Gull Khan

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Month: February 2023

10 Mindset Hacks That Wealthy and Successful People Use

Everyone wants to become successful and wealthy, but it can be difficult to know where to start. Fortunately, there are some mindset hacks used by wealthy and successful people that can help you on your journey.

In this blog post, I’ll provide 10 mindset hacks that can help you become more successful and wealthy. I’ll also provide tips on how to incorporate these hacks into your daily life. So, if you’re looking to become more successful and wealthy, this blog post will provide you with the knowledge and skills you need to make it happen. Read on to learn more about the 10 mindset hacks that wealthy and successful people use and how you can use them too.

Hack #1

Have an abundance mindset. Successful people focus on what they have rather than on what they lack; they believe that all the resources they need are available and instead of waiting for opportunities to come to them, they focus on creating opportunities that will aid them in reaching their success.

This hack is about being proactive and going for what you want rather than waiting for it to just fall in your lap. People have said to me severally that you need money to make money but I believe you do not need money to make money, you just need an idea; with the right idea and belief in this idea you will be able to attract all the money you will need to make this goal a reality.

Hack #2 

Set goals for yourself. Successful people always make sure they set great goals for themselves and can break these goals into workable steps that they can easily achieve.

If, for example, you may not have any idea of when or how you will be able to make whatever amount of money you would like to make monthly but when you take the initial steps, formulate a plan to make this amount, and take action, your belief in universal energy will start to make this dream an actuality in your physical world.

It is important that you have a plan or idea of where you are going and break it down into steps that you are following in order to achieve your dreams, even if these plans can change along the way.

Hack #3:

Speak positively to yourself. You need to develop positive self-talk because this acts as a form of self-hypnosis for you, if your inner conversations are constructive then you will release positive vibrations into the universe but if they are destructive, you will only be able to release negative vibrations into your atmosphere.

Declare your positive affirmations to yourself continuously and believe in your ability to succeed always, not just at one point in your day; Focus on your strengths and visualize yourself achieving your goals, have a good idea of what it is that you want to achieve and let your inner self reflect these beliefs as well.

To reach the goals you plan on achieving in life, you need to have the belief that you can truly get there and cultivate these beliefs through inner self-talk.

Hack #4

Take risks. Successful people are not afraid to take calculated risks; to achieve greatness there is always an element of risk that you will have to take, you will need to step out of your comfort zone and premeditated risks not just random risks for the sake of it.

Weigh the pros and cons of your possibility first before you take the leap of faith and go for it; there will be times when it looks crazy to other people but as long as it is a risk you have calculated and you have considered the losses that you might take then have faith in your decision and do not be afraid.

Someone said to me once that people who are afraid of risking anything will end up risking everything so make calculated risks and allow yourself to have faith in these chances you have planned to take.

Hack #5

Be willing to continuously learn. Wealthy people understand that education does not stop when you get your degree or other academic qualification, you have to constantly evolve and keep finding ways to improve your craft every day till you excel at it. Personally I continuously learn and evolve every day, I refused to let my education stop when I graduated and became a barrister and because of this, I have been able to become the person I am today.

You have to invest in your personal and professional development and keep finding new ways to seek out knowledge in order to better yourself; Something I learned from Tony Robbins long ago is that there is never something that is status quo; you are never truly stagnant but you are either developing your knowledge and becoming a better version of yourself or diminishing. Constantly strive to be better in every area of your life, if you do not then you will end up reducing in value.

Hack #6

Be resilient. Successful people have high levels of resilience; on this journey to true generational wealth you will come across various trials and hurdles in life, there will be setbacks that will try to break you and derail you from your path to manifestation but if you do not have resilience you are going to snap at the first hurdle you encounter.

For you to bounce back from setbacks, you need to build your powerhouse of resilience against negative situations and keep moving forward with your goal in mind even in the face of adversity.

Those who can push through these adversities are the ones who end up succeeding while those who cannot end up failing; resilience is not something you are born with but has to be developed over time with the more hurdles you overcome in life and with a positive mindset.

Hack #7

Be focused. Something one of my mentors said to me once was that ‘energy flows where focus goes’, he used the example of a skier who is going skiing down a slope and encounters a tree in his path, as long as he is focused in the direction of that tree he will surely end up heading towards it no matter how much he says he does not want to hit it.

In life, if you keep focusing on negativity and the things that are going wrong in your life rather than on your goals and where you plan on heading then you will never be able to achieve anything; Focus on where you are going not where you are or where you have been.

Wealthy people are great at focusing their attention on things that matter, they prioritize their time and energy and do not waste their resources on things that do not align with their goals so emulate this behavior and develop your focus on your dreams continuously.

Hack #8

Be grateful. Generally, most wealthy people practice gratitude; they focus on what they want to achieve and appreciate the good things in their life.

There have been people who have made large amounts of money quickly, for example, lottery winners, athletes, etcetera, but because of their ingratitude they ended up losing this wealth just as quickly; Gratitude not only brings wealth but keeps that prosperity in your life as well.

Cultivating an attitude of gratitude helps you attract more abundance to your life, in both the Bible and the Quran God clearly says that when you are grateful, he will increase the number of things that you are grateful for meaning he will give you more things to be grateful for.

Hack #9

Surround yourself with successful people. In one of the Prophet Mohammed’s teachings, he said that on the day of judgement you will get up with the people who are with you, he speaks about choosing your friends wisely because they are the ones who will be there to accompany you on the day of judgement and they have a strong impact on your day to day living.

Scientifically it has been proven that the amount of money you can have is the average of the five closest people in your life; if you are close to people who do not make much money then that is you will end up showing up in your life, you cannot go beyond your social circle.

Find ways to spend more of your time with successful and wealthy people, seek mentors and other successful people who have been able to achieve what you want to achieve and can help you continuously learn and grow on your manifestation journey. Allow yourself to be in a community of other people who are striving to be on the same path and to achieve goals that are similar to the ones you are planning on attaining.

Hack #10

Give back. Wealthy people always have a philanthropic mindset; they believe in giving back to the community, helping people who need it, and using their money to make the lives of others better. Your money can go a lot further than you will ever be able to physically go; of course you should save some of the money for you and your generation to live comfortably but make sure you use the abundance you have been blessed with by universal energy to bless others.

Give back to people who do not have the facilities that you have been given for example orphanages, victims of natural disasters, charities etcetera; you will not be on this earth forever so do your best to leave this world better than you met it.


Make the money you would like to make, achieve your goals, spend on yourself and on the things that you would like, and then have enough left over to be able to spend doing God’s will by helping those who do not have.

Congratulations!  You now have the tools and techniques you need to become more successful and wealthy. With the right mindset, anything is possible.

Now that you’ve read this blog post, you have the knowledge you need to apply the 10 mindset hacks that wealthy and successful people use. So, take the time to incorporate these mindset hacks into your daily life and watch as your success and wealth begin to skyrocket.

 Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;


Hope Fuels Faith

 Today we will be discussing hope, how hope fuels your faith, why faith is important to your belief, and why believing is an essential ingredient needed for your manifestation journey. 


How hope fuels your faith

   It is important that you have enough hope- fueled faith to believe that you can achieve all the things you have dreamt about for yourself, no matter what area of your life these dreams are related to.

When those moments of doubt from the devil creep into your life, it is essential that you have strong faith in your beliefs and for this faith to be as firm as you need, you need to have hope. Personally, when I am at my lowest or darkest moments, I turn to prayers more than anything else naturally because that connection with the divine reinforces my hope in God and the plans he has for my life which helps recharge my faith that everything I am manifesting will fall into place according to divine timing. 

   Many religions – and even those who do not believe in God – have specific times of prayers or periods when the world is quiet, you can put your worldly thoughts aside, sit through meditation and connect with divine energy.

