Gull Khan

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Tag: wealthy

Prosperity and Poverty Consciousness

Which one do you think you have?

I’m going to ask you a few questions today that may trigger you into asking questions and realizing what kind of consciousness you really have whether it’s poverty or prosperity consciousness and I want you to understand the two aspects to this, there’s poverty or prosperity consciousness.

And the reason why we can determine this is based on your financial standing. I’m gonna explain both of those terms but I want you to understand that every single person on the planet fits into the spectrum.

What is Prosperity Consciousness?

Inside this spectrum is someone who’s extremely prosperous. They are aware that abundance is all around them and they manifest money very easily, whatever they touch turns to gold, they have what we call the Midas Touch.

Everything they do excels really well, they have successful businesses and money comes to them and they’re able to invest. This is what I would classify as a prosperity consciousness, they’re aware of all the resources available to them. They’re able to get people’s time and people’s money to create their own money. They also enjoy abundance in their health and their relationship. This is one extreme example of the spectrum of other camps.

What is Poverty Consciousness?

On the other end, you have people who have poverty conscious and they live in scarcity all their entire life and there’s never enough time or money. They usually have big victim mentality.

In between these two extremes, we have everybody else somewhere along the spectrum and where you fit on that spectrum is determined by your financial thermostat.

What is your financial thermostat?

This is your comfort zone with money, It is not something of your own choice unless you’ve actively worked on it. Your financial thermostat has been given to you, it has been programmed into you by your primary caregivers. And this could be your mum and dad, your foster parents, even your doctors, uncles and aunties. Whoever it was with the most influence on you between the ages of zero to seven and to some extent between 7 to 14 and maybe even to 21.

Generally most of your programming is done by the age of seven so this financial thermostat has been programmed into you by your primary caregivers without your knowledge even. In your teens and early 20s, you can rebel, pull away and be able to make a lot of money and that’s good but you find that towards the beginning of your 30s, somewhere along those lines between early 30s and 40s, there’s what I call a snapback. It happens. When you experience a snapback, you are pulled back into your earliest money paradigm and you begin to live the story (thermostat) that was programmed into you.

So basically in your 20s and even to some extent your 30s, you pull away from your true part of the financial paradigm. You might think, “Oh! I escaped though. I’ve made money and done all this“. A lot of people don’t understand that If you don’t clear your energy around your earliest money paradigm, you will suffer a snapback and get shot down to where your financial thermostat is set for you by your primary caregivers and it could be in the form of going bankrupt, physical burnout, Cancer, a failed marriage and losing everything. This snapback can manifest itself in a number of different ways, there are different situations.

How do you realize what your financial thermostat is?

Your financial thermostat is the financial thermostat of the people that looked after you in your primary age.Your primary caregivers at the age of 7, What kind of money did they make? What kind of life did they live? What kind of ideas did they have? This is what sets your lower and your upper financial thermostat. So you find that with most people (there are exemptions to this of course) but generally 90% of the time, majority of the people who I’ve come across tend to live in that upper and lower financial thermostat which is the upper zone and lower zone based on the financial thermostat of their parents.

Financial thermostat is your comfort zone around money, The Lower threshold of it is the absolute low amount of money that you can survive before your sense is coming to play and you attract money and the upper threshold of it is the amount of money you allow yourself to have in your energy field through investments through a business through whatever have you before your subconscious mind kicks into action and starts attracting ways to get rid of the money.

We tend to live between the upper limit and the lower limit but once this snapback happens, they tend to switch between the two unless they clear this so they don’t continue to do this ping-pong journey for the rest of their life. During my research, I remember doing a lot of research and speaking to lots of people in their retirement age and finding out why most people retire and retire poor.

This one story really stuck out to me, about this gentleman who had multiple businesses, was running a multi-million at one point and in his retirement when he was the age of 70, he was fully financial dependent on his son, himself and his wife and he couldn’t work it out how he ended up being fully financial dependent on his son rather than himself. And the only thing that came to mind was that he ping-ponged his way between the lower and the upper throughout his life and he never actually cleared his energy therefore at the age when he should be enjoying his money, he had nothing to enjoy.

I would encourage you to look at your financial thermostat and think “what kind of money makes me uncomfortable?” I don’t want you to give me straight answers because you grew up rich or you read my book or you listened to this podcast or you listen to Tony Robbins and you think….. you can make a million a month and can be happy with it.


