Gull Khan

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Tag: Letting go

Cultivating an Attitude of Gratitude for a Prosperous Money Mindset

Welcome to a transformative exploration of how cultivating an attitude of gratitude can profoundly shape your money mindset. In a world often consumed by the pursuit of financial success, it’s easy to overlook the simple yet potent practice of gratitude. However, the act of acknowledging and appreciating what we have can be a powerful catalyst for shifting our financial perspective and inviting abundance into our lives.

Join me on this journey as we delve into the five impactful ways to develop an attitude of gratitude that harmonizes with your money mindset. Prepare to uncover the hidden treasures that lie within the practice of gratitude, and witness how it can become a cornerstone of your financial success.

Gratitude as a Gateway to Abundance

Before we dive into the strategies for cultivating gratitude within your money mindset, let’s take a moment to understand the transformative power of this practice. Gratitude is not merely a sentiment; it’s a way of being that shapes our thoughts, emotions, and actions. When we consciously acknowledge and appreciate the blessings in our lives, we create an energetic shift that attracts more positivity and abundance.

In the context of our financial journey, gratitude acts as a gateway to abundance. By focusing on what we have rather than fixating on what we lack, we shift our attention from scarcity to sufficiency. This shift in perspective has a profound impact on our relationship with money, influencing our decisions, actions, and ultimately, our financial outcomes.

Now, let’s explore five actionable ways to cultivate an attitude of gratitude that can revolutionize your money mindset:

Daily Gratitude Practice: Nurturing Your Mindset with Appreciation

In your quest for a profound transformation of your money mindset, consider the potency of a daily gratitude practice. This practice is more than a mere routine; it’s an intentional act that can infuse your every day with positivity and reshape your perspective on abundance.

As the first rays of morning light touch your awakening consciousness, take a deliberate pause before even stepping out of bed. In this tranquil moment, reflect on three distinct things that you are genuinely grateful for. These sources of gratitude can span the spectrum of your life—ranging from the seemingly trivial to the grandiose. It could be the gift of good health that empowers your every endeavor, the presence of cherished loved ones who bring warmth to your heart, or the opportunities that unveil themselves in every corner of your existence.

With each contemplation, you are not just acknowledging the presence of these blessings; you are consciously fostering a sense of appreciation that resonates deeply within you. This practice is akin to tuning the strings of your mindset to a harmonious frequency—one that resonates with gratitude, positivity, and abundance.

As the day unfolds, you’ll find that the intentional act of morning gratitude sets an unwavering tone for the hours ahead. It’s like casting a luminous aura that guides your thoughts, actions, and decisions. The challenges you encounter and the triumphs you celebrate are filtered through the lens of gratitude, allowing you to navigate them with a resilient and open heart.

So, embark on this daily ritual with the knowledge that it isn’t confined to a few fleeting moments in the morning. Instead, its influence ripples throughout your day, weaving a narrative of gratitude and abundance that becomes an integral part of your money mindset. With each sunrise, you have the opportunity to sculpt your perspective, fuel your aspirations, and direct your focus towards the boundless possibilities that await.


Gratitude Journaling: Nurturing Gratitude Through the Written Word

This deliberate act of putting pen to paper not only documents your appreciation but also serves as a canvas on which your mindset can evolve and flourish. Let its pages become a sanctuary where your blessings, both minute and monumental, find their rightful place. Each day, pause in the gentle embrace of your journal and compile a list of the elements for which you are truly thankful. The power lies not only in the act of listing but in the genuine emotions that infuse each entry.

As you pour your thoughts onto the pages, be specific and heartfelt. Describe the intricacies that make your blessings unique—whether it’s the gentle touch of a loved one’s hand, the aroma of a freshly brewed cup of coffee, or the opportunity to witness a radiant sunset. Let your words encapsulate the essence of your gratitude, as if you are crafting a mosaic of appreciation.

In the passages of time, your gratitude journal evolves into a profound mirror that reflects the growth of your gratitude and its transformative impact. As you revisit earlier entries, you’ll witness the progression from the seeds of thankfulness to the blossoming of an unwavering attitude of appreciation. This journey through your own words becomes a testament to your capacity for positivity and the expansion of your money mindset.

So, let your journal be a chronicle of your journey—a canvas on which you paint your evolving mindset. As you inscribe your gratitude, you are not just recording the events of the day; you are fostering a profound transformation that permeates every facet of your being. In the words that flow from your heart, you have the power to awaken a wellspring of gratitude that guides your financial aspirations and transcends the boundaries of mere existence.

