Gull Khan

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Author: Gull Khan

How to Increase Money Vibrations and Be Happy With Yourself

Learning about money vibrations can help you understand how to tap into it.

In my previous blogs, I’ve shared about the universal laws of money and how we can raise our vibrations.

Today I will talk about money vibrations, how you can improve your relationship with money, and how to let go of toxic money. 


money vibrations


The Three Parameters of Money Vibrations


One of the core principles of the Law of Attraction is everything vibrates in a particular frequency. 

And you attract whatever you are in harmony with.

According to Chopra, vibration is the state of your being. And you have the power to tap into the vibration you want.

So today let me tell you about the three types of money vibrations.


Low Vibration Money


low money vibrations


Low vibration money is the money you get illegally. It might come from cheating, lying, or bribes. 

The problem with low vibration money is it comes with all the guilt, whether you like it or not.

It might seem like a white lie or something accidental that you do. It might also be something that you think doesn’t create any impact in your money story.

But truth is, you can taint your high vibration money with this energy.

For example, you are working in a government office. But then you get a situation where you’re asked to do something you’re not comfortable with. 

Or you were told to be quiet in exchange for a higher pay grade.

You might think it’s good to get the extra cash for the bills you need to pay. It might also be possible that you’re used to receiving these “favors” in exchange for the silence.

But in the end, the universe can get back to you in surprising ways.

What’s worse is, it can taint the money that you’re earning honestly.

And the thing is our subconscious is powerful. Your higher self will always know when you are doing something wrong.

So if you wrongfully attract money it will also attract low vibration emotions such as stress, anger, and fear. 

And in return, this money won’t bring you happiness. 


Neutral Vibration Money


neutral money vibrations


This is money you earn honestly whether through your own business, a job, or allowance from a parent or partner. 

Neutral money can go both ways. It can go high or low depending on how you respond to it.

The challenge with new money is the same. It also grows depending on how you feel.

Since neutral money comes from a limited source, it has the tendency to cause negative feelings to those who get it.

Let’s say you’re getting income from your parents or an inheritance. This may cause feelings of guilt since you don’t have much control over the amount you’re getting

For business owners, running a business can be tiring and frustrating. And the returns can be disappointing especially when you’re just starting out.

This can cause you to resent your job or your business. And that’s when neutral money becomes toxic.

When you no longer enjoy what you do to earn money, the energy changes.

You can keep on doing what you do to get the money but it no longer makes you happy.


High Vibration Money


high money vibration


This is the ideal vibration of money you would want to tap into. 

High vibration money means you’re receiving happy money. And when I talk about happy money, we’re talking about you having fun with how you get it.

When you are passionate about your business or your job that you just keep on attracting good energy. And this will result in an abundance of your money. 

The problem is, it can get difficult to sustain that satisfaction and happiness around money. Those who pursue their passions understand what I mean by this. 

Take, for example, you get your dream job with the best pay. You finally close the deal you’ve always wanted. You find your best clients and earn well in your business.

At first, you feel great. Everything goes perfect, and you’re having the time of your life.

But then the challenges start to come in. Maybe you change roles, office politics happen, or your manager becomes difficult.

Then burnout happens. You get tired and struggling with the tasks. And the high vibrations of money go lower until it becomes toxic money.

Money vibrations change overtime. That’s why you always need to keep things in check to make sure you maintain your happiness and satisfaction with money.


The Truth about Monetizing your Passion 


Let me tell you a story. 

I have experienced toxic money firsthand. I was financially dependent on my ex-husband at one point. 

And as our relationship worsened, my emotions towards taking money from him worsened as well.

And my relationship with money turned into toxic money. It got to a point wherein I used to be able to earn a good amount of money in my 20’s but couldn’t even make 100 bucks in my 30’s.

Toxic money takes away your money-making ability and keeps it in lock and key. 

So, you have to work through it to start attracting money again.

How do you do this? Monetize your passion.

If you are doing something you love to earn money, then you are also creating an environment for money to go in a higher vibration.

In my case, being a money mindset coach has got me at my highest vibration parameter. 

I have other means of creating income such as being an amateur trader and I could probably create more money with that it doesn’t matter. But since I am so passionate about money then this is what’s giving me abundance. 

I feel strongly about money and helping people change their mindsets towards money. And if you feel this way towards your job or your craft then you will attract high vibration money.

As a result, not only will you be abundant in terms of money you will attract good health and relationships as well. 

And I promise you, it will feel like you’re not working a day in your life.


Energy Clearing Tips to Increase Money Vibrations


So how do you keep your money vibrations high? You need to manage your energy around it.

Negative energy will only affect your money vibrations negatively as well. And you need to clear the negative energy around your money. 

Here are some of the best ways to clear your energy around money.


money vibe


Get grounded 


Focus your breathing and close your eyes. Imagine a light engulfing your whole body. 

Remember that you can permit what will attach to you. Permit positivity. Permit abundance. 

Once you start feeling stressed and worried about your money, try to do this. 


Cord Cutting


As humans, we find ourselves attached to people and places. 

We attach ourselves to them through a cord of connection. Imagine the cord connected to you and how it can get and give you energy.

If you attach to someone or something that is of negative energy, you will attract this energy as well.

We have to let go of attachments that will negatively affect us. Stand still and imagine cutting off the cords that no longer serve you. 


Clear and cultivate your energy


In yoga, we always start and end with “namaste hands.”

With your palms together in a prayer position, you are expressing that what you have released stays out and what you invite stays. 

When you are feeling frazzled by your finances, start to think happy thoughts and let go of what negative emotions you may have towards it. 

Press your palms together and keep those negative emotions out.


Cleansing your body


Treat your skin as a symbol of your energy.  You have to take care of it and keep it healthy.

Giving your body the self-care it needs.

You can eat right, exercise, and cleanse. It will equate to you giving your energy the care it needs too. 

Take care of your body, and energy and in return, they will take care of you.


Knowing your boundaries


Choose what you say yes and no to because whatever it is you choose to do requires a certain amount of your energy.

We all tend to say yes to things we don’t like doing in fear of judgment or upsetting someone. But doing something you don’t like will drain your energy. 

But of course, saying no also comes with responsibility. It is not just everything you don’t want to do has to be within reason as well.

You are responsible for your energy and what you do with it. So always know your boundaries. 

With a few simple reminders, we can also raise our vibrations towards money.

How we earn and spend money is a reflection of how much energy we put behind doing these things. 

We also have to remember how we feel about money can affect our money-making abilities. Be mindful of how you talk about money. 

If we protect our energy, we are protecting our money as well. 




Money vibrations can flow in the direction you want.

And everything starts with your emotions around money.

Listen and learn how you can increase your money vibration here.

Ready to change your money story?

Sign up to our waitlist here:


On Self-Worth and How to Create True Abundance

Self-worth and self-esteem are two words that are usually interchanged. 

Most of the time, people use it to describe how we carry ourselves and how important it is for your success. 

But is it really the same? 

Today we’re talking about the difference between self-worth, self-esteem, and how creates true abundance. 


self worth



The Golden Buddha 


Hundreds of years ago, there was a small village that took care of a golden buddha. 

It was the village treasure, and everyone took care of it. 

One day, intruders started attacking and looting the village’s neighboring village. In fear, the people and the monks started covering the golden buddha with clay. 

The intruders came and lay waste in the village. And unfortunately, all the monks who took care of the buddha were all killed. Despite that, the golden buddha was kept safe.


self worth golden buddha


Days turned into months, months into years, and years turned into decades. People forgot all about the golden buddha covered in clay.

Sometime in the 1950s, a monastery was being relocated to the same place where the golden buddha stood. 

The monks rented a crane to help with the clearing. But when they tried moving the huge hunk of clay, it proved to be too heavy to lift. 

Suddenly, something glimmered underneath all the dirt. And in disbelief, the monks started chiseling away the clay. 

After a few hours, the clay gave way to solid gold. 

Today the golden buddha sits in its own temple in Thailand in all its gloriousness. 


Self-worth vs. Self Esteem: What’s a difference?


Here’s one truth about human existence. We are all born with the potential to be great. 

But like the golden buddha, our potential has been covered in clay for so long that we forgot it even exists. 

This seed of potential can either grow and flourish as you grow older. It can also wither if left untapped. 

But the good news is, no matter how long it’s been buried by dirt, wear, and tear, this seed still lives in all of us. 

And like the monk, it’s our responsibility to get rid of the dirt so our true self can gleam and shine. 