Connecting to divine energy gives you peace because now you have hope that your manifestations and prayers are going to come true. When you meditate, you are able to connect to your higher self and to what you are desiring for yourself and regardless of what path you take, you have hope that whatever you are creating and manifesting is going to happen.   


God is looking out for you 

   You need to truly believe that divine energy is looking out for you and everything you are hoping for is going to happen for you; God is looking out for you and as long as you have faith that allows you to believe daily, you will be able to overcome the doubts that creep into your mind when you are facing tough situations on your manifestation journey. 

I have always thought Bollywood actor, Shah Rukh Khan, is an amazing person who really embodies everything about the law of attraction and manifesting the life you want for yourself; generally he is very honest and upfront about how he achieved things and what you should do to reach the success that he has been able to reach.

I listened to an interview he did where someone asked if he thought the three films he did before he took a four-year sabbatical for health reasons would be successful and he replied that he believed that every single one of them is going to be a super duper hit; he said ‘I’m not saying this to be arrogant but this is the belief that I hold. And it’s a belief that I go to sleep with, it’s a belief that I wake up with, and it’s a belief that I walk around with and I thought, absolutely fantastic’ and this is how every one of us is supposed to be believing.

When the movie came out after this interview, it ended up breaking box office records and making large amounts of money not just because of how great he is at marketing (because he did a lot of amazing marketing for the movie and was able to cover his costs for it even before the film came out) but because of the belief he already had in the project.

Shah Rukh Khan has always had complete belief in himself and in his dreams and aspirations for as long as I have seen him in Bollywood and this is something we all can learn from and aspire to do in our own lives every day; even when it does not look like things are working out right now they will happen eventually according to divine timing as long as you believe in yourself and in universal energy. 


Believe in yourself      

   You do not have to be the best at everything to achieve your goals, you just have to believe in yourself and whatever you are manifesting for your life; The one thing that you need to have for you to be ultimately financially successful, successful in relationships or successful in any area of your life is faith in the dreams and aspirations you have for yourself.

Do not ever allow yourself to think about the opposite of your dreams or doubt that any of your manifestations will come true, if you truly believe in yourself with all your heart and mind you will be able to achieve anything you desire.

   When you believe you can do something, you work harder to achieve it and become more motivated to try harder to reach that goal you are believing in.

Give it your best with the belief that you are going to succeed then mountains begin to be moved for you, the universe contrives and gives you everything you want; when you really want something the whole universe conspires to give you that which you are desiring for yourself and this is what the law of attraction is all about.

You may not have the same talents or opportunities as someone else but you cannot let that derail you from the manifestations you have planned for your life, as long as you are able to believe in yourself and your abilities you will succeed. 

You have to start figuring out how to instill yourself to have this belief and to have this belief, you have to have faith in a higher power no matter what your religion is. When you believe in a higher power it allows you to have faith and this faith gives you hope to solidify your belief that everything is going to work out for your success.  



Make sure that you have a ritual, prayer, or meditation that gives you hope every day and this hope fuels your faith in divine energy or whatever higher power you believe in. Shah Rukh Khan believed in his dreams, worked for them, and was able to achieve them over and over again; no matter how much effort you put into something, if you do not have the belief it will not work out the way you have envisioned it to work out. 

If you do not believe in your dreams and continuously allow doubt to cloud your mind, you will never be able to achieve them no matter the amount of effort you put into it.

Hard work is important but believing that you can achieve your goals is much more important; if there is anything you want to achieve in life you have to believe with here atom of your being that it has already happened for you and the universe is bringing things together for it to come into fruition for you to receive in the physical world. 