Expressing Gratitude: Fostering Connection Through Appreciation 

In the symphony of life, expressing gratitude acts as a melodious note that harmonizes relationships and enriches your money mindset. Beyond the boundaries of introspection, the act of appreciating others kindles a profound connection that ripples through the tapestry of your existence.

Imagine your gratitude as a bouquet of flowers, each petal representing a heartfelt thank you. As you traverse your journey, take moments to extend these petals to those who color your life. Be it your family, friends, colleagues, or mentors, expressing gratitude becomes a radiant thread that binds you in a tapestry of appreciation.

In the cadence of daily interactions, pause to share your genuine appreciation. A heartfelt thank you, a thoughtful note, or a sincere conversation can be the vessel through which your gratitude flows. Let your words carry the weight of your feelings, conveying not just acknowledgment but a profound understanding of their impact on your life.

The act of expressing gratitude is a two-fold blessing. As your words uplift the spirits of others, they simultaneously cultivate your sense of abundance. The energy of appreciation, once set in motion, creates a reciprocity of positivity. By magnifying the light within others, you amplify your own luminosity.

Moreover, the act of expressing gratitude extends beyond the immediate exchange—it lays the foundation for a richer, more fulfilling connection. It transforms acquaintances into allies, colleagues into collaborators, and mentors into guiding stars. Through gratitude, you navigate the delicate art of acknowledging the significance of others in your journey.

Just as your gratitude enhances relationships, it also reverberates within your money mindset. By acknowledging the contributions of those around you, you affirm your belief in a universe of abundance. The act of giving thanks reinforces your inner knowing that resources, opportunities, and blessings are boundless and readily available.

So, let your gratitude be a bridge that unites hearts and transforms minds. Embrace the power to express appreciation as a cherished gift—one that transforms lives, deepens connections, and sets the stage for a money mindset steeped in the rich soil of abundance.


Linguistic Alchemy: Transforming Thoughts Through Gratitude

In the realm of thoughts and words, lies a potent alchemy—a transformational process that transmutes the mundane into the miraculous. It is the conscious shifting of language and inner dialogue—a practice that infuses the elixir of gratitude into the very fabric of your financial perceptions.

Every thought you harbor, every word you utter, constructs the edifice of your reality. Much like a skilled sculptor, you wield the chisel of language to carve the contours of your financial mindset. Thus, the practice of linguistic alchemy becomes the compass that navigates your journey from scarcity to abundance.

Imagine your thoughts and words as brushstrokes on the canvas of existence. Each hue, each stroke, paints the landscape of your financial narrative. In this vibrant panorama, negativity acts as a cloud that obscures the sun of possibility. Gratitude, however, becomes the gentle breeze that disperses the clouds, revealing the limitless expanse of potential.

Pay heed to the symphony of your inner dialogue. Notice the notes of complaint, the whispers of lack, and the refrains of limitations. These utterances, subtle though they may be, cast ripples across your financial reality. They are the architects of your perceived boundaries—the walls that confine your possibilities.

Enter the practice of linguistic alchemy. It is the conscious choice to replace the notes of complaint with the melodies of gratitude. When faced with financial decisions, allow your language to be a symphony of thankfulness. Instead of declaring, “I can’t afford that,” let the mantra of gratitude resound: “I am grateful for the resources I possess and the choices that grace my path.”

In this alchemical process, words cease to be mere tools of expression; they become talismans of transformation. Your choice of language becomes the wand that conjures abundance. Each statement of gratitude infuses your thoughts with the light of possibility, transmuting scarcity into prosperity.

Linguistic alchemy is not about masking reality; it is about unveiling the hidden gems within it. It is about acknowledging limitations while simultaneously embracing the vast landscape of opportunities. Through this practice, you become the alchemist of your financial reality—transcending circumstances, and sculpting a life of abundance with the power of your words.

So, wield your linguistic wand with intention. Craft a symphony of gratitude that reverberates through your thoughts, conversations, and decisions. Let your language be the key that unlocks the treasure chest of limitless potential—an anthem that harmonizes with the melody of abundance.


Cultivating Gratitude Through Financial Lessons

In the grand tapestry of life, challenges often emerge as unexpected brushstrokes that add depth and contrast to our experiences. Similarly, in the realm of finances, setbacks and unexpected expenses can weave intricate patterns of learning and growth. Here lies the profound practice of gratitude—for it is not only about celebrating achievements, but also about embracing the lessons wrapped in adversity.

Consider the landscape of your financial journey as a vast canvas, adorned with both sunny meadows and shadowy valleys. As you traverse this terrain, financial challenges may arise, casting momentary clouds over the bright sky of abundance. It is during these times that the art of gratitude for financial lessons comes to the forefront.

Instead of succumbing to frustration or disappointment when confronted with unexpected financial burdens, pause and reflect. Contemplate the canvas before you and acknowledge that every stroke, every shade, contributes to the masterpiece of your life. Each financial challenge, though seemingly daunting, holds within it the potential for growth, transformation, and enlightenment.

Imagine these challenges as mentors in disguise, offering you invaluable teachings. They beckon you to delve deeper, to uncover the pearls of wisdom hidden within their folds. Gratitude becomes the lantern that guides your exploration, allowing you to perceive the silver lining even in the darkest of clouds.

When faced with a setback, remind yourself of the resilience within your spirit. Express gratitude for the opportunity to rise above circumstances, to refine your problem-solving skills, and to cultivate a newfound sense of adaptability. Acknowledge that these challenges are sculpting you into a more resourceful and resilient individual—one who can weather financial storms with grace and determination.

Just as a gemstone is polished to brilliance through friction, your financial challenges are shaping your character into something truly remarkable. Express gratitude for their presence in your journey. They are the sculptors of your financial resilience, the architects of your wisdom, and the weavers of your inner strength.

In cultivating gratitude for financial lessons, you unveil a deeper understanding of the interconnectedness of experiences. You recognize that setbacks are not roadblocks; they are stepping stones towards an enriched version of yourself. As you navigate the intricate dance between success and challenge, remember that every twist and turn contributes to the masterpiece of your life—a masterpiece that is colored by the hues of gratitude and the strokes of resilience.

So, as you encounter financial challenges, embrace them with open arms. Let gratitude be your guiding light—a lantern that illuminates the path of growth and enlightenment. With each lesson learned, you forge a more empowered relationship with your finances—one that is grounded in gratitude and poised for enduring success.


As we conclude this blog, let us remain steadfast in our commitment to gratitude. Let us infuse our financial choices with mindfulness and appreciation. Let us celebrate the strides we’ve taken and the transformations we’ve undergone. And as we navigate the intricate realm of finances, let gratitude be our constant companion—a guiding star that illuminates the path to prosperity, contentment, and a harmonious relationship with money.

The expedition of reshaping our money mindset through gratitude is unending. It’s an expedition that calls for patience, determination, and a willingness to embrace change. Yet, with every gesture of gratitude, we sow the seeds of abundance. With every change in perspective, we take a step towards a more empowered and fulfilled financial life.


 Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;


Casting Your Burden onto Divine Source Energy

Do you ever feel overwhelmed by the challenges of life? Do you find yourself worrying about the future and struggling to let go of negative thoughts and emotions? If so, you’re not alone. Many of us experience these feelings at some point in our lives. But what if there was a way to release our burdens and find peace, joy, and abundance? In this post, we will explore the power of surrendering our worries and fears to a higher power – Divine Source Energy – and trusting that everything will work out for our highest good.

What is Divine Source Energy?

Before we can understand how to tap into the power of Divine Source Energy, we must first define what it is.  Divine Source Energy is a concept that has been recognized by many different cultures and belief systems throughout history. Some call it the universe, others refer to it as God, and still, others describe it as an all-encompassing life force energy that is present in all things.

At its core, Divine Source Energy is the energy that connects all of us to each other and to the universe. It is the energy that gives life to all things and provides the spark that drives us forward in our lives.Ultimately, the power of Divine Source Energy is available to all of us. By opening ourselves up to this energy and trusting in the wisdom of the universe, we can find peace, joy, and abundance in our lives. We can overcome obstacles and challenges and create a reality that aligns with our deepest desires.


Tapping into the Power of Divine Source Energy

One of the most powerful ways to tap into the power of Divine Source Energy is through meditation. By quieting our minds and focusing on the present moment, we can connect with this energy and experience a sense of oneness with the universe. This allows us to release our worries and fears and allow ourselves to be guided by the wisdom of the universe. It can also help us to develop a deeper sense of intuition and to connect with our inner wisdom.

Visualization is another effective tool for tapping into the power of Divine Source Energy. By creating a mental image of our desired outcome and focusing on the positive emotions associated with that outcome, we can attract positive energy into our lives. This technique can be particularly effective in manifesting our desires and creating a reality that aligns with our deepest desires. By visualizing our goals and dreams, we can attract the right people, opportunities, and circumstances into our lives to help us achieve them.

Prayer is another way to tap into the power of Divine Source Energy. By expressing gratitude for the blessings in our lives and asking for guidance and support, we can connect with the divine and receive the help we need to overcome obstacles and challenges. Prayer can also help us to cultivate a sense of peace and serenity, and to develop a deeper sense of faith and trust in the universe.


Letting Go of Negative Emotions and Beliefs

Negative emotions and beliefs can weigh us down, making it difficult to connect with Divine Source Energy. They can cause us to feel stuck, anxious, and uncertain, preventing us from experiencing the abundance and joy that life has to offer. That’s why it’s important to let go of these negative emotions and beliefs and replace them with positive ones.

One effective way to release negative emotions is through journaling. Writing down your thoughts and feelings can help you gain clarity and perspective on the situation. It can also help you identify any patterns or beliefs that may be holding you back. By acknowledging these negative emotions and beliefs, you can begin to let go of them and create space for positivity to flow in.

Another useful tool for letting go of negative emotions and beliefs is affirmations. Affirmations are positive statements that you repeat to yourself to create a new belief or perspective. For example, if you struggle with feelings of unworthiness, you could repeat the affirmation, “I am worthy of love and abundance.” By repeating this affirmation regularly, you begin to shift your mindset and replace negative beliefs with positive ones.

Forgiveness exercises can also be helpful in releasing negative emotions and beliefs. When we hold onto grudges and resentments, we create a negative energy that can impact our well-being and relationships. By forgiving ourselves and others, we release this negative energy and open ourselves up to love and positivity. This doesn’t mean that we condone or excuse hurtful behavior, but rather that we release the negative emotions that are holding us back.

By letting go of negative emotions and beliefs, we create space for positive energy to flow in. We open ourselves up to new possibilities and opportunities, and we become more receptive to the guidance and inspiration of Divine Source Energy. So take some time to reflect on any negative emotions or beliefs that may be holding you back, and begin to release them through journaling, affirmations, or forgiveness exercises.


Applying Divine Source Energy to Specific Challenges

When faced with a specific challenge, it’s important to remember that Divine Source Energy is always available to us. By using the power of this energy, we can tap into an infinite source of wisdom, guidance, and support.

For example, let’s say you’re experiencing financial struggles. Perhaps you’ve lost your job, or unexpected expenses have left you feeling overwhelmed. Instead of allowing fear and stress to take over, you can use Divine Source Energy to find a solution.

One way to apply Divine Source Energy to financial challenges is to visualize abundance and prosperity. Take some time to sit in a quiet space and envision yourself in a state of financial abundance. See yourself with all the money you need to live a comfortable life, and feel the emotions associated with this abundance. As you do this, you are sending out a powerful signal to the universe that you are ready to receive financial abundance.

Another way to apply Divine Source Energy to specific challenges is through prayer. When we pray, we are opening ourselves up to the wisdom and guidance of a higher power. By asking for help and guidance, we are surrendering our fears and worries and allowing Divine Source Energy to work on our behalf.

If you’re struggling with a difficult relationship, you can use Divine Source Energy to create a positive outcome. Instead of focusing on what’s wrong with the relationship, focus on what you want to see happen. Envision yourself in a loving, supportive relationship and feel the emotions associated with this vision. As you do this, you are sending out a powerful signal to the universe that you are ready to receive a positive outcome in your relationship.

In the case of health issues, Divine Source Energy can be used to promote healing and well-being. By visualizing yourself in a state of perfect health, you are sending a powerful message to your body that it is capable of healing itself. Combine this with proper medical care and a healthy lifestyle, and you can give yourself the best possible chance of overcoming any health challenge.


In our fast-paced, modern world, it’s easy to get lost in the chaos and lose sight of the bigger picture. We can become overwhelmed by the challenges and struggles that we face in our daily lives. It’s in these moments that we need to remember the power of Divine Source Energy and the transformative effect it can have on our lives.