See most people use self-worth and self-esteem as if they have the same meaning.

Psychology Today defines self-esteem as confidence in one’s value as a human being. It relates to achievements, good relationships, and overall satisfaction with the way you live. 

For me, self-esteem is all about what the world perceives about you. It’s what they see and hear from you. It’s the physical representation of who you are. 


self esteem self worth


On the other hand, the self-worth definition by Psychalive talks about the value we assign ourselves as people and individuals. 

Self-worth is how we see our internal being. It’s our personal value. In much simpler terms, self-worth talks about how much you appreciate and like yourself. 

Dr. Lisa Firestone got it right when she said self-worth is more about valuing your inherent worth. It’s all about loving who you are and not about what you do. 

The problem with today’s society is we’re focused so much on improving self-esteem. Most of the time, our measurement of success is all about how you fare against others. 

We often race against each other’s achievements.

This competitive culture drives us to focus on being the best to feel good about ourselves. Because of this, we value our sense of self depending on how we compare to the success of others. 

Our confidence becomes equal to the attention that we get. Success becomes superficial and materialistic. 

This cycle leads us to base our self-worth on how much applause we get. And when we lose the win, we think our value as people go down too. 

This is also the reason why mental health issues like narcissism and depression are so common today. 

People who prioritize self-esteem above self-worth tend to pay a high price. 

A research conducted by Dr. Jennifer Crocker showed students who base their self-worth on external sources tend to have higher chances of drug and alcohol abuse and eating disorders.


self worth and self esteem


The study involved getting responses from 600 college freshmen. These students looked at how people responded to their appearance, approval from others, and academic performance. 

These folks had higher bouts of anger, susceptibility to stress, and weakness to failure. 

On the other hand, students who had a stronger sense of self-worth did better in all aspects. 

They got higher grades, had better experiences, and were found less likely to drink, do drugs, or develop eating disorders. 

Now that you know how different self-worth and self-esteem is, let’s talk about how it affects your abundance. 


Self-worth and abundance 


Your self-esteem starts with your self-worth. 

It will define how you see the world and how you want it to see you. 

Building on your self-worth also helps you set the right boundaries and standards. When you set the right boundaries, the right opportunities also come up. 


self worth and opportunities


The same goes when you suffer from low self-worth and self-esteem. 

Whenever you think about your self-worth, you do an internal assessment of your current situation. And all the opportunities that come to you confirm how much you think you deserve.

The problem is, most of us don’t have the right mindset about self-worth and abundance. 

Remember the golden buddha? Most are still at the chipping stage. And it’s not easy. 

We have all gone through pain and trauma in our lives. 

Maybe someone told you that you weren’t smart enough or pretty enough. 

Maybe a friend broke your heart and told you you couldn’t succeed. 

Or maybe you’ve been comparing your progress to someone else. 

These thoughts and feelings are manifestations of low self-worth and vibrations. And when you keep at this level, you won’t be able to get the right opportunities and abundance. 

Read more about the universal law of money here. 

What you need to realize is that we’re more than what we see and feel. Our self-worth, our value as a soul, and spirit are connected to a higher being. It’s connected to the Divine Source. 

This is something that we have forgotten. 

We’ve been too engrossed in the idea of this physical world that they’ve forgotten who they are. 

So they diminish their value depending on their wins and failures. 

They measure their self-worth and self-esteem on the standards that the world sets. 

Remember, we are all born with the same potential. Nothin in this physical world can decrease our intrinsic value. 

There’s no one on this planet who is worth more or less than you. 

The only difference is how you are going to use your potential and how much you’re going to value yourself. 


How to increase your self worth 


How do you increase your self-worth to increase your value? 

It’s actually simple. Focus on you. 

Remember that you are in control of how you respond. 

When you begin to understand who you are in your core, you will become unfazed about what others think or feel about you. 

Sure, there will always be someone who has more success or better than you. But it doesn’t mean that you are worthless. 

But when you realize your potential, doors will open and you will have the right mindset and tools to create opportunities for yourself. 

So here are ways on how to elevate your vibrations and increase your self-worth and self-esteem. 


Reassess who you are and start conversing with yourself in the way you are 


Erika Andersen, author of Be Bad First talks the truth when it comes to judging ourselves. 

She said most of us don’t have a fair assessment of who we are and what we do. 

Oftentimes we focus on how people respond to what we do. And our happiness is based on whether or not they accept us. 

The key to increasing your self-worth is affirmations. It’s a great way to build your confidence and can help improve your self-esteem. 

Here are some great self-worth quotes you can use as affirmation. 


I am worthy


self worth affirmation


self worth affirmations


Start a gratitude list 


Gratitude helps you acknowledge yourself and boost your self-esteem. 

Being grateful helps people with trauma and adversity push through it better and increase their resilience. 

When people focus on what’s good, they also increase their vibrations. It also helps boost their happiness


Learn how to receive 


People with low self-esteem can also be poor receivers. This becomes a problem because you tend to miss the signs the Universe is sending your way. 

This is a huge thing when you think about it. 

Receiving is an act of letting go and trusting the Divine Source. 

This means learning to say yes at the right time. It also means going out of your comfort zone and trusting your gut. 


Stop negotiating your worth with others 


You get what you believe you deserve. And the only way to get the salary you want or the rate you want, then the only way to do it is to ask for it.  

It doesn’t matter if you’re negotiating for money or extra time. What matters is knowing that you deserve the life you want. 

So if you want to grow your business or change the life you’re leading, start with prioritizing your worth. 



When you become happy with who you are, everything will fall with ease and grace. 

That’s what happens when you focus on improving your self-worth. 

Are you ready to change your money story?

Register to my Five Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenger here.  

How to Upgrade your Financial Personality and Money Mindset

Our financial personality says a lot about how we deal and attract money.

The problem is, most people are not aware of the kind of money personality they have. Some are even willing to deny how they respond to money.

So today, we’ll talk about how to understand your financial personality. 


financial personality


What is financial personality?


Your financial personality is your mindset when it comes to dealing with money.

It also refers to your response around money, how you spend it, and how you invest it. 

Do you create a budget for your expenses whenever you get the money? Or are you the type to borrow money to cover your previous debts?

Risk Magazine talks about different financial personality types.

These types are based on how people respond when they have money at hand. And while they may be labeled differently, I must agree that these are true and common.

Here are five financial personality types and how to know which one you have. 




financial personaly debt

People with in-debt mindsets tend to spend money even before they are available. 

They don’t follow any budget or set any savings. They usually live life believing today is the last. 

They give in to impulsive buying or overspend on unnecessary things. Because of this, they also tend to borrow money from friends and relatives to make ends meet.


The Ostrich


Some people just don’t like dealing with money. It might be too stressful for them. 

Yes, money can make your headache once in a while but that just means you have to face it head-on.

But Ostrich people are those who rather just not deal with it at all. They don’t organize their finances and just turn a blind eye on what is going on with their money.

The problem with this is how can you earn more money if you don’t even know what’s happening with it.




People with breakeven money mindsets often cover their expenses well. They pay their utilities on time, have a bit of saving in the bank, and even have the money to buy whatever they want.

The problem is, their behavior towards money tends to be more on the spending side.

If they have money to spend, they will spend it because they think they deserve it. 




financial personality stingy


These people are those who have more than enough money to live comfortably. They probably don’t worry about their bills and can afford a meal at a pricey restaurant. 

Problem is, people with this kind of mindset can be stingy. They fear that they will lose the money they have. 

So instead of spending it, they hold on to it. 

They don’t go on vacations, they don’t buy pricey things. They always think that they don’t have enough. 

They end up living a frugal life. 

And you might be thinking that there are people who became millionaires this way. While this might be true, these people tend to repress themselves of their desires. 

Then one day, they realize they haven’t lived their life to the fullest 




financial personality mindset


The rich money mindset is the kind that everyone should aspire for. 

These people know how to handle their money and when to spend it. They value time over money. 

They’re the ones who spend their time learning new skills. They grow their network of people and aren’t shy about admitting they need help. 

These people invest their money in stocks and on people who have the skill to be an essential part of their business.

They believe that money is easy to make and flows to new sources. 


There are no exemptions when it comes to the kind of money mindset you develop. 

You can belong to three generations of millionaires and still be stingy about money. 

Poor and underprivileged people can be born dirt poor and become billionaires later on life. 

The real key to abundance is not where you come from, but who you strive to become. 

Want to learn more about your financial personality type? Take a test here. 


Your belief and your money mindset 


Before we can elevate your mindset into the best one that will give you abundance, we have to understand why we are at our current mindset.

But what do I mean by identity?


belief systems


Your identity is the product of your environment and socioeconomic status. It is also influenced by your religious beliefs.

That’s why most people get frustrated whenever they try to change and nothing happens.

No matter how much you pray, or pledge, or manifest money, it keeps running away from you.

You still have guilt feelings whenever you try to charge higher. Or feel shame whenever you have to ask for payment.

Again, it’s not your fault.

It takes time to change life long beliefs, especially when these beliefs are accepted by society as a whole.

There are so many things that religion teaches us about money, and I hate to admit that some of them are contradicting.

All faiths discuss the duality and injustice in society. It talks about doing good for others and sharing your blessings.

It also warns about the evils of wanting wealth and money. Like if you want too much, you’ll go to hell. Or turn into a cockroach or a worm in your next lifetime.

As I’ve been saying in the previous posts, money is neither evil nor good. It just magnifies the kind of person you are.

Religions also don’t define money and wealth as something undesirable. In fact, most religions also talk about being prosperous and becoming fruitful.

While religion and your belief system have a strong influence on your money mindset, it goes back to one universal truth.

All your decisions in life and in your financial situation are all on you. And you alone are responsible for how you behave around money.

But it takes practice to make the shift happen.

Until then, have faith that the law of abundance is working for you. You might not see the results yet, but it is working.

And one thing you have to remember is that with all of this, it is not money’s fault. It’s just that you are looking at money with the wrong mindset.

When you’ve changed these mindsets and upgraded your financial identity, the money will come to you.

Remember, the more you force it, the more money will run away from you. 

You can see some fundamental changes you can also do to fix your current money personalities here.

[Read here to learn more about how your money mindset affects your abundance]


How to upgrade your financial identity and money mindset


financial personality growth mindset

When you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.

Focus and awareness do that for you. That’s why it’s the first thing we act on if we want to change something about ourselves.

Now that we have identified the types of financial personalities, it’s time to talk about what we need to do to make the shift.

Here’s how you can change yours and get that rich money mindset.


Identify what your money identity is and your current limiting beliefs


List down who you are. 

What is your background? What is your profession? What do you identify with?

For example, you can identify as a rock music type of person or a pop music type of person.

List down every aspect of your identity down to what kind of car you have, where you live, your civil status.

Also, consider your age and your belief systems because these things also affect your beliefs around money. 

And identify how these aspects impacted how you think and how you are.


Review your belief systems


As mentioned previously, religion can impact the way you see and feel about money.

Christianism, Hinduism, and other religions have taught us to be more giving to the poor and weak. 

And that I agree with. Sharing your blessings is part of abundance.

The problem is, we often connect this giving attitude to poverty instead. And that’s where all the confusion begins.

You can’t give it if you have nothing to give.

So how do you check yourself and your beliefs?

Feel your feelings around money.

Do you feel guilty for having it? Are you ashamed of wanting it and then being labeled as greedy?

Identify how your religious belief makes you feel about having and wanting money.

When you find this out, rewrite it in a way that takes away the guilt, shame, and fear in money.

Keep in mind that money is a neutral thing. It’s a currency that you can use both ways

In the end, it’s still you who decide what your money is worth.


Start questioning your current beliefs


Sometimes it is not what you do not know. It is what you currently believe in that hinders you from abundance. 

One thing you have to know is that money is just a magnifier. It will just magnify what is in the heart. 

If you are loving, caring, and kind, the money will magnify that.

If you are self-centered, narcissistic and conceited, then money will magnify that.

Money doesn’t change your character; it just brings it out. 

Your current mindset does not have to be that forever. It can change. 

Just like when I became a single mother, I acted and started thinking like one. That is the power of your mindset.


Think of what you want to identify with


Now that you know how you see yourself and what you identify yourself with, it’s time to think of your goal identity.

Get a piece of paper and divide it into two.

On the left side, write how money makes you feel. For example, ‘money is dirty.’

On the right side, rewrite your money thought into a positive phrase. For example, ‘Money is neutral and its value depends on how I use it.’

Then save some space to write down the goals you want to achieve such as: how much money do I want to make? Or what do you want to be doing in x number of years?

Do this for 21 days to make a habit out of it. 

Write a new feeling and a new goal every day so that it is easier for you to be honest with yourself and manifest the right things.




We all grew up with certain beliefs around money, but that doesn’t mean we cannot change this. 

Don’t stop yourself from wanting more money and believe that having more money means abundance for others as well. 

Also, don’t forget to recognize the distance between where you are now to where you want to be to push yourself into deciding to change your current mindset. 

Are you ready to elevate that financial personality into a better one?

Listen to the full episode on how to upgrade your financial identity here.

And join the waiting list for my Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenge here.

How Your Money Mindset Affects How You Make Money

What kind of money mindset do you have? 

Do you feel like money slips away from your fingers? 

This time we’re talking about your money mindset and how you can make it even better. 


money mindset - how it affects money


Why most lottery winners almost always go bankrupt


Have you had any news of lottery winners maintaining or growing the money they got?

Research says 70% of lottery winners end up being bankrupt after a few years. Sadly, most winners also struggle with depression, divorce, and suicide. 

Most lottery millionaires admit feeling overwhelmed with all the sudden wealth. Some feel the stress of family members trying to leech off of them. 


money mindsets winning the lottery


Others feel the pressure of saying yes to loans, treats, and donation requests from friends and their community. 

Benzinga compiled a few of these lucky millionaires who ended up worse than they were before they got rich. 

William Post III won $16.2 Million in the Pennsylvania lottery in 1988. Two years later, he filed for bankruptcy after being in debt for $500,000. 

What did he do with his money? Post did some poor spending decisions such as buying a restaurant and an airplane. 

Billie Bob Harrell Jr. won $31 Million. His friends and family called Billie Bob ‘Santa Claus’ after paying their bills and buying them cars. He also purchased roughly 500 turkeys that he gave away to the poor. 

Two years after, Billie Bob went bankrupt and took his own life. 

Evelyn Marie Adams won the New Jersey lottery not once, but twice. By 2012, she admitted to being broke due to heavy gambling. 

Now you might be thinking, these people didn’t know how to manage money from the start. 

But even people who know how to manage money successfully also get into this huge trap. 

One popular story is that of Andrew Whittaker. Jack, as he is commonly known, had a net worth of $17 Million before he won the lottery on Christmas day. 

In 2002, Jack got a lump-sum payout of $ 170.5 Million. He donated a percentage of his earnings to charities and foundations. He kept his promises to friends and helped others too. 

In the end, he still ended up bankrupt because of drinking and gambling. What’s worse, he got to witness his daughter and granddaughter’s death. 

The point is, most people think having money is the key to their problems. 

Want to know the truth? It’s not the amount of money you have. What matters is having the right mindset in the way you’re handling money. 


Money, Mindsets, and Beliefs


Your mindset about money is the summary of all the experiences you’ve had from age zero until now. 

It’s based on the conversations you heard from your parents. It’s the tips you’ve heard from aunts and uncles about what career to take in college. 

It’s the unsolicited advice you’ve gotten from a friend about stocks and trading at 25. 

It’s also the same mindset that you use to decide how much money you’re going to make. 

See most people have limiting beliefs around money. And a huge part of these limiting beliefs affects the way they attract it. 

You can see it in the friends you choose, the purchases you make, and the life you get to live. 

Often, we think our options are limited because of our race, location, or age. 

I honestly couldn’t count how many times I’ve heard this reasoning from the clients I’ve helped. And I just want to say, none of this is true. 

Remember the universal truth about making money? Your age, location, or race has nothing to do with your potential to earn. 

It’s having a growth mindset that attracts abundance and the money to your life. 

There are so many self-made millionaires who were born into poverty. And yet they found opportunities and solutions that made them the money. 

Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz grew up poor with a father who had temp jobs. His father’s experience in corporate helped him create a culture that elevated coffee into new heights. 


money mindset starbucks


Who doesn’t know about Oprah’s success story? She was so poor she wore a potato sack for clothes as a young child. She had to endure years of sexual and physical abuse. 

At 19, Oprah decided to start a career as a female anchor in Baltimore. She endured sexual harassment and was fired seven-and-a-half months later. 

But instead of giving up, Oprah went on to become one of the biggest names in the world. She also became one of the richest and most influential people we all look up to. 

They are living proof that money flows when you focus on growth and value. 

How did they do it? 

For one, they were brave enough to challenge expectations and their belief systems. 

While the world told them they can’t, they shifted their focus on what they can do. 

There are two kinds of mindsets that you can function in: the growth mindset versus the fixed mindset. put it perfectly in this infographic. 

Carol Dweck’s years of research on growth vs. fixed mindset talks about how the quality of our lives is affected by the type of mindset we have. 


money mindset


People with a growth mindset are more open to learning and new adventures. They address challenges in a systematic manner. 

They persist when they hit roadblocks, are open to criticism and find genuine happiness in the success of others. 

The opposite goes for people with fixed mindsets. 

They avoid challenges and quit when things get difficult. They easily get offended when someone points out things for improvements. 

Because of this, they don’t hit their full potential. 


How to achieve a positive money mindset


So how does a growth mindset connect to having a positive money mindset? 

Having a growth mindset means you’re more open to opportunities. It also makes you try new things and see other angles to resolve your concerns. 

People with a growth mindset are also up to improving themselves. And this awareness also helps them pay attention to the way they think and feel about money. 


new money mindset


If you don’t have this kind of mindset about money or opportunities, it’s still not too late to make the change. 

All you need to do is make the decision to get started. 

Here are some ways to achieve a positive money mindset. 


Identify how you think and feel about money


The first thing to do is to understand that money is neutral. It’s neither good nor bad.

It’s used as a currency in exchange for the work and opportunities you create for yourself and others.

Once you accept that, it will be easier for you to have a better relationship with money. 

Learn how you can improve your relationship with money here. 


Take care of your emotional spending


Understand your triggers and identify your spending habits.

Do you use retail therapy when you feel sad? Do you tend to gobble up sweets when you’re anxious? 

Learn your response to money and what you do when you get it. 


Clear your money blocks


When you become aware of your money habits, it’s easier for you to identify the money blocks that you have. 

These are blocks that stop you from living to your potential. And that includes increasing your abundance and the money you have in the bank. 

[Read more on how to make money and clear your money blocks here.]


Be Consistent 


Any change you want to happen needs consistency. And since your money mindset took your whole life to develop, it can be challenging to make the change. 

Set achievable goals that you can easily adapt to. 

If you don’t have a journal, then this is the best time to get started with one. 

Write down things you’re grateful for. And reframe your mind by creating affirmations to help you manifest the things you want in life. 

Check out how you can change your paradigms more effectively in this video below. 


Your money mindset dictates how you can attract an abundant life. And no matter what your current mindset is with money, it’s still possible to make a change. 

Are you ready to change your money story?

All you have to do is decide to start that change of money mindset today.

Listen to the full podcast and learn more about the four money mindsets in my podcast here

And if you’re ready to change your money story, make sure to register to my Five Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenger here. 

What Your Relationship with Money Says About You

Your relationship with money dictates how much of it you can attract. 

In my previous blog, we talked about the universal laws of money. We talked about the truths about money and how you create it. 

This time, we’re talking about your relationship with money and how you can make it better. 

So let’s get it started. 


relationship with money


Understanding your relationship with money

You can’t understand something you’re not aware of. That’s why you must know what your mindset around money is all about. 

But first, let me tell you another truth. Unlike common beliefs, money is neither evil nor good. 

Money is neutral. 

And that’s the whole truth. 

See, society has given us the idea that money is the root of all evil. Many people use the money to fund evil things. 

Some use it to hurt people. Others are driven to do bad things because of their desire for money. 

But in reality, it also goes the other way. 

neutral relationship with money

People also use the money to be a blessing to others. We feed the hungry and share it with the poor. 

We help out people in need and support schools, businesses, and other causes. 

One problem we all do is we attach too many emotions to money. And this heavily affects how we respond to it when we finally have it. 

But come to think of it, money is a currency that we use in exchange for the value and energy we provide. 

And it’s just that. 

The problem is, most of us attach a specific emotion to money. Because of this, we create blocks that stop us from having a good experience with money. 

That’s what I’m here for. 

My goal is to help you create a better relationship with money.  And the first thing you should know is that you have the power to change it. 


Your circle of influence and your relationship with money 

Psychology Today says how you respond to money is the sum of all your experiences. 

Your money mindset is the result of years of conditioning from other people’s traumas and beliefs around money. 

From zero to seven years old, your parents and family members have taught you how you should think about money. 

You’ve seen it in your parent’s relationship. You’ve seen it during family gatherings and events. 

You’ve seen how competitive aunts get every time they compare their children’s lives to others in the family. Or how they talk about the places they’ve traveled to and the new purchases they have. 

You’ve probably heard your parents fight over expenses or worry about how to pay for debt. 

You’ve probably witnessed your mom’s cousin crying during one of their visits asking for a loan. 

Your views about abundance and how you create money is also affected by the circles outside your family. 


relationship with money family


Society has taught us that people with money, position, and power have better opportunities. 

Religion has taught us that wanting money is the source of all evil. Wanting money leads to greed and injustice. 

That’s what we hear all the time in the news and other media. 

We are also taught to strive for our dreams and reach for the stars. But when we declare what our dreams are, we are often told it’s impossible. 

Or worse, there’s no money in it. 

We are also taught that we need to work hard so that we can earn well when we grow up. 

These mixed signals can lead us to view money in a dichotomy. And it has made it all the more difficult to create a positive relationship with money. 

We’ve attached different meanings and emotions to money instead of treating it as a neutral thing.  

We treat money with fear, shame, and even guilt. 

We treat it as something that’s beyond us, something impossible to achieve. 

Because of this, money and abundance run away from us.

[Read more about money blocks here.]


How to change your relationship with money 

Now, what does it mean to have a positive and healthy money relationship?

Dr. Brad Klontz talks about financial health as having a conscious and purposeful relationship with money. The goal is for you to feel satisfied and not overly stressed.

Having a good relationship with money means you spend it based on what’s valuable to you. 


relationship with money cash


You pay your bills on time. You have little or reasonable debt. You save money to meet your goals, and you have money in the bank for an emergency fund. 

You also think of money as energy which flows into other things. You don’t keep the money to yourself. Instead, you move it around by providing opportunities for others or investing it.

While there are people who already do this, the good news is, you can too. 

That’s the beauty of shifting paradigms. You have the power to change the way you think. 

All you have to do is decide to do so. 

To change your paradigms and beliefs around money, you need to understand its laws first. 

[Read more about the universal laws of creating money here. ]

Here are the steps you need to start making the change you need in your relationship with money. 


Be aware of the things you want to change

We cannot improve what we don’t measure. And we cannot change things if we’re not aware of it. 

And for you to change your money story, you must first identify what you need to change. 

Start with your current beliefs around money. Give it some time and think about how money makes you feel. 

Do you feel proud of the money you earn? Do you feel satisfied with how much you’re making? 

Do you feel guilty wanting more in your bank account? Are you comfortable with buying things for yourself? 

Write down your thoughts about what you heard about money growing up. Take note of the thoughts you’ve heard in the past and how your family has reacted. 

How do you usually respond when you get a sizeable amount of money? Do you spend it on one go? Do you keep it in the bank? Do you invest in it? 

Does saving and spending money make you feel good or bad?

Doing this will help you learn and understand what your relationship with money is all about. 


Describe and reframe how you think and feel about money

Now that you’ve written and identified your thoughts and feelings about money, the next step is to reframe it. 

There is power in writing thoughts and speaking words aloud. 

Identifying your negative paradigms and rewriting them into positive terms help make the change. 

For one, it strengthens your resolve. Another is it brings your thoughts into reality. 

It also trains your mind into changing its belief systems. The more you talk about these new thoughts, the more you become open to changing them. 


Measure and track your expenses 

Cash flow is an important part of understanding your money relationship. It gives you an idea of your spending habits. 

Tracking your habits can help you uncover other money beliefs you may not even be aware of. 

retail therapy relationship with money

You may find that certain triggers push you to buy unnecessary things. It can also explain why you respond to money the way you do. 

Measuring the amount and manner you spend your money can also be the best way to solve your woes around it. 

Need help in tracking your money habits? Check out these 12 free apps you can try. 


Forgive and be grateful 

Analyzing your money story can be a painful process. 

There will be a huge chance that bad memories come out while you’re listing things down. 

That’s part of the process, and it’s something you also need to do to make the change in your story. 