Don’t miss out on diving even deeper into this topic! Tune in to our podcast episode where we discuss the nuances of the subject;, and check out our visually stunning YouTube video which showcases the key takeaways;



Three Steps To Manifesting Wealth

Today let us talk about the three steps you need to fulfill to manifest your wealth. As you must all know by now, I am a firm believer in simplicity and not overcomplicating situations. The simpler the solution to a problem is, the better it is for me and the more application it can have; Here are the three steps to manifesting anything you want in your life:

Step One:

Be very clear about what you want. Too many people say they want things but are unsure about them and it is this uncertainty that does not allow their manifestations to come to pass. Do not put limitations on yourself; the desires you truly want are coming to you from your higher self via divine energy so they are not just random events that are occurring in your mind’s eye.

If you truly have a desire for something then you have the talents and abilities to make that dream your reality in your physical world, you just have to work out how to acquire the skills to hone these gifts. Divine energy will never give you a desire if you do not have the talent for it – be it a dormant one or an active one. Be sincere with yourself about what you truly want, write these desires down, allow yourself to stay aware of these desires, and take them one step at a time till you have completed all the goals on your list.

Step Two:

Believing that you can have these clear desires you have written for yourself. No matter the dream that you are manifesting for your life – whether it is to make a million monthly, to have a new car, a new partner, a new house etcetera – if you do not have the conviction that it is already yours, then it will never be manifested. You can wish for something over and over again but unless you strongly believe it you will never be able to attain it; bypass the difficulties of your physical world and do not allow them to dissuade you from the strong convictions your higher self has made.

The problem most people have with manifesting is having that unshaken belief in their desires, if you do not instill this belief inside of you that you will achieve this dream then you will only end up being someone who continuously wants but never ends up achieving. You have to have the certainty that what you have dreamt of has already been given to you, only then will these desires begin to manifest for you in your physical world.

There is an old saying that goes ‘if you can see it in here, if you can believe it in here, you can hold it in here’ but knowing it in here and believing it in here are two different things, unless you have that inner belief that everything will work out for you then it will never come to pass.

When you come from this energy, things will always work in your favor. If there is something you truly desire then you need to develop the conviction for it first; manifesting tools that can help you get rid of doubts and instill these convictions inside of you include the mirror exercise (my personal favorite), daily affirmations, vision boards etcetera. Something I teach beginners of my mastermind class is having a manifestation roadmap; we get on a call together, I give them my favorite techniques, we discuss what they truly desire, and techniques we use daily in order to turn these beliefs into convictions in daily lives.

Step number two is usually the hardest because it is during this phase that your limiting beliefs interfere and this negative energy towards money creates uncertainties and pushes whatever you desire away from you. People who try to use the law of attraction in their favor but do not have the belief in their desires end up battling with their inner programming who is sending negative energy into the universe by just wanting without conviction.

There’s a difference between wanting and desiring; When you want something and you are radiating energy that is a lack of it, it does not exist in your life at the moment. When you desire it, you cannot only want it but you must also instill the belief that you already have the things you are manifesting. The laws of the universe are very specific and will only work for you if you understand them, for example, the laws of gravity cannot be stopped no matter how much you want them to but when you understand the laws then you will know how to make them work for you.

Using the right manifesting techniques, you instill the belief and turn that belief into conviction over some time, the longer it takes you to turn that belief into conviction, the longer it will take for you to bring whatever you want into your into your three-dimensional world.

Step Three:

Listen to your intuition. When you have instilled the belief that you can achieve your desire inside of you, you will create opportunities and situations that will help you accomplish these goals and then take inspired action from your inner thoughts.

Before you make any decision, take time to stop, sit down, meditate, and think it through before reacting; never take action without being inspired.

What do you feel inspired to do? What do you feel is the next step for you to create this desire in your physical world? As important as step number two is, if you do not take action to support your conviction then your manifestation will not happen for you at the rate it is supposed to.


Figure out what you desire, turn your belief into a conviction that what you desire is already available to you without any form of doubt, and then take action to see what you are inspired to do to bring that desire into your physical world.

Having a Clear Vision For Your Goals

Today we are going to be discussing having a clear vision for our goals in order to reach our manifestations.

Why is having a clear vision for your goal so important?

