to 3-10% of your income. If you’re earning $2,000, commit 3% of your monthly income. 

In this case, it would be $60. If you divide $60 into 5, you only need to put $12 on each account.

Once you feel more comfortable, start increasing the amount you put in and you’ll see your savings grow in no time.




 Building up your savings takes time and effort.

But with the right mindset, tools, and support system, you can easily adapt to the habit of saving money. 

Listen to the full podcast here.

Ready to change your money story?

Register to my Five Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenge here:

Focus on Yourself and Attract Wealth and Abundance

Did you know that when you start to focus on yourself, good things happen?

Focusing on yourself gives you the chance to be grateful. And when you do, true abundance, wealth, and happiness happen.

Today, we’ll talk about how you can focus on yourself and tap into more opportunities for yourself and others.

Let’s get started.


focus on yourself for abundance


What does focusing on yourself mean?


Most people usually think that focusing on yourself equates to narcissism. Some of us think it is selfish to just focus on you.

But that is not the case. It is actually about having a good sense of self-worth, self-esteem, and self-love.

Let’s define the differences between the three, so we have a better understanding of how we can achieve them.


focus on yourself and your self-worth


Self-esteem is how you think others see you, while self-worth is how you see yourself.

Self-love is accepting who you are. Self-love is also making sure that your actions affect you positively. 

Let’s compare that to narcissism. Narcissism is thinking that we are above everyone else. 

Narcissistic Personality Disorder usually involves behaviors that often lack empathy and consideration for other people. They also often have an extreme and constant need for admiration. 

Narcissists also often use harmful behaviors to manipulate others into doing what they want.

This is exactly the opposite of what we mean.

Focusing on yourself means prioritizing your needs for your well-being.


focus on yourself and shine on


Mothers often think of their families before themselves. And because of that, we often forget to focus on ourselves.

That’s why you often hear mothers talk of being too tired to do anything else.

We often forget that our self-worth defines the standards you set for ourselves. You create the space that’s supportive of your growth.

Loving yourself won’t let you get affected by negative things. Self-love reminds you of what you deserve and don’t.

So, if you know all of that, you can chase only the best opportunities that will create abundance for you.

You won’t let yourself fall into situations that will only make you lose wealth than gain wealth. 

Now, how do you make sure that you have a good sense of self-esteem, worth, and love? Focus on yourself. 


How can I just focus on myself?


But Gull, I do focus on myself. 

I get regular massages, I exercise, I try to eat healthily. And I do journaling to understand my thoughts.

But why hasn’t this created an abundance of wealth yet? 

The problem is, we often focus on other people’s success and measure it with ours.

We tend to create standards from how we see other people and from what we see in the media.

That’s the real struggle. How do we create our own standards that fit us?

Here are a few things that will help you boost your self and focus on yourself.


Receive with gratitude


focus on yourself: gratitude in receiving

Believe that whatever good you are receiving is what you deserve.

And then, be thankful rather than doubting your blessings. 

A lot of people always seem to think that if they don’t do enough to earn their greatness, but if you receive with gratitude then more of these things will come to you. 


Do things you love


Start investing time in your hobbies or learning something new.

Think of that one thing you didn’t do because you always say you don’t have time because you are too busy working on your job or business. Do that now.

When you make time for the things you love doing, you give yourself time to grow. You give yourself time to focus on what you truly want.




Write down your thoughts and feelings. List down affirmations and your best assets.

Take note of the things you’re thankful for each day.


focus on yourself and your thoughts


Journaling gives you a safe space to write down anything you are too embarrassed to say out loud.

Tracking your behaviors and feelings will help you become aware of what you should be focusing on.

Focusing on gratitude gives you less time to think about the negative situations in your life.

You’ll notice how your focus will shift dramatically. Certain people and situations become less triggering.

And all of a sudden, these things start affecting how you act and feel, and it takes away the fact that you should’ve been focused on yourself instead.


Why is focusing on yourself important?


There are many benefits when you start focusing on improving yourself.

For starters, working on ourselves will help boost our self-esteem and that will lead us to believe that we deserve the abundance we receive.

We took a few reasons from Positivity Blog to tell us why it is so important to focus on yourself.