Forgiving people and yourself is the key to healing. When you forgive, you raise your vibrations and open yourself to new possibilities. 

On the other hand, gratitude helps you be in the moment. It also helps you be more thankful for what you have. 

Gratitude helps you adopt an attitude of appreciation. It highlights your best traits and makes it easier for you to adjust to difficult situations.


Get a professional to help you 

Of course, you can do this journey on your own. But it will be a lot easier and faster if you get a professional to help you out. 

help with relationship with money

Coaches and professional financial advisers can help you sort things out much faster. 

Get proven results because of the systems and processes they’ve already created. 

You also get to know more people who have the same challenges as you have. This will make your journey to a better money mindset much easier. 



You can start your life with a different mindset, but you can always make a change with your relationship with money. 

All you have to do is decide to do so. 

If you’re ready to change your money story, there’s no better time to start than now. 

Get more tips on how to create a powerful relationship with money in my podcast here

And if you’re ready to change your money story, make sure to register to my Five Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenger here.

Creating Money: What You Need to Know

Creating money is one of the major problems we have in life. 


Sure, we can create money by having a job, a business, or selling what we are passionate about. 

But why is it so hard to create and keep money in our pockets? Why does it feel so difficult to become millionaires and make money work for you? 

As a money mindset expert, I’ve had many entrepreneurs and clients come to me and ask these questions. 

Their money stories are the same. They make huge amounts of cash through working in corporate or running their own business. 

At the end of the day, it still isn’t enough. 

Today I’m going to share some truths about money and the universal laws on creating money. 

So let’s get it started. 


creating money

The Scarcity Mentality and Creating Money 


I love money, and I don’t have problems with it. 

Most people think of it that way. But in truth, almost everyone has a scarcity mentality when it comes to money. 

And that’s a huge problem. 

Steven Covey speaks about the scarcity mindset perfectly in his book, The Seven Habits of Highly Effective People

For him, the scarcity mentality definition means people only see life as there was only one pie. And if people get a bigger piece of the pie, that’s less for everyone else.

Covey also said people with a scarcity mentality have a difficult time sharing recognition and credit. They see power and profit to be for themselves, and they have a hard time being genuinely happy for other people’s success. 


creating money - scarcity mindset


What’s ironic is, these people probably don’t even know that they have a scarcity mindset. 

So how do you see the signs?

Having a scarcity mindset only allows you to focus on short term decisions. It also ignores the long term plans since most focus on the now. 

This also gives the person a false sense of importance, thinking the world revolves around them.

And often this leads to feelings for jealousy and sadness whenever things don’t go their way. 

So how does this translate to personal finances and creating money? 

People with this kind of mindset usually feel paranoid and insecure about money. Often they feel like the money they have slops through their fingers. 

They spend their paycheck thinking they’re one day millionaires. They swipe their credit cards for unnecessary stuff. 

They worry about the bills when they come, and wonder why good things happen to someone else except them. 

Do you feel like this? Do you have any money habits that are similar to this?

If you do, then, don’t fret. 

The good news is, you can still make the shift.

But first, let’s talk about the other type of mindset: abundance. 


The Abundance Mentality 


On the other hand, Steven Covey describes the abundance mentality as a flow of a deep inner sense of personal worth and security. 

They believe that there is plenty of sources to go around. Because of this, it’s easy for them to share prestige, recognition, profit, and decision making. 

This opens possibilities, options, alternatives, and creativity for them. 


creating money abundance


People with abundant mindsets usually have a positive outlook on life. They believe that problems always come with solutions as long as you’re creative with your approach. 

They also understand the good in long term planning. They don’t believe in instant gratification because they have bigger goals in mind. 

They have the discipline to say no so they could focus on productive things. 

It’s not that they don’t know how to have fun. It’s just that they know what their priorities are. 

When it comes to personal success, they create a positive environment for growth. They also cheer other people on and push them towards success. 

They’re also happy about other peoples’ wins and it doesn’t take away from their own. 

On finances, money comes in easy to them. They attract the amount they want and get it at the time they set. 

For them, money is not something to keep but something to grow. 

That’s the difference between people with an abundance mindset and the scarcity mentality 


Scarcity Mindset and Toxic Money 


You probably have your mindset when you read this. It might be surprising to realize that you don’t have the right mindset to attract and create money. 

The good news is, it’s not your fault. 

Toxic money is something that society has unconsciously given us through its teachings. 

We were taught at a young age that money is the root of all evil. Money makes people corrupt and does unforgivable things. 

For some reason, some people also relate spirituality and religion to poverty. It’s like we need to let go of the desire for money in exchange for merits for the afterlife. 

The problem here is we need money to survive. Religions also teach us to be prosperous and to help others while we are here on earth. 

Here is where it gets confusing for most. 

These contradicting ideologies tend to give us guilty feelings towards money. It makes us feel that we are greedy and selfish for wanting abundance for ourselves. 

That’s where the toxic money comes from. 


toxic money


It makes us think that we need to work too hard to deserve every penny we earn. 

It makes us feel shameful to want to have millions in our bank account. 

It’s also the reason why we still feel like a money drain despite all the effort we put in when making money. 

This toxic money mindset is a paradigm that we need to change. 

It’s that little voice that feeds doubt in your mind despite all the books you read and affirmations you say. 

Let me tell you this again. It’s not your fault. And there is a way out. 

Read more about how to remove limiting beliefs here. 

The Universal Law of Creating Money 


Now that you know the two kinds of money mindset, and the reason why nothing seems to work for you. 

Let me tell you about the universal law of creating money. 

It all starts in faith. Yes, you read that right. Faith. 

You need to first believe that everything is possible. 

As I mentioned, religion teaches us about prosperity. That’s what the Divine Source wants for us. 

And for abundance to happen, we need to believe that it will. 


universal law of creating money


The secret to the universal law of creating money is simple — it begins with you. 

That’s right, you. 

The money you attract is not defined by your race, your culture, nor your religion. Your relationship with money begins with how you respond to it. 

Here are three principles of the universal law of creating money.


Everything is energy 


Everything around us is energy, from our thoughts, words, and emotions. Light, air, even the stones have energy. 

Years ago, people would have thought of this as woo-woo. But Physics has proven that this is true. 

Albert Einstein said it himself. It’s all about vibrations.

Everything in life is vibration. Everything is energy and that’s all there is to it. Match the frequency of the reality you want and you cannot help but get that reality. It cannot be any other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics. – Albert Einstein

Everything around us vibrates, and we use our senses to recognize them. 

That’s how our eyes pick up colors and light, how our nose picks up scents. Even the air carries sound vibrations that enter into our ears and get translated into our brains. 

We also have our sixth sense which tells us about things we can’t perceive with our basic senses. 

This gut feeling, or instinct as we also call it, gives us a different sense of what’s happening around us. 

It connects us to the things we can’t see. 

It’s that warning you get when something’s about to go wrong. It’s that good feeling you get about a deal you’re about to close. 

The point is, we function in a world full of vibrations. It’s just that we may not be fully aware of its existence. 

But now that you know, it will be easier to tap into the different levels of vibrations so you could change the way you think about money. 

Learn more about vibrations here


All energy vibrates at a particular frequency 


Not all vibrations are the same. There are low vibrations and high vibrations. And each level affects us in different ways. 

Dr. David Hawkins explains it well in his Scale of Vibration. 

We all function at a certain level of energy. When we’re happy and content, things tend to be lighter and easier. 

When we’re functioning in fear, guilt, or shame, it feels heavy and confusing. 

Money is the value you use in exchange for the energy you exert. It is of high value and high frequency. To attract money, you should also align your vibration to it. 


on creating money


As I mentioned earlier, your paradigm around money has an impact on how you react with it. 

If you’ve been taught that wanting money means you’re greedy, it can result in feeling shame. 

If you were taught that you should aim to live frugally and not want money, you’ll feel guilty when you’re around money. 

In order to attract abundance and align with money’s frequency, you need to let go of these low vibration frequency. 

Doing so will free you and raise your vibrations to higher ones. These negative emotions can be replaced with feelings of acceptance, willingness, gratitude, and love 

Learn more about David Hawkin’s Scale of Vibration here. 


Your thoughts and actions create vibrations and frequency 


So how exactly can you change your vibrations and raise them to higher frequencies? 

It’s simple. Take control of your actions and reactions. Make a conscious choice to pick out how you respond to what’s going on around you. 

It all starts with gratitude. 

Complaining attracts more negativity because you focus only on the things that are not happening for you. 