As we’ve discussed in this post, tapping into the power of Divine Source Energy can be done through various practices, including meditation, visualization, and prayer. By quieting our minds and focusing on the present moment, we can connect with this universal life force energy and access its infinite potential.

But accessing Divine Source Energy is only the first step. We must also learn to let go of negative emotions and beliefs that can hold us back from living our best lives. By using techniques such as journaling, affirmations, and forgiveness exercises, we can release these limiting beliefs and replace them with positive ones that align with our desires.

Once we’ve cleared the way for positive energy to flow in, we can apply the power of Divine Source Energy to any challenge we face in life. Whether it’s a difficult relationship, financial struggles, or health issues, we can focus on positive outcomes and visualize success, creating a reality that aligns with our desires.

In conclusion, surrendering our worries and fears to Divine Source Energy can be a transformative experience that brings peace, joy, and abundance into our lives. So why not try the practical exercises discussed in this post and start tapping into the power of Divine Source Energy today?  The journey may not be easy, but the rewards are immeasurable.

Embracing Your Ugly to Make Money

Today we are going to be discussing how to successfully embrace your ugly in order to key into your wealth and, as usual, I am going to share a recent personal experience with you to help explain my point.
Making money for yourself is a journey and on this journey of becoming abundant and wealthy, it is important for you to understand that you cannot let things from your past make you feel bad about yourself or make you feel less than who you are.

What is your ugly?

Your ugly, in this case, has nothing to do with your physical features or the imperfections you believe you see in your mirror every day but are in fact those experiences and moments of embarrassment that you feel you can never get away from no matter how hard you try.

Personally, I have had to deal with a lot of ugly moments in my life and as a British-born Pakistani woman, there has always been some stigma attached to these moments from my community. I have been divorced twice and in both marriages, I dealt with some form of abuse – physical abuse from my first husband and verbal, emotional, and financial abuse from my second one who eventually left me with the most trauma, emotionally and energetically; One of the things he said to me towards the end, after I had caught him cheating and he had confessed to various other awful things he had done, was that no one would say anything to him even after what he had done to me and all fingers would eventually end up pointing in my direction since I was the one who had been divorced before.
And unfortunately, he was right. People from our community would not care about the reason behind it or if there was something harmful about the relationship, they would just think ‘She has been divorced twice? She must have a bad character or she is rude or she cannot keep a husband’ and in the end, the vast majority would blame me. But even though I knew there was truth in his statement and that it was about to be my new reality, I embraced the ugly of both divorces publicly and now I can proudly say that I am a completely empowered woman, a seven-figure earner with multiple businesses and a proud mother despite it all. And yet there are still times when people, especially people of Pakistani or Indian origin, have judged me and expressed how they believe something is wrong with me.

Recently, I went to the Pakistani embassy to get an ID card since I have never needed one until now and although I had all my other documents with me there; I did not have any of my marriage or divorce certificates as I did not think it was something that I would need to portray my origin. Unfortunately, I soon realised that it was necessary information as this person began to loudly ask several questions about my personal life in the middle of the embassy ‘Are you married or single?’ he began, I replied I was currently divorced ‘Do you have your marriage and divorce certificates with you?’ I replied I didn’t have a marriage certificate but I had a divorce certificate for the first one which he did not seem to understand so I explained to him that I had been divorced twice. I saw the judgmental look of astonishment on his face and the way his jaw dropped in reaction as he asked questions about my kids and where they were from and proceeded to send me on a wild goose chase to produce various additional documents, all the while trying to make me feel bad in the process. He deliberately went out of his way to announce very loudly, in the presence of my daughter, how I had been divorced twice, had had two husbands, and had a child from each of the marriages to the entire room just so he could make me feel small and demean me in their eyes. And even after all this, he still refused to give me my card until I came back with my brother to support me, even though I had all the necessary documents for it in my possession which I found completely foolish.

Now although I have pretty thick skin and I didn’t really let his words get to me, my daughter was quite upset by them and so I found myself being reminded of my second husband’s words and how this man at the embassy had been so quick to judge me without even knowing anything about the circumstances that warranted the divorces. But what I realised from this experience was that I could either choose anger and hold a grudge against this person who means absolutely nothing to me or I could choose not to let the words of this person who acted terribly to me dwell in my heart, forgive him and send him love and blessings instead because in the end I did not need to have all that negative energy while I went through the ID card process all over again. The moment I forgave him and cut chords from him, I found myself showing compassion and seeing things from his point of view, even though he had treated me badly. Do I think that he should behave like that with any other woman? Absolutely not. However, I realised that holding on to animosity added no benefit to my life, added no success to my life nor would it help elevate my vibration in any way especially because, looking back at it, no matter how many anti-Islam acts my ex-husband partook in and no matter how much I did everything right as a good Muslim wife and mother, I was still ridiculed, shamed and expected to feel bad about myself over my ugly moments.