Self-love is empowering


We tend to adjust who we are based on our social media feeds.

We do this because we feel that this is what will make other people like us.

But that is not the case. You have to like who you are for people to like you. 

Liking yourself is power. Knowing yourself is strength.

This way no one can break who you are down. And those who try to aren’t the ones you should be surrounding yourselves with in the first place.


Limits negative emotions


focus on yourself: gratitude in receiving


Having great self-esteem will eliminate the need for other people’s validation.

When you always need to hear affirmations from others, the negative things will impact you greatly too.

Focusing on who you are and what you like about yourself will save you time that you spend feeling bad about yourself. 

This way life doesn’t have to be hard too. You can start living life just focusing on you because you don’t have to impress anyone else.


Your thoughts manifest into reality


If you think good about yourself, it is easy to feel good and think good about others too.

But if you look at yourself negatively, it will also manifest in the way you look at other people. 

You always have to look within and work on that before you can make others feel good too.

If you achieve these positive things into your life, it will be easy to manifest abundance because you will think that you deserve it.

It will be easy to receive abundance as well because you know your worth, and that is what the universe will give you. 

That is why focusing on yourself is so essential because by doing this you will block what is not serving you.


How do I focus on myself and be happy and abundant?


I haven’t watched the news in years.

It’s just too much information for me to absorb. The news will find a way to me if it’s really important

While some people find the need to keep updated with the news, I just feel like it’s not for me.

Sometimes you just have to let other people be. You can always agree to disagree and be fine with it. 

The people who knew me in the past nows how much I love discussions. I love picking brains and talking things out.

But as I grew older, I realized there’s no use in convincing others about changing their thoughts. Not everyone is going to be ready to accept what’s truly best for them.

And I’m at peace with that.


focus on yourself and find peace


I don’t let other people’s opinions get to me.

The trick to this is being self-aware as well. Know what you believe in, and don’t let the negative comments get to you.

So be aware of the people you hang around with because they can affect how you think.

This doesn’t mean that you should start cutting out all the people in your life.  This just means that you have to be conscious of what information you retain from them.

According to Greater Good Magazine,  people feel more satisfied when they help others. And they feel more exhausted when they treat themselves.

I think that we live in a world where we think it is selfish to give ourselves what we want, but that is not the case. We should always find a balance of helping others but also helping ourselves.

This is our path to our happiness. And when we are happy, abundance will follow.

Read more about self-love and abundance here:




Abundance starts when you focus on yourself.

When you do, you realize your own worth and focus on what’s truly important to you.

Then you notice the right things and opportunities that align with your mindset. And that’s where true wealth is.

Check out more about focusing on yourself in my podcast below.


Ready to change your money story?

Register to my Five-Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenge here:

The Conscious Mind: How it Affects your Money Mindset

The conscious mind has a huge impact on our money mindset and abundance. 

It acts as a gatekeeper and interpreter of what’s going on in our world. 

Today we will be talking about the three levels of the mind and how it affects our views about money, wealth, and abundance. 


conscious mind


The Three Levels of the Mind


Before we begin, I’d like to talk about the three levels of the mind. 

These levels dictate how we react and respond to the stimuli around us. 

In Psychology, these include the conscious mind, subconscious mind, and the unconscious mind.

Siegmund Freud talks about this concept in his “Iceberg Theory”. 


conscious mind iceberg


According to him, the conscious mind consists of all your mental processes. It is our awareness and is considered the tip of the iceberg. 

This is the part of ourselves that is exposed to external stimuli. 

The subconscious mind is the part of our mind that influences our actions and emotions. 

It banks everything that happens to us and stores our core values and belief systems. 

On the other hand, the unconscious mind talks about the concepts that are not accessible to the conscious mind. It can influence our judgments, feelings, and even our behaviors. 

This is where all our feelings, motives, and decisions are stored. 

All these three make up our consciousness or psyche, which Freud successfully coined the id, ego, and superego. 


What is the superconscious mind?


In my opinion, the three levels of the mind are as follows: the subconscious, the conscious mind, and the superconscious mind. 

The subconscious mind is your consciousness responding to automatic behaviors. 

It is power without direction because it doesn’t have a choice. It doesn’t argue and cannot reason. 