But when you start counting the blessings you have, I promise you, everything will change. 

Your perception dictates how you respond. And when you change the lens you use to see with, everything else will follow. 

Choose to see with eyes of gratitude, and you’ll be surprised by what you see. 

Check out these twelve steps on how to change your vibrations today.




The secret to creating money is simple. It all depends on you. 

It doesn’t matter what your background is, or whichever part of the world you’re in. 

What’ matters are how you respond to the challenges around you. It also matters how grateful you are, despite what’s going on. 

Want more tips about the universal law of creating money? Listen to my podcast here. 

And if you’re ready to change your money story, make sure to register to my Five Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenger here. 

Money Avatar: Why You Need to Create One for Abundance

Your money avatar can help you create the life you’ve always wanted.


As a money mindset expert, I believe that money avatars are necessary to attract abundance.

Today, I’ll be talking about the money avatar, how it can help you reach your goals, and how you can create your own.

money avatar gull khan

What is money avatar?


Your money avatar is a personification of what you imagine money would be.

Some like creating an avatar based on a person they love, like a best friend or a motherly figure.

Others like to create animal representations with strong characters like an eagle so it could reach new heights.

It can also be a treasure box full of jewels and precious stones.

The point is, your money avatar should be something that you can imagine in your head. It needs to be something concrete so you can describe and build a relationship with it.

Now you might think creating an avatar sounds a bit woowoo. 

But in truth, any goal without a vision is incomplete. 

That’s why it’s vital for you to create a clear visual representation of your goals. And that includes creating a strong money personification. 

The Law of Attraction says that your thoughts will manifest into reality. This depends on what you continuously think about and what ideas you send out to the universe. 

So if you think good things about your money, then good things will come from it as well. 

Deciding on and creating your money avatar helps you think more positive thoughts about money. 

It also attracts more abundance. 


Money avatar - attracting abundance


And when you create an image of something you love, it’s easier for you to embrace it and look forward to conversing with it. 

And the real secret to abundance and manifestation is to believe that it defies logic. 

You don’t need to understand where the money is coming from. All you have to do is believe that it’s already available and is waiting for you to get it. 

Trust that the universe will give you what you want without demanding it.

If you believe that your money avatar will always be there when you need it, then it will be. 

Let it be and it will come.


Money avatar and its role in attracting money


So what’s the role of creating a money avatar? And is it really necessary to attract the kind of abundance you want?

Most people think the law of attraction is all about magic and voodoo. But in reality, the law of attraction is all about science. 

Mindvalley talks about the seven laws of attraction: unwavering desire, imagination, affirmation, focus, profound belief, gratitude, and manifestation. 

Whether you’re trying to manifest money, your dream house, or the perfect partner, you must first have an unwavering desire to make it happen. 

The next thing to do is to imagine it happening already. 

This is where money avatars come into action. Avatars help you visualize and feel the feeling so you could reinforce the desire you already have. 

With the law of attraction comes the law of resonance.

This law states that thoughts and things vibrate at a particular frequency. Like thoughts, money also has its own vibrations. And to access it, you would need to increase your vibrations to match that. 

So, this means to attract money, you must think of money. 

If you think you don’t have money, then you won’t ever have enough. 

The law of attraction is often used to gain abundance in money. But you can also use it to manifest other things like your dream job, a healthier body, and even your ideal partner. 


money avatar and dreams


Creating your money avatar can help you manifest your desires faster. Because you attach a certain emotion to it, like happiness and excitement, your avatar becomes a familiar face.

You become more open to possibilities and feel less resistant to the things you need to do to make your goal happen. 

This also changes your perception of money and helps you assign a good experience to it. 

When you do, your vibration rises and aligns faster with the things you want to manifest. 


Vibrations, alignment, and your avatar 


Your avatar acts like a magnet that helps you attract what you want. 

How does that happen? 

What you focus on will grow and prosper. This goes both ways. 

If you focus on the good things, then you will see the good in all things. But if you focus on the negative, then you shouldn’t expect any good to come out of it. 

Creating a money avatar also helps you create a space for new and good things. That’s why decluttering is important. 

Getting rid of the things that no longer serve you helps you make room for new ones. 


money avatar declutter


Living in the present and being sincerely grateful also helps you attract abundance. When you focus on the now, you savor in the moment. 

Gratitude on the other hand helps you focus your attention on what you have instead of complaining.

Having a money avatar helps you create a more positive relationship and perception about money and abundance in general. 

It serves as a reminder whenever you feel frustrated. 

When you constantly get reminded of how good the universe is, then it’s easier to remember there’s no need to worry. 

The universe and the divine source has your back. 


How to create your money avatar 


Now that you know how money avatars work, let me tell you how you can make yours today. 

It’s important to note that you must first make the decision to attract abundance your way. And to do this, you must have a concrete goal and a strong intention. 

You must first know what you want to manifest for it to work. And you have to be clear about what you want. 

[Read more here to learn about the power of manifestation]

Here are the steps to making your money avatar. 


Step 1: Verbalize what you feel and think about when you hear the word money. 


affirmation money avatar

Ask yourself what you think when you hear the word ‘money.’ Is it a positive or a negative thought? 

Next, think about your money goals and the reason why you want money. 

This helps you become more aware of how money makes you feel. Doing so also gives you an idea of what beliefs you need to change. 


Step 2: Give your avatar a name


Personify your avatar and give it a name. Think of one person that makes you feel good whenever you say it.

You can also think of your avatar as a cute puppy or an adorable cat. Just make sure to choose someone or something that makes you feel good. 

Choose the best option that you can create a good relationship with. 


Step 3: Give them a personality. How do they behave, what do they do, etc. 


Make your avatar more relatable and give them the traits you want in a person. 

For mine, I named her Michelle. I made her sexy, sassy, and an amazing woman. 

She loves Bollywood, and she’s funny as hell and incredibly intelligent. 

It uplifts me every time I think of her, and it makes me want to be like her too. 


Step 4: Make them your best friend. Start seeing them as someone who always has your back.


According to Psychology Today, every thought you have sends out energies and wavelengths that eventually create the things you are thinking about. 

So, if you talk to your money avatar in a loving and caring way, chances are it will do the same for you. 

Write down attracting money affirmations to help you know and understand how to attract money fast. 

These affirmations need to be short and easy to remember so you can use it as a reminder as you go about your day. 

You don’t want your outlook about money to be all about greed. Be friends with your avatar and you’ll see how much of a difference it will make. 

And like every healthy relationship, you don’t expect it to always be there. But you can expect them to have your back whenever you need them the most. 




Most people think making money is difficult and complicated. Truth is, it doesn’t have to be. 

All you have to do is have an unwavering desire to make it happen for you. 

Start with a clear and defined goal and think of a specific amount you want to attract. Then create a money avatar that can help you make the change in your belief system and mindset. 

Are you ready to change your money story? 

Learn more about how to attract money fast through my podcast, Money Mindset with Gull Khan. 

Listen to the whole episode of how to make money your best friend here.

And join the waiting list for my Five Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover challenge here.

How to Make Money and Remove your Money Blocks

Would you like to know how to make money and keep it flowing?


I remember this conversation I had with a good friend a few years back. She told me making money wasn’t her problem. It was keeping it that was so difficult.

She said she felt like there were huge holes in her pocket that no matter how much she earns, nothing is left. 

Most of us feel that way when it comes to money. That’s why we must do money talks. 

So today, I’ll be discussing how to make money and get rid of money blocks. 


how to make money


What are Money Blocks


Money blocks are our core beliefs about money. It dictates our behaviors and expectations about money. 

And when we’re talking about core beliefs, these are experiences that shaped us into who we are today. 

These core beliefs may have been passed on to us through generations. These might be personal traumas and pains we’ve experienced in our lifetime. 

Don’t get me wrong. I may be a money mindset expert now, but I still had to go through a lot to clear the money blocks I had. 

In one of my posts, I talked about my journey from a barrister to a money mindset expert and energy healer. 

And as you can see, it wasn’t easy for me. 

You’d think I know better because I worked as a banking and finance expert. Some would probably think money talk is something natural for me. 

At the time, making money was easy for me. Working in corporate meant there was a compensation package. It meant I didn’t have to worry about where I should get the money from. 

We had human resources to take care of that. 

But everything changed when I started my own business as a coach. 

I was doing great helping others win in their money story. But I was losing in my own game. 

It felt like I was struggling to make ends meet despite all the personal development I’ve been learning. 