Accepting your ugly

At some point, when I had allowed myself to feel really sad about all he did to me and about people’s reactions to my situation, I began to ask devices energy why they would bring someone like him into my life in the first place. If the Quran says good women for good men and bad women for bad men, then how did I end up being married to someone like him? How could a man like him be my destiny? And as I always say whenever you are having some sort of dilemma, the best course of action is to find an outlet that allows you to work out these emotions and alleviate yourself so I prayed to devices energy; to ask them why these things happened the way they did and to centre myself through prayer.

It was during this moment of prayer that I realised two things. Firstly, how I allowed myself to feel was a choice, I could either choose to feel humiliated and upset about what happened or I could choose to let it go. And Secondly, I had to believe that everything that happens in my life happens for me not to me, so I could choose to be a victim or I could choose to be empowered that this was just a lesson or a test for the progression of my life’s plan. The traumatic moments I had to deal with were part of the process I had to go through for me to grow into the person I have become today. It was during this period of prayer that I finally received this awareness and I soon felt calm and grateful again, no longer feeling the need to question what devices energy had planned for my life.
The moment you begin to feel that energy of gratitude and love towards devices energy, you have elevated your vibration and when you find out that you are on that raised vibration, you realise that abundance and everything else on that positive vibration would begin to come your way. The moment you come into alignment with positive energy, gratitude, and love that is the signal you are sending out to the universe, and surely that is eventually what would be sent back to you.

Embracing your ugly

It is important to not only understand, but to embrace what has happened to you in your past. Because I was able to embrace all the ugliness that I went through in the past, I am able to talk about it now without any feelings of shame and embarrassment and most importantly, I was able to get rid of all this negativity coming off this individual, cut costs with him and even have compassion for him and where he is in life. Embracing your ugly allows you to brush off those awful moments in your life and accept them as moments of growth and empowerment for you.
Embrace and own those dark, embarrassing sides of your story and see them as moments that have taught you and led you to be the person you are today and the person you continue to grow into. When I look in the mirror I love who I am despite what I have been through, I admire the woman I see in it for both what she has achieved and how far she has come in her life, and if I love who I am then how can I allow myself be angry at the past which made me who I am today? All those moments which at the time I found shameful and humiliating were just part of my journey to being this person whom I love and am immensely proud of.

When you get to this point where you can be grateful for the good, the bad, and the ugly of your journey, that is truly when you know you are on the right track and that your vibration has been elevated. And the moment you realise that your vibration has been raised, amazing things begin to line themselves up to come into your life.


Keep your vibration elevated, and the only way you can keep your vibration elevated is by continuously being in a state of gratitude even for the things that you should ordinarily not be grateful for. It is easy to show gratitude when things are going your way in life but it is important to show gratitude when you do not physically see those good results or when the shame of your past is being brought in front of you. Instead of being angry at the person that is trying to make you feel small, cut costs, allow yourself to send them love and blessings instead of animosity, and move on. When this incident at the embassy happened to me, I could have gone back into victim mode and allowed myself to get upset, yet I chose to forgive and move past this individual as well as show gratitude for all the experiences that have made me who I am today. And when you are in that state of gratitude and love, not just towards divine energy but to yourself as well, that is when you begin to open yourself up to abundance in all areas of your life.

Letting go of things that no longer serve you

These things could be anything, it could be people, ideas, beliefs, habits, or even certain hobbies. Those things that no longer serve you no longer help you to better yourself or improve yourself to achieve your goals or manifest the kind of life you want or desire.

In order to take note of those things that no longer serve you, you need to constantly reassess your life to see where you are, where you want to go, how far you are and what’s causing the delay and holding you from getting there.