Whether you can make a million a month, I don’t doubt that, I think you can. I think every single person can make a million a month, it’s not a big deal but whether you can make a million a month and keep it long-term, that’s what I doubt, the amount of money you make is not going to be impacted by your financial thermostat. Sometimes we stretch our upper/lower limits by doing all these positive works but we only stretch it, we don’t actually stabilize them.

So we can stretch and stretch and at one point, we take a step back and come right back down to the bottom, that’s when bankruptcy happens. I want you to really think about what kind of money did your parents (primary caregivers) have when you were growing up. And if you are about 30-40, please pay attention to what kind of lifestyle you are living right now and how similar or different it is from the lifestyle of your parents, you may have a lot more money coming in but in terms of lifestyle and standard of living, how similar or different is it from your parents and 9 times out of 10, I find people off of the age of 30 onwards generally have a very similar standard of living to that of the primary caregivers.

Surprisingly it occurs a lot for people from professional backgrounds, I remember this conversation I was having with this doctor, she was a GP and her husband was an IT consultant. Between the two of them, they were making $150,000 pounds annually. I remember she was very frustrated and upset because they were losing money and she couldn’t work out why they were not able to keep and grow money.

They were making all this money but their outgoings were more than their incomes and she didn’t understand this because they weren’t spendthrift. She thought they were frugal but what you find is that as your income grows so does your expenses (if your financial thermostat has not been worked on). You manifest a legal action, a wrong client, something which will bring you back down and bring you back into this comfort zone around money.

Okay, this is what happens and the reason for the thermostat analogy. My radio thingy comes to mind initially, I’m usually always cold and have set my thermostat so whenever the temperature falls to a certain point, it automatically comes on and when it goes above the same point, the heater kicks in. This is what happens with you energetically, when your financial thermostat picks up, there’s no money coming in and you really feel like, “Oh! I don’t know how I’m gonna pay the rent.” And if your financial thermostat is set to the point where you have to pay lease, your rental mortgage and your bills have to be paid and your manifesting power goes through the roof and you attract opportunities, people and money to make sure you make your commitment.

Once those commitments are met, you go back to your comfort zone and when you start making more money, you begin to manifest the very opposite, ways to lose it. These things happened to me and I’m talking from experience. When I became a millionaire at the age of 27, I completely shambled my life within a year, from property crash, my marriage ending, becoming a single mother and having a negative equity, it was really awful.

I didn’t even know at the time that I was experiencing my snapback due to energy and financial thermostat, you have to work on financial thermostat so when you start making money, obviously it happens both ways, The reverse way it happens with your lower end, It also happens at the top end as well and this is exactly what happened to me in 2008, My energy could not handle me having that kind of money, that net worth or prosperity mark so it brought me back to my financial thermostat comfort zone and I didn’t realize this for the longest time until a few years ago when I really deep dived into money, prosperity and money consciousness.

I realized my consciousness was geared towards poverty, I was programmed to be in poverty, to have poverty consciousness because that’s what I grew up in. My father was a multi millionaire, a self-made one but he too grew up in poverty and my mother left him and I grew up in the ghettos, in East London. My mind was never programmed to be prosperous, therefore I wasn’t. And the times I prospered, I brought myself back to the level I was comfortable with and subconsciously, very quickly, it only took me a year to get back to base. So now I realize the need to push up my thermostat.

Pushing up your thermostat and changing our limited beliefs

You are always going to have an upper/lower limit, you need to bring your lower limit up and take your higher limit higher so your absolute bottom limit would be a lot higher than where it is at the moment and your upper limit should be always expanding. You should always expand that further and further and further. Now in order for you to expand and grow your financial thermostat, you have to change your limiting beliefs and there are so many limited beliefs that we are programmed with as we’re growing up and these are given to us again, they are not ours.

We buy into these beliefs, they are not taken by us by choice. We may think there are thoughts now but initially there were somebody else’s thoughts and ideas and were planted into our minds as young beings and we took them on as our own and these ideas are;

  • Money is the root of all evils
  • Money doesn’t grow on trees
  • Money corrupts you
  • Money causes divorces
  • I don’t need money to be happy etc.

I have a whole program around this, it’s called Millennial foundations where we cover hundred and one limiting beliefs around money, business and success and it’s surprising how some of the beliefs are taken up by the majority of people and they don’t even see them as limited beliefs. In my programs, I explain why these beliefs can be limiting, the impact it has and we change it with energy clearance of course but it’s shocking to see how many people don’t even see them as limiting beliefs.