All things I touched failed. 

I was becoming frustrated and angry at myself for trying too hard and not getting the results that I wanted. 

Then my aunt told me what I needed to hear. All of these things were happening to me because of my mother. 

And then it dawned on me. I was manifesting the life that my mother lived. All the pain and worry we experienced as a single-parent household was happening to me. 


Money Talks and Manifestation


how to make money - manifestation


My aunt was right. 

It was like how doctors work. They get to help other people heal. 

But when it comes to their ailments, they have blind spots. 

The same goes for me as a money mindset expert. At the time, I didn’t see what the problems were. I wasn’t even aware of my money blocks. 

I needed someone else to point it out to me so I could become aware of its existence. 

Suddenly it made sense. And instead of becoming frustrated, I laughed. 

I realized how strong my manifestations were. And if I could emulate my mother’s life, surely I could also manifest the ideal life I want for myself and my family. 

This newfound awareness became my saving grace. It helped me find my true north and get a deeper understanding of who I am. 

It also helped me create a process on how to clear the money blocks I had. 


5 Common Money Blocks to Get Rid of for Abundance 


how to make money - money blocks


There are tons of articles and resources that talk about how you can make money fast. 

If you’re looking for ideas, you can check out 32 ways of creating money from 

You can also read how to make money online from here. 

But if you don’t get rid of your money blocks, all your efforts might just go to waste. 

Most of us have 5 common money blocks that stop us from becoming successful in making money.

And we’ll discuss it today, one by one. 


Block # 1 – Negative feelings about money 


Money is connected to our emotions. And most people are not aware of that. 

Some people feel like money is the root of evil and corruption. Others think money equates to being greedy or selfish. 

This negativity towards money can block you from manifesting the money you want. 


Block # 2 – Low self-worth 


Rewriting your money story requires faith. 

To have faith, you need to believe that you’re worth it. 

The problem is, most of us struggle with self-worth and self-esteem. And we think we don’t have the right to want good things in life. 

Sometimes this mindset also leads people to think that others have an unfair advantage in life. 

You’d often hear them say I wasn’t born rich. Or others got the job because they had good connections. 

For them, people get a good break because of who they are, not what they’re capable of. 

Because of this, they tend to accept their fate instead of doing something to improve their status. 


Block # 3 – I don’t deserve the money 


Here’s another common money block people encounter: believing that they don’t deserve money. 

Most think that they need to work hard to make money. And if it’s easy, it’s meant to slip as easily from their hands. 

These people think they need to spend long hours at work. They also don’t let go of the money they have and tend to keep it to themselves. 

This judgment we have for ourselves also block abundance and cause us to lose opportunities in life as well. 


Block # 4 – Undefined goals 


Most people fail to get the money they want because they don’t define their goals. 

This is more like running a race without knowing where the finish line is. 

Vague and undefined money goals make it harder for you to grow the money you earn. It also stops you from creating a good vision of what you want.


Block # 5 – Giving too much of yourself 


We were taught about sharing and giving since we were young. 

While it’s the common good, it still becomes a problem as we grow older. 

It’s especially challenging when it comes to families. Most are driven by guilt and feel obliged whenever they give money away. 

People with this kind of mindset also find it difficult to receive. And because of that, abundance also becomes elusive to them. 


Find out more about other types of money blocks here


How to resolve and clear money blocks 


how to make money - freedom


Money blocks are deep-seated in our cores, and it can be difficult to change. 

Take note:  it’s difficult, but not impossible. 

To clear your money blocks and manifest your goals, you need to do three things. You need to be aware that it exists, decide that you want to change, and rewrite your money story. 

Awareness will help you determine the things you need to change. And once you’re aware of these things, you need to make a conscious decision to work on these money blocks. 

Then the final thing to do is write everything that comes to mind when it comes to money. 

Set a five-minute timer and get a pen and paper so you could write these things down. 

Write what money makes you feel, embarrassing things you recall about money, and even the painful experiences you’ve had. 

You’ll be surprised by what will come out. 




Money blocks exist, even if you think you don’t have it. 

The key to clearing money blocks is to accept it, be aware of it, and then write down the things that money makes you feel. 

Doing so will help you decide to make the change you need and attract the abundance you deserve in your life. 

Watch out for more money talk tips, how to make money, and get rid of your money blocks in my podcast, Money Mindset with Gull Khan. 

Listen to the full podcast episode here.

Change your money story with our Five Day Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenge. 

Join the waitlist here:

How I Became an Energy Healer and Money Mindset Expert

Most of you know me as an energy healer and money mindset expert.

It wasn’t an easy journey.

Still, I feel like all the experiences led me to the right path I’m in today.

So I would like to share with you how I went from being a banking and finance lawyer to the energy healer I am today.

Let’s get started.


energy healer


Memories of my childhood


I was born in Manchester to a Muslim family.

A few months after my birth, my father decided to bring the whole family back to Pakistan to start a business.

We were well-off. And in Islam, Muslim men can take more than one wife. That is, as long as he can take care of finances and if the first wife would agree.

My mother didn’t approve of my father having another wife. But still, he went on to marry another woman.

Of course, she wasn’t happy when she found out.

My father tried to control her by holding out on finances. He thought he might convince her with his decision through money, but she held her own.

So she packed her bags and left, taking us with her.

I was five years old when my parents separated. And instead of going back to Manchester, my mother decided to live in London’s East End.

Now if you’re from London, you’d know it’s the rough side of town.

My mother was having a hard time making ends meet. My father still didn’t support her financially. He thought she would change her mind and go back to him.

Instead, she decided she would live life her way.

My brother, on the other hand, had a hard time adjusting to the huge change in our lifestyle. Because of that, he did all sorts of things and went off the rails.

In my case, I wanted to prove to my father that I didn’t need him. So I focused on studying instead. I got straight As, got my law degree, and achieved so many things despite being diagnosed as a severe dyslexic.

I became a barrister with a middle temple in the UK. I also became a New York attorney. I got to work with some of the top law firms in the world.

Eventually, I got accepted by the Law Society and became a fully qualified solicitor with the England and Wales Law Society.

You’d think I’ve got it all, with all the things I’ve achieved. But unfortunately, my mother passed away when I was 21.

It devastated me and led me to question my purpose and find the meaning of my life.

If anything, it made me want to achieve more success. My dyslexia and my mother’s passing pushed me to improve myself more.

I got interested in personal development and learned more about topics like speed reading and mind mapping.

Tony Buzan became one of my early influencers. And then I got introduced to Tony Robbins’ book, Awaken the Giant Within.

At the time, I didn’t know it would be the beginning of my journey as an energy healer and money mindset expert.


On Love and Marriage


Energy Healer - love and marriage
Image by rajesh koiri from Pixabay


You’d think I have it all.

An awesome career as a banking and finance lawyer. Earning six figures and traveling the world.

And yes, I was pretty much settled with what I wanted. At the time I felt it was right for me to get married.

Call me crazy, but I decided to go down the traditional route. I had my father choose my first husband, and our marriage was arranged.

He preferred to stay at home as a house husband. I took care of the finances. That was fine with me since I loved working and keeping myself busy.

But things turned for the worse when he started physically abusing me. The more I earned and the more financially dependent he became, the more he became controlling and abusive.

I was already thinking of leaving, but then I got pregnant.

Back then I was too naive. I wanted my baby to have a father and thought he was going to change.

It didn’t happen.

The abuse got worse. He didn’t hold back hurting me, even if I was holding our baby in my arms.

I knew I had enough, so I plucked the courage to call authorities and got him out of my life for good.

It took a lot of courage for me to give love another chance. And one day it came knocking on my door again.

This time around I wanted to make sure that I won’t have him depending on me, especially for finances.

He said he’s been in love with me for the last sixteen years but didn’t have the courage to tell me. So I believed him and took a chance.

Somehow it felt right that time. He took care of me and asked me to stay at home with the kids.

But I felt constrained as it went on. While he wasn’t physically hurting me, he was becoming more and more abusive verbally.

I began to lose confidence and lost my self-worth. I felt like I was nothing.


On healing and becoming an energy healer


energy healer - be happy always
Image by Epsita Mahapatra from Pixabay


Looking back, I felt like I was making up for the lost time I had without a family.

I came from a broken home. And I tried my best to prove myself to my father that I got all my success without him.

And since my mother had died early, I felt like there was a need for me to make sure my kids had a real family.