This is something that played a major deal in my life, I let go of a lot of things that no longer serve me. I am very focused on what goal it is that I want to achieve at any given time. Recently one of my life goals was my son’s 11 plus, he has just finished all his exams, we are equally done with all the interviews and we will see which schools he gets into. I made this a priority so everything else took a backseat including going out with friends or having family over. I’m able to make these commitments and focus on them because I’m so focused on my goals but at times you find that we lose sight of what’s important or how something makes us feel and we think we are being patient and we ignore how it makes us feel.

I have someone in my life at the moment who is a constant pain at times in my life and I’ve done call cutting and then forgiving. I’m triggered by anything that this individual does when it comes to me because I’ve been on the receiving end of it. However, when it comes to my children, I have some expectations of behavior towards them and what a father should be and he falls short of that. He only comes to see the kids once a week and by the way I found out today that he has been telling people that I only allow him to see kids once a week which is completely false. I have been dealing with this individual for the longest time possible and every time I think of no longer having any kind of interaction with him but I have to consider my kids, When he comes late, doesn’t turn up or lets them down, I always get caught up in the middle.

Back in October, I planned a trip for him to take the kids for a couple of days to the theme park, I arranged an Airbnb and two weeks before that he cancelled on them. He didn’t tell me directly but my brother, he told them that he was going to Pakistan so he wasn’t able to take the kids. I had to cancel my plans to take the kids to the theme park. This kind of behavior is very normal for me to just drop my life and pick up whenever he lets the kids down and it’s been happening more frequently, I always let it go.

I’m trying to constantly build that relationship between him and the children because I think the kids really need to have a healthy positive image of their father. Recently, the behavior is just really agitating me as the way he treats his children including not giving them pocket money on a weekly basis. The kids have to constantly ask him and he still doesn’t. When I had all these excuses about why I couldn’t let this person go and the guilts came up, my cousin said to me, “what’s your biggest fear?” and this is the reason why I want to share this story with you. When we don’t let go of things, it’s usually because we have some fear behind it. I found out while I was talking to her, my biggest fear about not letting this individual go or having more strict boundaries with him and having blurred boundaries because I would put up with so much and just say, it doesn’t matter because he’s the kids’ father and she said because you keep letting him cross boundaries and putting up with things you shouldn’t really put up with, intolerable things, you have allowed him to disrespect you multiple times. If he was supposed to come at 12, he comes at the top at 2:30 and still gets angry at me because Who the hell am I to tell him what time he should come. The kids being late for their lesson is not a big deal or the end of the world kind of attitude. This idea that he can disrespect me just because he could even as we are no longer married. How am I creating the boundaries and how have I let go of him? I’m not married on paper but I’m still emotionally married because I have put up with his rubbish.

And this hit me really hard and I felt like a hypocrite at that point because I am always telling people to let go of things that no longer serve them. When it comes to habits, money and friends, this one individual has been so horrible and difficult for me to deal with over a number of years. We have been separated and divorced for six years, I am still dealing with all sorts of rubbish because I felt guilty that if I didn’t put up with this, the kids would lose out on their father. Him being a father is no longer my responsibility because he has not been for the last six years. I have somehow felt the need to self-sacrifice my dignity and self-respect in order for the kids to have a father and this was when I realized that I was no longer willing to do so. This idea of being the perfect mother and being all self-sacrificing, I had to let go of that.

I didn’t have to let go of this individual, I had to let go of the idea of the kind of mother I had to be in order to be a good mother and in order to be a good person, When I chose to stand up for myself when I first let go of him back in 2016, the lines were blurred because I was trying to be a good mother and trying to make him a good father and I realized I can’t do that for him, he has to choose to be a good dad or not. It’s his autonomy, it’s his personal decision and we are not able to control anybody else’s willpower, we need to do what’s right for us at the same time, we have to listen and really pay attention to how other people behave towards us and they don’t have to choose with respect. I’m not saying everybody has to respect you, but if they choose not to treat you with respect, then you should choose not to have them as part of your life, it doesn’t matter what or who they are. This could be a parent, a family member, in my case, it is my children’s father.

You have to make decisions for yourself, decisions that serve you and this relationship no longer serves me, I was trying to put up with his behavior even though it really annoyed me and I really felt sad for my kids because he would see them only once a week for a few hours and then that’s it, I shouldn’t have to put up with this kind of behavior.