And it only does what you instructed it to do. 

The conscious mind sees life as it is. It helps us define the world according to our senses. 

It also acts as our conscious compass and teaches us about what’s right and wrong. 

This is the part of the mind that lets us see what is good. It also acts as a gatekeeper that categorizes how we experience the world. 

The conscious mind is responsible for human behavior and what you think is true. 

Our superconscious mind, on the other hand, is our connection to the Divine Source Energy. 

Plato’s theory is that we have an indestructible soul that cannot be separated from all things. 

Our thoughts and actions and the information we acquire become part of our being. And these connect us with other beings as well. 


The superconscious mind and intuition 


superconscious mind


As a child, I’ve always wondered what people meant when they said God is with us. 

It was only when I learned about the superconscious mind that I got to understand what that meant. 

As mentioned, the superconscious mind is God’s connection with us. It is through this consciousness that we get access to Him. 

And because it is part of us, then God is with us wherever, whenever. 

This is how we get inspiration and desires. The Divine Source Energy gives us the nudge, the direction we need to go through intuition. 


How our superconscious mind relates to abundance 


Every single person has the divine design planted in them through these consciousnesses. 

And each person has the potential to achieve their life’s design. 

The problem is, almost everyone tends to block this through self-sabotage. 

Negative thoughts like ‘It’s impossible to achieve,” or “I don’t have the skills, connection, or talent to make it happen,” make it more difficult. 

Truth is, our superconscious mind is God’s way of showing us our true potential through our intuition. 

And it’s rather unfortunate that some disregard their intuition as a daydream. 

Our desires come as God’s message of where we’re supposed to go. This desire added with the right attitude lets us fulfill our divine design. 

Intuition houses your superconscious mind. This gives you the tools and the means to fulfill your desire. And guidance is given through it. 

If you are not listening to intuition, it means you don’t train your conscious mind to listen to the Divine Source guidance 

And if you want to increase your wealth, then it’s time to listen to your gut feel and intuition. 


Intuition, Money Mindset, and Abundance 


So how can you use your intuition to increase your abundance and change your money mindset?

The secret is FOCUS. 

focus mindset


When you start focusing on the right things, abundance will follow. 

Our minds tend to focus on what matters to us, and this might depend on our subconscious mind. 

Unfortunately, our subconscious mind is greatly affected by our formative years. 

From 0 to seven years old, we have learned to navigate the world with our senses. We also learn the basic concepts and foundations of our beliefs. 

So whatever you download during this age can affect your relationship with money. 

But if you learn to focus your thoughts on rewiring these beliefs, it will be easier to create new connections and perspectives. 

Focusing your energy also helps you set your desired results. It also retrains your subconscious mind to see a clearer vision of your divine design. 

When you start listening to your intuition, it lets you tap into the Divine Source Energy. And when you do, your faith increases and you also become more open to opportunities 




The conscious mind and other levels can define how you treat money and abundance. 

To change your current mindset about money and abundance, listen to your intuition. It helps you connect to the superconscious mind and tap into the Divine Source Energy. 

Listen to this episode here 


Change your money story with our Five Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenge.

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How Self-Love Leads You to Wealth and Abundance

Do you struggle with self-love?

Are you embarrassed about something that happened in your life?

If you’re struggling with accepting and embracing your ugly, then this one is for you. 

Today I’ll be talking about the importance of self-love and how to embrace your ugly. 




Embracing thy Ugly 


Everyone has a past. And every person deals with something that they want to hide from the spotlight. 

Some suffer from the trauma they experienced as a child. 

Others deal with the shame of current failures and betrayals. 

It’s always difficult because we all have to deal with the judgment that comes with the pain. 

I know, because like you, I have my way of embracing my ugly. 

It took me a while to talk about my demons and get over the shame I felt. 

See I come from Asian roots and a conservative family at that. As a woman, I was expected to behave in a certain way. 

I tried my best to find a balance between living my life to the fullest and being a dutiful daughter to my family. 

Unfortunately, things didn’t work out as planned. 

I ended up getting married and divorced twice. I had a child for each marriage. 

I suffered verbal and physical abuse and even caught my husband cheating red-handed. 

