I am an anomaly, and I’m proud of it.
All my life I felt like I was going against the tide. I danced to the beat of my own drum.
I made my own rules and I felt like I never fit in. And I like it that way.
Being a misfit has made my life more interesting. And I am grateful for all the opportunities I got because I didn’t fit in.
I am an anomaly and this is my story
For ten years, I’ve helped a lot of people improve their money story. I have helped people get unstuck and pursue their true passions.
I’ve become an author and speaker. I’ve also become an intuitive life coach and an energy transformation expert.
But all these achievements didn’t come easy.
As I child, I’ve always had a hard time reading. In fact, I couldn’t read full sentences until I was in high school.
It was only when I turned 19 when I learned I had severe dyslexia. That was when I understood why reading was so hard for me.
Dyslexia is a learning disorder involving reading difficulty. People diagnosed with dyslexia often have problems identifying speech sounds. They also have a hard time decoding letters and words.
It affects areas of the brain that process language.
Dyslexic people usually have normal vision, but we need assistance and support. You can find out more about dyslexia here.
Despite having dyslexia, I still managed to get good grades. It also didn’t stop me from getting into law school at Queen Mary, University of London.
I got the title of Barrister with Middle Temple as well as an Attorney with the New York Bar Association later on.
I lost my mother when I was 21. Eight months later, I also lost my younger cousin. He was like a little brother to me.
I was devastated. I felt as if the world turned its back on me.
Still, I faced my challenges head-on, continued with life. I pushed forward instead of backing down.
I started traveling the world and gaining new experiences. It was frowned upon in my culture, but I didn’t care.
I knew in my heart it will give me a better understanding of how people and the world worked.
When the time came for me to settle down, I opted to go for an arranged marriage.
It was an unexpected move, knowing that I was an independent and strong-willed woman. And yet I chose to follow tradition and married a Muslim man.
I stood my ground and became a lawyer. Then I had two beautiful children.
Despite my success, I felt like something was missing. My soul was craving for purpose and I felt like I needed to move to another profession.
So I left my comfortable nine-to-five job. Then I started a career as an Energy Transformation and Money Mindset Expert.
I never looked back.
Anomalies, Oddballs, and Misfits
Have you ever felt awkward, or like you don’t fit into any cliches or groups?
Well, you’re not alone.
Most of us struggle with fitting into cultural norms. From childhood to adolescence, we all try our best to make friends and connect with others.
We’ve all felt like we’re out of sync with our surroundings. And that’s fine.
The good news is, most misfits and anomalies are actually more successful.
Merriam-webster defines anomaly as something different, peculiar, or not easily classified. It is also defined as a deviation from the common rule.
We don’t fit in. We don’t follow the status quo.
Years ago this trait would have been negative.
People expected you to go with the flow. The community ostracized you if you don’t follow the rules.
But now, being an anomaly or a misfit means you have a different eye on things.
It means you’re strong enough to hold your ground. Some may say you’re difficult. Others may say you’re the odd one out.
But you have the potential to be great because of your strength and resilience.
The Power of the Misfits
You need to be resilient if you want to be successful in life.
From learning in school, working a job, or starting your own business, you need to have a strong character.
You’ll experience failure even before you become a success. And to do that, you need to be headstrong, yet flexible with your ways.
That’s the power of the misfits.

Artists, musicians, entrepreneurs. We were all told one thing: we can’t be successful at what we want to do.
They say it’s going to be too hard. It will take a lot of time. Or worse, you’ll be dead before you reach success.
My learning disability, my anomaly, has taught me a lot of lessons in life. It made me strive harder than anyone else.
People expected me to fail because of my condition. But in reality, these hardships and challenges made me want to succeed even more.
The same goes for the most successful people we know of today.
It is said that Freddie Mercury’s buck teeth helped make his voice unique.
David Bowie had different colored eyes. This along with his voice made him stand out
Pokemon inventor Satoshi Tajiri was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. And so was the great actor Sir Anthony Hopkins.
Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Sir Richard Branson were all misfits. Their crazy ideas changed the landscape of business as we know it.
Tim Ferris has been beating odds as a child and battling Lyme disease too. Yet, he is one of the world’s best selling author who brought us the magic of The Four Hour Workweek.
They all had different views that led them to discover new ways to improve the world as we know it.
Friends and families would have laughed at their seemingly impossible goals. But in the end, they did the impossible.
They embraced what made them different and accepted themselves for who they are. Because of that, they changed the world.
That’s the power of the misfits.
I make money with an anomaly
I am an anomaly. And I’ve embraced it fully.
People have always had expectations of me, and somehow I always go beyond that.
They expected me to fail because I was dyslexic. They thought I would turn my world upside down because of grief and loss.
They thought I would stay at a corporate job as a lawyer forever. Naysayers said I would never become as successful as a coach.
And yet, I am here, surviving and thriving.
I’m living my best life and I also get to help others as a Money Mindset Expert. My unconventional techniques have helped them attract and manifest abundance in their lives.
Read more about manifestation here.
I help my clients heal their money stories and do inner child work. We uncover the subconscious beliefs around money
And most of all, I help them create a guilt-free, abundant life.
I want you to experience the same thing.
This is your time to embrace your anomaly and start living a life of abundance. If you’re ready to make the change, be a part of my FREE 5-DAY Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenge