Gull Khan

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How I Became an Energy Healer and Money Mindset Expert

Most of you know me as an energy healer and money mindset expert.

It wasn’t an easy journey.

Still, I feel like all the experiences led me to the right path I’m in today.

So I would like to share with you how I went from being a banking and finance lawyer to the energy healer I am today.

Let’s get started.


energy healer


Memories of my childhood


I was born in Manchester to a Muslim family.

A few months after my birth, my father decided to bring the whole family back to Pakistan to start a business.

We were well-off. And in Islam, Muslim men can take more than one wife. That is, as long as he can take care of finances and if the first wife would agree.

My mother didn’t approve of my father having another wife. But still, he went on to marry another woman.

Of course, she wasn’t happy when she found out.

My father tried to control her by holding out on finances. He thought he might convince her with his decision through money, but she held her own.

So she packed her bags and left, taking us with her.

I was five years old when my parents separated. And instead of going back to Manchester, my mother decided to live in London’s East End.

Now if you’re from London, you’d know it’s the rough side of town.

My mother was having a hard time making ends meet. My father still didn’t support her financially. He thought she would change her mind and go back to him.

Instead, she decided she would live life her way.

My brother, on the other hand, had a hard time adjusting to the huge change in our lifestyle. Because of that, he did all sorts of things and went off the rails.

In my case, I wanted to prove to my father that I didn’t need him. So I focused on studying instead. I got straight As, got my law degree, and achieved so many things despite being diagnosed as a severe dyslexic.

I became a barrister with a middle temple in the UK. I also became a New York attorney. I got to work with some of the top law firms in the world.

Eventually, I got accepted by the Law Society and became a fully qualified solicitor with the England and Wales Law Society.

You’d think I’ve got it all, with all the things I’ve achieved. But unfortunately, my mother passed away when I was 21.

It devastated me and led me to question my purpose and find the meaning of my life.

If anything, it made me want to achieve more success. My dyslexia and my mother’s passing pushed me to improve myself more.

I got interested in personal development and learned more about topics like speed reading and mind mapping.

Tony Buzan became one of my early influencers. And then I got introduced to Tony Robbins’ book, Awaken the Giant Within.

At the time, I didn’t know it would be the beginning of my journey as an energy healer and money mindset expert.


On Love and Marriage


Energy Healer - love and marriage
Image by rajesh koiri from Pixabay


You’d think I have it all.

An awesome career as a banking and finance lawyer. Earning six figures and traveling the world.

And yes, I was pretty much settled with what I wanted. At the time I felt it was right for me to get married.

Call me crazy, but I decided to go down the traditional route. I had my father choose my first husband, and our marriage was arranged.

He preferred to stay at home as a house husband. I took care of the finances. That was fine with me since I loved working and keeping myself busy.

But things turned for the worse when he started physically abusing me. The more I earned and the more financially dependent he became, the more he became controlling and abusive.

I was already thinking of leaving, but then I got pregnant.

Back then I was too naive. I wanted my baby to have a father and thought he was going to change.

It didn’t happen.

The abuse got worse. He didn’t hold back hurting me, even if I was holding our baby in my arms.

I knew I had enough, so I plucked the courage to call authorities and got him out of my life for good.

It took a lot of courage for me to give love another chance. And one day it came knocking on my door again.

This time around I wanted to make sure that I won’t have him depending on me, especially for finances.

He said he’s been in love with me for the last sixteen years but didn’t have the courage to tell me. So I believed him and took a chance.

Somehow it felt right that time. He took care of me and asked me to stay at home with the kids.

But I felt constrained as it went on. While he wasn’t physically hurting me, he was becoming more and more abusive verbally.

I began to lose confidence and lost my self-worth. I felt like I was nothing.


On healing and becoming an energy healer


energy healer - be happy always
Image by Epsita Mahapatra from Pixabay


Looking back, I felt like I was making up for the lost time I had without a family.

I came from a broken home. And I tried my best to prove myself to my father that I got all my success without him.

And since my mother had died early, I felt like there was a need for me to make sure my kids had a real family.

For me, it was enough reason for me to endure all things, even if it meant the loss of my being.

I felt ugly and insecure. The confidence and strength of character I had were slipping away.

This was translating into all the businesses I was trying to set up. I felt so desperate like everything I touched was becoming a failure.

I tried almost all things from MLM to affiliate marketing. Somehow I felt like I was slowly drowning and I don’t have a way to get out.

So I resorted to understanding who I was. I tried to figure out my spirituality. That’s how I got to learn about emotional therapy, also known as Emotional Freedom Technique.

I also got interested in Reiki and intuitive healing from a renowned mentor.

That was when I realized I had a gift as an intuitive energy healer.


Embracing the Energy Healer in Me


The program I enrolled in lasted for a year.

I was practicing and learning at the same time. The lessons helped me help others who needed healing and energy clearing.

Despite that, I still felt constrained. I felt trapped in an abusive marriage, and I couldn’t help myself heal.

Somehow I felt like an imposter like there was something wrong with me because I couldn’t get out of this marriage.

But you know what? The universe will feel it when you want things to change for you. And it will find ways to help you get out of situations you want to get rid of.

[ Read more about limiting beliefs here]

In 2016, I caught my husband cheating with a 19-year-old.

Of course, it was painful and difficult. But it became a reason for us to separate.

We thought separating would help fix things. It didn’t. So we agreed to end things and move on with our lives.

He made things difficult by withdrawing financial support from us. And because I was a property millionaire, I wasn’t eligible for financial support in the UK.

I remember sitting on my dining table, thinking I’ve got no money to my name. All I had was £140 as child benefits every four weeks. I honestly wondered how I was going to make ends meet.

I also remember my aunt consoling me and telling me how much my life reminded her of my mother’s.

That was when I realized that I am my mother’s daughter. What happened to her happened to me.

It was like a vicious cycle. And I knew I had to break it for me and my children’s sake.

I realized I had manifested my mother’s life to become mine. But instead of feeling broken, I honestly felt free.

energy healer - self care

Just imagine, what if I used this power of manifestation to make things happen in my life?

What if I can create a world where everything I put my heart into was made possible?

The thought liberated me so much that I felt as if I was a new person.

This realization enabled me to change my life in just six months!

From then on I decided to work on myself and help others break free from their energy blocks.

I’ve applied the lessons I’ve learned and created a new and unique experience for those who are ready to make a change in their lives.

That’s also the reason why I started a podcast called Money Mindset with Gull Khan.

Here we’ll talk about how you can change your mindset about money and abundance. We’ll also discuss ways to heal yourself and unblock your energy to open new opportunities for yourself.

We’ll also speak with other phenomenal entrepreneurs who overcame their challenges and are now living their best lives.

I’d love to share my journey with you as an energy healer and money mindset expert.

Listen to the whole episode here.

Don’t forget to like, share, and subscribe to it here.

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