For me, it was enough reason for me to endure all things, even if it meant the loss of my being.

I felt ugly and insecure. The confidence and strength of character I had were slipping away.

This was translating into all the businesses I was trying to set up. I felt so desperate like everything I touched was becoming a failure.

I tried almost all things from MLM to affiliate marketing. Somehow I felt like I was slowly drowning and I don’t have a way to get out.

So I resorted to understanding who I was. I tried to figure out my spirituality. That’s how I got to learn about emotional therapy, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique.

I also got interested in Reiki and intuitive healing from a renowned mentor.

That was when I realized I had a gift as an intuitive energy healer.


Embracing the Energy Healer in Me


The program I enrolled in lasted for a year.

I was practicing and learning at the same time. The lessons helped me help others who needed healing and energy clearing.

Despite that, I still felt constrained. I felt trapped in an abusive marriage, and I couldn’t help myself heal.

Somehow I felt like an imposter like there was something wrong with me because I couldn’t get out of this marriage.

But you know what? The universe will feel it when you want things to change for you. And it will find ways to help you get out of situations you want to get rid of.

[ Read more about limiting beliefs here]

In 2016, I caught my husband cheating with a 19-year-old.

Of course, it was painful and difficult. But it became a reason for us to separate.

We thought separating would help fix things. It didn’t. So we agreed to end things and move on with our lives.

He made things difficult by withdrawing financial support from us. And because I was a property millionaire, I wasn’t eligible for financial support in the UK.

I remember sitting on my dining table, thinking I’ve got no money to my name. All I had was £140 as child benefits every four weeks. I honestly wondered how I was going to make ends meet.

I also remember my aunt consoling me and telling me how much my life reminded her of my mother’s.

That was when I realized that I am my mother’s daughter. What happened to her happened to me.

It was like a vicious cycle. And I knew I had to break it for me and my children’s sake.

I realized I had manifested my mother’s life to become mine. But instead of feeling broken, I honestly felt free.

energy healer - self care

Just imagine, what if I used this power of manifestation to make things happen in my life?

What if I can create a world where everything I put my heart into was made possible?

The thought liberated me so much that I felt as if I was a new person.

This realization enabled me to change my life in just six months!

From then on I decided to work on myself and help others break free from their energy blocks.

I’ve applied the lessons I’ve learned and created a new and unique experience for those who are ready to make a change in their lives.

That’s also the reason why I started a podcast called Money Mindset with Gull Khan.

Here we’ll talk about how you can change your mindset about money and abundance. We’ll also discuss ways to heal yourself and unblock your energy to open new opportunities for yourself.

We’ll also speak with other phenomenal entrepreneurs who overcame their challenges and are now living their best lives.

I’d love to share my journey with you as an energy healer and money mindset expert.

Listen to the whole episode here.

Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to it here.

I am an Anomaly and I Can Help You Make Money

I am an anomaly, and I’m proud of it. 


All my life I felt like I was going against the tide. I danced to the beat of my own drum. 

I made my own rules and I felt like I never fit in. And I like it that way. 

Being a misfit has made my life more interesting. And I am grateful for all the opportunities I got because I didn’t fit in.



I am an anomaly and this is my story 


For ten years, I’ve helped a lot of people improve their money story. I have helped people get unstuck and pursue their true passions. 

I’ve become an author and speaker. I’ve also become an intuitive life coach and an energy transformation expert. 

But all these achievements didn’t come easy. 

As I child, I’ve always had a hard time reading. In fact, I couldn’t read full sentences until I was in high school. 

It was only when I turned 19 when I learned I had severe dyslexia. That was when I understood why reading was so hard for me. 

Dyslexia is a learning disorder involving reading difficulty. People diagnosed with dyslexia often have problems identifying speech sounds. They also have a hard time decoding letters and words. 

It affects areas of the brain that process language. 

Dyslexic people usually have normal vision, but we need assistance and support. You can find out more about dyslexia here

Despite having dyslexia, I still managed to get good grades. It also didn’t stop me from getting into law school at Queen Mary, University of London.

I got the title of Barrister with Middle Temple as well as an Attorney with the New York Bar Association later on.

I lost my mother when I was 21. Eight months later, I also lost my younger cousin. He was like a little brother to me. 

I was devastated. I felt as if the world turned its back on me. 

Still, I faced my challenges head-on, continued with life. I pushed forward instead of backing down.

I started traveling the world and gaining new experiences. It was frowned upon in my culture, but I didn’t care.

I knew in my heart it will give me a better understanding of how people and the world worked. 

When the time came for me to settle down, I opted to go for an arranged marriage. 

It was an unexpected move, knowing that I was an independent and strong-willed woman. And yet I chose to follow tradition and married a Muslim man. 

I stood my ground and became a lawyer. Then I had two beautiful children.

Despite my success, I felt like something was missing. My soul was craving for purpose and I felt like I needed to move to another profession. 

So I left my comfortable nine-to-five job. Then I started a career as an Energy Transformation and Money Mindset Expert. 

I never looked back. 


Anomalies, Oddballs, and Misfits 


Have you ever felt awkward, or like you don’t fit into any cliches or groups?

Well, you’re not alone. 


anomaly - art


Most of us struggle with fitting into cultural norms. From childhood to adolescence, we all try our best to make friends and connect with others.

We’ve all felt like we’re out of sync with our surroundings. And that’s fine. 

The good news is, most misfits and anomalies are actually more successful.

Merriam-webster defines anomaly as something different, peculiar, or not easily classified. It is also defined as a deviation from the common rule. 

We don’t fit in. We don’t follow the status quo. 

Years ago this trait would have been negative.

People expected you to go with the flow. The community ostracized you if you don’t follow the rules. 

But now, being an anomaly or a misfit means you have a different eye on things. 

It means you’re strong enough to hold your ground. Some may say you’re difficult. Others may say you’re the odd one out. 

But you have the potential to be great because of your strength and resilience. 


The Power of the Misfits 


You need to be resilient if you want to be successful in life. 

From learning in school, working a job, or starting your own business, you need to have a strong character. 

You’ll experience failure even before you become a success. And to do that, you need to be headstrong, yet flexible with your ways. 

That’s the power of the misfits. 

anomaly - Gull Khan Money Mindset
Credits to Asgar Mozaic Manchester Khan

Artists, musicians, entrepreneurs. We were all told one thing: we can’t be successful at what we want to do. 

They say it’s going to be too hard. It will take a lot of time. Or worse, you’ll be dead before you reach success. 

My learning disability, my anomaly, has taught me a lot of lessons in life. It made me strive harder than anyone else. 

People expected me to fail because of my condition.  But in reality, these hardships and challenges made me want to succeed even more. 

The same goes for the most successful people we know of today. 

It is said that Freddie Mercury’s buck teeth helped make his voice unique. 

David Bowie had different colored eyes. This along with his voice made him stand out 

Pokemon inventor Satoshi Tajiri was diagnosed with Asperger’s Syndrome. And so was the great actor Sir Anthony Hopkins

Elon Musk, Jeff Bezos, and Sir Richard Branson were all misfits. Their crazy ideas changed the landscape of business as we know it. 

Tim Ferris has been beating odds as a child and battling Lyme disease too. Yet, he is one of the world’s best selling author who brought us the magic of The Four Hour Workweek

They all had different views that led them to discover new ways to improve the world as we know it. 

Friends and families would have laughed at their seemingly impossible goals. But in the end, they did the impossible. 

They embraced what made them different and accepted themselves for who they are. Because of that, they changed the world. 

That’s the power of the misfits. 


I make money with an anomaly


I am an anomaly. And I’ve embraced it fully. 

People have always had expectations of me, and somehow I always go beyond that. 

They expected me to fail because I was dyslexic. They thought I would turn my world upside down because of grief and loss. 

They thought I would stay at a corporate job as a lawyer forever. Naysayers said I would never become as successful as a coach. 

And yet, I am here, surviving and thriving. 


Anomaly - Gull Khan


I’m living my best life and I also get to help others as a Money Mindset Expert. My unconventional techniques have helped them attract and manifest abundance in their lives. 

Read more about manifestation here.

I help my clients heal their money stories and do inner child work. We uncover the subconscious beliefs around money

And most of all, I help them create a guilt-free, abundant life. 

I want you to experience the same thing. 

This is your time to embrace your anomaly and start living a life of abundance. If you’re ready to make the change, be a part of my FREE 5-DAY Millionaire Mindset Makeover Challenge

Register here to join. 


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