Gull Khan

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Keeping your eye on the ball

Why is keeping your eye on the ball important when creating and building your wealth?

Recently I was going through my journal and life goals and I realized that everytime I wasn’t focused on a particular goal, it didn’t happen. Even when I was focusing on my goal and doing other things at the same time, I achieved the goal but not to the level that I wanted and certainly not with the best results, Logically it makes sense because if you are dispersing your energy between multiple tasks, you’re not obviously going to get the kind of result that you want but on the other hand if you had constantly focused on a particular goal, you are going to achieve better results compared to when your energy is dispersed across multiple tasks or multiple goals at same time.

Sometimes, we are in these situations where we can’t help but do that. During the COVID lockdown, we got accustomed to living at home, having kids at home with online schooling and so forth. It didn’t really interfere too much in my oldest child’s schoolworks, she is really brilliant and very fortunate to attend a good school, they provided a good online programmer but my younger one needed extra support especially considering when this COVID hit, he was only eight. Paying attention to the online schooling was a bit challenging for him so I employed a tutor for him but he hasn’t performed as well over the last two years because he is not the kind of child who does well with online tutorials. He’s more of a face-to-face interaction kind of child.

I was looking at certain goals that I had for my personal life and I realized when COVID happened, my business did really well on some parts but not to the level I would have wanted to achieve. I haven’t achieved what I aimed at and even my other businesses, there has been steady growth but it’s been a lot slower than what I had originally set my sights for and the only conclusion was because my energy was dispersed. In 2020, I was mostly concerned with making sure my kids were fine, taken care of and their mental well-being was okay because we were completely isolated and then in 2021 it was all about making sure that they have not fallen far behind and trying to catch up with academics, my son passed which was great, even though it wasn’t to the level that I would have liked, but he still did very well, lt meant that all my focus was on him, his education and his mental well-being. The focus on my business was not as strong or Clear as it should have been and this clearly translated in the results that I have. I’m quite lucky when I work with my clients, I’m very focused so the kind of results that my clients got in this year was phenomenal. We probably got the best results ever but the number of people I was able to serve diminished a lot.

I wasn’t able to take on as many clients as I would have done previously because my energy was not there, my mindset wasn’t there and yes we got a lot of other really amazing milestones with other things such as my book came out and I became an international bestseller so we have done amazingly well. When I looked at the number of people we were able to serve, it was nowhere near what I would have liked. Now it’s not that we did not have enough clients, I wasn’t scaling my business and moving to the level that I envisaged for myself in my goal book but I took a step back and realized while assessing the year, I wasn’t disappointed with it by any shot. My son was phenomenal, My book has done really well and my clients equally did phenomenally well. We had amazing testimonials coming up from left, right, center and that’s what gives me my high, there’s no way I would call 2021 a disappointment. Even as my coaching business and my property business lacked my entire focus, I think what suffered the most was my property business, It really declined and we had one issue after another issue with our property portfolio.

My focus wasn’t there, I didn’t have the time because all my efforts were going into either my son or my coaching business, there was no energy going into my property business or the other things. I had actually stopped all trading because I found trading to be very very draining last year. I stopped trading for a while and I haven’t really gone back because I just didn’t have the energy or the time available to be able to go through the trades, pick winning trades and do that as I was doing regularly before.

So in order for you to become wealthy, you have to be focused on money making activities. This is one of the most important things, my book has been great, it gets me recognition and it’s also great for brand awareness but it’s not really a money making activity. When it comes to my son, that’s obviously not a money making activity but it is priceless so is the time that I spent with him in order for him to become greater and I’m so proud that he has and we’ll find out the final results as soon, but we already have an offer from a school that I really want him to go to.

So I really want to reiterate how important it is to refocus on your goals, take inventory of your lives, especially of your energies, where it’s spent, what activities you’re engaging your minds in. You could be doing meditation, reading or listening to audiobooks. Personal development never stops with me, if I’m in a car, I’m listening to an audiobook. If I’m not listening to an audiobook then I’m doing visualization or talking to someone. Have uplifting conversations, always remind yourself about divine energy, I am praying and doing all these things constantly but sometimes I lose focus. When it comes to my wealth, it’s definitely grown but it hasn’t grown to the level of my expectation. If I don’t have the focus on wealth creating activities, why should I expect my wealth to grow?

Maybe I haven’t spent time thinking or focusing on those money-making activities. Maybe I haven’t really thought about what the next big idea is for me. I want to be creating a hundred thousand a month in my business, how can I build this business up to that level or do I go into another business activity and create another business? What helps me grow to that level and allow yourself to be able to divert and pivot, take and bring it closer to your wealth, you know the kind of wealth that you want. Should everyone be focusing on this at the moment?
I would say yes and until you have arrived at that level, at that number, which makes you feel happy and comfortable. That number is going to be different for everyone. Someone’s going to be happy making 5,000, passive income very easily. Somebody else could be happy with the 10,000.
Somebody else will be happy with 50,000. Somebody else will be happy with a hundred thousand. Somebody else would be happy with a million. That number is different for every single person, that number is different and it should be unique for every single person. You need to look upon your life and think about what you’re focusing on right now. If I want a certain amount of income or wealth, what should I be focusing on?

One of the things that I realized is that it’s not the amount of money that is important to me but the way I make it, Until now my passive income has been very little, I don’t call my income passive because there’s so much work involved with creating my money, That ridiculous amount of time is not passive by any means. I realized what I really want is to have a certain amount of money coming to me as passive income so when another obstacle or situation arises, such as next year, my daughter will be doing her GCSEs and I’ll be heavily involved in supporting my daughter. I need to have a certain amount of money coming in through passive means so that I don’t have to be stressed or worried about money, so I needed to create this.

It is being focused and prepared in terms of what life has in store for you and what’s important to you, I don’t have to support my daughter but I’m going to choose to do it. I didn’t have to support my son, but I chose to do it, their father doesn’t spend the time. He doesn’t care what exam he has, that’s his choice. For me it was taking him to the exams, preparing him before exams, giving him the mindset tools, allowing him to take the energy tools and watching him be the best version of himself at interviews and exams, that was my choice, I want to do that but it also meant that those times I was not
focusing on my work or wealth building activities and this is what I have had to accept. In your life, you can have situations where you’re going to be focused on other things, that’s absolutely fair but the problem is when that temporary diversion becomes a lifelong activity so instead of being focused on money making activities, you’re constantly focusing on some other aspect of your life.
You find yourself going from focusing on your partner to your children, your health, your mother’s health, your uncle’s health and so forth. Life will keep throwing these different circumstances at you if you are not careful.

I knew I was going to have a lot to deal with, my son’s studies, Myra’s GCSEs and I had this to prepare for their education which is super important to me therefore I took the time out. Instead of thinking okay what do I do?, I already am going to allocate time for this. I’m already going to work a timetable where I can allocate energy,time and mental space to help them and support them in their education. At the same time I have a certain amount of time which I can focus on my wealth building activities.
And at the same time, creating those vehicles, the machinery require the systems in place,having those systems in place will give me the kind of passive income that I need to not stress about the day-to-day income, the day-to-day expenses, including the business and for my employees and my consultants and everything that’s related to my coaching business as well as my property business.

I am looking to buy other businesses as well. So we are going into different areas together. I am expanding and I am going to have a large number of staff working for me which means I’m responsible for other people’s livelihood,money and their income as well, which is an additional responsibility which I’m going to take on. And I’m happy to do it because it’s going to help me to build my wealth and these are part of my wealth building strategies and wealth building activities but it does mean that I have to factor that in.

Take ownership of what’s happening in your life

Whatever you are focusing on accept it and then reassess whether you’re not focused on wealth, if you are not focused on wealth, you will not create wealth, if you’re not focused on creating a business which gives you the financial freedom, you will not have that financial freedom.

There is no such thing as a random accident. It doesn’t happen that way. It’s your choice,how much time everybody puts into work. I am asking you to be another Elon musk and put in 120hrs a week,it’s your choice how much time and effort you put in your work,I am of the opinion that you should have a time that you enjoy your work and have adequate time with your family. That’s super important. Even for me, every single day it is important that I get to spend some time with my kids because that is more important than anything else for me.
But at the same time, I’m focused. Once my kids are asleep, I’m focused on creating or having conversations with my clients. My kids are so important to me. I’m always focused on them but I am also focusing back on activities, those activities which are going to build my wealth which up till now I had put on the back burner, not intentionally because I had always had excuses of Purvis happening or I should do this for Myra.

Don’t waste your time on mundane activities that can be delegated to other people or activities which doesn’t require some of your time like scrolling through social media or catching up with people? I’m not saying not to catch up with people to have or conversations,
I’m not telling you not to have friends but when you are focused on your dreams and you are really focused on becoming wealthy, you will have to put your friends on pause for a little while, not every single day.
So it’s not that I don’t talk to friends but I have a limit on the time that I do speak to them because when I do have time, I speak to my children and I speak to my clients. I do speak to my friends maybe once a week and I have individuals that I have conversations with once or twice a week.Most of the time is spent on my children or alone time with my meditations or on my business.

If I spent all my time gossiping and talking to my friends, I wouldn’t get anything done. So how much of your time are you spending just socializing and on Netflix or listening to news or other things and how much time are you spending focusing on your goals? These are the questions you need to ask yourself.


What are you doing with your time? How focused are you on your goal? Because if you’re not focused on your goal, if you don’t have a burning desire for this goal, you are never gonna achieve it. It will be a dream, it doesn’t matter how many mind maps you make or how many vision boards you make, it doesn’t matter how many affirmations you say, if you’re not focused on your goal, you’re not getting it. Be truthful to yourself about what you are doing at the moment, if it is getting you closer to your goals or you are just ticking along. Are you busy being busy or are you actually productive?

Check this internally and level up by focusing more on your goals.

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