The first step to constructing the life you are manifesting is to know exactly what it is that you want to create meaning you need to clearly know what you want and have these goals written down. Most especially in the beginning of the year, we are all encouraged to have goals or resolutions for our lives, make sure they are positive and in the present tense and have them written down.

After this, your next step is to understand your clear vision and find the importance of this reason; when you do not have clear reasons why you want to achieve your vision, you will lose hope in them when the tough circumstances of life arrive and when you run out of faith in your goals you will never be able to achieve them. When you are not as emotionally invested in a manifestation, it is more likely that this goal will be achieved faster than that goal that you are passionate about.

In those moments of hardship, you need to hold on to your goals and have faith in the manifestations you have for yourself. One of my clients had this vision to become a business coach but was unable to develop her business without her relationship with her partner suffering and vice versa, when I met up with her I was able to show her that there were some elements of self-sabotage and other things that were not allowing this business thrive.

When the devil realizes that you are determined and focused on fulfilling your goal, it will do everything in its power to attack you in other areas of your life in order to dissuade you from your manifestation journey just as God finds ways to help you in unexpected ways. The devil will always find ways to attack you and try to stop you from achieving your dreams, whether it is directly attacking your manifestation or attacking other parts of your life to break you but as long as you stand strong and have faith you will be able to overcome whatever it throws your way.

Keep an eye on your vision

As long as you have a clear vision of your goals you will not lose sight of your manifestation, no matter what situations you have to face. Be aware of your weaknesses and the areas of your life that will distract you from fulfilling your goals if they are attacked but do not allow yourself to forget the importance of your goal and the clear understanding of why you have these manifestations that you want to achieve.

Instead of letting them distract you, trust that God will take care of your worries and focus on the amazing goals you have written to accomplish your manifestation.

Personally, I know the biggest distraction the devil can use to deter me from achieving my goal is my children which is why my vision for my business is to create a lifestyle for them without having to worry about debts or struggling too much with life. I faced multiple challenges in December 2022 that were simply sent my way by the devil to break me down completely but I was able to overcome them by faith and now I know universal energy has a massive breakthrough waiting for me.

What is your vision and what motivates you to get out of bed in the morning? Before your manifestation shows up in your physical world, the devil will find a way to attack you in order for your dreams not to come to pass – the breakdown before the breakthrough – and only those who can overcome these moments of instability will be able to reach the finish line.

Crawl to faith

Facing these challenges gave me a better understanding of who I am and drew me closer to my faith in God, this has made my prayer life a lot better and has moved my prayer life from intermittent to constant. If you are manifesting something that is really important to you then you must know that the devil will come for you but as long as you stand strong and hold on to your faith in divine energy, your breakthrough will surely come.

Have a clear vision for your goal and always write your goals in the present tense. Why do you believe that it must take two to five years for you to achieve your goal of making a hundred thousand a month? Why do you think you cannot achieve it in the next month or few months?

If you continuously write your dreams in the future tense then they will not be fulfilled till this time period because that is when you believe your manifestation is going to happen for you. Believe that divine timing is in your present and that universal energy is willing to give you everything you desire now if you truly trust in them.

You cannot have a desire without it already being allocated to you and without it being present in your universal warehouse because only then do you become aware of it and only then can you pray for it. In Islamic tradition, we are taught that if God gives you a desire and allows you to pray for it then the only reason he has allowed you to pray for it is that he wants you to receive it so if you have a desire, it has already been allocated to your spiritual world and it is only a matter of time before it manifests in your physical world.


You have to know that before your manifestation appears in your physical world, you will face some form of turmoil or challenge during your journey. The breakdown will always happen before the breakthrough so hold on to faith with both hands in these trying times; it is at that moment that those who are truly manifesting become separated from those who do not have belief in their dreams.

Conquer your demons, overcome the turmoil, and persevere to the end! Your manifestation will come to pass only if you truly hold on to your belief in it.Do not get bitter, get better.

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