Gull Khan

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7 Mindset Tricks that the Wealthy Use on Themselves

1. Believing that there’s no shortage of money

The wealthy always tell themselves that there is no shortage of money even when they don’t have enough. If you have scarcity around you and you let that influence you in terms of the amount of money that is available to you, Where your energy flows is where your focus goes and if you are focused on lack and scarcity, that’s what you’re going to manifest more in your life. You need to understand that there is abundance all around you and nature knows no lack and scarcity which is why you find weeds and grasses growing on most lands, wildlife and insects occupying it. Nature is always extravagant and abundant and if you really tune in to what Universal energy is and you’re getting your creative power from divine energy, you will not lack as there is no shortage in the universe.

Most of the time we are so stuck and focused on our current circumstances and our physical environment, that we don’t look upon opportunities or the doors that have been made open to us by the universe, using the people or opportunities around us around us because we’re too focused on that one door or place where the doors are closed. It is a mindset thing.

To hack this mindset trick, you have to tell yourself and really believe that there is no shortage of money, that abundance is all around you. You only just have to figure out a way of attracting it to yourself and making sure that you are leaving your channels open to receiving abundance. It could come in unexpected ways and these are sometimes the best ones because you don’t know how they are going to come. Sometimes I play this game with myself, I tell myself that I’m curious about how and where this money is coming from and which door the universal energy will open and in this process of being curious, you allow yourself to be open to receive unexpectedly from unexpected sources.

2. Think of money as a game

We always talk about treating money as your best friend but you can also treat it as a game too. It’s not a game of making more money so the party can have less, it’s a game where the parties involved get the value they want and everyone wins. For example When people come to work with me in my coaching classes, they pay a certain amount of money to invest in themselves but at the end of the mindset program, they are able to make about 10X – 20X ROI which means that they got 10/20 times in value back of the amount money paid to me.

I’m happy receiving the money and they are happy paying because we both got value from the transaction. Money can be treated as a game where you are providing value in exchange of money or you’re receiving value in exchange of money as long as both parties get the value of the transaction being paid for. Don’t think of money as an evil or a corrupt tool.

3. Set reasonable expectations

Setting your expectations might seem unreasonably high to some people. Assess your income and set your target to double whatever it is that you’re currently earning and try as much as possible to meet up, you will meet up, if it doesn’t happen this month, it will happen next month or the month after, so set those expectations.

When I shared my new target with my team, they thought I was crazy. There were hesitations and some doubts on the possibility of us doubling our revenue target happening but they saw my conviction and they have come around and believe that we can do this. We’re working towards this high target which previously seemed unreasonable. Anyone outside my team would say that I’m bonkers as the target goal is really high but to me, It’s just a stepping stone to the next great level.

And when we achieve this, we’re going to work towards a higher goal of revenue.

4. Taking Risk

People who are determined to become wealthy like most entrepreneurs block out their fear. There’s really little or nothing you can achieve without taking risks and if there are risks involved, there would be fear. You can be afraid of something but you embark on that journey and carry out your task in spite of the fear, it’s the courage to take actions that is needed. For example when you’re starting a new business and you’re aware that there are risks involved in the business and that things could go wrong but you take the risk anyway and take the action and this is what true entrepreneurs do. If you want to become wealthy, then you have to be an entrepreneur. To be a business owner and an entrepreneur, you have put your fear aside and take calculated risks needed to scale up.
I’ve this shelving strategy that I’ve used in the past, I put all my fear about some situation on a fictional shelf. If there’s something or someone that’s bothering you about your work or a business, or an idea or a client that you really are afraid of, there are two ways you can handle these situations, you can either jump on it and get it done with but If you don’t have the energy or you’re occupied with other pressing matters at hand, you can put them aside on a mental shelf and come back to it in a week’s time and deal with it.

What you don’t want to do is leaving them hanging for too long because then it becomes more difficult to deal with later on. Don’t let fear rule you and don’t be afraid of your fear, there’s always a certain amount of fear when you’re dealing with uncertainties but you need to be prepared for that so you can become comfortable being uncomfortable and facing your fears but you don’t have to face all your fears at once. Generally you just have to block out your fears because if you let fear rule you, you’ll be in a stress mode which means you will not have access to your higher faculties to make decisions in the best way possible for you and your business. You make great decisions when you’re relaxed and able to think clearly to make honest and pragmatic decisions.

5. Personify Money

You have to treat money as your best friend, personify it and it will always find you. This is really important and useful in trying to build your wealth.

6. Speak it into existence

Always tell yourself that you are going to be rich. When I look back on my life, there was never a doubt that I was going to be rich. Growing up, It felt natural for me to study, go out and prosper just as it’s natural for me to become a great money manager now and then become wealthy. So if you believe it’s absolutely inevitable for you to become rich, I promise you, you will become rich because failure is not an option.

You may find 9,999 ways not to become rich like Tom Sanderson did but you will always find that one way to become wealthy. When it comes to having a successful business and doing certain things in my life, I have found success through various endeavors, some projects didn’t work, some did but I found a way to create wealth for myself and others even though I still don’t think that I’m wealthy yet, I’m comfortable, I have multiple properties, a high income, my children go to the best schools and I live in a nice house. All these by most people’s standards are wealth.

You have to believe that becoming wealthy is just a natural progression of life as you go through life, you develop yourself and you prosper. This is an idea that you need to internalize before you become wealthy because unless you think it’s natural for you to be wealthy, you will never be wealthy. You may make some money but then you lose it because it’s not natural for you to have money but when it becomes natural for you to be wealthy, you find out that not only do you create sources of making money, you are also able to grow it which in turn makes you become extremely wealthy.

7. Faith

I cannot stress how important this is, Convincing yourself and believing that you deserve to be wealthy. One of the biggest issues that people deal with are these hidden issues and these blocks in their energy fields that makes them believe subconsciously that they don’t deserve to be wealthy. You need to believe in yourself and truly feel worthy of being wealthy. If you do not work on your internal issues which are causing low self-esteem and low self-worth, It will always affect your actual energy.


These mindset tricks can change our entire outlook on life and uplift our living standards if we make them our daily habit and part of our lives. Remember that what you believe shows in your lifestyle and influences your life decisions so start believing that you’re living in abundance and let your actions reflect this belief. As you begin to feel that you deserve to be wealthy, you deserve everything good in your life, it manifests, you get results from your hard work.

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