There were a few in the family who told me that I was supposed to stay through the marriage for the kids. 

self-worth depression


Some talked behind my back and ostracised me for wanting to divorce both husbands. 

And for a time, it caused me to lose my self-worth. 

It was only when I decided to confront this fear of judgment for family, friends, peers that things changed. 

I knew there will be raised eyebrows when I started to share my story. But I didn’t mind. 

It made me real and relatable. And it made those who went through the same thing feel empowered. 

My story of defeat, the deepest, darkest parts of my being turned to be my superpower. 

Instead of shame, I felt liberated, loved, and supported. 

I no longer need to fear judgment because I have accepted what I thought were my ugly parts. 


Self-Love Psychology


So what do I mean when I talk about embracing your ugly and the importance of self-love?

It goes beyond the state of feeling good. Self-love is beyond skin-deep. 

Psychology Today’s self-love definition is a state of appreciation for oneself. It grows from our actions that support our physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. 

It’s the dynamic that causes maturity in us. It means accepting your strengths and embracing our weaknesses. 


self-esteem and self-love


Self-love also means having more compassion for ourselves as human beings. It also defines our need to thrive and live fulfilling lives. 

Loving yourself doesn’t mean you think you’re above everyone else. It also doesn’t mean you think you’re better. 

For me, is learning to accept your mistakes and shortcomings as a part of what makes you unique. 


What is the Importance of Self-love?


You might think practicing self-love comes innately in everyone. Unfortunately, it doesn’t. 

Many of us are struggling with trauma in different shapes and forms. 

As an energy healer, I help my clients with rewriting their money stories for abundance. 

A huge part of that is healing old pains and afflictions caused by other people. 

These negative energies act as blockages that stop the flow of abundance. 

Many of my clients talk about physical and emotional abuse. Some even talk about their experiences with sexual abuse from the people they love and trust. 

From an outsider’s perspective, it can be difficult to understand the burden of guilt and shame. 


self-worth guilt and shame


But for the victims, it means a lifetime of dealing with mental health issues, low self-worth, and self-esteem. It also leads to doubting their abilities and decisions. 

That’s why no matter how good they are at what they do, they can’t seem to find the abundance and happiness they desire. 

That’s how important self-love is when it comes to abundance. 

It helps us face the shadows that we think hold us down. Facing and embracing this darkness allows forgiveness. 

The act of forgiveness brings peace. It also lets go of the shame and fear of judgment. 

And when you do, your confidence grows and true abundance begins. 


Self-Love affirmations to boost your confidence 


Affirmations are a great way to rewire your brain into thinking more positive thoughts. 

Our thoughts can quickly become our realities. And negative scripts can easily become self-fulfilling prophecies. 

Self-love affirmations is a great way to combat the negative self-talk we’ve been so used to.

Positive statements can help speed up the process of rewiring your brain. It trains your brain to make you more susceptible to change. 

Research showed that people who spend even a few minutes saying affirmative statements perform better.

Affirmation statements also help relieve stress. Studies also mention how it helps lower the risk of mental issues like depression and low-self esteem. 

Here are some powerful self-love affirmations you can use to boost your confidence.

  • I am enough. 
  • I have the power to change my world.
  • I let go of negative self-talk.
  • My life is a place of happiness and love.
  • I am not my mistakes.
  • I radiate love, peace, and happiness.
  • I choose not to take things personally.
  • I release any need for misery and suffering.
  • I radiate confidence, self-respect, and inner harmony.
  • I choose to be grateful for all that I have.


self love you are enough


  • I am powerful beyond my wildest dreams
  • I am not afraid to feel my feelings.
  • My voice is valuable and my opinion matters.
  • My mind is filled only with loving, healthy, positive, and prosperous thoughts.
  • I consciously release the past and live only in the present.
  • My relationship with my body is one of perfect harmony.
  • Even though I don’t feel worthy right now, I know deep down that I am worthy of love, forgiveness, and healing.
  • I see my struggles as opportunities to grow and learn.
  • I embrace my flaws knowing that nobody is perfect.


You can check our more self-love quotes that resonate with you here


Five Self-Love Exercises You Can Do Today


Here’s something you need to know about self-love. It’s never selfish. 