This is how the world goes, they have this paradigm around money and they don’t even realize it. So what we are after by changing your financial thermostat is to change you, we want to get you to change your paradigms around money and when you change your paradigm around money, you will change your financial thermostat. You actually extend it further and expand the upper limit of it, and you’ll be able to allow more money to come to you at a faster pace and allow it to stay in your energy field and you will not suffer from snapback as rapidly and eventually you should stop all together.

This financial thermostat would always happen by the way, when you get to the next upper limit, it will have a snapback and you come back down. You build it up further again and it goes further up again and you have another snap back and you come back and this is why if you look at anyone who’s successful, their journey is not an exponential line, it’s a zigzag and that’s normal as long as the trajectory is upwards, I’m okay with that because it means you need to adjust, expand your mind further and work a bit more on your beliefs, build your prosperity consciousness and that’s quite perfectly fine.

As we’re learning and growing, we’re going to have these minor snapbacks again and again but what we don’t want is a major snapback like I had back in 2008, I went from being a millionaire in 2007 at the age of 27 to being under the poverty line in 2008, having no money, no job, no partner and being a single parent, almost destitute. And having all these properties with negative equity and I was stuck, The only option was for me to go bankrupt which I chose not to do and I’m grateful that I didn’t.

So this is what we don’t want and asides that the snapbacks will continue to happen but that only is feedback given to your subconscious mind that you need to expand your financial thermostat further and further and that just means constant growth of our prosperity consciousness. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.


We should continuously continue working on our prosperity consciousness because we are a work in progress. The whole point of this life is to grow, to learn, to develop and any time you stop learning, you stop growing, you stop living.

Pay the people who make you wealthy

Quite a number of people come to mind to talk about but today’s focus is on small business owners or those building a side hustle. If you are currently either on a corporate job or you left your corporate job and you are now working on your passion or your business that you’re doing on the side, which may now be a full-time profession, Whichever one it is, I’m assuming that you have a business that you’re running now.

Also I’m going under the impression that you want to become wealthy and for that to come to fruition, you need certain people to help you get there.



Today we’re talking about paying the people who make you wealthy but who are these people? There are three people that enable your business growth that you need to pay.

  • A Business Mentor
  • A Mindset Coach
  • Yourself

1. A Business Mentor

I learned about having mentors from Tony Robbins way back, when I was in my early 20s, I remember in his book he talked about modeling and how finding somebody who has gone through the part of success you want for yourself and replicating their actions makes your journey easier. We all know that the easiest way to bake a cake is to follow a recipe and the aim is that you would go out and find a mentor who has achieved what you want to achieve who can show you the steps on the way.

The coaching industry has really exploded to a billion dollar industry over the last 10 years. It certainly has different types of people who can coach you on different things, you would get all sorts of coach from parenting to business coach to even ads coach and so forth. There are two types of coaches that I believe you would need when it comes to having a successful business and the reason why I think these two should be two distinct people is because I’m yet to find someone who excels in both, myself inclusive.

So on one hand, you definitely need a coach or a mentor, somebody who can support you in your business. For example, if you’re setting up a business in the coaching industry stuff or you’re setting up a business where you are selling some kind of a course online, any kind of business that you’re doing, Whether it’s an off line business and you are doing the marketing for your B2C business. Irrespective of what kind of business, then I recommend you go out and get a mentor. Why? Because it takes years to accumulate experience you need to build a successful six or seven figure business.

Now, I’m talking about experience as a significant business owner, that it’s much easier to go out and find a mentor who can support your journey and help you build to that significant level which is why I recommend having a business coach who can help you along. And obviously I’m not going to recommend anyone in particular. There are different types of people out there, some people are more spiritual, some are quirky, some more direct, it depends on your philosophy and the kind of person you are.

I remember these two gentlemen that I actually worked with simultaneously in the same year. The first one was very Direct, very much alpha male, stuck in a 3D world, not very spiritual but he was an awesome mentor and the other mentor was very much spiritually aligned. They were both really amazing mentors in their own respect and I resonated with both of them, one more than the other. I learned from both of them a lot and with that knowledge, I was able to drive my business to 10x growth.

An important thing I want to bring to your attention is this, When you are working with a mentor, you’re not actually investing in the mentor, but yourself. Let me explain that clearly, people are far too occupied with investing in this and that when you want to work with them. In the middle of last year, I worked with a company who promised to get me a certain amount of leads through organic marketing, really slowly and now looking back in hindsight, it was an awful company. This was when I was investing in my business, I was investing in the company and not those people, that was wrong. When you work with a mentor, you are investing in yourself because you work with somebody who can teach you, who can help you to learn the skills and give you the skills required to build the business.