I was willing to put up with this because I felt if I ever rock the boat, kids will lose out on their dad and I was trying my best to make sure the kids have a father. Only recently while talking to my cousin that I realized that I had to let go of the need to be the perfect mother because that no longer serves me. Me being a good mother has served me up until now because it motivated me to work hard for me, for my business and for me to show my children what’s possible for them and what they can create in their life, but in this situation, I am human and I have certain boundaries that I need people to respect and I need to respect myself and while he is disrespecting me, I am not respecting myself because I’m allowing him to disrespect me and therefore I have to put on the boundaries and this is what I’ve done recently and I felt guilty about it the first couple days because I thought I was going to mess up my children heads, but I realized that that’s not the case. I can give them a stable home, I can bring them up the best way possible, I can give them all the love and nurturing that they need and then let them make the decisions for whoever else wants to be part of their life or does not. I can’t be responsible for someone else’s behavior, so I let go of the need to always be the good person, the better person, the person who sacrifices her own self-respect in order for the kids to have a good relationship with their other parent.

This also got me reassessing my beliefs and my habits, I took itinerary of everybody who’s in my life and if you are no longer serving me, I just pull away from there and at the same time I do that for beliefs and ideas and habits as well. In my 20s, I got into the habit of drinking a lot of Coke and when I stopped drinking Coke, like about 15 years. Now I drink every now and then, but it’s no longer the kind of addiction that I had when I was 20. Another habit would be whenever I become dependent on something, I don’t like to be addicted to anything because addictions don’t serve you. If something is a healthy habit, that’s great but if it’s not, it becomes an addiction that will not serve you.

You need to take a regular itinerary of your habits, thoughts, ideas and people around you and see who serves you, and who doesn’t. If it’s friends and other people, it’s easier to let go. If it’s a family that you have a day-to-day interaction with, it is a bit more difficult to let go of them but then that’s where you put strong boundaries. In my case he’s not my family but he’s family to my kids so I gave myself six months. Six months to see how he behaves with his kids and then I’ll reassess this idea of him and I having a plain zero contact at all and then we’ll take it from there but you have to find a balance between what’s right for you and what you think is right for everyone else and as a parent that’s more difficult.

How do we compromise or find a middle ground?

Most of the time, compromising for kids will always win. Only recently have I actually begun to go for what’s best for me and my kids and not just my kids, I have begun to factor myself as well. Sometimes it might not be the best thing for the kids or me but it will be somewhere in the middle and this is what we’re doing at the moment in my personal life. Being a mother is something I hold in high regard, I see it as a privilege, a responsibility to two life forms given to me by divine energy to shape their minds and their ideas and help them become two young people who can go out and change the world so I take this responsibility very seriously, their mental well-being as well as emotional well-being is of the highest importance to me.

Therefore I do everything possible I can for them so this idea that I will no longer be in any having any kind of contact with the father for the next six months is a difficult one for me because I know this will have a detrimental impact on their relationship with the dad, if he bothers to do anything with them but It is a decision that I had to make for myself. Now think about that decision you have put off, people, ideas and situations that are no longer serving you but you are putting up with it because you don’t want any contention, argument, controversy or because you feel obligated to just put up with those certain things.

A lot of times it’s with family members and also people who you have known for a long time. Make yourself a priority, your opinions matter, your views matter and you matter. In order for you to become wealthy, you have to be happy. If things are no longer serving you, they are going to cause you to feel awkward, upset and give you toxicity in your energy.

One of the things that was really shocking to me was when I called my cousin after an incident with my ex, as soon as I said hello, she asked, “okay, what happened this time?”

I asked how she knew something happened, She said every time I speak to her and he has upset me, I always have this certain tonality and I found that surprising and she went further to say that this is because this person’s really toxic to you and you keep putting up with it because you think you need to be in order to be a good mother.

We need to think about what things or situations you are putting up with because you feel obligated to, or for whatever reason, in my case it was for my kids. Is it because you are a people pleaser, If you are a people pleaser then own the fact that you are a people pleaser and you have to change that, you have to take more control over yourself.


Find out what’s happening in your life that’s not serving you because if something or someone isn’t serving you, it will cause you to be in a negative vibration and this in turn can attract negative things to you.

I wasn’t really paying attention to that until my cousin pointed it out. If this person becomes toxic and I’m in this toxic energy for a long period of time, what kind of abundance am I attracting to myself? Money is one kind of abundance but abundance also spans across your happiness, family health not just your bank account.

What things are you dealing with, what things do you have in your life that are no longer serving you and are holding you back from achieving your true happiness?

Being happy in most areas of your life is what truly matters.

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