Your health and well-being are as important as anybody else’s. 

Know that you shouldn’t feel guilty about setting boundaries or saying no to things you’re not comfortable doing. 

There’s also no shame in admitting to mistakes and wanting to take a break. 

Here are five easy self-love exercises you can do today. 


Set time blocks to do things that you love. 


Indulge yourself and take time to do what makes you happy. 

Learn how to cook. Do arts and crafts. 

Read a good book. Sleep. 

Don’t mind what everyone thinks and do what makes you happy. 


Discover your triggers 


You can’t control how others act around you. But you have the power to choose how to respond. 

That’s why self-awareness is power. 

It’s easier for you to predict your behavior and take control of your emotional response when you know what triggers you. 


Practice journaling and forgiveness exercises. 


Journaling has tons of benefits. 

it gives you a space for writing ideas without fear of judgment. It also helps you keep track of your responses and behaviors. 

Check out this quick video about the power of journaling here. 



Mind what you eat. 


What you eat has a huge impact on how your body responds. 

That’s why you need to be careful with what you feed it. 

Here’s a great article about food and self-love from


Invest in your personal and professional growth. 


Spending time and money for your growth is one of the best ways to practice self-love. 

Attend workshops, join classes, and get to meet new people with similar interests as yours. 

Increase your worth by investing in masterminds and personal coaching. 

Learn new skills and participate in discussions. 

Know that your opinions matter and your voice is as important as others. 

Go beyond your comfort zone and see how you grow. 




Embracing your ugly can do wonders for your self-worth and self-esteem. 

And practicing self-love is always good for our mental health especially during challenging times. 

Get more tips about self-love and embracing your ugly from my podcast here. 

Ready to change your money story?

Change your money story with our Five Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenge. 

Join the waitlist here:


Cash Flow Mastery for Better Opportunities and Abundance

Cash flow and abundance go hand in hand. 

You cannot be truly abundant without having a good understanding of where your money goes. 

So today, we will be talking about free cash flow and how to manage it effectively. 


cash flow


Cash flow and your money story 


Before we go deeper into discussing cash flow, you must first understand how your money story affects it. 

Most people would think that free cash flow has a lot to do with the money that comes and goes. 

This may be true. However, the money you have on hand has little impact on how much of it you can keep. 

If you’ve been reading my blogs or listening to my podcast, you would know that money is neutral. 

And our ability to make money is focused on what our relationship with it is. 

cash flow


This is the reason why most people fail by creating positive cash flow. They fail to recognize how money makes them feel. 

If you feel scared about losing your money, you’ll eventually lose it. 

Feeling guilty about having ambition and wanting to be rich? The money will fall right out of your hands. 

Unless you change the way you think and feel about money, it will always stay the same for you. 


Common Cash Flow and Money Mindset Problems 


Whether it’s an entrepreneur, an employee, or a business owner, most seem to have problems managing finances. 

And most of the time, how they handle business is related to how they view money. 

These are the three most common personal finance issues people face. 


I don’t have much money to save 


Most people believe they don’t have much money to save. 

Some say their income is too low. Others say they just get a break-even from their business. 

But the truth is, most fail to save because they don’t have a good understanding of money and personal finances. 

They also choose to prioritize other things instead of creating a savings account. 

That’s why they find it difficult to create savings and free cash flow. 


cash flow and debt


I have too much debt


Most people use credit cards thinking it’s an extension of their wallet. It also gives you the impression that you can buy anything you want when you want it. 

The problem is, credit cards can be a huge money drain if not used correctly. And most people who use it usually get drowned into debt. 

The interest alone can be enough for you to save a good amount later on. 

People with debt usually live beyond their means. They also often act on a whim and make impulse purchases. 

This behavior almost always leads to more spending and no savings. 

But like money, debt isn’t always negative. 

Investopedia talks about good debt and bad debt. 

Good debts are the loans you take that have the potential to increase your net worth. 

On the other hand, bad debts involve borrowing money that depreciates you. 

The value of your debt can depend on individual factors. What matters is how you fulfill your duties of paying them back. 


I don’t know how to invest 


Investing is a huge part of abundance and cash flow. Unfortunately, not everyone has the knowledge or courage to make good investments. 