So, there’s a big distinction here, you’re not investing in the mentor, You’re investing in yourself. The first thing you’re going be doing is actually learning a particular skill set that you can use to build a successful business, that’s very important distinction to have.

So the first kind of coach that I would advise you to get would be a business coach.

2. A Mindset Coach

The second coach I would want you to get is a mindset person. Now, I truly believe that in order for you to have the kind of correct mindset, you need to have the right energies. I’m all about energy healing but I’m not going to force that upon you, What I would recommend you do is go out and work with someone who’s brilliant at fixing your mindset.

It’s like going to a doctor, Would you rather go to a general practitioner, who knows bit about surgery, a bit about heart condition and a bit about diabetes or a specialist who specializes in heart surgery or one who specializes in skin conditions and does that day in day out. Same thing applies when it comes to mindset, I want you to understand how important it is, Both of these mentors are important for you but some people would go for business coach and leave mindset out but I promise you mindset is really 80% of the game because if you don’t have the right mindset coach, you are going to be doing an uphill struggle


This is why I work with mostly multi six/seven figure business owners because these people have their skills they’ve learned, they’ve got business coach to help them set up, but just because business coaches have helped you set up the business doesn’t mean you’re going to be successful or be as successful as you want to be because you don’t have the right mindset, it just doesn’t have the right energy around it which is why I highly recommend that you engage both sides. Both are equally important, without one or the other, your business is always going to be struggling. You’re going be stuck in the boom of cycle. You’re going to be making money and losing money or even failing to scale up to the level you want to scale, you just keep on chasing your tail. One thing leads to another and you’re never getting anywhere.

If you only have mindset strategies or mindset tools but you don’t have a proper business strategy, then you’re chasing a tail again because you have to go out and actually work with somebody who can teach you the ropes of the business. I only take people who actually have established businesses, If you don’t have established business then I would usually refer you to my other programs and my monthly membership program is better. In order for you to qualify for my mastermind program, you have to have an established business, which you’ve been running for at least a year so we know that you have the skills required for you to scale up to get the kind of results you want as there’s no point coming to join mastermind until you have those skills or you’re willing to learn those skills and invested in a business mentor.

So these are the two people that you need to bring into your world and remember you’re investing not in them but in yourself in order to have an exceptional business.


So we have covered the two people that you definitely want to pay, Who’s the third person? There is a third person to pay and guess what? That third person is you, you are going to make yourself wealthy. Far too often I find (I’ve been guilty of this in the past) that the last person you pay is yourself.

The business has expenses and you’ve paid for everything and then there’s no money left for you. There’s no money left there to pay you and this is where the book of profit first came to my attention, it made me realize that there were aspects of my business which needed tweaking, and I did.

One of the most important thing was to remember to pay myself first, and the reason for this is that you need to understand and give the universe a clear signal that you know how to treat, respect and value money. Therefore you need to be able to pay yourself and if you’re not paying yourself first then there’s something wrong there. I covered this in “my three steps to cash for mastery”

You have to pay yourself first, regularly and continuously, it’s non-negotiable. It’s something that you have to pay even if something else has to be cut down, And when you start paying yourself regularly, you will always find ways to pay yourself and you will also have the money required for everything else.

So the three people that I recommend that you pay are your business mentor who will give you the skills required to establish and set up a successful business, Number two would be your mindset or energy coach, somebody who can help align you with the right energies and the right kind of vibration that you need to be in, in order for you to attract the right clients, the right people, the right team members for you to set up and run a successful business.

Finally, I want you to remember to pay yourself first because you matter and therefore you need to appreciate yourself in order for you to move ahead. This is without a doubt and I hope you enjoyed reading today’s episode and you realize now that the people you need to pay in order for you to become wealthy are non-negotiable.


Do you have a business or thinking about one, already have one that’s been established for present time and you’re looking to see how you can improve it. So if you are looking to do any of those things then do take this advice.

You have to have all three of these people, one you obviously have is yourself, but you need to make sure that you have the two other people in your team who will help you to become successful and become wealthy. On a 9 – 5 job alone, it’s unlikely possible so I highly recommend you set up a business.

Now, if you think that you need my help and I’m going to plug myself, if you’re looking to see how you can have my help, I would recommend you join our money mindset makeover workshops.

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