Some people are too scared to let go of their hard-earned cash. Others say the time and the risk it involves is just not worth it. 


cash flow and investment


There are those who think investments are too expensive. And some just don’t know where to start. 

Here’s another truth about money. It doesn’t like staying in one place. 

When you invest your money for a cause or another person’s business, it has room to grow. 

You help create opportunities for others and yourself. 

The key is to learn more about the investments you make. You can even get guidance from financial advisors on which investment options are best for you. 

Learn more about money personalities here. 


Cash Flow Analysis and how it works 


Business owners and entrepreneurs would understand how important cash flows statement and cash flow analysis is. 

For starters, it shows you how money flows in and out of your business. The cash flows statement measures how well your company manages cash position.

It also shows how well you generate cash to pay for obligations and operating expenses. 

Like any business, you should also understand how money and abundance flow into your life. 

You need to become aware of the blocks that stop this flow to remove it. Without awareness, it will be difficult to accept and change for the better. 

Here’s how you can remove your current money blocks


Like you, I’ve also experienced how it is to lack money and cash flow. 

It’s a bit ironic to think that a money mindset expert had trouble with creating money. 

Back then, I was frustrated because no money was coming in. 

It’s not that I couldn’t do it. After all, I became a millionaire before hitting 30. 

But with all the negative things happening to me at the time, I felt like the money just wouldn’t come. 

So I stopped and thought about what I was doing wrong and how I was going to fix it. 

I did my own version of cash flow analysis and made it work for me. 


Three Steps to Cash Flow Mastery 


cash flow mastery


I was at the lowest point of my life. 

My husband was cheating on me with a nineteen-year-old woman. I had two kids to feed with no money in the bank. 

I was a property millionaire and it disqualified me from getting assistance and benefits from the government. 

The only money coming to my account was for my children. 

I was frustrated and in despair. And I felt like nothing I did to make money was working out. 

So I stopped and thought to myself, what can I do to make it better. That’s how I came to design this three-step cash flow mastery process. 

Here’s what you need to do.


What do you feel about money?


First, you need to figure out how money makes you feel. 

Do you feel guilty about having it? Are you angry if it leaves? 

Is there any embarrassment or frustration whenever you talk about it?

These emotions you have around money tells you about the kind of relationship with it. 

Once you become aware of this, it will be easier to reframe your perception of money. It will also be easier for you to take control of your response. 


Start five bank accounts and assign labels to them 


Now you might wonder, why five accounts instead of one? It helps you know where your money goes. 

Here are the labels you should be using for each one: 

  • An account with your name – this will be the money you use for fun personal purchases. This removes the guilt you may feel for giving in to the things you buy to keep you happy 
  • An account for large purchases – this is the money you’ll use to make large buys like a house, a business, or anything that will take you six months to save up for
  • An account for charity – this account is your giving account. You can use the money here to give back to the community or a cause of your choice. 
  • An account for debt/investment – this helps you pay for any outstanding debt. Once the debt has been cleared, you can now save up for investments and 


Don’t have an account yet? No worries. You can use envelopes with this method as well. 

What’s important is the habit you’re creating and tracking where your money is supposed to go.


Pay each account at least 1% of your pay


Remember what I said about saving being a priority? This is where it comes in. 

The golden rule is to save at least 1% of your cash on hand for each. 

So for example, you have $100 on hand. All you have to do is put $1 on each envelope. Then you’ll be left with $95 to spend on your essentials. 

If you think about it, $5 isn’t much. But it makes a whole lot of difference, especially with the mindset you have around money. 

This will also develop a conscious mindset about saving, decluttering and attracting abundance in your life. 

As you get more opportunities, you can eventually increase what you set aside to 3%, then 5% until you get to 10% or higher. 

Next thing you know, you’ll clear your debt, you get a better relationship with money, and you’ve got money to share and spend on yourself. 




Mastering cash flow isn’t as hard as you think. 

To get started, all you need to do is identify how money makes you feel. Then develop a good cash flow analysis and system to maximize your money. 

To learn more about how to master cash flow, listen to my podcast here

Ready to change your money story? 

Change your money story with our Five Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenge. 

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